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Fourth Age Roleplay
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"Gil-galad was an Elven-king.
Of him the harpers sadly sing:
the last whose realm was fair and free
between the Mountains and the Sea."

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f1e3e, Wanderer: lol, the few players conundrum.
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d58f3, *Eredhwë Nhayaar: Test
1294e, ºNitz: Testing
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1294e, ºNitz: Hmm..
1294e, ºNitz: asking, too. Yep.
1294e, ºNitz: Just need a couple of players... lol. that's all i'm aking
1294e, ºNitz: Test
d58f3, *Eredhwë Nhayaar: *At this particular time the Elf happened upon Crickhollow. And out in one of the fields, sure enough there was what seemed to be a bonfire going. He perched himself up onto a stump at the edge of the Hedge (that which guarded Buckland from the Old Forest, but he easily climbed and mastered) and proceeded to watch a small gathering of the Brandybucks, seated around several tables near to their home. Dancing, laughing, singing, drinking, and eating.*
d58f3, *Eredhwë Nhayaar: *At the edge of Bucklebury. Buckland, home to those more sturdy and stout-hearted of Hobbits. He surely enjoyed watching them. A kind and hearty folk. Though much more prone to eat, drink and be merry than any other of the races he'd known. And in light of the recent events, he had more of a curiousity about them than ever before, desiring so earnestly to watch, and even perhaps happen upon their festivities. Hobbits, from Buckland, Tookland, and all the way to Hobbiton and to all the Farthings, were always finding something to give an excuse to celebrate about.*
d58f3, *Eredhwë Nhayaar: *Along the outer edges of the Old Forest light feet tread. A skip, a hop, but rarely steps in single file. Making no noise whatsoever, even quieter in the woods than that of Hobbits, as small as they are. This particular person was making his way south, toward the Grey Havens, half expecting to depart but half just assuming that maybe something in his heart would show that maybe it isn't yet quite time to leave. Leave, that is... the only path that Elves can take, and no others. Departing from Middle-Earth and never to return. He had not long left Imladris, and already his heart was heavy. Over a fortnight since he left the house of Elrond and already he was wondering if perhaps this was a bad decision.*
d58f3, *Eredhwë Nhayaar: (Testing)
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Last Post:11:24pm, August 17 (UTC) (1)

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