Thread for The role player's guide to Ponyville

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 The role player's guide to Ponyville
3:40pm, May 08, 2012
Thank you for considering Ponyville on Project JJ for your My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic role playing needs. To help you decide if Ponyville is right for you, let me tell you a bit about what's going on here.

First of all, the setting. I assume by your interest here that you are reasonably familiar with the Friendship is Magic setting as presented in the series. Our current assumption is that the entirety of the series (including as-yet unaired episodes) takes place out of order and in a span of no more than a year and a half, with the beginning of the chat's timeline being right around the end of that span. As a frame of reference, this places the Summer Sun Celebration played in 2012 at two years after the release of Nightmare Moon.

Part of our philosophy is to explore themes and ideas that are beyond the scope of the series, due to understandable demographic concerns, but that could reasonably be part of the characters' lives. Things like romance, sexuality, disabilities, and the impact of death on those left behind. One side effect of this philosophy is that shipping abounds. That doesn't mean that we are R-rated. Sex happens, but behind closed doors and with indirect innuendo.

We've also developed a certain level of etiquette and role-playing protocol. One thing we would like to stress is that a player ask before inserting their character into a scene or roping someone else into a scene. We try to be an inclusive, welcoming community, but a lot of our role-playing habits include individual scenes planned to accomplish a certain thing or have other reasons to remain relatively private.

If this all sounds acceptably enjoyable, please feel free to speak to our admins (Tim, Mel, UncleDetDe, or Rarity) or mods (Harry the Bear, Bookie) about getting yourself in play with a character of your very own. You'll find our general guidelines on what is an acceptable character in the registration page. If there is no admin presently available to approve a registration, don't let that stop you from beginning to play a character that doesn't require any special consideration. We also have a lot of out of character talk, so if you want to just shoot the breeze, that's fine too.

Again, thank you for your time and interest.


Edited 4:19pm, May 08, 2012 by Tim, author.
3:51pm, May 08, 2012
Here is a list of links to useful information for all pony role-players.

List of role-playing plots
List of canon, fanon, and toyline characters already in play
Image creator for artistically-uninclined ponies
Map of Ponyville
List of other locations in play
Event calendar
Tell us your ponies' birthdays!
An important message from Pinkie Pie
Alternate chat room (Bookmark it for PJJ outages)
Premade original characters, ready for temporary or permanent use.
A note on the aging scheme in our setting.

If there are any suggestion for more useful links, please send a private message to Tim.

Edited 9:41pm, July 25, 2012 by Tim, author.
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