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[09-21:07] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : Well?
[09-21:08] 2609a, *Eve Skyler : I don't know if he'd go. I guess I could ask.
[09-21:08] bc762, *Jaret Snomel : *Grabs Prefekts collar and starts dragging him to the door* NO! Come on, we'll go talk with her.
[09-21:08] JOIN: Tialos Hethren has entered.
[09-21:09] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : What is this, some kind of attempt to find any way to hear "Coltar" after "High Admiral" before possibly dying?
[09-21:11] 353aa, *Dalris : *Would sooner suck a soul from a body than be in here. His eyes gazing around as if they could spot that golden ball of exquisite pleasure, but alas, it seems Shek'dai Soul Sphere's arent in abudance. His shoulders slump ever so slightly as he looks abit dejected, yet even so - has that aura of something around him. Brazen confidence. So sure of himself. Decending the few steps down into the main foyer as he approaches the bar.*
[09-21:11] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : *looks back down at Kuole* I'm not found of Mon Cal anyway. you want to go at all? Or...should I cancle it?
[09-21:12] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : Or kick his ass. *lines up again...makes her shot. only pockets one* ack!
[09-21:12] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : Vila, I'm being serious. *grins* Let's do it.
[09-21:12] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : ((fond. cancel.))
[09-21:13] 25cb6, *Rihani Ambrai : *He wasn't so brazen when Rihani was anywhere near, bwahaha*
[09-21:13] 4029a, *Prefekt Dirano : What the hell? *dragged* This is a poor idea.
[09-21:13] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : ((don't even start...I'm exhausted and have finals and have been studying and the last thing I'm worried about right now is my typos and spelling errors))
[09-21:13] 2609a, *Eve Skyler : That's not really my speciality. Although I'd definitely look the other way if you wanted to try. *Grins and manages to get another ball in, simply because the shot is so easy she'd have to be retarded to miss. Misses the next one.*
[09-21:14] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : Why?
[09-21:14] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : ((*chuckles* but if you want to point them all out, you could make it a game, because I'm sure there will be a lot))
[09-21:14] bc762, *Jaret Snomel : But locking her into a room with food and water is a better one. *Turbo lift, quickly it gets to the level where the girls are.*
[09-21:16] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : Really? Cause if you ask me to I'll try. *winces at miss...then lines up for her shot. pockets three in a row then misses...tsk'ing*
[09-21:16] 4029a, *Prefekt Dirano : Of course! Can't be killed in there!
[09-21:16] 353aa, *Kuole : No, this dustball is getting rather crowded now with the war. We're not that safe here either... especially with Eclipse activity at Roon.
[09-21:17] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((Hmm.. *Cracks knuckles*))
[09-21:17] bc762, *Jaret Snomel : Can't be killed but at the cost of her hating your guts foever and you possibly getting your balls cut off. Talk to her and try to convince her.
[09-21:17] 2609a, *Eve Skyler : Hm... Well, no. I'm not quite at that point with the problem yet. I'll keep you posted though. *Gapes a little as Haley gets three in a row.* I could do that. *Mutters.* I just don't want to.
[09-21:18] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : *looks at her* Because I dyed my hair for you. *clears his throat and runs a hand through his hair* Also, well...Because you're the best thing that I'll ever come across, and I want to settle down before I go and die? Does that work? *slips his gaze away again*
[09-21:19] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : If you weren't distracted. But I'll let it slide. *leans her hands on top the cue as she's waiting again*
[09-21:19] 8a41c, *Zephyr Vaughn : *she motions to the waiter and directs him to Dalrius* I'll pay for whatever he orders. *she said softly, watching him rather intently for a moment, a soft smirk curling her lips**she ran a gloved finger along the curve of her lip, smiling softly as the wench went off to do what she asked*
[09-21:19] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : So lets leave this weekend. Unless you really feel like just sitting here on your ass the whole time
[09-21:19] 4029a, *Prefekt Dirano : This is a bad bad bad idea, Jaret.
[09-21:21] bc762, *Jaret Snomel : The exhaust port on the Death Star was a bad idea. *And the turbo lift doors open to the room where Haley and Eve are. Inside is Jaret and Prefekt. Jaret has Prefekt by the collar.*
[09-21:21] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : So you want to get married before you die. That's awfully romantic, Shane. What happens if you don't die? Is it all a moot point, then? And my god, can you actually imagine us getting married? We'd find a way to fight during our vows.
[09-21:22] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : ((ROFL))
[09-21:22] bc762, *Jaret Snomel : ((*Eyes Coltar and Kalle* OMG sex would be a fist fight.))
[09-21:22] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : ((Never ever have 'fist' and 'sex' in the same sentence ever.))
[09-21:23] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((*dies*))
[09-21:23] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : ((lol))
[09-21:23] 25cb6, šAzhrei: *Smirk*
[09-21:23] 8a41c, *Zephyr Vaughn : ((LOL))
[09-21:23] bc762, *Jaret Snomel : ((OMG hahaha. The song Stinkfist comes to mind.))
[09-21:23] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : If I don't die? *shrugs, looking back to her* Then I come back and settle down. I'll be a faithful husband and I'll...and I'll love you. Like I already do. So it's not that much of a stretch, now is it?
[09-21:23] 4029a, *Prefekt Dirano : OOC: ROFL.
[09-21:24] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((Yeah, when 'fist' and 'sex' are both involved, there is always a lot of screaming. ))
[09-21:24] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : ((eww *L*))
[09-21:24] 4029a, *Prefekt Dirano : Get off me. This is a bad idea. Bad! Bad! Dammit boy, don't make me hit you.
[09-21:24] 353aa, *Kuole : I guess it could be good to get some exercise out the apartment then.... open fresh air and all that.... *Sits up* When do we leave?
[09-21:25] 4029a, *Prefekt Dirano : OOC: Fisting! Best sport ever!
[09-21:25] bc762, *Jaret Snomel : ((NFL. National Fisting League. HOO-HAH!))
[09-21:26] 353aa, *Dalris : *Gets to the bar and wonders what to do. Had slaves to bring drinks to him before.* I will have a drink... *Commands, his voice strong as he looks to the bartender.*
[09-21:26] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : ((maaaan...))
[09-21:26] 2609a, *Eve Skyler : Exactly. If I didn't have something on my mind, I'd just wipe the floor with you. *Misses tragically.* And I missed that specifically to keep you in the game. And stuff.
[09-21:26] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((*lmao*))
[09-21:27] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : *Rather touched by his profession of love, but then narrows her eyes as a thought pops into her head.* I'm not waddling around a command deck pregnant if that's what you think.
[09-21:27] 8a41c, *Zephyr Vaughn : *The bartender smiles on Dalris* Anything you want in particular? It's already paid for. *he leaned on the bar and motioned towards Zephyr as she was just recieving her drink, she nodding shortly to the wench and not giving them another look*
[09-21:27] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : You don't sound very excited...*reaches out a bit wondering what Kuole's really thinking about the idea*
[09-21:27] 25cb6, šAzhrei: Ronnie, stop making me laugh.
[09-21:27] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : *Makes her shot again....sinks it. >_> about 2 shots from winning...misses* So. Next time. I won't be so lenient.
[09-21:28] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : You think I'm doing this to get laid? *now it's his turn to gape*
[09-21:28] bc762, *Jaret Snomel : *Drags Prefekt out into the room, grinning at Eve and Haley* Ladies. *Carbonite grip on Prefekts collar.*
[09-21:28] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : ((*smirk*))
[09-21:29] 2609a, *Eve Skyler : Next time, I get to pick the game. And I will kick y--*Stops at Jaret comes in with Prefekt in tow. Blinks. Exchanges glances with Haley.* Uh, hello...
[09-21:30] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : No, you could do that five times on your way out of this ship, probably. I'm just saying I'm not bearing your children. So if you're trying to pass down your good genes, I'm not the girl for you.
[09-21:30] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : *Has the one look that says "that's what happens when you talk about someone"...leans on her cue...peering at them* Hi.
[09-21:30] 4029a, *Prefekt Dirano : Let. Go. *jerks away from Jaret, possibly tearing his cloak in the process*
[09-21:31] bc762, *Jaret Snomel : *He lets go of Prefekt then makes his way back to the turbolift to leave him there with Eve and Haley.*
[09-21:31] 353aa, *Kuole : *Is mainly worried for their safety. War and all. Does want to go on vacation, really does. Is getting just abit tired of Tatooine.* Sorry, it should be okay. It's not like you're asking to go to Fondor itself or Muunilist.... *Muunilist being an entertainment planet where the Nekressis killed millions of innocent lives*
[09-21:32] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : This is no climate to bring a child up in. I'm not even thinking about that.
[09-21:32] 4029a, *Prefekt Dirano : Er. 'lo, girls. *runs a hand through his hair**
[09-21:34] 2609a, *Eve Skyler : are you? *Nonchalantly sets up to take her shot as if she's entirely unpeturbed by Prefekt's presence. Hits a ball clear off the table.* ......Huh.
[09-21:34] 353aa, *Dalris : *Drinks have names? Oh. Hm. That's the first thought that enters his head. Then suddenly realizes about payment, giving a glance to Zephyr wondering to why she is paying. Shrugs that thought away, before giving the tender a smirk* A Corellian Ale... *Oh how ironic.*
[09-21:35] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : *Catches the stray ball....eyes widened a little as she sets it back down...*
[09-21:35] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : What will people think?
[09-21:36] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : Who cares? Stop living your life by expectations. It's a lot more fun this way. *grins* C'mon.
[09-21:37] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : We will be fine...*moves over streaching himself out ontop of Kuole looking down at him* And once we are there we can enjoy ourselves...
[09-21:37] 4029a, *Prefekt Dirano : So, er. I'd like to apologize, Eve.
[09-21:38] 8a41c, *Zephyr Vaughn : *The bartender nods and fixes him up his drink, setting it down in front of him with a nod and heads off to tend to more customers**Zephyr had been watching the entire thing, her eyes having met his briefly whether he knew it or not**slowly sliding out of the booth she picks up her ale and walks over, slowly sitting down into the stool next to Dalrius*
[09-21:39] 8a41c, *Zephyr Vaughn : *The bartender nods and fixes him up his drink, setting it down in front of him with a nod and heads off to tend to more customers**Zephyr had been watching the entire thing, her eyes having met his briefly whether he knew it or not**slowly sliding out of the booth she picks up her ale and walks over, slowly sitting down into the stool next to Dalris*
[09-21:39] 353aa, *Kuole : *Smirks up at Christoff* So, do you even know what this planet is like?
[09-21:40] JOIN: E has entered.
[09-21:40] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : *feels all awkward...takes her cue...moves towards Prefekt. Looks like maybe she's going to hit him with it...but passes it off to him as she moves towards the hall. A training room is probably her destination*
[09-21:40] 2609a, *Eve Skyler : Really? I'm touched you showed up here being dragged by force, then.
[09-21:41] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : I'm pretty sure I'm going to need to think this over.
[09-21:41] 25cb6, šAzhrei: *Waves to E before settling back and watching the rp's... and waiting for that fecking download to finish*
[09-21:42] 4029a, *Prefekt Dirano : *looks from the stick to Haley, then from Haley to the stick, then to Eve* Er. Okay. I don't want us to be mad at each other. That's the truth. I didn't want to come here, though; I was worried.
[09-21:42] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : Why? Don't you feel something for me?
[09-21:43] 2609a, *Eve Skyler : *Sets the pool cue down on the table. Not exactly thrilled to have Prefekt show up, but mildly pleased her exercise in embarrassment at the game of pool is over.* Worried?
[09-21:43] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : *Sighs.* Of course I do.
[09-21:43] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : *Makes her way down the hall. Rounding about into the training room within a few moments..contemplating*
[09-21:44] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : Hehe, 'E'. I like that handle.
[09-21:44] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((Heheh, 'E'. I like that handle. ))
[09-21:44] 3debe, *Melyndy Danon : ((*waves back* :D))
[09-21:44] 353aa, *Dalris : *What an expensive drink that must be, with Corellia being subjugated under Nekressis rule and all. Didn't notice her eyes, isn't used to any human actually looking at him. He's far too important for that. Looks at the glass for a few moments, before reaching for it and taking a small delicate sip - incase it's poison. Has no 'testers'*
[09-21:44] 25cb6, šAzhrei: Give him incentive to live by promising to marry him if he makes it back from Shakurus. *Is brilliant. Or just copies DS9*
[09-21:44] 3debe, *Melyndy Danon : ((Well thanks, Tialos. hehe.))
[09-21:45] 4029a, *Prefekt Dirano : About how you would react.
[09-21:45] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : I looked up some pictures of it on the holonet...and from everything I've heard it's one of the top places you can go for a vacation like this. Have you been there?
[09-21:45] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((^_^))
[09-21:45] 3debe, *Melyndy Danon : *In a training room. What a coincidence! Just coming to an end of a round with one of those laser-shooting remotes.*
[09-21:46] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : Then what's the hold-up? Be impulsive! Do something for the...the feeling of it, not because of how it might reflect on your public image or your job.
[09-21:47] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : *blinks a few times at hearing the end of that round...then looks about, locating Mel in the process. Half smiles* Guess I'm not the only one with that idea.
[09-21:47] 8a41c, *Zephyr Vaughn : *she watches him be so tentitive and smirks, quite an interesting thing to do. Maybe he's parinoid**drinks more of her spiced ale. Indeed it was pricy, but it was worth every penny.**she leaned on the bar, gently bending her elbow and in the crease of it, was a small tatoo, a tatoo of the Eclipse symbol*
[09-21:47] 353aa, *Kuole : Nope, as I said I've never even heard of it. I just know from the noble house name that it's in the Tapani Sector.... *Gives a little grin* You mean a vacation without luxurious rooms and the very bare necessesaties on a deserted wild planet?
[09-21:48] 0f22a, *General Kliv : *Snarls angrily from one of medical bays that seems uninhabited enough. He powerfully bashes trays and supplies to one side with his mechanical arm, searching for supplies in the way only one as entropic as him could do*
[09-21:48] 0f22a, *Nyevin Maggrig : *Snarls angrily from one of medical bays that seems uninhabited enough. He powerfully bashes trays and supplies to one side with his mechanical arm, searching for supplies in the way only one as entropic as him could do*
[09-21:49] 3debe, *Melyndy Danon : *Deflects the last bolt back at the remote, nailing it right in a sensor. Quirks a grin, breathing just a little heavily as she powers down her saber.* I felt like a spaceslug, so thought I'd try a little activity...
[09-21:49] 2609a, *Eve Skyler : To an apology?
[09-21:50] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : Something different...*leans in pressing a kiss to Kuole's neck gently* what do you think? We could leave tonight....
[09-21:50] 353aa, *Dalris : *Isn't looking at her so doesn't notice the tattoo. After all, why would he look at her? Wetting his lips with the drink it seems, pausing as he waits for any possible ill effects. When none present themselves, he takes a much fuller drink of the ale - keeping himself to himself. Could be confused for a young noble trying to 'fit in' or 'rough it out' perhaps.*
[09-21:50] 4029a, šMazzik : To me.
[09-21:50] 4029a, *Prefekt Dirano : To me.
[09-21:50] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : My hesitance in this isn't about my public image or my job, Shane.
[09-21:50] 25cb6, šAzhrei: ...bugger. I've just remembered that I have to bring in my measurements for my Kendo uniform on Saturday, and I have no clue at all as to what my measurements are.
[09-21:51] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : Looks like you're far from being one. *nods at the dead remote. smirking...then pauses...are the med-bays that close? :/ can't remember*
[09-21:51] 2609a, *Eve Skyler : I see.
[09-21:52] 353aa, *Kuole : Nothing is remotely packed. And as you said, you have no clean clothes it seems bar the ones you're wearing.... *Tilts his head to the side just abit to allow that kiss.*
[09-21:52] 25cb6, šAzhrei: I'd say there's a bay close to the training rooms... y'never know when...
[09-21:52] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : What is it about, then?
[09-21:53] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : I'll buy new ones. *shrugs* My duster is clean...and I can just get some new stuff before we head out. We can get you packed, get my stuff and leave
[09-21:53] 8a41c, *Zephyr Vaughn : New around here? *says loud enough for him to hear, taking another sip of her drink, looking forward at the bartender as he works behind the bar, not all the least interestedin what he's doing*
[09-21:53] 3debe, *Melyndy Danon : Shoulda seen me at the beginning. I was gettin zapped all over the damn place. *waves a hand vaguely, sending the remote back to its 'home base.'* So were you feeling sluggy too?
[09-21:54] 4029a, *Prefekt Dirano : *takes a seat on the pool table* I'm reckless. Too reckless.
[09-21:55] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : No. Eve and Prefekt are having 'a talk' and you know how I hate being the third wheel. *wonders what the ruckus is about*
[09-21:55] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : I can't even imagine what I'd do with myself now if you died, and I've spent months trying to gain a little breathing room from how I felt.
[09-21:56] 2609a, *Eve Skyler : That was kind of the point I was trying to get across. *Quietly.*
[09-21:56] 0f22a, *Nyevin Maggrig : *Finds his quarry, a very sensitive tool used to manipulate cybernetics....he carefully inserts it into the mechanical arm's gash, wincing beneath his mask with the effort*
[09-21:57] 353aa, *Kuole : *Pauses for awhile, studying Christoff's face before lifting that bushy eyebrow again* What do I need to pack exactly? Is the planet going to be cold or warm?
[09-21:57] 3debe, *Melyndy Danon : ...oooooh. Don't think they need a referee, do you? *brow furrows. Grabs up a towel, lashing it across the back of her neck.* The whole I just dunno.
[09-21:57] 4029a, *Prefekt Dirano : And I realize that I need to stop. Slow down. Chill out. Think before I act. Otherwise, I'll go off and do something stupid, like lose you.
[09-21:58] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : Whatever you want to bring to a warm planet...
[09-21:58] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : It's not a sure thing I'm going to die. *eyes her* I mean, really. They're going to be at Corellia. I pop in, I pop out, boom.
[09-21:59] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : I'm sure if she needs backup she'll give a heads up. *hands loosely folded into her back pockets.* Neither do I. But the old saying goes 'opposites attract'...anyway.
[09-22:00] 0f22a, *Nyevin Maggrig : *Taps the wrong button however, activating a few of the pain receptors in the elbow blind anger, he lashes out, bashing the tool into the wall with a loud crash and a raging roar, destroying the device utterly, and leaving a nice little dent in the wall to boot*
[09-22:00] 353aa, *Dalris : *Remains oblivious for a few moments before he realizes the comment was directing at him. No asking for permission to speak or anything of the sort nor any use of "master" or "lord". Bizarre. Turns his head to look at Zephyr next to him, holding the pint in one hand still* No. I have been here before.... *And is telling the truth. Has.*
[09-22:00] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : So what if I die? *Lofts a brow.* I mean, then there's no problem for me, I suppose, but...
[09-22:01] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((The current setting is the Mos Eisley Cantina, right?))
[09-22:01] 4029a, *Prefekt Dirano : OOC: Pic test.
[09-22:01] 4029a, *Prefekt Dirano : OOC: Fucked up.
[09-22:01] 3debe, *Melyndy Danon : I think it's genuine on both sides, I really do...but honestly, even then there's only so much a person can take, unless they know that things--- *pauses at the crashing and banging and roar* What the hell, seriously.
[09-22:02] 25cb6, šAzhrei: Yes, Tialos.
[09-22:02] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : ((o_o james dean?))
[09-22:02] 8a41c, *Zephyr Vaughn : Don't trust your own bartender then? *she looks to him, holding her own pint in the same arm that the tatoo is on, watching him curiously*
[09-22:02] 2609a, *Eve Skyler : *Steps closer to him, leaning against the table beside him.* It's not that I want you to change who you are... I hope you don't think that's it.
[09-22:02] 353aa, *Kuole : A warm planet eh, what would you like me to bring? *Lifts both brows this time as he places his hands upon Christoff's waist*
[09-22:02] 3debe, *Melyndy Danon : ((Everybody's kind of different places, Tialos...but a lot of stuff seems to be going on on Coruscant lately))
[09-22:03] 0f22a, *Nyevin Maggrig : ((Tialos: Officially, yes. But most people (I think everyone) is outside the Cantina now.))
[09-22:03] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : I know. *glances back...then starts down the hallway* Can't hurt to go find out.
[09-22:03] 25cb6, šAzhrei: Mos Eisley is the main setting, but a lot of people are on Coruscant right now.
[09-22:03] 4029a, *Prefekt Dirano : OOC: Retest.
[09-22:06] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *A silhouette of a figure slinks along the road side outside the Mos Eisley Cantina, keeping mostly toward the shadows of the duracrete street. He is clad in layer after layer of black fabric: long darkest night sin black robes billowing down to kiss over the ground he walks on, gliding along just over it. He wears a long black, vinyl duster coat over it all - parting down the middle to reveal the array of weapons he has straped to his leather ultility belt. A pair of blasters holstered on either hip (which are usually vacant, but he isn't armed with them currently) and a number of sheathed blades hanging from scabbards off of that belt. Most of them probably of a vibro degree. His hair is raven black, falling down to mid-shoulder level in sharp knife - like strands .. *
[09-22:06] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : And I survive? Then I fight the good fight until I get killed, or until we win. I go on with life, and always hold you in my heart. The same thing I'd want you to do for me. *looks at her, canting his head to the side* You make me happy, Vila. Happy to be alive. If not for you, I would have given up a long time ago.
[09-22:07] 3debe, *Melyndy Danon : Never a dull moment. *wanders along, brow arched slightly as she keeps an eye out for source of the commotion*
[09-22:07] 4029a, *Prefekt Dirano : I know. I don't think that at all. *snakes a hand behind and around her, pulling her slightly closer* I'm not changing, I'll just becoming more socially acceptable. *smiles*
[09-22:08] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : Maybe I'm not as strong as you are, Shane. I don't see it that easily.
[09-22:08] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : *Peers in various doorways as she goes until she'd reach the one where Nyevin is* Guess that's one good thing.
[09-22:09] 4029a, *Prefekt Dirano : Well, what if? *watches her* What if I am killed?
[09-22:09] 8a41c, *Zephyr Vaughn : **PAUSE**
[09-22:09] EXIT: Zephyr Vaughn has left the chat ( ).
[09-22:09] 0f22a, *Nyevin Maggrig : *His curious expression looks over to the open doorway, glancing to Haley as she passes by, guilt tinging his presence*
[09-22:10] 3debe, *Melyndy Danon : What, lack of dullness? *stretches up on tiptoes, peeking over Haley's shoulder*
[09-22:10] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : Well, what if? *watches her* What if I am killed?
[09-22:11] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : *moves out of the way...peering at nyevin* What's going on?
[09-22:13] 0f22a, *Nyevin Maggrig : *Points an accusing finger at the remains of the cybernetic implant tool* That thing bit me.
[09-22:13] JOIN: Kalen Vostan has entered.
[09-22:14] 225d1, *Kalen Vostan : (( Hey everyone! ))
[09-22:14] 3debe, *Melyndy Danon : Damn technology, I swear. *shakes her head* It's always out to get us.
[09-22:14] 3debe, *Melyndy Danon : ((lo Kalen ^_^))
[09-22:14] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : OOC: 'lo
[09-22:15] 2609a, *Eve Skyler : *Turns towards him to bring them face to face. Returns his smile, looking relieved that this has actually been settled. Thought the worst when they had their confrontation in the hall.* I'm so glad to hear that.
[09-22:15] 225d1, *Kalen Vostan : (( *grin* So... anyone frre for RP? ))
[09-22:15] 353aa, *Dalris : *PAUSED then*
[09-22:15] 225d1, *Kalen Vostan : (( *free ))
[09-22:16] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : I don't know. But somehow it seems like it might be easier to deal with things the way they are.
[09-22:17] 4029a, *Prefekt Dirano : *leans in and kisses her once before resting his forehead against hers* Sorry about that.
[09-22:18] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : *smirks at Mel* I did tell you I could fix it. *Moves forward...peering at the tool...picking the remnants up and putting 'em on a table.*
[09-22:20] 0f22a, *Nyevin Maggrig : *Looks ashamed, wringing his hands nervously as he watches for their appraisal of the situation. A small squeak of pain ensues as he does this, as wringing a biological hand with a mechanical one must be quite a terrible feeling*
[09-22:20] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : All right. How about...when I get back from Shakurus, we'll get married. We won't even elope like I planned. I'll dress up in my proper uniform, and we'll do it right.
[09-22:21] 4029a, šMazzik : I will be in a little bit, Kalen. :)
[09-22:21] 225d1, *Kalen Vostan: (( Ok... thanks ))
[09-22:21] 2609a, *Eve Skyler : I think we were maybe just due for a fight. *Grins a bit.* We managed to get through an entire end-of-the-world battle without a fight, so I guess something just had to give eventually.
[09-22:22] 3debe, *Melyndy Danon : *hops up to sit on a nearby stool/chair/cot/what have ye* You okay? I mean, in the process of expressing your displeasure with said tool, it didn't, like, hurt you further...did it?
[09-22:23] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : You wanted to elope?? As if. Do you know how rarely I get to wear a nice dress? *Shakes her head, then grows more serious.* And... all right.
[09-22:24] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : *looks at his hands next. wringing or not.* Let me look at it. *no clue why he's reacting so strange*
[09-22:25] 4029a, *Prefekt Dirano : Yeah. *grins* Let's get out of here.
[09-22:27] 2609a, *Eve Skyler : All right. *Still grinning, leans up to kiss him lightly before heading for the door.* And later I'm going to see if Jaret can get the guy who took the last pudding cup in the mess hall to apologize to me.
[09-22:28] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : Now, you realize, that I'm not going to die simply so I can make you Mrs. Coltar. *grins*
[09-22:29] 4029a, *Prefekt Dirano : *and, follows her out*
[09-22:29] 0f22a, *Nyevin Maggrig : *Is strange* *Extends his mechanical arm, displaying the lightsabre gash in it* I was trying to repair it...guess I triggered the pain receptors..
[09-22:29] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : Oh, I'm not changing my name. Although it could be worth it to hear half the senate simultaneously die of a heart attack when they hear "High Admiral Coltar." But still.
[09-22:31] 3debe, *Melyndy Danon : *winces sympathetically, shaking her head*
[09-22:31] 25cb6, šAzhrei: Time for me to be off. G'night!
[09-22:31] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : How about...Kalle-Coltar? Or Coltar-Kalle?
[09-22:31] EXIT: Azhrei has left the chat ( ).
[09-22:31] 3debe, *Melyndy Danon : ((Night :D))
[09-22:32] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : At least you got caught in the act...*glances at Mel...kinda 'keep talking' ish...then to Nyevin.* Sit still. *as she watches the arm...and extends tendrils of force energy again. picking up what looks to be a sort of soldering tool. gets to work...*
[09-22:34] 0f22a, *Nyevin Maggrig : *Seats himself on the floor cross-legged, but when she gets to work on him, he does everything except sit still. He squirms uncomfortably* Having to sever my own arm was less uncomfortable than this...
[09-22:34] 3debe, *Melyndy Danon : At least you had the guts to give fixing it a shot. If I had to try to fix something on myself, that'd end up being a really really bad scene...
[09-22:35] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : I will at the very least consider it. *Sits back in her chair.* So. We're engaged. *Something occurs to her...* Hey, wait a secod, I hope that you don't think that just because the threat of death is upon us, that you can shortchange me a ring. I want one before Corellia.
[09-22:35] 3debe, *Melyndy Danon : *pales a little at that* You...had to do that? How did you bring yourself to?
[09-22:37] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : Yes, yes. A ring. *pauses for a few moments* So. Engaged. *another few moments* I'll be turning in my datacards of names, addresses, planets, and specialties to you, then...I suppose. *grins a little*
[09-22:38] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : Datacards? It can't all fit on one? I'm going to need you to get a physical.
[09-22:40] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : *Continues. eventually putting the tool down and putting a patch of something across it...cants her head...then stops.* That should do it. Anything else is cosmetic.
[09-22:41] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : I have a clean bill of health.
[09-22:41] 0f22a, *Nyevin Maggrig : *Looks to Melyndy, a haunted look somehow managing to communicate itself on the masked visage. He locks his gaze with hers a moment, letting his voice turn inward, very methodical and reminiscent* A Ne'kressis agent had me by the I remember it. It was...very powerful. It had a grip like a vice..*turns back to Haley, working the arm experimentally* My sincerest thanks, once more...dear me, how ever am I to repay you for all you have done, Mistress Lorian?
[09-22:43] 225d1, *Kalen Vostan : (( Dum dilly dum dee. ))
[09-22:43] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : ((*rofl@aim*))
[09-22:43] 225d1, *Kalen Vostan : (( ??? ))
[09-22:44] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : It's a wonder how.
[09-22:44] 3debe, *Melyndy Danon : *keeps her gaze level on him as he speaks, only letting her eyes drop when he turns back to Haley. It's probably pretty clear that his words have touched her in a way that's beyond sympathy or sorrow for his pain. Quietly.* I'm very sorry...
[09-22:45] bc762, *Jaret Snomel : ((Hey Kalen, I'll rp with you but its going to be in like thirty min to an hour))
[09-22:47] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : Behave as much as possible. *half smiles. though that whole comment about the ne'kressis...stops smiling*
[09-22:47] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : Hmm..well I would say just yourself...but on the off chance you actually might bring clothes....something simple..nothing too dressy...whatever you find most comfortable...*smiles down at him pressing a kiss to his lips gently*
[09-22:47] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : I lead a charmed life, and nothing bad ever happens to be.
[09-22:49] 225d1, *Kalen Vostan : (( Thats ok... I can wait... "Patience is a virtue"
[09-22:49] e67ca, *High Admiral Kalle : I sincerely hope that keeps up until I can make an honest man out of you.
[09-22:49] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : (("not right now it isn't!"))
[09-22:50] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : ...You already have. *smiles*
[09-22:50] 225d1, *Kalen Vostan : (( It isn't? )
[09-22:51] 353aa, *Kuole : *Kisses back, but isn't going to be distracted from this line of questionning. If he knows Chris at all, he'll know there is more to this than meets the eye. Pulls back just so he can speak.* If it's going to be warm, why are you taking your duster?
[09-22:51] 0f22a, *Nyevin Maggrig : *Shakes his head* Do not be sorry for me. The Ne'kressis are a terrible peril, but they were not the reason for my practice of the dark side. In fact, the Ne'kressis gave me back that which I thought was forsaken forever...the Jedi. The Jedi are desperate, being hunted so, and have little care to destroy a dark sider that aids them. I guess it's not the same comaraderie as before, but most relationships are merely to...pass the time until we die.
[09-22:55] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : *Smiles in return.* I never would have expected to get engaged from opposite sides of a table, over star charts and war conversation. Though come to think of it, I'm not entirely sure how I can be surprised. Maybe it's the engagement thing alone that's surprising me.
[09-22:56] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : Force of's warm here and I wear it *shrugs*
[09-22:57] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : That's why we're worried about you losing control. Nobody wants to lose an allie. *sits. somewhere. eyeing the strewn about equipment and stuff* or....a med-droid.
[09-22:57] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : Sorry. Would you have preferred I did it in a crowded restaraunt with everyone watching?
[09-22:57] 353aa, *Kuole : So, nothing fancy? I should just take some t-shirts and stuff then?
[09-22:57] 6ecfb, Get a Name!: ally
[09-22:58] 3debe, *Melyndy Danon : I'm still sorry that you were put in the position that you had to do such a thing to yourself...that is because of the Nekressis, at least. But I'm glad that you got something positive out of it all. Namely, us. *quirks a faint smile* At least, I hope we're positive, most of the time. *shifty-eyes*
[09-22:59] JOIN: Tialos Hethren has entered.
[09-22:59] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : Not really. I've had enough of my outbursts on the holonet.
[09-22:59] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : I just never saw marriage in my future, is what I meant.
[09-22:59] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : ((*thought she fixed that before posting* :( ))
[09-23:00] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : No, unless you want that...I was just thinking you and one else for the entire weekend...
[09-23:01] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : Well, I assume that at one point, you never saw me in your future, either. *smirks*
[09-23:03] 353aa, *Kuole : I guess taking something fancy would only result in it getting ruined then.... *Smirks mischeviously up to Chris.*
[09-23:03] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : Ohh, I hated you so much back when we were both lowly officers.
[09-23:04] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((*Contemplates IC*))
[09-23:04] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : *smirks pressing a soft kiss to the edge of his lover's lips* mmm...doesn't it always?
[09-23:04] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((*Changes skin too*))
[09-23:04] 6ecfb, Get a Name!: *would contemplate IC, but doesn't know the setting, etc*
[09-23:04] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : Why? Because I was good looking? Smart? Witty? Because they let me teach that class on starfighter deployment tactics? *grins, eyes dancing with amusement*
[09-23:05] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((Who are you, GaN?))
[09-23:06] 3debe, *Melyndy Danon : ((I...think it's picked up sort of from where it left off before the restart...but I'm not entirely clear on everything...))
[09-23:06] 6ecfb, Get a Name!: I thought I'd already cleared that up earlier.
[09-23:06] 0f22a, *Nyevin Maggrig : *Stands slowly* I wonder if perhaps training with a fencing sabre isn't the best move in the middle of a hellish war...such an old art form could take a while to master...
[09-23:06] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((I wasn't here. *Blinks*))
[09-23:07] 6ecfb, Get a Name!: Yes you were. You were the other GaN.
[09-23:07] 353aa, *Kuole : ((Check the SoD History thread. Just a few events need to be added - like the capture of a Camelot cruiser for the Eclipse))
[09-23:07] 6ecfb, Get a Name!: Is it Tatooine, or is it Coruscant?
[09-23:07] 4029a, šMazzik : 23 Years after a New Hope. Jedi nearly wiped out by the Yavin IV disaster. Jedi, along with most people, are starting to flock to the galactic core, abandoning the outer rim to Ne'Kressis domination. Battle looms as, in an indignant fit, Fleet Admiral Shane Coltar called out the Ne'Kressis, ordering them to leave Corellia immediately (and as they found it) or the New Republic would soon be there to eject them. It seems that the NR is alone in this war as, for some reason, the Remnant has retracted like a turtle into it's own area of space.
[09-23:09] 6ecfb, Get a Name!: By "setting" I mean... where are the majority of the characters located, and is there a popular area for them to gather, such as a bar or similar.
[09-23:09] 4029a, šMazzik : The Camelot and Victory-Interceptor projects are rolling along, except for the setback of a Camelot-class cruiser being hijacked. The war, though, is about to become much more dangerous. Adumar has refused the New Republic munitions -- this means that they are beginning to run low on warheads, the only known means of attacking and defeating the dread bug. Eclipse cells are still--
[09-23:09] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((Bah!))
[09-23:09] 4029a, šMazzik : Oh. I thought you wanted a chat rundown.
[09-23:09] 353aa, *Kuole : Mmm, yes. So, perhaps we should just throw a few random lot of clothing into a case and go.
[09-23:10] 4029a, šMazzik : Most of the characters at the moment are on Coruscant.
[09-23:10] 4029a, šMazzik : The Jedi Academy seems to be the popular spot at the moment, but there are more than just Jedi there.
[09-23:11] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : *grins* Good. *pushes himself up and off of Kuole* come on, lets go pack
[09-23:11] 3debe, *Melyndy Danon : *swings her legs a bit* You wouldn't have to learn it to master it right now...use it as sort of side-training, or exercise, or even a hobby...
[09-23:11] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : No, that was all impressive. Well, actually, I couldn't care less that you were good looking or witty, but I respected your intelligent and whatnot. It was your attitude and your shit-eating grin and the trail of women that you left behind. However, I probably have you to thank for my position. I wanted to advance ahead of you so badly.
[09-23:11] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((*Just looked through the logs* Kalen! I'm up for an RP! *Bored out of his mind. *))
[09-23:12] 353aa, *Skitter : *Isn't on Coruscant :(*
[09-23:12] 6ecfb, Get a Name!: Wrong GaN.
[09-23:12] JOIN: Crusader has entered.
[09-23:12] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : ((*missed post*)) She's right. Just get a hold on the basics. That's how I started.
[09-23:12] 2c6f5, Crusader: *sits on his throne, considering coming here to rp*
[09-23:12] 0f22a, *Nyevin Maggrig : No small hobby...more like the only weapon I care to use anymore. My old weapon is from my days as a is...unpleasant to wield, to say the least...
[09-23:13] 353aa, *Kuole : You never had the intention to go buy more clothes to take with us, did you? *Chuckles as he rises off the couch to follow Chris*
[09-23:14] 225d1, *Kalen Vostan : (( Mazzik ))
[09-23:14] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : Well, you're welcome. You wanted to get ahead of me, I wanted to get on top of's good to know that we've always had aspirations in relation to each other.
[09-23:15] 4029a, šMazzik : Si, senior?
[09-23:16] 225d1, *Kalen Vostan : (( Just sayin hi... ^_^ ))
[09-23:17] 4029a, šMazzik : Oh. 'lo. Tialos, Kalen. You two RP. :P
[09-23:17] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : A very admirable goal...Admiral. *Pause to digest how silly admirable and Admiral sound so close together.* So when did you first decide you wanted to bed me?
[09-23:17] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((If my connection doesn't mess up in the meantime. ))
[09-23:18] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : *turns walking backwards into the bed room grinning at him* Hardly...not while your stuff fits me.
[09-23:19] 3debe, *Melyndy Danon : Well then...I guess...uh...cram the time before we have to do anything with practice. Careful practice.
[09-23:19] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : Navy-General, please. *grins* And about the first time you blew me off for a date.
[09-23:19] 225d1, *Kalen Vostan : (( so... Hola! Hey tialos... You start?? ))
[09-23:19] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((Sure. ))
[09-23:19] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *A silhouette of a figure slinks along the road side outside the Mos Eisley Cantina, keeping mostly toward the shadows of the duracrete street. He is clad in layer after layer of black fabric: long darkest night sin black robes billowing down to kiss over the ground he walks on, gliding along just over it. He wears a long black, vinyl duster coat over it all - parting down the middle to reveal the array of weapons he has straped to his leather ultility belt. A pair of blasters holstered on either hip (which are usually vacant, but he isn't armed with them currently) and a number of sheathed blades hanging from scabbards off of that belt. Most of them probably of a vibro degree. His hair is raven black, falling down to mid-shoulder level in sharp knife - like strands .. *
[09-23:20] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : That's what the practice/training rooms are for. None of us would really have any chance whatsoever if we all got rusty.
[09-23:20] 353aa, *Kuole : My stuff is well... my stuff. *Pokes Christoff in the chest as he heads backwards into the bedroom* Do you think my clothes suit you or something?
[09-23:20] 6ecfb, Get a Name!: Someone's on Tatooine!
[09-23:21] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((Wait .. someone shouldn't be on Tatooine? Thought that was the main setting? o.o ))
[09-23:21] 353aa, *Kuole : *Is on Tatooine also. Currently*
[09-23:21] 6ecfb, Get a Name!: Oh, good. That means it's still acceptable to be on Tatooine.
[09-23:22] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((W0rd, dawg. ))
[09-23:22] 225d1, *Kalen Vostan : *is actually on Corusant rite now*
[09-23:22] 0f22a, *Nyevin Maggrig : I shall be ready to carve into something besides myself, come next battle, I can assure you.
[09-23:22] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : Wasn't that the day we met? Although I don't know if offering to "give me a ride" with a silacious wink exactly counts as a date.
[09-23:22] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *So change last post to Coruscant, instead of Tatooine and outside the Mos Eisley Cantina. *
[09-23:22] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((There. ))
[09-23:24] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : Give me a break. How old was I?
[09-23:25] JOIN: Lorn Pavan has entered.
[09-23:26] 225d1, *Kalen Vostan : *is sitting in the cantina, drinking*
[09-23:26] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : Like you're not above trying that line now. *Grins.*
[09-23:26] 6ecfb, Get a Name!: *Snickers*
[09-23:27] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : Aww you don't think they do? *chuckles as he's poked and turns around walking back towards the bed and drops down onto it* Oh by the way...I borrowed your speeder again, but don't worry,it's just fine
[09-23:27] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : Like you're above trying that line now. *Grins.*
[09-23:27] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : Great. That means mealtime is safe.
[09-23:28] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : I am sophisticated in my pick-up lines now.
[09-23:28] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *Turns a corner and walks into the Cantina, those midnight blue eyes scanning over the room swiftly, in a rather thorough scrutiny. Then takes right to the bar, taking a seat next to Kalen without really meaning to, and ordering a Tatooine Sunburst. *
[09-23:28] 3debe, *Melyndy Danon : I dunno, man...if they serve that mystery meat in loaf or burger form again, it might be wise to have a willing carver around at mealtimes.
[09-23:28] 353aa, šV : Lucky for you we're similar height and build. What I was some fat or really skinny guy? *Cocks his head slightly to the side as he stands at the foot of the bed. Will get onto that speeder thing in a moment.*
[09-23:29] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : Oh yeah? Lay your best one on me.
[09-23:29] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : OOC: WHO THE FUCK IS V TALKING TO?
[09-23:29] 353aa, šV : OOC: DIE MAZZIK
[09-23:29] 353aa, *Kuole : Lucky for you we're similar height and build. What I was some fat or really skinny guy? *Cocks his head slightly to the side as he stands at the foot of the bed. Will get onto that speeder thing in a moment.*
[09-23:29] 4029a, šMazzik : *ROFL*
[09-23:30] 4029a, šMazzik : <3<3
[09-23:30] JOIN: Rhynn Morgana has entered.
[09-23:30] 92032, Rhynn Morgana: ((*wonders if she could be registered*))
[09-23:31] 4029a, šMazzik : V, register.
[09-23:31] 353aa, šV : I think Im choking up a hairball right now
[09-23:32] 4029a, šMazzik : send a quick character description to
[09-23:32] 92032, Rhynn Morgana: ((*prods at Mazzik, then kicks in the eyes*))
[09-23:32] 4029a, šMazzik : Or, give it to me on IM
[09-23:32] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : ((O_O wow.))
[09-23:33] 4029a, šMazzik : Just so I can pretend the room is run with some semblance of order. :P
[09-23:34] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : Well then I'd actually have to really go buy new clothes...good thing we're built the same *smirks*
[09-23:34] 4029a, šMazzik : Now before I get back to RP
[09-23:34] 225d1, *Kalen Vostan : *looks over at the man with the Sunburst* You from Tatooine?
[09-23:34] 4029a, šMazzik : I would like to give a belated HELLO TO LORN PAVAN
[09-23:34] 4029a, šMazzik : So, HELLO LORN PAVAN.
[09-23:34] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : Didya hear that Nyevin? Sharpen up your cuttin' utensils!
[09-23:34] 0f22a, *Nyevin Maggrig : *Tilts his head oddly, as if hearing some voice from outside the room* I must go...and train. *his distracted form plods towards the door hastily*
[09-23:35] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *Furrows a thin eyebrow, untill he gets his drink. Pays for it stoically, before turning to Kalen with a charming smile. * Yes, actually. *Said whilst sipping from the rim of the glass silently. *
[09-23:35] 0e193, Lorn Pavan: (( HELLO MAZZIK!))
[09-23:35] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : *blinks...a few times* Guess he wasn't interested.
[09-23:35] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : Hm. I don't think I shall. I'm an honest man. I have no need for pick-up lines.
[09-23:35] 4029a, šMazzik : DID YOU WANT TO BE REGISTERED?
[09-23:36] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : That's such a cop out. I win.
[09-23:36] 3debe, *Melyndy Danon : Or...he actually heard the mystery meat calling...
[09-23:36] 353aa, *Kuole : Yes, very good that we are... *Smirks back, but disrupts that moment as he gets back onto the speeder stuff* So, is there anything else you want to borrow?
[09-23:37] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : Piss off, you win. It's not a cop out.
[09-23:38] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((*Smacks his connection* I hate this computer.. bear with me, heh. ))
[09-23:38] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : It so is.
[09-23:38] DICE: Mazzik rolls 18 = 18 on a 1d20.
[09-23:38] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : *starts chuckling* That'd be more terrifying than...distracting.
[09-23:39] 0e193, Lorn Pavan: (( THAT'D BE GREAT, MAZZIK))
[09-23:39] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : Whatever. You're such a cop out.
[09-23:39] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : ((you should hand out cookies too))
[09-23:39] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((*L*))
[09-23:39] 225d1, *Kalen Vostan : *nods* Could tell from your choice of drink... *holds up his Corellian Twister*
[09-23:39] 6ecfb, Get a Name!: *Might actually try to get registered... if there was a character to be registered*
[09-23:39] 225d1, *Kalen Vostan : (( No prob, Tialos! *knows the crap connection deal* ))
[09-23:39] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : Not at the moment....I made sure nothing bad happened to your speeder....
[09-23:39] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : What kind of comeback is that? Man, you've lost it. *Gasps.* That explains everything. You're trying to marry me because you've lost your touch.
[09-23:40] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((GaN, do you have AIM?))
[09-23:40] 353aa, šNarrator : Yes guys. Kalle and Coltar are the New Republic masterminds in charge of saving the galaxy!
[09-23:40] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *Smirks lightly at the drink. * Good taste. *Inclines his head forward in a nod of agreement, before taking a longer sip from his own drink. *
[09-23:40] 4029a, šMazzik : IF YOU NEED A REGISTER, GIVE ME AN IM
[09-23:40] JOIN: Isamu Eden has entered.
[09-23:40] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((O_O Does that mean we're doomed, Narrator? J/K!))
[09-23:40] 4029a, šMazzik : AND I WILL HANDLE IT.
[09-23:40] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : (( NOW YOU KNOW WHY I'M TERRIFIED!))
[09-23:41] 6ecfb, Get a Name!: AIM? Who has AIM. Pish.
[09-23:41] 353aa, šV : *thinks he knows GaN*
[09-23:41] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((Bah! Fine then!!))
[09-23:42] 6ecfb, Get a Name!: Fine!
[09-23:42] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((Always with the mysterous anonymous GaN cliche! I'm so sick of it! *Tears chunks of his hair out*))
[09-23:42] 6ecfb, Get a Name!: *Stomps off in a huff*
[09-23:42] 353aa, *Kuole : That's nice of you, no scratches on the paintwork this time? *Crosses his arms across the chest*
[09-23:43] 6ecfb, Get a Name!: (OK, not really)
[09-23:43] 353aa, šV : I have MSN if that is preferred or IRC on netgamers
[09-23:43] 3debe, *Melyndy Danon : ((*thwaps browser*))
[09-23:44] 0e193, Lorn Pavan: (( DARKSABER75))
[09-23:44] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : Oh, I still have my touch. I assure you.
[09-23:44] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : ((*has other programs. can't use them*))
[09-23:44] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : I never scratched it! It was...a little tiny scuff thing...and it was fixed so that doesn't count!
[09-23:45] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : ((*debates*))
[09-23:45] 353aa, *Kuole : So, are you going to just lie on that bed or are you going to pack? *Is good at changing topic back and forth between two subjects.*
[09-23:46] 3debe, *Melyndy Danon : *glances to Haley* D'you suppose we should follow him, or is he honestly just having a training jones?
[09-23:47] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : Whatever you need to tell yourself, Shane. It's okay. I'll still participate in your sham wedding.
[09-23:47] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : I have no clue. I assumed he had something to do or he wouldn't have just left. *moves off her chair to peer down the hallway*
[09-23:47] 6ecfb, Get a Name!: Thanks to everyone who answered my questions, too. You've been a great help.
[09-23:48] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : *motions with his hand and his bag, which he already packed with his stuff, slides out* Packed!
[09-23:48] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((*Pats the GaN*))
[09-23:49] EXIT: Get a Name! has left the chat ( 5:32am, December 10 (CST) ).
[09-23:49] JOIN: Rhynn Morgana has entered.
[09-23:49] EXIT: Get a Name! has left the chat ( 5:49am, December 10 (CST) ).
[09-23:49] 4029a, šMazzik : wtf
[09-23:49] 4029a, šMazzik : I answered every question I saw
[09-23:49] JOIN: Rhynn Morgana has entered.
[09-23:50] 92032, *Rhynn Morgana: ((Sorry for the in and outs.))
[09-23:50] 6ecfb, Get a Name!: It wasn't sarcasm, Mazzik.
[09-23:50] 0f22a, *Nyevin Maggrig : *He does not take the route to the training rooms, and instead melds away into shadow...his presence moving out of coherence with it*
[09-23:50] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((Yeah. Mazzik, you honostly helped quite a bit, it seems. :-P))
[09-23:51] 92032, *Rhynn Morgana : ((*icon test!*))
[09-23:51] 4029a, šMazzik : Oh.
[09-23:51] 353aa, *Kuole : *Lifts one brow, slightly surprised to that but then isn't also. Smirking* Is that just your stuff or for the both of us?
[09-23:51] 4029a, šMazzik : I thought I was being bitched at. :/
[09-23:52] 92032, *Rhynn Morgana : ((w00t. All is well in the world. *pops into OOC handle whilst awaiting Lorn's registration*))
[09-23:52] 225d1, *Kalen Vostan : Yes the taste is... unique.
[09-23:52] JOIN: E has entered.
[09-23:52] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : I...think i'll stay out of it this time. *moves out though* did you want something to eat or anything? i mean you were working out...
[09-23:52] 92032, 'Dessy: Aaaaaaaand...test.
[09-23:53] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : My womanizing days are behind me. *smirks* I don't need to prove anything to you.
[09-23:54] 3debe, *Melyndy Danon : Grab somethin to drink, mebbe...that sounds pretty good. *pulls the towel from behind her neck, tossing it neatly into the medbay's used-linens hamper*
[09-23:55] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : Didn't want you to get dehydrated...*overly paranoid about people's health? yeah. can't help it. starts moving down the hallway towards the kitchen* Still haven't heard from the weird guy.
[09-23:56] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : You sure don't. So I'll just sit here and keep thinking what I'm thinking, and you, I'm sure, won't let it get to you at all.
[09-23:56] JOIN: Jair Karredo has entered.
[09-23:56] 4029a, šMazzik : Jair, IM me.
[09-23:56] 3debe, *Melyndy Danon : *wanders along* It's what, some kind of mission with the NR? D'you think you'll do it?
[09-23:57] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : Actually, I think I'm about to go.
[09-23:57] 225d1, *Kalen Vostan : (( Hey Mazz.. ready? ))
[09-23:57] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : I probably would. Why would I want to sit around here waiting for things to sort themselves out, ya know?
[09-23:58] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : Have you been there recently? *Refering to the name of Kalen's drink. Thinking about soup, honostly. If anyone know what the Anzati are, they know what I'm refering to .. heh. *
[09-23:58] 4029a, šMazzik : About.
[09-23:58] 0f22a, *Nyevin Maggrig : ((*Flies away* 'Night all.))
[09-23:58] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : Why don't you stay?
[09-23:58] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : (('night. ))
[09-23:58] 92032, 'Dessy: Night, Nyevin.
[09-23:59] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : (('night))
[09-23:59] 4029a, šMazzik : GOOD NIGHT STONEY <3<3<3<3<3
[09-23:59] 3debe, *Melyndy Danon : ((Night Stoney ^_^))
[10-00:00] 225d1, *Kalen Vostan : To Corellia? No.
[10-00:00] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : Stay? *grins* I suppose I can do that. But I still have to leave in the morning.
[10-00:00] 225d1, *Kalen Vostan : (( Night ))
[10-00:00] JOIN: Emi has entered.
[10-00:00] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : ((stupid comp))
[10-00:00] 3debe, *Melyndy Danon : Even if it put you in the direct line of fire again? I mean, I'm all for being proactive...but...
[10-00:00] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : That's a shame. I haven't been to Tatooine much recently either..
[10-00:01] 4770e, *Jair Karredo : (( I thought Corellia fell to the Nekkies. ))
[10-00:01] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : Naw, just my stuff. I thought I'd let you pack for yourself
[10-00:02] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : Oh, that's fine. I couldn't stand too much of you just to start out with anyway. *Grins back.*
[10-00:02] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : It all depends on the why and where...I don't know. Honestly. I remember being unable to help before and it always makes me feel horrid if I don't do everything I can.
[10-00:02] 3debe, *Melyndy Danon : ((Yup, it has. *nod*))
[10-00:03] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : Hey, you can come with me. I'm going to go find a band of pirates and steal their ships. It'll be a bonding experience. *watches her, grinning like an idiot*
[10-00:03] 353aa, *Kuole : Oh, that's nice - but you can pack for me. *Keeps his arms folded as he looks down upon Chris*
[10-00:04] 4029a, šMazzik : Er, Jair. IM me.
[10-00:04] 4029a, šMazzik : pls.
[10-00:04] 3debe, *Melyndy Danon : True...true. *silent for a moment* It'd just suck if something happened to you, and all. But at least you'd be doing the right thing...
[10-00:06] JOIN: Jaret Snomel has entered.
[10-00:06] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : I still don't know what I'm supposed to be doing. I'll be making a solid decision when I know. ((*COUGH* IF))
[10-00:09] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : *looks him over for a moment* Pack for you? Why? Then I might make you bring something you don't want
[10-00:10] 353aa, *Kuole : *Clears his throat as his tone turns just abit more serious, though there is that look in his eyes to fitting all this together* What was that about a scruff? *Warning like, perhaps to 'spur' Chris on*
[10-00:10] JOIN: Varik Kraken has entered.
[10-00:10] NICK: Get a Name! changed nick to Lex.
[10-00:10] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : *Glances down at her schedule for tomorrow.* But I have a 9 o'clock with the Mon Calimarian Senator.
[10-00:11] 6ecfb, Lex: Better.
[10-00:12] 3debe, *Melyndy Danon : Always good, to know what you're running into. *nods. Steps into the mess-hall-like object, casting an idle glance around, seeing how crowded it is and such.*
[10-00:12] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : *pushes himself up off the bed walking over to the closet* So! What do you think you'd like to wear? *starts looking through Kuole's shirts and begins to pick stuff out tossing it over onto the bed*
[10-00:13] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : Pffft. I'm sure that's going to be exciting. *smirks* Enjoy discussing funding. I'll be ambushing people and scaring them to death. By the way, I recommend you try out the cloaking on the Camelot. So. Fun.
[10-00:13] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : *Nods a few times. half remembering 'before'...glances about the kitchen...moving towards the cooler to get a drink and piece of fruit*
[10-00:16] 92032, *Rhynn Morgana : *waits patiently*
[10-00:16] 353aa, *Kuole : *Just grins at Christoff's sudden inspiration to do stuff* I don't know where we're going. You do. Pick out what you think will be best for me.... it's not like there's going to be anyone to see bar you....
[10-00:17] 92032, 'Dessy: *eek!* *meant to post that OOC*
[10-00:17] 0e193, *Varik Kraken : * Enters the bar....A man clothed in dark grays and blacks, black gloves covering his hands....His black hair is in stark contrast to his pale skin....But what really stands out are his eyes...The are liquid black with gold pupils....His tall, thin frame slows in the doorway, glancing around with those piercing eyes as if searching for someone in particular*
[10-00:18] JOIN: Emi has entered.
[10-00:18] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : Hmm... I suppose I can reschedule with the the Senator. *Muses, tapping her bottom lip with her stylus.*
[10-00:19] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *A thin, almost feral smirk splinters of those pallid lips as Varik steps into the door. But says nothing aloud, or even audible in that manner. Merely takes another silent sip from the rip of that glass, those deathly, marble pale lips becoming parched with alcohol.. *
[10-00:19] 3debe, *Melyndy Danon : *rummages up a bottle of juice of some kind, twisting the cap off and taking a long swig. Slightly garbled.* Think they messed with the power settings...
[10-00:19] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : *grabs a few pairs of Kuole's pants and boxers. folds them then stuffs everything into a bag. once finished he turns looking at Kuole* Alright! You're packed. Lets go!
[10-00:21] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : Power settings? *settling against a cabinet. like she's just snapped back to reality*
[10-00:21] 3debe, *Melyndy Danon : *swallows* The remote. I don't remember it zapping nearly as strongly or nearly as often before. Maybe I'm just gettin soft in my old age.
[10-00:23] 353aa, *Kuole : No need to take anything else bar clothes? Toothbrush? Money? Food?
[10-00:23] JOIN: Brin Omega has entered.
[10-00:24] 0e193, *Varik Kraken : * His gaze would slow only slightly upon Tialos's form before moving on to scan the rest of the occupants....He slowly makes his way for the bar, a strange frown on his face....Varik seats himself on a stool to the right of Hethren, indicating with a single finger that the barkeep had best listen and listen well*.....Water....* His voice is quiet, yet slightly harsh, seeming to command attention....*
[10-00:25] 4029a, šMazzik : Holy shit that's unwieldy.
[10-00:25] f6960, Brin Omega: ((hmmm))
[10-00:25] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : Oh yeah...*walks into the fresher grabbing Kuole's toothbrush and what not, comes back out and stuffs that into the bag as well* Money I got, Food is there, so we got it all.
[10-00:26] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : You can't say that yet. I'm not finished making your cane! ((need to go sleep now))
[10-00:26] 4029a, šMazzik : AGH I'M BREAKING IT
[10-00:26] f6960, Brin Omega: ((o_o))
[10-00:26] 6ecfb, Lex: Breaking... it?
[10-00:27] 4029a, šMazzik : Okay.
[10-00:27] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : ((stop touching it))
[10-00:27] 4029a, šMazzik : that's better.
[10-00:27] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *The smirk widens lightly, upon hearing Varik's harsh tone. This one was always so cocky ... always had been. For generations. Had seen ages come and pass, a single soul lost in a maze of heaven and hell, combined in nothing but a blur of fuzzy, soft blue. Lost, in an ocean of haze - for all of time. Tialos always had been the more - out there of the two, lost in his own mind, and holding a terrible power inside. Hence is why he is drowning himself in alcohol, and Kraken orders a water. Hethren was always the bad drinker of the two, as well. Downs most of the glass in a single gulp.. *
[10-00:27] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : Excellent. *smiles at her* We'll be going to get a ship for me to take to...there.
[10-00:27] 3debe, *Melyndy Danon : Oh, well, I guess I can stay mobile a little while longer...since you put so much craftsmanship into your stuff. *nods* ((fadey, zen?))
[10-00:28] 6ecfb, Lex: He's a multiple personality! ...I think.
[10-00:28] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : That's right. You can't use it if it doesn't exist yet. ((eefin you don' mind ma'am. *tips hat*))
[10-00:28] 353aa, *Kuole : *Gives Christoff a lopsided grin, not having moved yet from his position at the foot of the bed, arms still crossed* You're wanting to leave right now?
[10-00:29] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : So I gathered. What are you in the market for?
[10-00:30] 3debe, *Melyndy Danon : ((not't all, not't all. *bows* :D))
[10-00:30] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : Ideally, a corvette. It's small enough and easy to modify. Throw more engines on there...apply the specs I had R and D draw up...
[10-00:31] b20ac, *Haley Lorian : *Fade*
[10-00:31] EXIT: Haley Lorian has left the chat ( 6:31am, December 10 (CST) ).
[10-00:31] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : Umm...we're both packed, I'm out of clothes and wearing yours, we have money, we have the tickets, we can take my ship and have a very nice time making that trip while it's on autopilot...Yeah, I'd say we're ready, lets go.
[10-00:31] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : And why exactly does it need to be stolen?
[10-00:33] 0e193, *Varik Kraken : * The barkeep quickly pours him a glass of water handing it to him with a quickness not usually seen in the man....Kraken nods once in thanks. His eyes shift finally to the figure next to him* Tialos....Fancy meeting you here....* There is a dry humor in his tone, and his lips curve only very slightly upwards*
[10-00:33] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : Should it...well, should things go poorly, I don't want the Republic down a ship. Everything counts.
[10-00:34] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *Furrows a thin eyebrow, his eyes narrowingly dangerously. * Didn't you find me passed out on this place's first drunk, just last night? *A drk smirk of his own spilling over those pallid lips, as well. *
[10-00:34] 353aa, *Kuole : *Normally would want to spend a while planning a trip but the idea of going off straight away is appealing to him. Yet...* You have a ship? You've never shown me your ship....
[10-00:34] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *Furrows a thin eyebrow, his eyes narrowingly dangerously. * Didn't you find me passed out on this place's floor, piss face drunk, just last night? *A drk smirk of his own spilling over those pallid lips, as well. *
[10-00:34] 6ecfb, Lex: Drat, I was wrong.
[10-00:36] 4770e, *Jair Karredo : (( Locations? ))
[10-00:37] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((*Bar in Coruscant, was it? Corellia, I think. One of those, ask those around me. They know better. *LOL*))
[10-00:37] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : OOC: Coruscant.
[10-00:38] 353aa, *Kuole : OOC: Tatooine
[10-00:38] 0e193, *Varik Kraken : * He shakes his head, gripping the glass in his right gloved hand* I've found you in such a position so many times on so many different planets, they all seem to merge these days....* He raises the glass to his lips, taking a small sip, his amusement hidden behind the container*
[10-00:38] 353aa, *The Ruling Council : OOC: Shakurus
[10-00:38] 0e193, *Varik Kraken : (( Same place as Tialos))
[10-00:39] 353aa, *The Phantom's Embracement : OOC: Phase space
[10-00:39] 353aa, šV : OOC: England, UK
[10-00:39] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((*L*))
[10-00:40] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : Right. *Nods.* Very considerate. Plus I'm sure you're not too bummed out that you're going to have to go out and cause a bit of trouble.
[10-00:40] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : Cheers to that. *Said with a light smile, and with a preceeding nother large sip. *
[10-00:40] 6ecfb, Lex: OOC.
[10-00:40] 4770e, *Jair Karredo : (( *Smacks V towards AIM* ))
[10-00:41] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : Yeah, I've had a ship since I was 13. Kirkos actually let me get lets go! *grabs hold of his bag and Kuole's and heads towards the door*
[10-00:42] 353aa, *Kuole : *Unfolds his arms and follows after Christoff, somewhat amused to how he is acting* You seem rather keen.... is there something planned for there?
[10-00:43] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : Oh, of course not. *grins*
[10-00:44] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : The trouble is finding one that's not too beat up to be servicable.
[10-00:44] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : Nope! I just want to leave as soon as possible
[10-00:45] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : You don't drink enough. Varik. *He points out with a mild grin. *
[10-00:46] 353aa, *Kuole : *Asif he believes that.* Why? *Asks still in that slightly amused tone as he follows after Chris like a good boy.*
[10-00:47] 4029a, *Agent Charne : *takes over Chris' body*
[10-00:47] 4029a, *Agent Charne : *send in form for new character, kthx*
[10-00:48] e67ca, *High Admiral Kalle : Well, I have a good deal of faith that you'll manage to find something that suits you just fine. *Looks at the time and is surprised to see how late it is. Relaxes, which for her means loosening a few of the butttons on the collar of her uniform. Man she's edgy.*
[10-00:49] 4029a, *Agent Charne : *whoops, scratch last two*
[10-00:49] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : *glances back at him* Why what?
[10-00:51] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((Heh. ))
[10-00:51] 0e193, *Varik Kraken : * He'd eye the other* I'm thirsty for something a little stronger....How about you, brother? * There would be a certain emphasis on the word "stronger"*
[10-00:53] 353aa, *Kuole : Do you want to leave as soon as possible.... *Would give a smirk that sticks out his tongue a little bit. :P*
[10-00:53] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : Wow. You really know how to live it up. *smirks*
[10-00:53] 4770e, *Jair Karredo : *Fiddling with his commlink, leaning against said wall outside of said random Coruscant cantina, attempting to tune it to Coltars Frequency without much luck**Grumbling*
[10-00:54] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : Yes, actually. This doesn't quench my thirst.. *Eyes his glass, idly stirring it by gently rotating the glass in his gloved-clad hand. Then says with a rather feral, ominous smile. * I haven't found any soup in quite a long time..
[10-00:55] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : No reason, really...*smiles and walks outside tossing the bags into the speeder then turns moving back inside to get Kuole* Coming now?
[10-00:56] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : I have to balance things out for all of your crazy.
[10-00:57] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : I'm not crazy. I'm fun.
[10-00:59] 4770e, *Jair Karredo : *Bangs his commlink on the wall and it just happens to slip the last digit into place for Coltars commlink**Jair presses the page button and Coltar's commlink would immediatly start beeping*
[10-00:59] 353aa, *Kuole : *Tilts his head to the side abit as he purses his lips just abit, seeming to think over his answer. Glancing around the apartment abit* Okay fine, I hope it won't be boring without the holonet.... never actually been on vacation before...
[10-01:01] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : So, should we -- *commlink beeps. Looks at it, then at Kalle, then at it* Do I have to?
[10-01:04] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : *Clears her throat, looking regretfully at the commlink.* That depends on what you were going to ask if we should do.
[10-01:04] 0e193, *Varik Kraken : * He'd snort, indicating the assorted patrons of the bar with mild disgust* There is nothing here but the weak...A thin, sour soup not fit for the lowliest of us...
[10-01:05] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : It is dissappointing..
[10-01:06] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : Our favorite tastes are waning. *His voice drops to a whisper, so only Varik may hear it. * The Force is becoming more rare then it was back during Palpatine and Vader's purge..
[10-01:06] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : *sighs, winking at Kalle. Thumbs his commlink* Navy-General.
[10-01:06] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : *Loudly* Fleet Admiral.
[10-01:07] 4770e, *Jair Karredo : General, Sir. This is....Lieutenant Colonel Jair Karredo. *Or at least, that was his last given rank in the New Republic Defense Force...but it's been a while since he's reported in* I was hoping to meet with you regarding the formation of my squadron and to possibly receive some updated Intelligence Reports.
[10-01:09] 0e193, *Varik Kraken : * He'd grin wickedly at this, also lowering his voice substantially, turning to face his brother fully, his fierce eyes locking on the other's like turbolaser turrets* Yes, and the soup thickens....With each Force sensitive that perishes, those that remain gather a little more....It was spread too thin eariler....
[10-01:10] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : Indeed.. *A stoic, simple reply. That is all. *
[10-01:12] JOIN: Emi has entered.
[10-01:13] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : *looks at Kalle, arching a brow* Huh. Well, er. It's rather late tonight...I tell you what. You have a ship, I take it?
[10-01:14] 4770e, *Jair Karredo : Yes sir. I brought my fighter here, I felt that speed was more important then comfort.
[10-01:15] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : Excellent. Dock with the Camelot in orbit. We can discuss it on our hunt tomorrow.
[10-01:15] 0e193, *Varik Kraken : * He'd claps the other gently on the shoulder* Trust me, Tialos...If we play our cards right, we can reap the benefits of this conflict....
[10-01:15] 4770e, *Jair Karredo : Our hunt, sir?
[10-01:15] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : Do I need to like...pick you up and put you in the speeder? Or..are you going to come on? *looks over him for a moment*
[10-01:16] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : Yes. I plan to go hunting pirates, Colonel. Problem?
[10-01:16] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : I hope we do. This blood lust, as the Nightsisters called it, is going to drive me to another killing spree if something isn't done soon. I am being driven distraught, Varik. *Said with another amused smirk. What may be surprising is that Tialos' tone and voice show that he is entirely serious. *
[10-01:18] 353aa, *Kuole : *Smirks at the thought of that* No, you can pick me up for stuff later..... I'm not quite at your mercy yet.... *Begins to step forward, just giving Christoff one of those 'looks' as he slips on into the speeder. Presumes Christoff is going to drive since he seems to be the one doing all the work at the moment.*
[10-01:19] 4770e, *Jair Karredo : sir. Can I gather up my squadron, first?
[10-01:20] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : Unless you plan to engage the pirates alone, I would suggest doing that. *grins at Kalle, unbuttoning his shirt with one hand*
[10-01:21] 0e193, *Varik Kraken : * He lowers his arm, creating a fist with the gloved hand* You're not the only one....It's only by force of will that I haven't murdered this lot....* His voice had dropped to a dangerous whisper*
[10-01:21] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : *Lofts a brow at him, grinning and lightly biting the end of her stylus. Tsks lightly, jokingly.*
[10-01:21] 4770e, *Jair Karredo : Ah...yes sir, I'll put the word out. Was that all, General?
[10-01:22] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : Yes. And my will is giving out, brother.. *He says in an ominous, low pitched voice of his own. His eyes dangerous, feral thin slits. *
[10-01:23] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : *turns moving towards the speeder as well and jumps in looking over at Kuole* Yet, being the key word there...*powers up Kuole's speeder and takes off heading down the street towards the hanger where his ship is*
[10-01:25] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : Yes. If I happen to die at any point in the future, you will report to High Admiral Kalle. *shrugs out of his shirt, tossing it off in a corner*
[10-01:25] 4770e, *Jair Karredo : Yes sir. Thank you sir.
[10-01:27] 353aa, *Kuole : Who says you won't be at my mercy? You have been before.... *Fasten's his seatbelt. Is safety conscious in these dark times!*
[10-01:27] JOIN: Jaret Snomel has entered.
[10-01:27] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((Could we get away with an old school bar fight in here? *L*))
[10-01:28] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((Who's with me?))
[10-01:28] 4770e, *Jair Karredo : (( *Yawns* Been there, done that. Old news. ))
[10-01:28] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((You haven't been anywhere untill your in one with me and Lorn included in it. :-P))
[10-01:28] 6ecfb, Lex: *Brawls Tialos*
[10-01:30] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((*Brawls back! Grr!*))
[10-01:30] 6ecfb, Lex: *Claws and bites!*
[10-01:30] 4770e, *Jair Karredo : (( I was in one with Lorn... ))
[10-01:30] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : Very good. Get up to the Camelot. I'll see you tomorrow.
[10-01:30] 353aa, *Kuole : OOC: It's Coruscant :P Lower levels arent exactly policed
[10-01:30] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((*Scratches and pulls hair!*))
[10-01:31] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : *Watches the path of the shirt before returning her gaze to Coltar. Hasn't yet moved from behind her desk.*
[10-01:31] 6ecfb, Lex: Ow! *Knees in the groin*
[10-01:31] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((*Cackle!*))
[10-01:31] b8cbc, *Jaret Snomel : *He's got two lightsabers out now, fighting a special Nekressis shaped droid...and its coming at him, He ducks then slashes upwards with one of the lightsabers whist using the other to block the second spike that has extended from its arm, ducking down low he swipes the lightsaber around and it hits the leg of the machine a red buzzer goes off signaling a hit. Standing back up he awaits the second attack. He's been doing nothing but training for this.*
[10-01:31] JOIN: Rhynn Morgana has entered.
[10-01:32] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : *that's fine. Desks are good for more than writing. Stands from his chair, grinning at Kalle*
[10-01:32] 92032, 'Dessy: *waits*
[10-01:33] 4770e, *Jair Karredo : *Shuts off his commlink and redials it in to connect with Lorn and slaps page, starting Lorn's commlink beeping endlessly until he answers it*
[10-01:34] JOIN: Lorn Pavan has entered.
[10-01:35] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : *Well, I supoose you can also use a desk to eat a meal on, though th--Oh. Follows his movements with her eyes, and enigmatic smile gracing her lips.* Admiral, we can truly say you're willing to give the New Republic the shirt off your back.
[10-01:35] 0e193, *Lorn Pavan : * He grins slightly, reaching up with a hand to wipe at the sauce Rhynn dabbed on his nose....just then his commlink beeps*
[10-01:36] b8cbc, *Jaret Snomel : ((IT HAS TEETH SHANE. THE BIG INCH. THE. BIG. INCH.))
[10-01:36] 0e193, *Lorn Pavan : (( This is better))
[10-01:36] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : Once or twice...*smirks as they fly down the street and eventually reach the hangar. parks outside then rises up leaping out of the speeder, walks up to the door typing in the code. when the doors slide open he flips the lights to the hangar on. in the middle of course is his Skipray*
[10-01:36] 0e193, *Varik Kraken : * He shakes his head* To act now would be suicide..
[10-01:37] 92032, *Rhynn Morgana : *looks at the commlink and smiles* Duty calls, eh, flyboy?
[10-01:38] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : Suicide is better then starvation. Remember that, Varik.
[10-01:39] 353aa, *Kuole : *As if to mark the differences between the two, he gets out his speeder like a normal person by opening and closing the door, moving after Chris and placing one hand lightly on his waist as he stands to Christoff's left hand side, glancing at the ship straight ahead* Nice ship, did I mention I'm not a fan of space travel?
[10-01:39] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : And the shirt off yours. And our pants. And, well, I think you get the picture. Come here for a second, would you? *grins*
[10-01:40] 353aa, *Kra'gressis : *Beeps Coltar's commlink*
[10-01:41] 4770e, *Jair Karredo : (( LOL @ Kra ))
[10-01:41] 353aa, *Kra'gressis : *Jk*
[10-01:41] 0e193, Get a Name!: * He'd shrug slightly* Let's find out..* He activates the comm and raises it to his mouth* Pavan here...
[10-01:42] 6ecfb, Lex: Whoops.
[10-01:42] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((Heh. ))
[10-01:43] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : *apparently isn't normal because he jummped out then. ah well. arches a brow as he reaches into the speeder grabbing their bags and starts up towards the ship keying it open* No...but we don't really have any other way to get there. Saddly I can't teleport us or anything
[10-01:43] 4770e, *Jair Karredo : (( *Snickers at Lorn* )) <This is Cap. I need you and any other pilots from the Squadron you can rustle up to get here to Coruscant Immediatly. Bring the Sentinal, I'd rather not rely on NR Transportation for this mission, and I want you to bring Rhynn along.> *Into his commlink*
[10-01:43] 0e193, Get a Name!: * Kraken takes another swallow of his water* This is true.....* He is silent for a moment, as if seriously considering it..Then shakes his head* Patience....As the sand pather waits, hidden, biding its time, so must we...
[10-01:44] 0e193, Get a Name!: (( bah...brb))
[10-01:44] EXIT: Get a Name! has left the chat ( 7:44am, December 10 (CST) ).
[10-01:45] 92032, *Rhynn Morgana : *quirks a brow, hearing this, but remains silent, nibbling on the end of her wooden spoon*
[10-01:46] JOIN: Virak Kraken has entered.
[10-01:46] EXIT: Get a Name! has left the chat ( 7:41am, December 10 (CST) ).
[10-01:47] JOIN: Lorn Pavan has entered.
[10-01:47] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : Pray you are right. Pray we reap benefits worth the wait.. *He says, before downing the rest of his Sunburst. *
[10-01:47] 353aa, *Kuole : *Well, it's more rogue and dashing and such to jump out the speeder. It's not 'proper'. Walks with Chris, keeping pace with him easily.* That's a shame, what inflight entertainment do you have on there?
[10-01:48] 0e193, *Lorn Pavan : * He'd nod, even though he knew Jair wouldn't be able to see it* Copy that...We'll be there in less than no time, Cap...
[10-01:48] 1a76f, *High Admiral Kalle : Well, I don't know. Let me see if I can pencil you in. *Leans over her schedule, inspecting it carefully. The nods and langorously stands up, strolling over to Coltar.*
[10-01:49] 0e193, Virak Kraken: * He smirks ever so slightly* Praying has never been my strong point...
[10-01:49] 4770e, *Jair Karredo : *Closes his eyes* <Thanks Lorn. I'll see you when you get here....home in on my fighter for our landing platform on planet....leave the Sentinal in orbit for us to use.> *And with that he flips of his comm and just stands there for several long moments*
[10-01:50] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : We are heretics that are revered as saints. Wolves in sheep's clothing. *Smirks, devilishly. *
[10-01:50] 4029a, *Shane Coltar : *wraps his arms around her, kisses her as she arrives. Then, pushes her back on her desk* *le fade*
[10-01:52] 92032, *Rhynn Morgana : *has by this point crossed her arms, the wooden spoon sticking up by the side of her head* Should I pack a swimsuit? *smirks*
[10-01:52] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : Oh I'm sure we could think up something...*moves up the ramp and sets the bags down as he head towards the cockpit*
[10-01:54] 0e193, *Lorn Pavan : * He clicks his own commlink off, replacing it at his best and looks to Rhynn, amused* Yeah and pack a jetpack, while you're at it..I'm not sure what to expect....But I DO know that we need to get this baby over to Jair ASAP... Want to come with me to the cockpit? I just need to plug in the coordinates of Jair's fighter..
[10-01:55] 353aa, *Kuole : *Moves on into this metal flying box. All that is going to protect him from the vacuum of space in a few minutes. Stands there, in that ramp corridor place - in the ship, just hasnt moved anywhere after getting to the top of the ramp and inside the ship. Folds his arms, looking to the bags then after Christoff* I'll just... stand here....
[10-01:55] 2609a, *High Admiral Kalle : *Ohh hot. Desk sex. I mean... fade.*
[10-01:56] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : *blinks turning to look back towards him arching a brow slightly* can come up here with me if you want.
[10-01:56] 0e193, Virak Kraken: * He chuckles darkly* Well said....* Kraken finishes off his glass* What say we find ourselves a small snack to tide us over for a few days?
[10-01:57] 92032, *Rhynn Morgana : *nods* Sure. I'm always amused by blinking lights and buttons. *smirks again, then sets the spoon on the counter. She squats in front of the heaters and adjusts the heat ever so slightly, then stands and turns to him* I'd hate for it to burn. *gestures to the door* Lead the way, boss. *grins*
[10-01:57] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : I'm contempt with that plan. *Stands. *
[10-02:00] 0e193, *Lorn Pavan : * He smiles slightly at this as they make their way for the cockpit* Jair is our boss...You and me? We're equal..You feed me, and I protect you...We're symbiote life forms..
[10-02:00] 353aa, *Kuole : Do you want me too? *Clasps his hands behind his back, looking eerily like an Imperial officer - but in casual clothing.*
[10-02:01] JOIN: Kalen Vostan has entered.
[10-02:01] 0e193, Virak Kraken: * Stands as well, sliding a few creds onto the bar counter, then heads for the exit, his clothing swishing slightly with the movement*
[10-02:01] 225d1, *Kalen Vostan : (( Hey... ))
[10-02:01] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : Well unless you want to go flying as well when we take might want to come join me in the cockpit where you can sit down...strap in...not get hurt...
[10-02:02] 92032, *Rhynn Morgana : *quirks a brow* First of all, you're still acting like you don't think I can defend myself. *punches him lightly on the arm* Second, what the hell is a symbiote? *a soft blush comes to her cheeks. She may not be the smartest girl in the galaxy, but what she lacks in intelligence, she makes up for in street smarts*
[10-02:02] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *Follows at Virak's side, a step behind at pace. The bottoms of that custom opaque duster coat billows behind him once they step outside into that placid breeze - the tails spiralling out behind him in the wind.. *
[10-02:04] 353aa, *Kuole : Strap in? *Lifts a brow at that, finding that rather amusing. But is thinking less than wholesome thoughts*
[10-02:05] 0e193, *Lorn Pavan : Ow...* Rubs his arm where she struck, exagerating the blow* I only meant in space, Rhynn....And symbiote simply means that we work together and depend upon each other....* They enter the cockpit and after a quick glance at the controls, he punches in the proper coordinates, and let's the ship take care of the rest*
[10-02:07] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : *rolls his eyes taking hold of Kuole's arm and pulls him towards the cockpit, clearly amused as he knows what Kuole was thinking. guides him to the co-pilots seat and presses him down into the seat then drops down into his own chair and begins the preflight stuff* I didn't know you didn't like flying
[10-02:07] 225d1, *Kalen Vostan : (( locations? ))
[10-02:07] 0e193, Virak Kraken: * He slows, his golden eyes narrowing in a predatory fashion as he spots a very pleasant thing...A trio of homeless humans, huddling around a small fire halfway down an alley* Oh..this is almost too good...* The vertical "scars" on either side of his nose seem to bulge slightly*
[10-02:08] JOIN: Jaret Snomel has entered.
[10-02:08] 92032, *Rhynn Morgana : Didn't mean to hurt you, Lorn. And I know you meant in space. *dramatically* I can fight off Star Destroyers barehanded, don'tcha know. *grins, and doesn't comment on the symbiote thing; instead, points at the controls* We on our way, then?
[10-02:08] 685f3, *Lance Walker : ((test))
[10-02:08] 225d1, *Kalen Vostan : (( Hey Jaret... ))
[10-02:09] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *As do his own, almost in unison to Virak's. * I suggest we go for that young sexy daughter first, both of us at the same time. Suck her dry .. then spread out to the rest of the family. You get to father, I'll get the mother. Then we'll split the two left over children between the two of us. Sound pleasing to you, Virak? *Furrowing a thin eyebrow. *
[10-02:09] 353aa, *Kuole : *Bites his lip as Chris rolls his eyes and remains quiet, dropping into the chair and fiddling with the restraints as he straps in* Yeah, I'm not a big fan.... this ship is, you know, safe? You haven't cut any corners have you? *Is kind of unsettled.*
[10-02:09] b8cbc, *Jaret Snomel : ((*waves*))
[10-02:11] 225d1, *Kalen Vostan : (( How are you? ))
[10-02:11] 0e193, *Lorn Pavan : * He nods, leaning against a console facing her, still rubbing his arm* I'll survive..but only just.....* He laughs quietly* And yes, we're on our way...The droid brains in this ship are excellent...
[10-02:11] 4029a, šMazzik : All right, people. I'm off to bed.
[10-02:12] 4029a, šMazzik : Let's try and get some profiles up soon, eh?
[10-02:12] b8cbc, *Jaret Snomel : <3mazzik<3
[10-02:12] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((Already got mine up. Just gotta work on a History. Night, man. ))
[10-02:13] 0e193, Virak Kraken: * He'd smirk back at his brother* You always did have a knack for strategy...* He'd nod, barely containing his eagerness, his golden eyes flashing in the dim light*
[10-02:14] 4029a, šMazzik : <3<3Jaret
[10-02:14] JOIN: Jair Karredo has entered.
[10-02:14] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : *turns looking over at Kuole, rather surprised since he didn't know this about Kuole. reaches out a little just to see how afraid of flying he really is* Kuole,'s going to be just fine. I've been flying since I was five, and why would I have a ship that wasn't the best possible? And you didn't mention why exactly why you're not a big fan of flying
[10-02:14] 92032, *Rhynn Morgana : ((*already has hers up* Night, Mazz.)) *laughs a the "but only just" comment* mentioned being interested in stirring up some trouble with the resident cook. Did that involve captivating conversations about Droid brains all evening? *smiles, teasingly*
[10-02:14] EXIT: Prefekt Dirano has left the chat ( <3<3 You guys <3<3 ).
[10-02:14] 225d1, *Kalen Vostan : Night Mazzik
[10-02:15] 0e193, *Lorn Pavan : * He'd be completely deadpan as he delivers this line* Yes, it's rather romantic, don't you think? *
[10-02:17] 353aa, *Kuole : I prefer my feet on the ground and looking up at the stars. Not being amongst them.... I've really had chance to get used to it.... *Shrugs as best as he can, giving a grin as if the entire thing is silly.*
[10-02:18] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *Smirks. * It seems so much more entertaining when it has the feel of being prearranged, or as if acted..
[10-02:18] JOIN: Jair Karredo has entered.
[10-02:19] 92032, *Rhynn Morgana : Mm. About as romantic as a rotting bantha carcass. *tilts her head, again, with an eyebrow raised, and looks very asymmetrical for the time being* We're being romantic now? I thought I was just your cook? *half-grins at this*
[10-02:19] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[10-02:21] MSG: Get a Name! sent a message to Lance Walker.
[10-02:21] NICK: Get a Name! changed nick to Smiro Lavan.
[10-02:22] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : Look, i promise you that everything will be fine, Babe Just trust me. *once finished with the preflight he carefully guides the ship up out of the hangar and starts up out of the atmosphere of the planet*
[10-02:22] 89f08, Smiro Lavan: ((let's do this))
[10-02:25] 0e193, Virak Kraken: * He'd slowly make his way for the daughter mentioned....He'd smile slowly at her, crouching by the fire and just staring at her, his eyes seeming to mezmorize the poor human....She appears dazed, her eyes staring into his....Kraken's grin increases ever so slightly as a prehensile tendrils unfurl from the slits on either side of his nose, whipping about wildly as he's barely able to contain his hunger now...The young woman doesn't seem to realize this...She hasn't moved*
[10-02:26] 0e193, Virak Kraken: (( ignore nasty typos!))
[10-02:26] 353aa, *Kuole : *Gives a remote glare to Chris. Babe is his thing. Tensing when the ship begins to move, but is calm. Isn't panicing or anything in his seat, so his flight thing must be a dislike rather than actual fear.*
[10-02:30] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : Did you crash once or something? *once out of the atmosphere he begins enters the coordinates and starts to prepare for their hyperspace jump*
[10-02:32] 0e193, *Lorn Pavan : * He grins slightly at this* But you're so good at it! Your food makes my heart sing out for more! * Raises a brow* No, wait...that's my stomach....
[10-02:32] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *He faces the rest of the homeless family, his midnight blue gaze falling over all of their own eyes - mezmorizing all of them too with psionical, force induced influence. He then turns to the girl as well, with Virak. Casting his own over the girl as well. They keep her in this trance for the moment, Tialos' own Anzati prehensile tendrils unfurling from those slits on either side of his nose that appear much more like deep scars - those sleek black tendrils coiling out for the girl's left nostrial, as both of his gloved-swathed hand snap out to clasp those long, cleve leather clad fingers into her throat, as both of his tendrils squeeze up her left nostrail. The skin of her nose is ripped open from the two prehensile tendrils stabbing up into to small a place, snaking up that nostrail into her brain, hopefully in unison to Virak doing the same thing ... draining her brain matter dry with his brother. They are truely Anzati. *
[10-02:32] JOIN: Sileen Tenlae has entered.
[10-02:32] 225d1, *Kalen Vostan : Yarg!
[10-02:33] 353aa, *Kuole : Maybe, just concentrate on flying the ship please... *Speaking calmly still, yet there is a slight snap to his voice as if Christoff speakign will divert his attention.*
[10-02:34] b8cbc, *Jaret Snomel : *He's tired...pretty much been practicing all day the only real break was to drag Prefekt up to his girlfriend. His eyes start to slip closed as he's sitting there trying to meditate...but really he's fighting a loosing battle with sleep.*
[10-02:36] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : You crashed?? When did this happen? *looks back over at Kuole, his hands still moving over the controls*
[10-02:36] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((*clever))
[10-02:36] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((Eh, fix all of those typos yourself.. *spiteful*))
[10-02:36] 92032, *Rhynn Morgana : And yet... *shrugs* Still not explaining the "romantic" comment. Your Jedi Topic Change Skills are failing you. *grins and starts towards the door, but turns around* I'm going to my quarters for a smoke...would you care to join me?
[10-02:38] 353aa, *Kuole : OH MY GOD A NEKRESSIS CRUISER *As his eyes widen and he stares out the viewport*
[10-02:39] 0e193, Virak Kraken: * Indeed, Virak's tendrils force their way through the girl's right nostril, nearly ripping her face in half as the writhing tendrils snake their way up the passage to her brain digging through the small crevasses and sucking her head dry with his brother's help...As they slurp the last of the brain matter the force of the suction caused by the two causes her skull to crack.....and suddenly her head cracks open, with a spray of blood with settles over them both like a light rain*
[10-02:40] 10d25, *Sileen Tenlae : ((... Eeeww...))
[10-02:40] 225d1, *Kalen Vostan : *sighs and relaxes in the cockpit of his YT-1930, then fiddles with some wires making minor adjustments*
[10-02:40] 225d1, *Kalen Vostan : (( Hey Sileen! ))
[10-02:40] 10d25, *Sileen Tenlae : ((Hallo))
[10-02:41] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : *arches a brow glancing back out the viewport, naturally sees nothing and shakes his head* Kuole...force..relax would you? It's space....what am I going to hit?
[10-02:42] 225d1, *Kalen Vostan : (( Astrojunk... Duh! ))
[10-02:42] 0e193, *Lorn Pavan : * He'd frown slightly as that last line of his hadn't exactly been as smooth as he'd hoped...He forces a smile* I'd love to...We have a little time before we arrive..
[10-02:43] 353aa, *Kuole : *His voice drops back to normal level, speaking in that calm imperialistic voice* See, if there was a Nekressis cruiser - we would be dead now due to you being busy looking at me rather than where you're flying. The force wouldnt have warned you, because as far as it is concerned they don't even exist. *Win*
[10-02:43] 10d25, *Sileen Tenlae : ((Hm... need profile))
[10-02:44] 92032, *Rhynn Morgana : *starts off down the hallway, assuming he'll follow her down to her quarters just a ways down. She starts to pour two cups of tea.*
[10-02:45] JOIN: Kalen Vostan has entered.
[10-02:45] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *Grins maliciously, bearing those pearly white teeth - which are soon stained crimson, as the poor girl's face and skull is ripped open, and blood gushes over his face, tainting that pallid visage scarlet. The tendrils writhe infront of the Anzati's face, as they are coated in an ink-like reflective sheen of blood, the family coming out of the daze as the corpse of their daughter falls to the ground, before them all. They are dreamy and blurry eyed as Tialos advances on them, going to the mother as planned - Varkis sent to go after the father. Tialos bears down on the mother, taking his right hand and closing those long clever gloved fingers over her entire face, and dropping down ontop of her, literally slamming the back of her skull down into the concrete, cracking it open as blood and brain matter soaks out onto the street. Those tendrils snake into the mother's nostrails, savgely ripping the brain matter, or soup out of her, Tialos' eyes rolling into the back of his eyes and his eyeliding flickering as those pallid lips draw up in a lunatic, feral full out grin, insane distraught laughter spilling out; laughing like a pure psychopath. He sucks her skull dry, continuing to suck her mind dry of everything, as he cracks her skull on the pavement as well. The children state perplexed, as this all happens to their mother. Her body then sexual ravished right infront of them, but won't go into the sick description of that. They know, however that is this pure evil. The incarnation of sin, and the manifestation of hatred itself.. *
[10-02:46] 225d1, *Kalen Vostan : (( Ah! big! ))
[10-02:47] b8cbc, *Jaret Snomel : *Finds himself having to kill Tialos soon*
[10-02:47] 353aa, *Skitter : *Meanwhile the evil bug who doesn't have sex with dead bodies, mainly becuase Nekressis dont really leave much behind, reads his "The Bantha Cub" book again*
[10-02:48] 92032, *Rhynn Morgana : ((*lmao @ Skitter*))
[10-02:48] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *Is a necrophiliac, so sue him. Told you he was a psycho. *
[10-02:48] 225d1, *Kalen Vostan : ((LMAO))
[10-02:50] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *Would sooo do Jaret's dead body too. Nah .. actually is going to stay a hetero necrophiliac. Will throw is dead body to the Dathomirian witches, in that case.. *
[10-02:50] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : *shakes his head* Well there wasn't one, and we're fine. *reaches up finally strapping himself in all the way* now just relax, I'm making the jump now and it will be clear flying until we get there. Ready? 3, 2, 1...*pulls back on the controls, the stars slowly turning into streaks as they make the jump. easy enough. undoes his crashwebbing and turns looking at his love* see that wasn't so bad
[10-02:50] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[10-02:53] b8cbc, *Jaret Snomel : *Still should hunt down Tialos as a mission for the Jedi or something.*
[10-02:54] 0e193, Virak Kraken: * His gold-on-black eyes seem to glow with an inner light as he tosses the shattered corpse of the girl aside carelessly...The Anzati stands slowly, tendrils writhing wildly in his excitement....He grins eerily, dripping blood and slowly makes his way over to the father, taking his time, as the man wasn't going anywhere..His face was one of etched terror and his body shook uncontrollably, but the man couldn't take his eyes off of Kraken's own unblinking ones* Don't be afriad....I'm doing you a favor, releasing you from this hateful universe.....* His right hand suddenly lashes out, gripping the man's neck forcibly...Kraken lifts the man full off the ground, smashing his body against the alley wall with bone-crunching force....The flailing tendrils shoot striaght up through the man's nostrils, directly into his fragile mind, and he drinks deeply*
[10-02:54] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *Bring it on, punk. *
[10-02:55] 353aa, *Kuole : *Grips the arms of the seat as they make the hyperspace jump, inertial compensators doing most of the work really yet would still feel that push back into the chair to some degree. And then it's the blue swirl of hyperspace tunnel. It could be considered quite pretty, yet frowns and looks to Chris rather than outside the ship. Relaxing the grip on the arms of the chair, yet is still strapped in. Isn't used to space travel after all, whilst Chris obviously is* Sorry, perhaps I just don't see what's so exciting or good about space travel....
[10-02:55] MSG: Get a Name! tried to message Virak Kraken (not registered).
[10-02:56] b8cbc, *Jaret Snomel : *Will bring it on, biatch.*
[10-02:56] 10d25, *Sileen Tenlae : ((There. Profile.))
[10-02:57] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *Gonna soo 0wn thy ass! Then going to get living dead women, and witches to m0lest thy dead body! Cackle!*))
[10-02:57] 89f08, Get a Name!: ((Grr))
[10-02:59] b8cbc, *Jaret Snomel : *And the lord sayeth unto Tialos, those who hath loveth with thine deadones shall be punished by holy ass kickage from thine lordgods weapon, Jaret Snomel. Yay I say unto though that the lords tools boot shall be shoved up thine ass and thou shalt be forever known unto the lords people as the living slipper. So sayeth the lord...amen.*
[10-03:00] 0e193, *Lorn Pavan : * Takes a seat in a chair near her bed*
[10-03:01] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *Continues to preform utter sacrilege to the carcass of the children's mother. Tialos' theory being she had beauty in life, but opulence in death. And he took advantage of this opulence in his own sick and demented way. Right infront of her children. After the mother is nothing but a bloody, broken, and torn mass on the duracrete, the malevolent creature stands, turning to look at the cowering children - them staring, unblinkingly at the carnage and gore. Totally traumatize. And slowly, a twisted and utter distraught grin bleeds across those pallid lips, as he steps in the direction of the children, a brother and a sister. Both barely 10 years old. Totally dream-like. *
[10-03:02] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : *shakes his head moving over sliding up into Kuole's lap so he's facing his love. reaches up running his fingers through his hair gently then slides his hands to Kuole's shoulders massaging them gently* I give you my word, nothing bad will happen to you. I wont let it. *leans in brushing his lips against Kuole's* and for the record...I am not fond of being in a ship for long periods of time either...though my reasons are probably different than yours
[10-03:03] 225d1, *Kalen Vostan : (( roflmao @ Jaret ))
[10-03:03] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((*L* You have me praying, Jaret. *Cower*))
[10-03:04] b8cbc, *Jaret Snomel : *And since he really really wants to rp. Bootsteps would be heard from the mouth of the alleyway or the doorway of the apartment that Tialos is in where he is defilng this dead woman and most likely about to defile those poor innocent children. A frown upon his face as he reaches one hand behind him to clasp the cylender hanging from a clip at the back center of his belt. His eyes move to the corpse in all its defiled glory then to Tialos. Utter contempt seems to pour from his eyes.* Cease and decist. Place your hands on your head and get on your knees.
[10-03:04] b8cbc, *Jaret Snomel : *If player dosent mind having an rp*
[10-03:04] 92032, *Rhynn Morgana : *hands him a cup of the tea, and sits on her bed, lighting up a cigarette, and looks straight ahead at the wall across from her* So, Lorn...what's on that Jedi mind of yours? You seem a little...distracted tonight.
[10-03:07] 353aa, *Kuole : *Relaxes in all the right places as Chris sits and then massages his shoulders, his hair soft and light having put no gel or wax on it. Easy for Christoff to run his fingers through it. Tilting his head up to brush his lips back in response, whispering* What's your reason?
[10-03:07] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *Those pallid lips twist into a mock, demented frown - a cylindrical, opaque hilt dropping down from the right duster's sleeve, into that gloved hand. He cants his head to the right lightly, those Anzati tendrils writhing uncontrollably. They want inside Jaret's skull. They want to tear him apart. He is under the Blood Lust of the Red Moon .. of the Nightsisters. * No ... you bow down, on those skinless knees, pathetic swine! As for your head - well there is no need for you to put your hands on that. Soon, it will be cracked open like this lovely mother of two, and it's brain matter consumed and nothing but dust. *That sick, twisted grin bleeding back over those pallid lips. *
[10-03:09] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : When we got run off Tatooine when I was younger, we pretty much lived in our ship...I got so tired of being in it. I just wanted to stay on a planet...or something that wasn't always moving. Kirkos used to get mad at me all the time saying how ungratefull I was and that I should be happy we actually had a place to stay
[10-03:10] 0e193, Virak Kraken: * At the sound of Snomel's words, he tosses the empty husk of the man to the ground, baring his teeth at the Jedi as his tendrils whip about madly...Almost as if conjured a cylindrical device appears in his hand, black chromium shining in the faint light of the alley*
[10-03:12] b8cbc, *Jaret Snomel : I'm giving you one more warning. Cease and decist. You will be arrested and turned into the proper authorities. *Unclips his lightsaber as his eyes move to Virak. Noting the two Anazati. Very dangerous species who are mostly used as assasins. It seems these two have force powers aswell. Making them twice as dangerous.*
[10-03:15] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *That blood soaked, pallid visage suddenly getting dourly serious. * You know you won't live through this, boy. Bow, or be sent to your blood knees. This is my last warning. *Those eyes narrowed into a pair of dangerous, feral thin slits - blood lust alive and on fire with the thrist for blood in them.. *
[10-03:16] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[10-03:16] 92032, *Rhynn Morgana : ((*pause!*))
[10-03:17] b8cbc, *Jaret Snomel : *He drops down into a defensive stance, one that he could easily attack from if provoked. Think the stance blade takes when he's surrounded by the police officers. Jaret has one hand on his lightsaber with his thumb hovering over the red ignition button. His freehand is in the air, not far from the base of the hilt. His eyes move from Tialos to Virak...watching them, opening himself to the force and letting it flow through him as if it was second nature.*
[10-03:18] 353aa, *Kuole : Good reason, I just don't like being couped up in a ship you know. It's so limiting, and personal ships are always abit too small for my tastes.... and it's cold... *Shifty eyes slightly. Christoff should have realized Kuole might be abit more sensitive to the coldness of space.*
[10-03:20] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : *lowers his arms undoing Kuole's crashwebbing then slides off his friend rising back to his feet though reaches down taking hold of Kuole's hand* Come with me
[10-03:21] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : Very well.. *His own thumb inclines upon the activation key of his own obisidian hilt. A blaze of midnight blue illumination floods out, over his entire silhouette of a dark figure, casting everything else in silhouette. His shadow deepens against the opulence of this dark blue luminescence, the blaze of hue manifesting itself into the long blade of a lightsaber. Shimmering with radiance, Tialos advances gracefully and cautiously - blade held diagonally and slanted into a mid-low stance himself; held to be able to parry low attacks high, if anything else, and get inside guards and exploid weaknesses.. *
[10-03:22] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((*exploit))
[10-03:23] 0e193, Virak Kraken: * Kraken grins slightly at the children* Don't you two go anywhere....* He then heads towards the impending battle, depressing the activating stud on his lightsaber...With a snap-hiss a sickly green energy blade extends...The Anzati twirls it casually, carelessly, yet in that simple movement, it's obvious he has considerable skill*
[10-03:25] JOIN: Tialos Hethren has entered.
[10-03:25] b8cbc, *Jaret Snomel : *He keeps his lightsaber unlit still silently watching the two Anazati. His eyes shift to the children before moving back towards the two of them. His eyes narrow slightly almost to slits as Tialos nears. Should he pass a certain point then Jaret presses the activation stud on his lightsaber and with the sound of breaking glass(think the sound of Dooku's saber in AOTC) the Light blue blade emerges casting only sharp corners into shadows otherwise highlighting the entire area.*
[10-03:26] 353aa, *Kuole : *Lifts a brow, but stands up. Feeling slightly foolish and perhaps childish for Christoff to have had to undo the crash webbing and generally be 'in control'* Where? Not many places we could go really.... *Dryly, yet not too dry.*
[10-03:27] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *Wasting no time he moves in, able to change his weight in the blink of an eye, or less then it takes one's own heart to miss a beat. His blade slashes in, diagonally angled upward and brought in low and slanted - slashing for the low of Jaret's nearest hip, and having a hip to opposite shoulder slashing motion. So it's intent is to cleave him intwaine. Cleanly. *
[10-03:28] EXIT: Get a Name! has left the chat ( 9:16am, December 10 (CST) ).
[10-03:29] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : *leads Kuole into the back 'cabin" part of the ship in which Chris has a futon like couch, which is capable of being pulled out into a bed turns placing both hands on Kuole's shoulders and pushes him back very gently to get him to sit down* Alright, sit here for a minute. ok?
[10-03:30] b8cbc, *Jaret Snomel : *Dropping down to one knee he gives his saber a twirl batting away Tialos's in an explosion of blue sparks, using his free hand he pushes at Tialos sending out a wave of force energy that is compressing the air into a physical attack, or a common force push to send him back further into the alleyway.*
[10-03:32] JOIN: Smiro Aleen has entered.
[10-03:32] 353aa, *Kuole : *Frowns just slightly, from the fact he has no idea in where Christoff is going with this. Sits down upon that couch, placing both of his hands upon it as his stretch back - essentially to give that sitting on hands and only lightly upon his butt look, just incase he needs to get up quickly. Obvious due to the tension in his arms from the applied strength that requires. Wearing a t-shirt after all.* Okay... *Blinks, watching Christoff*
[10-03:35] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *As Jaret is concentrating on executing that force push, Tialos conjures one of his own, meant to impact right into Jaret's nose - intent to break it and send him sprawling back into a building's wall. Giving Tialos enough time to be pushed back, and regain his distance without losing any in the long run. But this is all only if Tialos' impacts, since Snomel may be preoccupied with casting his own force push, to otherwise prevent Tialos' own. And should all go as planned, Hethren's blade slashes in again, aimed outward horizantally, for Jaret's waist line. *
[10-03:36] 89f08, Smiro Aleen: ((Mind a helping hand Jaret?))
[10-03:37] b8cbc, *Jaret Snomel : *Why is it always his nose. God knows its been broken so many times that he dosent even feel it anymore, hell it hardly bleeds any. Coming to his feet he deflects Tialo's attack in a spin move coming around and slicing across in upwards at the mans unguarded side.*((Hehe thanks but I got it :) ))
[10-03:37] 10d25, *Sileen Tenlae : ((*never got how someone could do a forcey thing before someone else did a forcey thing, as you gotta concentrate on both*))
[10-03:38] 89f08, Smiro Aleen: ((Yousure? Im up for a painful death via Heroic Sacrifice)
[10-03:38] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((I got Jaret. You can have Smiro, Varik. *EG*))
[10-03:39] 10d25, *Sileen Tenlae : ((Ooo! Heroic sacrifice! Do it!))
[10-03:39] b8cbc, *Jaret Snomel : ((Alright. Go ahead and fight Varek.))
[10-03:40] 0e193, Virak Kraken: (( Booyah))
[10-03:40] 89f08, Smiro Aleen: *having sensed a Disturbance In the Force (tm), the young, brash and not-so-good-yet jedi Smiro comes charging towards the action. UPon seeing what was going on, his face drains, before it tenses, becomign determined as his training sets in. * Hey! Two against one? That's not fair at all.
[10-03:41] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *Pivots along the same direction his blade was deflected to - the pivot taking him in a direction, and reverse momentum to have his blade spin blade around immediately, to catch Jaret's blade at an angle. An angle to would catch Jaret's in a backhanded swing, and guide it upwards and away to the side, allowing Tialos the opportunity to flick his blade spiralling downward, aimed at Jaret's nearest unguarded thigh. *
[10-03:43] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((Fuck that's a lot of typos .. eh, well you get the jist. *Shrugs*))
[10-03:43] b8cbc, *Jaret Snomel : *Comes across and slams his fist into the side of Tialos's fist before sliding back , a nice burn cut all the way down his pantleg from where the lightsaber almost got him. A slight grin spreads across his face as he raises his lightsaber in a salute and bekons the Anzati to attack again.*
[10-03:44] 0e193, Virak Kraken: * Tendrils still flailing from the slits at either side of his nose, he bares his teeth savagely, raising his energy blade as he starts towards Snomel....Just about this time a new player enters the fray...Smiro Aleen...Kraken grins in disturbed amusement, his gold-on-black eyes narrowing * A playmate of my own? * He raises his sickly green blade in a mock-salute* You should provide me with just enough of a work-out to increase my appetite... * Gestures to the two small children, still staring blankly at the remains of their ravaged mother*
[10-03:45] 89f08, Smiro Aleen: *turns towards the children, then back, forcing his anger down as he steps back into a fencing position * Kids! run for it!* he states, risking a moment to 'nudge' them mentally* Go!
[10-03:48] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : *chuckles as he looks at Kuole shaking his head* Seriously, relax, nothing is going to happen. *moves over towards the side of the room and reaches up pressing one of the buttons and a compartment opens up. pulls out a rather large blanket then turns walking back over to Kuole as he opens it up and holds it out to him* Here, that should help a bit...
[10-03:48] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *And does immediately, his blade slashing upwards diagonally, coming in a slanted slash up for Jaret's rib cage. *
[10-03:48] 0e193, Virak Kraken: * The Anzati cackles quite madly at Aleen's efforts, his eyes almost appearing to glow faintly* They're not going anywhere, Jedi....Our will is far too strong....We've been doing this for a very, very long time....* He takes a menacing step towards the other* Now, drop your weapon and bow to us, and I promise you a quick death....
[10-03:49] b8cbc, *Jaret Snomel : *He brings his saber about and slams it into Tialos's to bat it aside then come in again with another left hook to the face. A grin slips onto his face before he makes it disappear and back to his game face.*
[10-03:51] JOIN: Ezekiel Ladrius has entered.
[10-03:52] 89f08, Smiro Aleen: *moves sideways, his own gold lightsaber glowing brightly as he moves, trying to push the children again, this time harder, and turns to glare at Virak* Let them go! *he states, lunging forwards, point-first
[10-03:52] 353aa, *Kuole : *Reaches to the blanket, looking up to meet Christoff's green gaze with his own.* Thank you... *Softly, but grabs more than just the blanket - grabs the hand that is holding it out to him and pulls sharply, to bring Christoff down on top of him* Couldn't resist... *Lopsided grin.*
[10-03:52] b8cbc, *Jaret Snomel : ((Ezekiel, is that Aunders in your pic?))
[10-03:53] fa113, *Ezekiel Ladrius : ((*points to Tialos* he's the man to ask *L*))
[10-03:53] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((Aunders? Acey Slade all the way, maaaan!))
[10-03:53] 0e193, Virak Kraken: * In a blur of motion, Virak side-steps the lunge, then lashes out at Smiro's face with the butt of his weapon HARD*
[10-03:54] b8cbc, *Jaret Snomel : ((Aunders of In Flames!))
[10-03:54] b8cbc, *Jaret Snomel : ((Could kick that guys butt.))
[10-03:55] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((Hell no he couldn't. That's Acey Slade from Murderdolls. Best damn bassist in the world in my opinion, aside from Twiggy. ))
[10-03:56] 89f08, Smiro Aleen: *twists as Virak sidesteps, trying to keep facing him and while he isn'tsuccessful, he manages to get only cipped by the weapon on its way by, his head rocking and he stumbles, his swordarm whirling the blade to try and catch Virak's arm in a rather half-assed attempt to hit him on his way ack*
[10-03:56] b8cbc, *Jaret Snomel : ((Twiggy Ramirez? Who now plays for APC?))
[10-03:56] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((Jeordie White now, I guess. Since Twiggy was his stage name for when he was in Marilyn Manson. ))
[10-03:57] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((But yeah, that's the guy. ))
[10-03:57] b8cbc, *Jaret Snomel : ((Aye.))
[10-03:57] EXIT: Ezekiel Ladrius has left the chat ( 9:53am, December 10 (CST) ).
[10-03:57] JOIN: Ezekiel Ladrius has entered.
[10-03:59] JOIN: Emi has entered.
[10-04:00] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *Pivots to the right, angleing his right foot further closer to Jaret and lining himself up in that manner. Is holding against the lock in a manner to cross the two blades off to the side of them both, and out of the way of all this otherwise physical attacks. And seeing as he is holding his hilt with two hands, and Jaret has only one, he would be able to push the lock over and out of the way. He holds his hilt in a manner where his right elbow is protruding upward, and his other arm is positioned in an arch, so that Jaret's fist would go through the arch of his arm, and Tialos would suddenly tighten that arm around his forearm, further holding him in that grappling move. Bring that upward protruding elbow up into Jaret's face adamantly, meant to break quite a bit and focus the force through that physical attack, to further harm him. *
[10-04:01] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : *laughs and twists so he doesn't land completly ontop of Kuole but his legs are pretty much now up over his. shakes his head* Yeah, I figured you were going to do that...bah, that's the second time you're been mean when I tried to help you....*gives him that saddened pouting face*
[10-04:01] 0e193, Virak Kraken: * His energy blade whips around, quicker than expected most likely, catching Smiro's blade in a shower of sparks and knocking it away....Grinning wickedly, Kraken leaps into the air, aided by the Force, and lands directly beside one of the mesmorized children....He extends his saber's blade to the little boy's throat* Stand down, or I kill him..right here..right now...
[10-04:04] fa113, *Ezekiel Ladrius: *and there he stands... that simple smirk playing against his lips at this display before him.... his brothers and his enemies... such a wonderful combonation, indeed this makes hims feel at home and yet he stays out of this fight for now... finding amusment in the movements alone.. the long blackish brown tainted hair haning loosely over his facial features... that long black leather coat gently held against his shoulders hiding the various weapons inside.. more so knives then anything.... those leather clad hands held knitted together over the top of his stomach... he seems to be relaxing in all of this*
[10-04:04] 353aa, *Kuole : Mean? It's mean to want your own warmth? *Gives a better innocent look. Has been able to practice it far more than Christoff. His features sharp enough to pull it off quite alluringly.*
[10-04:04] 89f08, Smiro Aleen: *whirls to keep u with Virak, and starts to lunge, only to force himself to a stop, hiseyes boiling as he watches this * Let them go... *he responds simply, not moving, his face purpling where he ws struck.
[10-04:04] EXIT: Virak Kraken has left the chat ( 10:01am, December 10 (CST) ).
[10-04:04] b8cbc, *Jaret Snomel : *He simply opens his hand and blasts out at Tialos with a force strike to the ribs. So should one of Jarets cheekbones break, about for of Tialos's ribs should crack being the force strike is just mere inches from the mans body.*
[10-04:05] JOIN: Varik Kraken has entered.
[10-04:07] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : *smirks* Don't give me that are hardly the innocent one...and I'm so not buying it. *shakes his head as he moves back towards the end of the couch and motions for Kuole to move over towards him so he can rest back against Chris and they can just put the blanket over both of them*
[10-04:09] b8cbc, *Jaret Snomel : *His arm is held and he is struck with a forceblast once again to the face. Summoning the force to swallow the pain till later he hardly reactes save he attempts to rip his arm free and let himself slide back with the force blow. Should that not work he twirls his saber to get it free of Tialos's and he moves forward to bring the boot of his heel right onto the mans foot.*
[10-04:10] 89f08, Smiro Aleen: ((eep?))
[10-04:11] 0e193, *Varik Kraken : * He bares his teeth in a mock-gesture of amusement* Offer expired....* The Dark Anzati's blade cleaves through the little boy's neck with no effort whatsoever....The child's face is one of shock as his head topples to the ground, rolling to stop at Smiro's feet...The body collapses a moment later...The little girl still stands there, totally aware of what just happened, as the expression on her face makes that clear, but try as she might, she's paralysed.....Kraken's blade stops inches from her throat* Last chance, hero....Shut off your weapon, and lie on your face in the mud, or she dies..
[10-04:12] 353aa, *Kuole : *Moves up with Christoff, lying down in a fashion so he can rest his head upon Christoff's shoulder, one arm wrapping around the back of his love as the other is lightly placed upon the central groove of Christoff's chest.* Oh I so am the innocent one it seems....
[10-04:12] 89f08, Smiro Aleen: *clenches his fists at that, paling further, and looks towrds Jaret and Tralos' fight, then back... the inexperienced Jedi wasn't sure WHAT to do... so he shuts his saber off, climbing down. * just let her go...
[10-04:14] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *He applies more pressure against his hilt, to keep Jaret's blade held in that place in the lock and keep the blade pinned back with Jaret's tip to the ground, by now. Also keeps his other arm coiled tightly around Jaret's arm, not about to let go that easily. However, Jaret's boot strikes down into Tialos' own combat boot - deep into the toe of it. Luckily Tialos' combat boots are duraplast toed, so that doesn't hurt enough to cause him to release Jaret from the grappling hold. And yes, brings his elbow back, before slamming it once against into Jaret's face - another force imbued attack. Meant to now have Jaret's nose be broken again, and fuck up his jaw and break some teeth hopefully. Is cutting up his elbow too, but not as bad as Jaret's face is getting it, unless otherwise prevented. *
[10-04:14] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((Correction, it is Tialos' elbow that is getting cut up. *Coughs* Sorry, it's late. heh. ))
[10-04:16] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : *smiles wrapping his arms around Kuole gently holding him, also making sure the blanket is around both of them* Mmm..if you say so. *rubs his fingers over Kuole's bareskin on his arm gently* So have you really always not liked flying, or did something happen to make it so you don't. I'd really like to know
[10-04:16] b8cbc, *Jaret Snomel : *Aye. Knee to the groin.*
[10-04:17] 0e193, *Varik Kraken : * He interrupts Aleen as he's speaking with a crazed shriek* I SAID ON YOUR FACE!
[10-04:18] 89f08, Smiro Aleen: *flinches at that* I'm going!* he states quickly, obediently laying facedown. Well, sort of. His head was turned to one side so he culd breathe, watching Varik's motions out of the corners of his eyes, and the Force itself, trying to slow his heartbeat*
[10-04:19] fa113, *Ezekiel Ladrius: *seeing this is going to end wonderfully he finds himself idly walking over towards the foursome... staring the little girl down a moment.... a wicked grin sliding over his blueish grey painted lips.. then his eyes fall to the young Jedi and his poor efforts... a simple smirk now falling into replace the smile before* make his death slow... *that low purr like voice sounding out in a hushed tone*
[10-04:20] 0e193, *Varik Kraken : * He grins at this, the tendrils retreating into the slits on his face for the moment......He slowly strolls over to the Jedi, lightsaber angled at the base of Aleen's spine* Are you frightened, little one?
[10-04:21] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *Damn, that is one way to stop it ... cheap ass punk! Grits his teeth, his eyes narrowing dangerously. Throws his elbow into Jaret's face one last time, releasing him at the same moment. This force imbued attack, the last one and the one to sum it all up, would have enough power behind it to send Jaret tumbling head over heels backwards, crashing rather hard into the duracrete building behind him. It should hurt like hell - if not knock him out. Should he remain concious, his entire face would be pretty messed up by now.. but otherwise, that'd be the only way to be let go. Accept that last attack. *
[10-04:22] b8cbc, *Jaret Snomel : ((Guys I'm going to have to cop out soon..I'm getting to the point wher eI cant concentrate at all.))
[10-04:22] 89f08, Smiro Aleen: *it takes every bit of willpower for Smiro not to move as the blade is touched to his back. He FELT it there, sensed it and heard it, and his body tenses, hands gripping at the mud. After a moment, he replies* No. I am not *and it ws true. He had conquered his fear - this time. *
[10-04:22] b8cbc, *Jaret Snomel : *And does, goes skidding on his ass into the wall. Really really must be going now due to lack of sleep.*
[10-04:22] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((It's cool man, you can fade out anytime you want. ))
[10-04:23] b8cbc, *Jaret Snomel : *fade...still has 30 min of work tho..ffs*
[10-04:24] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *And allows Jaret to fall into a heap of unconcious man body for the moment, his eyes narrowed dangerously. Is going to fullfill his epihpany, so goes to the only left over child, and picks it up by the collar of it's shirt, should he be allowed to ... if not .. post it? o.o *
[10-04:26] 0e193, *Varik Kraken : * He extends his free hand towards Aleen's lightsaber, calling it to his hand and clipping the weapon to his belt....Then, quite unexpectedly, he slashes his saber's blade at Smiro's shoulder, severing the man's left arm, unless prevented*
[10-04:26] 353aa, *Kuole : *Smiles, something to be felt rather than seen as Christoff's finger run over the muscle of his forearm and into the light contour.* Always in general. I found it to be boring and rather confining. I don't like being confined, and I never really paid much attention in flight classes.... *Returns with his own light stroke, fingers to the back of Christoff's neck.*
[10-04:28] 89f08, Smiro Aleen: *fels his blade moving.. he was sensing it, and whipping about, he half dodges the slash, the lightsaber ripping his arm open to the bone, the smell of burned flesh filling the air as he gasps. He knew that the girl had been touched. * You said she would not be touched!
[10-04:31] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : That's alright, besides, I doubt we will be spending much time in this ship anyway. *kisses Kuole's head then rests his chin on it closing his eyes* This should be an interesting trip, I've actually never actually seen a beach before in person...
[10-04:31] fa113, *Ezekiel Ladrius: *and just as Smiro begins to speak he would receive a swift and harsh boot toward his face* never speak unless spoken to! *his lips pulling back into a dark scowl... his hands now falling to his sides as a metallic object shines just faintly along his wrists*
[10-04:33] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *His pallid lips are spread into a lunatic, sick and twisted feral grin. He holds the girl up by the collar of her shirt, with one hand (having dissengaged his lightsaber and slid it into the clasp in his duster's sleeve) the other hand taking mechanical, black devices from within the folds of that long vinyl-esque duster coat and assembling a small chair on the ground before them all. He sets the young girl into that chair, and straps her down - chains and spiked wrappings making it so the girl literally cannot move a muscle, what so ever. Thorn like metal barbed wire hold the girl's eye lids open - not letting her blink. Her eyes are already parched from all of the tears, so Tialos says in a wicked sibliant hiss of a voice to the girl. * If you are going to cry, then your eyes shall remain open untill they dry up in their sockets. *Said as he is attaching an appendence to the chair, with a long and vicious blade straped to the end of it. Several of these adorn around the chair. *
[10-04:33] 89f08, Smiro Aleen: *had paused, stupidly enough and is booted in the head, yelping as he rocks back, one arm behind him for balance now as he puts a hand to his face, watching them... eyes flicking between Ezekiel, and the other two, a bit of blood trickling from ghe young mans' nose* ... who are you?
[10-04:34] 89f08, Smiro Aleen: *stiffens at Tialos, and shouts* NO!... Let her go... *he pleads.*
[10-04:35] 89f08, Smiro Aleen: ((Damn, its bene ages since I A) played a JEdi and B) played an inexperienced character. ))
[10-04:36] 353aa, *Kuole : Really? Well, guess it'll be a first for both of us then... *Smirks just slightly when a beach is mentioned, just abit of excitement marring his voice in that 'really'. As said before, hadn't really been on vacation before. Probably missed with the taking ship off stuff.*
[10-04:39] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : *smiles* didn't exactly have a suite in your closet...but then neither did I so I figure either we're going to get one there...or we can just forget about it. I'm good either way...though...I'm not so sure about the whole sand thing. I guess we'll just have to see how that goes.
[10-04:42] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : Are you a good girl, Jezebel? *He whispers to the girl in a whisper dripping with malice and virulence, tearing streaming down the girl's already soaked cheeks. Her eyes are blood shot beyond recognition, already. She answers a frightened "yes" in a tiny squeek of a voice. * You have not long left to live, Jezebel. You must confess your deepest sin. If you confess your deepest, darkest sin to me this night Jezebel, you will go to eternal happiness after this world. If you do not - you shall burn in a lake of fire for the rest of eternity. Do you like the fate, Jezebel? *Running a long, clever, blood stained finger from her cheek, down along underneath her cheek - in a soft, blood caress. *
[10-04:43] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *Seemingly not even hearing Smiro. But obviously can. Is just ignoring her, to get under her skin. *
[10-04:43] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : ((test))
[10-04:43] 0e193, *Varik Kraken : No...* He speaks patiently, as if explaining this to a small child* I said "Lie on your face or she dies".....I never said we wouldn't touch her..
[10-04:43] 89f08, Smiro Aleen: *is a he*
[10-04:43] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : ((test))
[10-04:44] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((*he, meant that*))
[10-04:44] fa113, *Ezekiel Ladrius: *he gives a simple grin at the reaction he gets from the boy.... placing his booted foot atop Smiro's neck only allowing just enough pressure to keep him there just as that long metallic cylinder like object slips from his jacket wrist.... and just as that deep snap and crackle sound a long sickly grey beam of pure energy emerges from the very hilt slipping down to fall gently against Smiro's spine/ heart.. just letting him know it's there* now watch boy....
[10-04:46] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((*Waiting for Smiro's post, before he posts again in that torture session. *))
[10-04:46] 89f08, Smiro Aleen: *glzres up at Varik at that, then looks to the girl in the chair again, his own eyes as he's shoved back down face into the dirt. He closes his eyes, steading his breathign as he reaaches out for the girls' life force, moving to the heart... and willing it to stop, willing it with all of his might*
[10-04:47] EXIT: Ezekiel Ladrius has left the chat ( 10:44am, December 10 (CST) ).
[10-04:47] JOIN: Ezekiel Ladrius has entered.
[10-04:48] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *Would be warding off Smiro's attempts for the little girl's heart. Won't let his fun be thwarted that easily, afterall. After he has attached a row of needles to the appendenge on the chair as well, he waists for the girl to say something - she only cries in return. * Nothing? Well .. perhpas this isn't real enough for you, Jezebel. *He then directs two of those needles, sliding them both down inside the center of her collar bone, the needles stabbing into her neck and staying lodged in there. The girl screams in agony and outright terror. Tialos lets out a chuckle of utmost distraught mirth. *
[10-04:49] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : ((test))
[10-04:51] 0e193, *Varik Kraken : * He merely stands there for the time being, watching the girl's torture with mild amusement..This was more of Tialos's thing, after all...*
[10-04:51] 89f08, Smiro Aleen: Stop it... please, stop hurting her... please... *he pleads, eyes closed working to find ANY way past Tialos' own skills... pain, brain, any system he could at all.*
[10-04:52] 0e193, *Varik Kraken : (( Wrong icon *l*))
[10-04:52] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : ((test))
[10-04:53] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((*LOL*))
[10-04:53] 0e193, *Varik Kraken : * Sensing Smiro's attempts, he'd lash out, kicking Aleen viciously in the face* Stop that...Can't you see my brother is trying to have some fun?
[10-04:54] fa113, *Ezekiel Ladrius : *and he leans down just after Varik kicks Smiro in that bashed face of his... grabbing ahold of Smiro by the back of his head.... tugging his eyes open by will of the force.... but of course most likely tearing his eyelids a bit in the process* watch... *a sharp hiss emerging through gritted teeth*
[10-04:55] 89f08, Smiro Aleen: *takes the kick, his efforst interrupted, and he growls a bit, anger rising as he pushes it down* Let her go... *he struggles to keep his eyes closed, blood starting to trickle down *NO!* he lifts his arms over his face, shuddering*
[10-04:56] 353aa, *Kuole : I don't mind sand that much, this sand will be much different you know and if this place is really as deserted as you think, we won't be needing a suit *And thinks something additional to that, stroking at the back of Christoff's neck again with the edge of a fingernail. Delicately though.*
[10-04:56] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *He keeps the needles inside her skin, speaking again. * Have you anything to confess, Jezebel? *The girl cries more, but manages to choke out something audible akin to "I once stole some money from a traveler" through weeping. Tialos smiles softly, responding in a purr. * Good. We are on a good start then, darling. *Drawing one of those connected small daggers now - digging it into the other side of her collar bone - literally carving away at it, and taking out that entire side of her collar bone, leaving her neck gashed open and slowly bleeding - sinuous streams of scarlet running down her neck and body. Her cries and horrible lament continue. Tialos merely grins in a demented mirth. *
[10-04:57] 0e193, *Varik Kraken : * He'd smirk at Ladrius's actions* Wish I'd have thought of that..
[10-04:59] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : Sand is can it be different? It's rough, and annoying...but I like the water idea. *smirks a bit* and I like that other idea....*one hand slides down to Kuole's abs brushing over them gently*
[10-04:59] fa113, *Ezekiel Ladrius : *he simply chuckles toward Kraken's responce then with a simple elbow to the back of Smiro's head head tucks his arm underneath his neck and lifts his head and face upwards to watch as this child slowly dies.. tugging his head up and forward just a bit to slowly stop his breathing* never close your eyes when someone is teaching.....
[10-05:01] 89f08, Smiro Aleen: *Grunts a this, eyes still bloody as he wriggles frantically, coughing as his breath is choked off.* Leave her... take me... *he rasps pleadingly, face stained with tears and blood now, the bruised flesh torn with his own emotions, despite his control*
[10-05:03] 353aa, *Kuole : You like things rough.... *Says with a chuckle, not moving as Christoff's hand roams at the front of his shirt, the material soft yet perhaps not the touch desired* And what other idea? *Feigned innocent again, rubbing again at the back of the neck, but this time with a little rub of his fingers at the centre of Chris' chest - at that groove, the touch somewhat subdued yet it only makes it more teasing through the material.*
[10-05:04] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : Please now, Mr. Hero. Why do you possibly think we would release her, and take you instead? When we could very well just ..... keep you both? *Adresses Smiro maliciously, virulence reflecting from his blood coated visage - grinning like a lunatic. * We are going to lick out your brains, boy. *Said as he guides a saw-like device, idly sawing away at her right forearm. Digging through bone and muscle and the veins of his wrist and arm joint, as the cuts through with that serrated, wicked looking saw of a blade. *
[10-05:05] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((*her wrist and arm joint))
[10-05:06] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : *chuckles a little* That's a diffferent kind of rough....*and yep, it's not exactly what he was looking for, so naturally his hand slides down lower to the end of Kuole's shirt and pushes it up a little to slide his hand under so he can feel that warm skin* and you're know very well what they are
[10-05:07] JOIN: SeaBlue Leader has entered.
[10-05:07] 687d4, *SeaBlue Leader : Who the hell are you all you people :(((
[10-05:07] 0e193, *Varik Kraken : * He'd quirk a brow down at Aleen* Come now...This is going to be the last entertainment you'll ever see...Try to enjoy yourself....
[10-05:07] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((*L*))
[10-05:08] 89f08, Smiro Aleen: ((*notes she's having a blast, but doesnt' have TOO long, sadly. stupidwork* *he growls at Varik, and lunges forwrds agianst the arm restraining him * You... lousy... * wriggling to get free, to get at ANY of the three of them.*
[10-05:08] 353aa, šV : I know. Our chat heaven is disturbed now SeaBlue :((
[10-05:08] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((How else would you RP Anzati, other then gruesomely? O_o ))
[10-05:08] 89f08, Smiro Aleen: ((... sorry?))
[10-05:09] 687d4, *SeaBlue Leader : I used to RP an Anzati.. damn I was awesome.. all I did was smoke pipe and think disturbing thoughts.
[10-05:09] 353aa, šV : *being humorous. is enjoying watching darksiders at work*
[10-05:09] fa113, *Ezekiel Ladrius : *he continues to force hold Smiro's eyes wide open... holding his head just in the right place to get a great veiw of this child being so mutilated... releasing the strain of Smiro's air way just long enough to allow one single breath before tightening slightly once again as he lunges forward toward his brother... only to follow up with a fist to the side of his face* shut up boy... it will do you no good...
[10-05:10] 89f08, Smiro Aleen: *his hed rings as its punched, and he growls, usikng his free arm to slam it towards Ezekiel's kidney, which is likely (I think) nicely close to the Jedi under the man's arm* let us GO!
[10-05:12] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((*L* Yeah, but we don't just think the disturbing thoughts. We carry 'em out to happen. ;-D ))
[10-05:13] 353aa, *Kuole : You don't know most of them.... *Grins, his body shifting so he rubs up against Christoff's side ever so lightly, lifting his head and tilting it so he can kiss underneath Christoff's chin all of a sudden - after all, it was resting on his head. All in the response of merely being touched* How long till we reach it anyway? Out of idle interest...
[10-05:13] 0e193, *Varik Kraken : * Aaaaand, with a flash of his green lightsaber, Smiro wouldn't have any future access to said free arm*
[10-05:14] 687d4, *SeaBlue Leader : But.. thinking them is more omnious and sinister.. :
[10-05:15] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : Keep it up, boy. And she'll die right here, before confession. Then she'll burn in the chasm of fire for the rest of eternity! Do you want that, girl!? *His eyes narrow dangerously, him screaming that into the torn and bloodied girl's ear. Now having completely amputated that arm. He takes a slender blade, stabbing it into her upper stomach, just under her chest line. Breaking skin, and stabbing further in. The girl cries out, exclaiming she has a confession to make to this black, dark priest.. *
[10-05:15] 353aa, *Zhalimar : *Should recruit the Anzati*
[10-05:16] fa113, *Ezekiel Ladrius : *oh yes indeed... he takes that punch into his kidney full on.... but all the Smiro would get from it would be a small fit of laughter before he is punched once again even as Varik takes his arm clean off* now lookey there you have no arm anymore... now if you weren't so fiesty that wouldn't have happend...
[10-05:16] 89f08, Smiro Aleen: *hardly feels it after the burn cauterizes the wound, as he shouts back* There IS no inferno! Nothing but the Force! *as he concentrates, trying to feed his pain back into his tormentors.
[10-05:16] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : No...but I'm sure I will find out eventually, so it's worth the wait...*smiles tilting his head back exposing more of his neck to Kuole, his hands gently running over Kuole's chest tracing his abs*
[10-05:19] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : Shut up, fool! *Lashes out with that hatred, in a sharp force strike across Smiro's face. A searing, sharp, burning slap across his cheek - which should sting far after it had impacted. Lets the girl talk, and tell of the night her brother had trapped her under a blanket, and beat her mercilessly with a peirce of fruit in a long sock. The girl had gotten a broken leg and arm from this. So the little girl, this Jezebel spoke of the night she crept into her brother's sleeping area, nailed his arms and legs down, and proceeded to castrate him while he screamed into the night. Their now dead parents did nothing, but ignore it. This brought an outright amused grin to Tialos face, as he actually complimented and priased the girl. But follows right into the salvation of scorn once more, as that slender blade peirces the skin of her stomach, making an incision horizantally down her stomach, revealing the intestinal track beneath. Is keeping her pulse going using the Force, as well as trying to keep her concious through it all as well. *
[10-05:21] 687d4, *SeaBlue Leader : Goddamn.. hah.
[10-05:21] 353aa, *Kuole : *Plants a light kiss, but nothing more. Not going to work on that neck, nomatter how tempting - keeping his lips close as a reminding tease, whispering up so his hot breath flows over the shadowed skin* No babe, I meant how long till we reach our destination? *Is hardly going to stop Chris from tracing his abs underneath the shirt, leaning back abit to make it abit more easier to do.*
[10-05:22] 353aa, šV : What a fked up family :| Rather fitting end for them really
[10-05:23] 89f08, Smiro Aleen: *yelps out in pain at the slap, and focuses ot return in kind.*
[10-05:24] 0e193, *Varik Kraken : * Senses Aleen gathering to Force in a counter-strike....He'd get another kick to the face to break his concentration*
[10-05:25] 687d4, *SeaBlue Leader : Hahaha..
[10-05:25] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : Oh, not for a few hours or so. It's going to be a while. You going to be ok?
[10-05:25] 89f08, Smiro Aleen: *with a vicious crack, the Jedi's nose breaks and his body slumps a moment, stunned, before he mutters, trying to gathe his thoughts again, shuddering at the girl * Stop... please...
[10-05:26] 0e193, *Varik Kraken : Classical Conditioning just doesn't seem to be working on you...* He frowns slightly* I almost hate to eat your brain, as I'd like to study it's inherent flaws...
[10-05:27] JOIN: SeaBlue Leader has entered.
[10-05:28] 687d4, *SeaBlue Leader : V, What rank would SeaBlue theoratically have? Captain or something? :
[10-05:28] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *Draws that blade down, to make the incision deep, and long. Keeps the blade where it is, to keep the cut open and fresh - picking up a hooked, jagged blade in each hand - an elastic cord on either of these scythe - like hooks. He stabs them into each lip of the wound, ripping the wound along her stomach open more and keeping it cut open wide. Then digs his gloved-clad hand into her large intestinal track. And for productive purposes, we are going to say Tialos made the girl drink a sort of oil-like chemical earlier, which hardened and stopped up her large instestines, and filled it with an elastic, cord-like substance. So he pulls her large intestines out from her stomach right infront of her, and ties the elastic - esque intestinal track around Smiro's neck, looping it around her mouth once too to prove as a gag. Getting tired of hearing her cries of anguish. They are starting to give him a headache. Plus he wants to sanctify himself in his new art to it's fully glory, so needs further silence for that. So tightens her elastic intestinal chord into a noose, tight around her neck as he loops it further along a cable further up, slowing pulling her up from that. Starting her ascension to be hung, as she is still strapped into the chair - only still connected through the various hooks and blades and needles and such that are still stuck into her. Keeps pulling the other end of her intestinal track, as he slowly raises her up, hanging her from her own elastic large intestines. *
[10-05:29] 353aa, *Kuole : *Now licks at Christoff's neck pressing a kiss here and there as he speaks* I think so, I'll just have to entertain myself... *Trailing his hand down the centre of Chris's chest in the process, the touch still muffled by the clothing but it's there.*
[10-05:29] JOIN: SeaBlue Leader has entered.
[10-05:30] 353aa, šV : Yeah, something like that SeaBlue
[10-05:32] JOIN: SeaBlue Leader has entered.
[10-05:33] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : mmm *lies his head back against the couch* That shouldn't be too hard to do, you're usually good at that. *the hand that isn't under Kuole's shirt rises up running through his hair again*
[10-05:33] 89f08, Smiro Aleen: *grunts at this and forces his eyes closed again as he's gagged, forcing down bile at the horrible taste and feeling as he squirms, his other arm reaching up, trying to pull the gag out again, forcing his mind awya, closing it off from everything in the world*
[10-05:34] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *Err .. okay. Doing the same thing he did to the girl to Smiro apparantly as well, but with the small intestines. Doing it right next to the girl, in the street. *
[10-05:35] 0e193, *Varik Kraken : Tsk tsk tsk....* Kraken's saber swings to action once more, severing the Jedi's other arm*..Hold still...You're making this awkward!
[10-05:35] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *Okay, that works too. Once he had the little girl being hung he does the same to Smiro, expecting his brothers to restrain him as he gags Smiro with the little girl's small intestines, them having the same elastic properties to them as well, and slowing wrapping it around his throat as well. *
[10-05:36] 353aa, *Kuole : I don't know if I'm going to make you part of my entertainment though yet.... *Whispers up against the skin of Christoff's neck, before blowing over it to possibly cool him down incase he was getting hot.* What do you think? *Asks as if Christoff gets to make a decision.*
[10-05:37] 89f08, Smiro Aleen: *gasps as his other arm is cut off, and shudder as he works, wriggling frantically, struggling aginst the overpowering dark jedi as he's gagged, making strangled sounds past it as his throat is closed off slowly, his mind exploding outwards, hoping to catch the three off guard with amigrane*
[10-05:37] fa113, *Ezekiel Ladrius : *an amused grin comes to his pale grey lips at this child's confession..... looking down towards his little friend Smiro as he gently pets his bloodied hair with that free leather clad hand of his* so you see.. this girl wasn't as innocent as you had first thought... and all your fighting and all your.... bravery... was for nothing.. *and he continues to pet away... smiling now more so with that sickening crack of Smiro's nose breaking* now...... you die boy..... time to meet your maker... as we all do in time.. just seems your time is up... *he smirks* it's to bad really... i could of had fun with you... *a wicked grin slips forward before he turns and moves away to allow Tialos to do his work*
[10-05:38] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : *licks his lips but then sighs tilting his head down to look at Kuole* I would say yes...but given the off chance something did happen...I think we might just have to settle for talking
[10-05:40] 353aa, *Kuole : *But wouldn't give Chris the chance to look down, nuzzling Christoff's head back up to leave the neck exposed.* What do you mean?
[10-05:42] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *The large intestines were able to be shaped by that elastic compound, so the little girl is currently being hung to dead by her own intestinal track. But it didn't work for the small intestinal track, so only uses the intestines as a morbid and rather putrid gag for Smiro. He assists Varik with holding Smiro still enough, allowing Ezekiel his chance to feed. Both himself and Varik have gotten their full for the night, so they are allowing Ezekiel his spoils, in that case.. *
[10-05:43] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *Getting a terrible migraine as well, unless it was otherwise prevented. But it doesn't phase him much. Only slightly disscomfort. *
[10-05:44] 0e193, *Varik Kraken : * He winces, as he's got a wallop of a headache all of a sudden...Still, it's only a headache and he assists Tialos in holding Aleen down, nodding at Ladrius* We've already eaten...
[10-05:44] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : *smirks a bit as Kuole nuzzels against him* If you are looking for our usually entertainment...I don't think now would be the best time for it. Not that I wouldn't love that...
[10-05:44] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : We've waited for our share of this world's soup for to long, my ally. Sanctify yourself.. *Inclines his head to Ezekiel. *
[10-05:46] fa113, *Ezekiel Ladrius : *he gives an amused smile at this.... but just before Smiro is on the verge of staring death in the face he claims a single step forward.... following his face even if he tries to turn away... staring him directly in the eyes.... those scars on the sides of his face seem to stirr to life before long blackish purple tendrils slips from behind his jaw-line slowly in the begining but then quickly slashing outward to plunge into the very pits of this boy's nostrils and slowly slicing and cracking their way up into his very brain where it slowly begins raping his skull for every bit of meat it's juicy, fatty, muscle would have until finally Smiro should fade leaving only those dark pupiless eyes to stare into before all would grow dark*
[10-05:47] 89f08, Smiro Aleen: *stares into the eyes defiantly, defiant to the last, and he jerks back, using the Force to quell himself unconcious, and his body slumps as the young Jedi dies.*
[10-05:48] 353aa, *Kuole : *Bites at the neck, not hard enough to draw blood but enough to grab Christoff's attention abit more. Talking about rough earlier obviously giving a new insight in how to grab attention* Why?
[10-05:50] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *A rather ... malevolent smirk present upon his pallid lips, as he feels the young Jedi fall limp in Tialos' deadly, restraining embrace. *
[10-05:51] 89f08, Smiro Aleen: *is dead. I hope he gets a nice funeral, all jedi style*
[10-05:51] 0e193, *Varik Kraken : * Pokes at Smiro's corpse with his lightsaber, as if he's bored*
[10-05:52] JOIN: Shana has entered.
[10-05:52] fb102, Shana: hi
[10-05:52] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *Just kind of drops Smiro's lifeless corpse to the ground, stepping over the body to get to the other side, his gloved-clad hand finding their ways into the vacant pockets of his vinyl duster coat. Looking up at the hanging, bloody art peice of the hanging girl ... resembling an artist looking over it's panorama. *
[10-05:52] 0e193, *Varik Kraken : (( Heya))
[10-05:52] 89f08, Smiro Aleen: ((*bows* I hope I did okay. I haven't done SW in a while*))
[10-05:53] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((*Thumbs up* You did good. ))
[10-05:53] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : (('ello Shana. ))
[10-05:53] fb102, Shana: wats up?
[10-05:53] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : *sucks in his breath a little, his grip around Kuole tightening just slightly* Because...if something was to go wrong...not that it will mind you...but just hypothetically...if it did I would want to be..well not distracted *smirks a little* that that I mind you as a just isn't the best time
[10-05:53] 0e193, *Varik Kraken : (( Yes, you did very good))
[10-05:53] 353aa, šV : Oh dear@dwindling Jedi
[10-05:53] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((Not a whole lot, bout to head off of here. I'm spent, heh. ))
[10-05:54] 89f08, Smiro Aleen: ((Thank yas. I do try. I'm told I am very good at being a victim.))
[10-05:54] fb102, Shana: u people watch star wars?
[10-05:54] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((Heh. ))
[10-05:54] fb102, Shana: lol
[10-05:54] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((Nooo, of course we don't. *Smirk*))
[10-05:54] fa113, *Ezekiel Ladrius : ((*waves to all* night guys))
[10-05:54] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : (('night man. ))
[10-05:54] 89f08, Smiro Aleen: ((never seen it!__
[10-05:54] 353aa, šV : What's Star Wars?
[10-05:55] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((Never heard of it, either. *Scratches head*))
[10-05:55] fb102, Shana: me either
[10-05:55] fb102, Shana: well ive heard of it
[10-05:55] fb102, Shana: but i never watched it
[10-05:55] fb102, Shana: my nerdy uncle watches it
[10-05:55] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((*L*))
[10-05:55] 0e193, *Varik Kraken : * He view the dead girl skeptically as he shuts off his saber and hooks it to his belt* I think you're improving, brother....Utilizing the larger intestine in such a manner was quite brilliant...
[10-05:56] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : ((wow....))
[10-05:56] 353aa, *Kuole : You promised nothing would go wrong..... *Says again, growling up against that neck, letting the vibrations of that growl tease Chris some more*
[10-05:56] 89f08, Smiro Aleen: ((Isn't it that bad Star Trek Ripoff? *ducks and runs*))
[10-05:56] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : Thank you, brother. *Smiles softly at this, coming down from that blood lust. *
[10-05:56] 0e193, *Varik Kraken : (( heheh...Yeah...None of us would ever actually watch those movies....))
[10-05:56] 353aa, šV : I only watch Coronation Street
[10-05:57] 89f08, Smiro Aleen: ((They're sooo last millenium))
[10-05:57] fb102, Shana: yea u guys r nerds
[10-05:57] 89f08, Smiro Aleen: ((anyways, This Little Redshirt hast abe be beamed up. ))
[10-05:58] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : *bites his lip, oooh Kuole is not playing nice* Yess....that's why I need to be aleret so I can make sure nothing does go wrong
[10-05:58] JOIN: Shana has entered.
[10-05:59] fb102, Shana: damn im banned from every other chat
[10-05:59] 0e193, *Varik Kraken : (( And why would they do such a terrible thing?))
[10-05:59] fb102, Shana: just to be mean
[10-06:00] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((We're nerds? Who's the one talking in freakin' IM abrreviations?))
[10-06:01] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((Eh, whatever. I'm going to bed. 'night. ))
[10-06:01] fb102, Shana: wat r u talkin about?
[10-06:01] 353aa, *Kuole : *Once again, lets out a cold blow of air over the skin, watching how the adam apple bops as Chris speaks and responds.* Nothing will go wrong, will it?
[10-06:01] 89f08, Smiro Aleen: ((night))
[10-06:02] 0e193, *Varik Kraken : (( Yeah, I'm going too...And Shana, maybe you're banned because you come in and insult people...Yeah...Night everyone))
[10-06:02] EXIT: Varik Kraken has left the chat ( 12:02pm, December 10 (CST) ).
[10-06:02] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : *Fade to black. Gone. *
[10-06:02] fb102, Shana: i dont insult people
[10-06:03] fb102, Shana: just u guys
[10-06:03] 353aa, šV : nn Varik and Smiro and Allen
[10-06:03] *** V sets mode +b fb102 for 604800 seconds
[10-06:04] EXIT: Smiro Aleen has left the chat ( 12:01pm, December 10 (CST) ).
[10-06:04] 685f3, *Christoff Dirano : I...doubt it very much...but all the same...I think we should
[10-06:04] 353aa, *Kuole : *fade. tiredness*
[10-06:06] EXIT: Tialos Hethren has left the chat ( The time has come it is quite clear. Our antichrist, Is almost here... ).
[10-09:48] JOIN: SeaBlue Leader has entered.
[10-09:56] 687d4, *SeaBlue Leader : *Claims the chat.*
[10-10:43] JOIN: Tialos Hethren has entered.
[10-10:45] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((Heh. ))
[10-11:04] fee26, *Tialos Hethren : ((*Needs something to kill ... twitch. *))
[10-11:33] 687d4, *SeaBlue Leader : Psycho!
[10-12:17] 687d4, *SeaBlue Leader : Fucking AIM.. work.
[10-12:40] JOIN: Jaret Snomel has entered.
[10-12:43] bc762, *Jaret Snomel : *He's been bandaged up and right now he's returned to the scene of the crime. The two Anzati leaving their own force presence all over this gruesome scene. He's had Smiro and them taken down and taken care off. Prepared for cremation if you will. He looks around not really remember that much about the night before...a lesson he will take to heart. Never go fighting when you've had four hours of sleep.*
[10-13:38] JOIN: Windra has entered.
[10-13:39] MSG: Windra sent a message to V.
[10-13:39] EXIT: Windra has left the chat ( 7:39pm, December 10 (CST) ).
[10-13:40] JOIN: Windra has entered.
[10-13:40] EXIT: Get a Name! has left the chat ( 7:40pm, December 10 (CST) ).
[10-13:40] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[10-13:40] EXIT: Get a Name! has left the chat ( 7:40pm, December 10 (CST) ).
[10-13:40] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[10-13:41] EXIT: Get a Name! has left the chat ( 7:40pm, December 10 (CST) ).
[10-13:41] JOIN: Windra has entered.
[10-13:41] MSG: Windra sent a message to Azhrei.
[10-13:42] EXIT: Windra has left the chat ( 7:41pm, December 10 (CST) ).
[10-13:46] JOIN: Knees has entered.
[10-13:47] 687d4, *SeaBlue Leader : Yes, yes..
[10-13:48] 7b84d, 'Knees: Hi, Sea. ^_^
[10-13:49] 687d4, *SeaBlue Leader : Heya Knees.
[10-13:49] 7b84d, 'Knees: I haven't seen you in such a long time. Things are good, I hope?
[10-13:49] 687d4, *SeaBlue Leader : Yeah, they're better. How's it going with you?
[10-13:51] 7b84d, 'Knees: Busy. But very good. ^_^
[10-13:52] 687d4, *SeaBlue Leader : Neat-o. :)
[10-13:53] bc762, *Jaret Snomel : Seablue...heh >_. you're uh...heh..not dead yet...*shift, eyes his watch.*
[10-13:54] 687d4, *SeaBlue Leader : Silence, peon.
[10-13:55] 7b84d, 'Knees: *hugs J*
[10-13:55] bc762, *Jaret Snomel : OMFG! I want my money back. *goes to find the hitmen. eyes knees. Hug.*
[10-13:56] 7b84d, 'Knees: *eyed* :(
[10-13:57] bc762, *Jaret Snomel : *Rips into some teriyaki chicken.* So knees, you too good to rp with us anymore?
[10-13:58] bc762, *Jaret Snomel : Because I fully expect to see some Gaeriel at Corellia.
[10-13:58] 7b84d, 'Knees: Well, I wasn't sure if people wanted me to RP in here. I want to.
[10-13:59] bc762, *Jaret Snomel : G'on. git yerself registered.
[10-13:59] 7b84d, 'Knees: I am already. :P
[10-14:00] bc762, *Jaret Snomel : Good. Then I will see you at the corellia battle.
[10-14:00] bc762, *Jaret Snomel : Otherwise Seablue Dies.
[10-14:01] JOIN: Kalen Vostan has entered.
[10-14:01] 7b84d, 'Knees: When is it?
[10-14:02] bc762, *Jaret Snomel : Kalen. When is corellia? Answer or seablue dies.