Thread for Announcement Board.

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 Announcement Board.
The Master
9:07pm, August 30, 2011
UWT Tournament Contestants eliminated from advancing: Armstrong, Terra, Danny Phantom, Vin Venture, Tobias, Machamp, Samurai Guy, Domonov, Lucy Heartfillia, Galen Marek, Smoke, Jason Voorhees

UWT Contestant challenge winners: Misae Calder, Golbez, Noob Saibot, Lord Voldemort, Ben Tennyson, Cirno

Current Happenings: Council of War.

OOC: For those who want to know current happenings in the UWT room, look here.

Edited 5:16am, September 08, 2011 by The Master, author.
Galen Marek
9:45pm, August 31, 2011
Also, as a side note if you want your character to participate in the Tournament challenges, and if that character hasn't fought yet, feel free to join in.
The Narrator
9:15am, September 15, 2011
For knowledge on current events, please see the "No Topic" thread.

>.> *Has accidentally made it with no title.*
Remilia Scarlet
5:55am, April 14, 2012
Takin a break for a bit to allow head to cool off about something that was probably stupid getting annoyed over in the first place
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