Thread for BEOWULF!!!

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 The Official Movie Thread (Formerly BEOWULF!!!)
11:29pm, November 20, 2007
Well, I went and watched Beowulf....who else saw it, and what'd ya think of it?

Edited 7:09am, November 22, 2007 by T, author.
7:01am, November 21, 2007
Dude... That movie rocked my fuckin' socks off. Definately a push in the right direction for MoCap movies.
Impersonating Emi
7:18am, November 21, 2007
[Delete] long as you aren't trying to compare the Poem to the movie you're alright. Because that movie took the poem and threw it out a window.
7:42am, November 21, 2007
Indeed, Emi. The movie basically took a large crap on the story. It turned Hrothgar into a drunken fool, Beowulf into a flawed man who boasted and lied about the Sea Hag, and made the monsters their children....which is all wrong.

Visually and musically, the movie was great. But in terms of story, it seems they didn't do justice to the original story in their attempt to try and tie it all together and make the characters....I dunno...easier to relate to.
8:03pm, November 21, 2007
I actually LIKE the fact that they made Beowulf into more than a one-dimensional figure and gave him some depth. If it had just been him being heroic and strong... the story would have been boring. And despite breaking off from the story... Much of the first part of it was somewhat accurate.
8:10pm, November 21, 2007
Only in that Hrothgar put up the hall and they had a good time. An Beowulf showed up to kill Grendel....beyond that, they messed with everything.

And the fact the made him flawed is what hurt the story. They turned him into a boastful liar, in the original story, he was all hardcore monster killer.
 Another Movie
7:06am, November 22, 2007
I'm making this threat the offical movie thread btw. Did anyone else see The Mist and were you as annoyed with the ending as I was? That made me so mad!
7:09am, November 22, 2007
Nah, didn't see that movie, made me think of the Fog too much and I dun wanna see King's remake of Carpenter's movie. :p
7:11am, November 22, 2007
The only good part was when the insane christian lady got shot and this big buff black dude in the theater jumpped up and was like "Hell yeah bitch! That's what you fucking get you freaky ass bitch!" and everyone started laughing and clapping in agreement with him.
7:11am, November 22, 2007
6:04pm, November 22, 2007
I think Beowulf was influenced alot by 300, I think alot of fantasy action movies may have that kind of look for a while... >_>
10:03pm, November 22, 2007
Considering in one of the previews, it distinctly shows Beowulf shouting "I AM BEOWULF!" just like whats-his-nuts in 300 did with "THIS IS SPARTA!"
10:13pm, November 22, 2007
Yeah, the second I heard him shout "I am Beowulf" I was's 300. But I don't think people are going to run around shouting "I am Beowulf!" as much as they were shouting "this is Sparta." and has anyone else seen the preview for Meet the Spartans?
1:06am, November 23, 2007
Hitman was awesome. If you haven't seen it yet you should totally go check it out. It's actually a movie that lived up to the game for once. At least that's my take on it anyway
4:13am, November 23, 2007
I think Beowulf is a closet flasher....I mean, he strips at any given chance. >_>

But I'm nearly done reading the original story, and dag, it is far superior to the movie. The movie would have been fine if they didn't use the name Beowulf, 'cause it's just...well...different. O_O
Jaret Snomel
6:58am, November 25, 2007
T, I dont know about you but I personally like to fight in the nude.

Edited 6:59am, November 25, 2007 by Jaret Snomel, author.
7:11am, November 25, 2007
Christoff Dirano
3:07am, November 29, 2007
Way to go Snomel, you killed the conversation with your comment! No one wants to think about your ugly ass fighting in the nude!
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