Profile for The MasterThe Master
Abilities: Genius(6), Strength(2.5:Olympian), Speed(2.5:Olympian), Durability(4, via Regeneration. In effect, switching bodies after gaining mortal wounds that cannot be healed in time. Does not apply to decapitations.), Energy projection(5, in the form of his Psychic Abilities. Telepathy which he uses to either hypnotize foes and agents to do his bidding. Has been known to do so from miles away.), Fighting ability(6, Fencing to be precise.)

Artifacts/Weapons: "Tissue Compression Eliminator": A device that compresses living tissue to collapse within itself to six inches, and effectively kill that living being.

"Laser Screwdriver": Can produce a continuous energy beam that vaporizes living tissue on contact and melts holes through Titanium-alloy class metals. Creates an anti-sensory field that disables all technological sensor effects that attempt to record the bearer or anything near him within a range of seven feet. Can be used also to hack any sort of technology and use it for his own purposes within reason. Example being he could use it to turn on a car, but as its not that advanced, he can't make it drive on its own. This varies according to the situation.

TARDIS: "Time And Relative Dimension In Space." a Time Lords personal vehicle for traveling in space and time. Equipped with a Chameleon Circuit which allowed them to blend in with a myriad of various alien cultures and timelines, the Tardis is perhaps the crowning jewel insofar as Time Lord technology is concerned. Ever adaptive, always reflecting their owners personal quirks, the Masters Tardis is a veritable fortress. Currently resembles an Iron Maiden, but this more out of the Masters Fancy rather then a means of blending in.

The Sword of Zatoichi: A shikomi-zue(cane sword) made famous by its bearer and its unusual strength and quality for such a weapon, it has somehow fallen into the hands of the Master. Who uses it for his own personal gain as well as an amusing trophy of past times.

Strengths: Where do we begin? A member of a race who were time traveling before the Earth had finished cooling, the Master is perhaps the epitome of the worst such a race has to offer, should all of them have fallen into conquering ways. However, as he is among the last of the Time Lords who now number in the single digits, perhaps it is good thing he hasn't much personal resources, save what he can acquire or manipulate on his own. He is a genius, so known even by his enemies...With a mind honed by the centuries and regeneration's of experience and learning at the hands both of the worst of Earths figures in history as well as some of the alien conquerors who had sought both his favor and his council. Playing chess on a thousand levels, his mind is the most devastating weapon he brings to the table. Also while limited, what tools remain of his long-dead race also assist him in his plans and schemes from his Laser screwdriver to the Tardis he uses as his base, though he isn't above crafting or manipulating minions to fight on his behalf. His mannerisms is charming...Polite even. Until you look into his eyes and realize what he truly is...And how its too late to turn back now.

Weaknesses: An arrogant being, the Masters pride is his chief Achilles heel and has cost him victory more then once. In terms of physical weaknesses, decapitation or full body destruction will finish him for good.