Thread for Races

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8:29pm, September 20, 2010



Not Common:

Skin-changers (beornings)

Players can have virtually an unlimited numbers of common races, but of course the uncommons are generally more powerful and usually play vital roles in sims and can't be taken lightly. They're all fun to play but a player can't, for instance, have three dragons, two ents, some trolls and then play some of the Ainur all by themselves.


Ainur, Giants, Vampires, and werewolves are all kinda glimpsed into but not really gone into all that much detail. For instance, stone-giants seem to only be referenced in the Hobbit to dwell in the Misty Mountains, though its not ruled out that they didn't exist elsewhere. Also, the Ainur are the 'gods' themselves, and it wouldn't make much since for them to be in Middle-Earth. They'd be hard to play on a continual basis, thus why they stick to their own land (Aman). Vampires, werewolves, and (most) of the dragons were mostly referenced in the First and Second Ages and seem to have not existed beyond that, but for this room we'll take a 'what-if' stance and let them be playable, but not plentiful. Afterall, Balrogs did continue to exist well up into Third Age obviously, but their remaining numbers are unknown, this goes for dragons, too.

Players can register a certain race by their divisions and/or cultures. For instance:


Divisions: Limited to Durin's Folk, otherwise known as the Longbeards, as the only other race of Dwarves were the Petty-dwarves, but died out in the First Age.

Cultures: Dwarves of the Blue Mountains, Dwarves of Khazad-dûm, Dwarves of the Iron Hills, Dwarves of Erebor (aka the Lonely Mountain)

Black Númenóreans (Students of Sauron)
Corsairs of Umbar (Pirate lords from the lands south of Gondor)
Drúedain (Wild Men of the Woods near Rohan)
Dúnedain (also known as the descandants of the Númenóreans, the *mostly* pureblood Númenóreans that are left in Middle-Earth)
Dunlendings (Ancient enemies of Rohan)
Numenoreans, mostly in Isildur's Line, limited numbers, notable Dúnedain: Aragorn)
Easterlings (Wild Men out of the East; allies of the Enemy)
Haradrim (Also allies of the Enemy, from the Southern lands, very warlike)
Rohirrim (Also known as the people of Rohan, Horse-lords, notable Rohirrim: Theoden)
Men of Gondor (Also descandants of the Numenoreans)
Men of Arnor (Also descandants of the Numenoreans)

Cultures: Bree-men, Beornings (Shape-shifters/skinchangers), Corsairs of Umbar, Gondorians, Men of Rohan, Dunlendings, Rangers, Lake-Men, Hill-men, Rangers... there are MANY divisions and cultures of Men in Middle-Earth and beyond, these are just the main ones I tried to hit, i'm sure there are still some important ones I left out.

The divisions and cultures of the elves are almost too broad to categorize, so we'll try to hit on the main ones. There are many lineages of elves that trace back to their very beginnings, so its very much possible that anyone can play an elf who was there when the world started and survived throughout the ages. For more information please refer to the elf section on

Cultures: Elves of Lórien, Elves of Mirkwood, Elves of Valinor, Elves of Rivendell
Houses: House of Fëanor, House of Finarfin, House of Fingolfin, House of Finrod, House of Elrond
Divisions: Vanyar, Moriquendi, Avari, Noldor, Nandor, Teleri, Sindar, Falmari


Divisions: Orcs, Goblin-men, half-orcs, Goblins, Uruk-hai

Cultures: Orcs of Mordor, Orcs of the Misty Mountains, Orcs of Khazad-dum


Divisions: Fallohides (Northern branch of hobbits; taller and slimmer), Harfoots (Smallest and most commons of Hobbit-kind), Stoors (Most broad and heaviest of Hobbits)

Cultures: Hobbits of Bree, Bucklanders, Hobbits of the Shire


Divisions: Valar and the Maiar

Most commons in this race included Manwe, a Valar, infact the most powerful of the Valar. Gandalf, being a Maiar and a wizard (all five wizards were of course Maiar), Sauron (Maiar), Balrogs (Maiar)


Divisions: Cold-drakes (lesser of the dragons; cold-natured, no ability to make fire), Fire-drakes (Most powerful dragon kind, fire-breathers, ex. Smaug), Long-worms (Long, serpentine dragon-like creatures, little is known about them, ex. Scatha)

Cave trolls, Hill trolls, Mountain trolls, Snow trolls, Stone trolls, Olog-hai.

There aren't really any divisions or cultures with the shape-shifters, giants, vampires, or ents. Be creative. I encourage you to look further into the Encyclopedia of Arda for further and more detail information for the races and their divisions, cultures, etc.

Concerning Registering Canons:
There is no restriction on registering canons, however it must be understood that after the Return of the King and beginning of the Fourth Age, some of the canons have gone into a mode of being unplayable almost, to put it simply. For example, Frodo and Gandalf (as well as others) departed from Middle-Earth across the seas to Valinor. There doesn't seem a reason for them to ever return to Middle-Earth, so if a person were to register them they would only be playable in Valinor, while the main roleplay will take place in Middle-Earth. That isn't to say they couldn't ever return, but there would have to be a major reason for them to come back.

Custom characters are what are gonna be mostly pushed and greatly encouraged, and should be the most registered. Any questions or comments feel free to contact the admin, Nitz.

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Edited 8:43am, November 04, 2012 by Nitz, author.
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