Thread for Underwater

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9:26pm, February 20, 2011
At present, Underwater theme is in the lead by a vote.

I'm asking what setting the players might prefer:

Atlantis Style civilization
A city underwater [cave, giant air bubble] cut off from the rest of the world - no need for time period of the world if it's isolated. Does not necessarily have to be on Earth.

Little Mermaid Style civilization
A city underwater where all civilians of the world can breathe water in some way by evolutionary adaptations. Acceptable races include - sea creatures, nagas, nereids, mermaids...

Potential plot line - "Curious upstarts trying to discover the world above the shimmering ceiling of their watery dome."

Again, does not require being on Earth.

Mix and Blend civilization
A mix of both the above suggestions with the limitations of no advanced technology, the world they are in is reclusive for a reason, can be on Earth, where humanoid (humans too) creatures interact with non-humanoid species (naga, mermaids, etc.)

High Fantasy Blend
Above plus the ability for all underwater creatures to speak with one another, very limited usage of technology dying from a lack of general teaching by the older groups. World is encased underground in a cave with a vacuum bubble type seal keeping the world they live in secluded. Earthquakes are threatening the world above, causing fissures in the lining of the cavern they live in, potentially damaging the vacuum pressure of the sealed bubble they're living in.

Plenty of interaction with exotic sea creatures, humanoid races, etc. Does not have to be Earth. Potential for Terra-formers from Earth to have landed on a water world with no viable surface land to dwell on. People stranded on this planet used their ships to construct caverns around the globe to live in. Vast underground tunnel systems connect some of the caverns. Old Tech keeps the tunnels dry and can seal off tunnels flooding due to seismic action on the tectonic scale.

Edited 9:27pm, February 20, 2011 by Regulator, author.
10:23pm, February 20, 2011
I like the High Fantasy Blend, it sounds fun, I gotta start thinking about what character I would be in either case though... it would also be nice if the mermaids would be able to change to legs when going into dry areas

Edited 1:13am, February 21, 2011 by Shya, author.
6:42am, February 21, 2011
I like the High Fantasy Blend also.
Alexis Dubois
2:53am, February 22, 2011
I am in favor of High Fantasy.
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