Thread for Grimm 2 the fighting game

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 Grimm 2 the fighting game
11:12pm, October 16, 2013
Which room did we do this in before? I can't remember, but remember it was fun. Pick a character and post a basic idea of their playstyle and a few specials for them, including at least one Super, which should have special animations if its a KO shot. Would play like most 2d fighters, Light mid and heavy punches and kick, special meter that builds up as you go.

Whenever someone posts up a new character, everyone should try and throw in a move for them too. You can post more than one PC if you'd like, but I'mma just post one for now though to keep it from being two of mine at the very start

ND also made the suggestion of a specific intro/outro for various characters meeting up, which I like, so put a column for it and add to it as people add their characters in

Shizune Shimmer

Intro: takes a deep breath, making the air billow around her before she grins and takes her ready stance


extremely quick strikes, if not the quickest out of the the characters. Has to re-sheathe her blade between combos however, which makes it hard to chain, making her more of a reactive character made to interrupt the opponents combos and poke her way to victory.


Quarter-circle L-M-or H punch: Slipstream- Disappears into a dash, slashing an opponent if she passes them. Ignores projectiles while dashing but not melee attacks. different punch buttons change the dash from straight, to diagonal, to backwards.

Backwards-quarter-circle any punch: Hawk eye- deflects an incoming attack and counters. If the attack was a projectile will dash for the strike. Does not work against supers or magic based projectiles (but will still counter melee magic)

Quarter-circle kick: Dragon talons- draws her blade into a wide downwards slash. Used mainly as a combo topper, as it has a longer windup than the rest of her moves, but can combo into itself up to three times with the last hit being a knock up.


Raindrop killer/Raindrop lover: A counter special, Shizune slams her hilt into the enemy gut as they try to attack in melee, then slides under them to unleash a windbreath blast that sends them flying into the air. She rolls to her feet and takes a moment to collect herself, before her eyes flash and she wind dashes into a single, devastating slash as the enemy falls back down. if its a KO shot, the animation varies for certain characters. Against most (but perhaps not all) villain characters, the screen gets splattered with blood along the length of the slash and the enemy falls in two pieces, Shizune pausing to wipe her sword against her sheathe before putting away with finality. Against most (But again not all) heroic characters, she tackles them in midair instead of slashing them, and gives them a nice long kiss as and after they hit the ground.

-Intros and outros-

-Intro: I think someone needs a reminder of who's protecting who
-Win: Now be good and stay back from now on, k?
-Loss: Can't... dodge... lightning... ow.

-Intro in nightmare skin: oh great. You again.
-Intro in Wander skin: Uh. You seem a bit angrier than usual lightning rod.
-Win: And this time I'm making sure you stay down
-Loss: Gyah... screw off tin can...

-Intro: Am... am I being attacked by a hobo o.0?
-Win: Go find someone else's jewelry to nick for food, creep.
-Loss: Noo... Not the... fleas...

Azrael & Barnaby
-Win: Followers of kindness my ass.
-Loss: Still... not... joining.

Edited 2:26am, October 17, 2013 by Opa, author.
 More to come.
The Chosen One
12:19am, October 17, 2013
Nightmare(Current Host:Wander)

Intro:Stomps onto the stage, energy flows through his mutated arm along with electricity thanks to Wander. Smashes Soul Edge on the ground.

To Shizune:"Come Shizune..DIE BY MY BLADE"
Victory:"It seems your little flame has been snuffed, girl."
Defeat:"Beaten by her..Again!"

To Black Knight:”There is only one knight..”
Victory:”The Azure Knight reigns supreme.”
Defeat:”Defeated?! But I’m the Azure Knight…”

To Barnaby and Azrael:”Tsk. What pathetic creatures stand before me now? Move or feel my wrath!”
Victory:”Neither magic nor hellfire can stop this Nightmare”
Defeat:”Beaten by a lowly demon and his tool..But how!?”

To Creeper:”Revolting scavenger, get out of my sight!”
Victory:”You won’t recover from this..”
Defeat:”My souls..My strength..Fading.”

To Turok:”A human with honor? Hah! Draw your blade!”
Victory:”Crushed beneath my heel like a good little human.”
Defeat:”Beaten by a human?!?”

To Arachnid Man: How ridiculous.
Victory:”Foolish boy.”
Defeat:”Damn human!”

To Jackie:Aladdin isn't here to protect you now."
Win:"A thief does not a warrior make."

To Nightmare:"Ah, so a shard of Soul Edge thinks it can challenge me?"
To Wander Skin:"Even now you defy me.."
Win:"Welcome home.."
Win Wander:"Accept the fact that your body is MINE!"

To Elias:"I have no time for simple brutes."
Win:"Nothing but a savage thinking he was more than what he was."

To Assassin:"We meet again, Aladdin.."
Win:Your soul is MINE!"
Loss:"No..No! NOOOOO!!"

To Wayne:"You think you can arrest ME?!"
Win:"This dog needs to be put in it's place."
Loss:"Wretched mongrels deserve the leash."

He features slow, yet somewhat explosive and high-damage attacks. becomes infamous for his near endless, fast and powerful combos, occasionally causing opponents to blast up into the air after a strong uppercut slash from his Soul Edge. If picked in his 2P costume, Wander's body is seen and if he grabs an opponent, he picks them up by the head with his mutated arm and zaps them.


Backwards-square-L-M or H punch: Knightly Takedown!:Nightmare punches his foe with his claw, knocking his foe backwards. Then, he slams them in the face with the hilt of Soul Edge and finishes it up with a clothsline with his mutated arm.

Backwards-duck-L-M:Burn!:Nightmare holds his sword up, calls for it, saying "Soul Edge", and does one heavy vertical slash to knock his opponent to the ground while saying "Burn!".

Quarter-triangle-punch:Shock and Awe:Nightmare places his normal hand on the ground,holding Soul Edge with his mutated arm and sends electricity surging at enemy.


Forward-Triangle-L-M or H punch: Watch This!:Nightmare punches his foe with his claw, knocking his foe backwards. Then, he uppercuts his foe into the air, he then slams his sword point first into the ground and a ball of energy erupts around his opponent as they scream.


"Is that your best?"

"I grow weary of your WEAKNESS!"

"Standing around like a coward? Are you that afraid?"

"Fight me or lose your soul!"

"It will rain blood today!"


The Creeper
Intro: Flaps his wings and lands on the stage and chuckles evilly as he tips his hat to the opponent.

To Shizune:"Nice blade. Even nicer eyes. Mind if I take em?"
Victory:"Your eyes will look so better in my sockets."
Defeat:"Ugh..That blade ain’t for show."

To Black Knight: “Just a mindless suit of armor.”
Victory:”Don’t mind the dents. Or do. I don’t care.”
Defeat:”Ugh..Last time I”

To Barnaby and Azrael:”Fellow demon huh? I wonder if your friend tastes like chicken.”
Victory:”I win so how do you prefer? Raw or cooked?”
Defeat:”A demon and his bird boy beat me?!”

To Creeper:”You’re just one of HER(Lady Feelings) illusions!”
Victory:”Even I should fear The Creeper..”
Defeat:”Beaten by a fake..”

To Turok:”Those are a lot of toys. Wanna see mine?”
Victory:”My blades are bigger than yours.”
Defeat:”Did I just lose..? To a human..?”

To Arachnid Man:”Just some human playing dressup?”
Victory:”I clipped your wings..”

To Lady Feeling:”You bitch. YOU’LL PAY!”
Victory:”Jeepers Creepers,bitch.”
Defeat:”No..NOT AGAIN!”

To Nightmare:"You're the Azure Knight huh? Was expecting someone taller"(Is a joke since Nightmare is relatively short being only 5'6 and The Creeper is 6'4)

Win:"That sword didn't do you much good when you have an axe in your head."


To Elias:"Disgusting huh? Says the masked Goliath with sharp blades."

Win:*Crushes Elias's mask under his foot*


To Jackie: "Mmm..I smell such tasty fear from you."

Win:"I'll enjoy stitching you to my ceiling."

Loss:"Grahhhh! Damn you!"

To Sirus:"So you're the Van Damne brat."

Win:"Such steely eyes. I'll take em."

Loss: *The Creeper twitches from the electricity*

To Assassin:"You like blades huh? So do I.."

Win:"Guess my blades win."

Loss:"Gurk! Grhrrooo!!"

To Wayne:"I'm sorry but you're what?"

Win:"I don't think being behind bars fits me but I think this doggy ought to heel."

Loss:"Fuckin Mutt.."

He is a character quick on his feet with attacks that usually motion him forward quickly. In the air, he is a true monster, attacking enemies airborne with extendable combos with knives and shurikens and fireballs as projectiles.
Backwards-square-L-M or H punch: Hell from Down Under: The Creeper flies forward for a hit-grab, in which he grabs the opponent and drags them across the ground a considerable distance, and ends by throwing them into the wall for a wallbounce. Can also be done in the air.
Backwards-duck-L-M:Demon’s Slash: The Creeper flings a bunch of knives and shuriken at his opponent, after backhanding them into the air.
Quarter-triangle-punch: Ax to grind: The Creeper bitchslaps the opponent three times and then slashes them down the middle with his axe dealing major damage.


Forward-Triangle-L-M or H punch: Jeepers Creepers : The Creeper sheds his clothes and shrieks as he flies at the opponent and bites them on the neck before tossing them to the ground.


"I’ve eaten cats that put up more of a fight"
"My nose is pretty sharp. Is that fear I smell?”
"You’re not afraid of The Creeper are you? You should be!"
"Let’s see what body parts you go to offer me..”

Edited 4:45am, October 17, 2013 by The Chosen One, author.
 Barnaby and Azrael
The Chosen One
2:04am, October 17, 2013
Barnaby and Azrael
Intro: Azrael rushes in with a grin on his face, Barnaby follows but trips.

(If you picked IP costume for Barnaby/Azrael-You start the match as Azrael. Hence these are his quotes.)

To Shizune: “Alright, whose the dumbass who let this broad play samurai?”
Victory:"No little tramp with a toothpick is gonna beat me and Barn!”
Defeat:"Ugh…Cheatin little skank!”

To Black Knight: “Anyone home? Guess we’ll have to chec k for ourselves!”
Victory:”No tin can is gonna beat us!”
Defeat:”I think this black tin man punched our tickets..”

To Barnaby and Azrael:”Hey, Barn? I think I see some handsome fella..and a copy of you!”
Victory:”Shame we had to hurt such a handsome face. Oh and uh that fake Barn.”
Defeat:”Gah! There is a fierce fighter behind those rugged looks!”

To Creeper:”Ugh. Some scaly freak in a trenchcoa.t. Let’s clean house, Barn.”
Victory:”You know, I can use your skin to make a new purse for my gal!”
Defeat:”Beaten by a freak..”

To Turok:”You think you're something special pal? Walking around without a shirt?”
Victory:”Heh. You need more than pretty looks and crappy toys to beat us.”
Defeat:”Beaten by some muscular prettyboy?!”

To Arachnid Man: “Ain’t your mom wondering where you are punk?”
Victory: “Go home and cry. You ain’t even close to our league.”
Defeat: “Gah! Maybe you’re a superhero after all!”

To Nightmare: ”Azure Knight huh? Well you’re gonna be the black and blue knight once we’re done.”
Victory:”Hah! Just a suit of hot air! Nightmare my ass!”
Defeat:”I think we might have gotten in too deep, Barn..”

To Jackie:"A thief?! I HATE THIEVES!!"
Win:"I bet you'll taste nice and tasty.."
Loss:"I still HATE thieves!"

To Sirus:"Oh you're the kid of the guy who ratted us out."

Win:"Revenge is a dish best served by kicking the shit outta the son of the guy who called the cops!"

Loss:"Oww..Damn electricity.."

To Elias:"What's that? I don't understand big tall and fuckin stupid!"

Win:"You look bad but you're a total pusscake."

Loss:"Oh shit.."

To Wayne:"So you're here to arrest us huh? Good fuckin luck!"

Win:"Barn and I can beat some damn dirty dog."

Loss:"I think we're gonna get more than the book thrown at us Barn.."

To Asasssin:"Eh? He's kinda like Archer.."

Win:"What a pushover."


(Now if you picked 2P, these are Barnaby’squotes.)

To Shizune: “That’s a very well crafted blade. I wish we could have talked this out.
Victory:"I do apologize for the defeat, young swordswomen.”
Defeat:"I think you clipped my feather..”

To Black Knight: “A raging beast. Sad to say, we have to put you down..”
Victory:”Perhaps you’ll find peace on the other side.”
Defeat:”Too much raw power..”

To Barnaby and Azrael:”Hrm? I think we’ve found doppelgangers, Mr. Azrael. Ugly ones too!”
Victory:”Hmph. I for once am glad we thumped those imposters.”
Defeat:”Tgh! I think the fakes have us beat, Mr. Azrael..”

To Creeper:”Eeep! We must stop him from eating me, Mr. Azrael!”
Victory:”I most certainly do not taste like chicken!”
Defeat:”At least kill me first..”

To Turok:”Ugh! Do put a shirt on, please good sir!”
Victory:”Will you consider a shirt now?”
Defeat:”Does being shirtless increase his strength?!”

To Arachnid Man: “It’s you! The masked man who accused me as a pervert!”
Victory: “I’ve defended my honor!”
Defeat: “Okay-Okay! I’m a pervert!”

To Nightmare: ”I’m afraid your time has come!”
Victory:”Oh. Well that was something alright.”
Defeat:”Does it hurt to lose one’s soul?”

To Sirus:"Ah yes you're the son of the man who made Mr. Azrael and I into outlaws-PREPARE TO DIE!"


Loss:"Aww..He still beat us and I even acted all tough.."

To Elias:"That's a neat mask you have sir, but you're in our way."

Win:"Sigh. Such a shame to have killed a fellow mask wearer.

Loss:"Oh dear..I..I think everything's going black.."

To Wayne:"Ack! The law!"

Win:"I do apologize but we can't be caught yet."


To Assassin:"You remind me of Archer.."

Win:"I think I deserve a pat on the back, Mr. Azrael."

Loss:"..."(him and Azrael get killed)

Azrael and Barnaby play like a tag team. Azrael is the brawn while Barnaby is the brain. Azrael will be the one throwing out punches and kicks while Barnaby will be the one lobbing magic spells.

Backwards-square-L-M or H punch: Death from Above.: Barnaby or Azrael summon the other, who then appears and depending on who summons who, Barnaby will blast the opponent with a ball of light while Azrael will jump up and unleash a flurry of hellfire.

Backwards-duck-L-M: Dark Shadows: Barnaby or Azrael summons the other, who if it’s Azrael being summoned, he’ll backhand the opponent from behind, while Barnaby will splash acid on the opponent.
Quarter-triangle-punch: We live: Barnaby dodges back, leaving a cloud of darkness in his former position, which chokes the opponent if they get caught in it/while Azrael blows a ring of smoke in the opponent’s face.


Backward-Square- H punch: Switch Up. : Barnaby restricts the enemy with walls of darkness as Azrael approaches and sheds his human skin. As Barnaby lets the walls down, Azrael eats the opponent and then spits them across the stage through a torrent of flame.


"You gonna bore me to death, loser?"
“I think eating you would make me sick."
“I’m no good at taunts..”

Edited 4:41am, October 17, 2013 by The Chosen One, author.
3:01am, October 17, 2013
Jackie Redblade

Intro: drops from above, facing backwards as she pulls her wolf mask over her face and turns while twirling her rod.


very agile, using the rod of ropes and leaping to move across the screen, and would have a rushdown combo style of play. mobility offset by much lower than normal health pool.


When using a heavy hit button in combos marked by a *, her eyes flash briefly to signify a luck boost. Luck boosted powers can only be used after jackie's been 'unlucky enough' (i.e. taken about a tenth of her health in damage) to gain a luck point, which would be shown at the bottom of the screen.

quarter circle L-M punch: Grapple shot- Shoots the rod diagonally either forward or backwards depending on the button and rappel in that direction

*quarter circle H punch: Hazard fishing- Shoots grapple hook up as with Grapple shot, but instead pulls down some sort of debris. As is lucked base, can vary from a flower pot to a whole balcony collapse.

backwards quarter circle punch: Time bubble- creates a bubble around jackie. anything outside the bubble is frozen. useful mainly for setting up combos and dodging projectile shots.

quarter circle L-M kick: Grapple kick- shoots grapple forward. if it connects, snares the opponent and Jackie pulls across the screen to smack them in the face with her foot.

*quarter circle H kick: the kick gets an extra bit of knockback, and sends the opponent flying into a dangerous passerby who proceeds to take their revenge. A passing carriage, a large, angry guardsman, or if they're particularly unlucky, a passing Anya Constanze (jackie is hiding behind something in the background when this happens).


Harmony Protected: Jackie opens up with a crack to the side of her head with her rod, but spies a coin on the ground and goes to pick it up instead of continuing the combo. Just as she does so, cuts to a whole squad of police snipers who have her in the scope, having finally found the dread red wolf. Of course, just as they take the shot, she bends for the coin, and the opponent gets shot instead. if its a KO, Startled by the gunshots, she stumbles backwards. just outside of the collapse of a nearby building as two Servants pass by fighting in the background. The opponent, of course is not so lucky.

Gaurdian angel: Counter. Jackie stumbles back as the opponent goes to strike, before the screen goes black for a moment. Two bright slashes can be seen, before the light returns and Assassin can be seen standing over the opponent. He turns to grin at Jackie, who proceeds to chase him off the stage in irritation. Special: If Assassin IS the opponent, instead of stumbling Jackie gives him a pair of brutally efficient puppy dog eyes and a whimpers, causing him to stutter in his attack. Cue evil smile and an uppercut with the rod of ropes to the Arabian jewels.

-Intros and Outros-

-Intro: Some nice bracer's you got there. I'll be sure to take em with when we're done
-Win: Oh my god this little cat charm's too adorable /not/ to take!
-Loss: Too... shiny.

-intro: Ten foot sword. Compensation in a nut shell
-Win: Yeesh, what was Al so worried about last time?
-Loss: Knew I wasn't... cut out for this hero biz...

-intro: I know you're following me. Getting kind of predictable.
-Win: And you wanted to protect /me/
-Loss:Lucky I gave... up that stupid... tattoo

-Intro: So can this be my interview for the Van Damnes?
-Win: Yes! Can I talk to the man in charge now?
-Loss: Can... I... still show you... my references?
 Arachnid Man and Turok
The Chosen One
3:16am, October 17, 2013
(Not a tag team. Just in the same post.)

Arachnid Man 2(Andrew Caliger)

Intro: Flies in using his mechanical wings and folds them up as he lands and gives a thumbsup to the camera.


Arachnid Man is a very mobile character. His low battle stance allows him to dodge attacks easily, with his crouching stance taking it up a notch. His combo potential is very high, allowing him to chain many moves to extend his attacks. His combos are fast, but generally require high execution. He can even glide for a bit using his mechanical wings.


Quarter-circle L-M-or H punch: Mechanical Fury: Andrew disappears into a dash, and soars across the screen with his wings slashing an opponent with his knives.

Backwards-quarter-circle any punch: The Equalizer- Andrew uses his wings to block any already sent projectiles and then Ti-3(his spider companion)opens fire with it’s built in pistol while Andrew shoots with his pistol.

Quarter-circle kick: Raging Hero- Andrew shoots the opponent with his pistol before lunging at them as he unleashes a flurry of punches before Ti-3 finishes em off with a shot to the head.


Apocalypse Wow!: Andrew backflips away from his opponent and the Rider MK.3 makes it’s way onto the stage and open fire with it’s three guns on the opponent which can be blocked but when Andrew has it charge forward to snap at the opponent, it’s either dodge or take a shitton of damage.

To Shizune: It’s not often I clash with a girl who knows how to wield sharp pointy things.
Win: Sorry hun, I have an allergy to pointy things and samurai chicks. I can give my number though!
Loss: “Ugh..Didn’t the old Arachnid Man get his ass kicked by a swords girl?”

To The Creeper:”Isn’t Halloween a few months away?”
Win:”My momma said older men in trenchcoats usually mean bad news. I think that applies to demons too.”
Loss:”Oh geez..I hate demons.”

To Azrael and Barnaby: “Sooo whose dumb and whose dumber?”
Win:”Beat a pervert bird and some lousy demon all in one day! “
Loss: “Ah geez. This is embarrassing..”

To Nightmare:”Oh why do I ALWAYS GET THE FREAKS?!”
Win:”I DEFEATED YOU NIGHTMARE, THE HUMAN HERO:ARACHNID MAN! Eeugh, hurt my throat being that hammy..”
Loss: “Crap..Mom..Dad..I’m sorry..”

To Sirus:"Our ancenstors used to be friends but he was a lot stronger than Tito. Let's see if that's true today!"

Win:"Heh. Arachnid Man 2 for the rebound!"

Loss:"Oww. Zapping..Burns..Paaain.."

To Jackie:"Halt evildoer-Oooh, nice bod. Now you're not gonna give up less we go hand to hand are we?" *Sigh8

Win:"Alright I won but could have been worse. You could have been caught by someone other than Arachnid Man."

Loss:"Ouch for a thief you kick ass.."

To Elias:"Whoa, hey there gruesome."

Win:"Don't underestimate me just because I'm young, pal!"

Loss:"You beat me and now you want me to go home too?!"

To Wayne:"Sorry but I have an ish with the law."

Win:"Sorry werewolf guy. Tell my-er Andrew Caliger's dad I said hi. ^_^"

Loss:"I guess your bite is worse than your bark.."

To Assassin:"Hey there, feel up for sparring?"

Win:"Did you let me win or am I just that good?"

Loss:"Yeeeouch! Back to the books for me.."

To Turok: “Nice abs. Mine are the best though.”
Win: “Heh. A super hero never lies! Ladies?”
Loss: “Ouch. Geez, can’t take a joke huh?”


You want a piece of me? Well there is plenty of Arachnid Man for the choosing, ladies.
I think it’s alright to fight now. You did wait 30 minutes after eating right?
Come get me!
Having fun yet?

Turok(Joshua Fireseed.)

Intro: Rolls in and glares at the opponent as tribal music plays and he tightens his headband.

Turok’s moveset consists of using a variety of weapons, including, but not limited to pistol, Sunfire Pods, Shotgun, and Razor Wind, not to mention his War Talons and War Club. This all combines into making him a very versatile keep-away character. His close-combat lacks range, but is compensated by power. He also can special cancel many of his moves.

With his heavy arsenal of firearms and explosives, Turok plays well as a keep-away character. His dependable sunfire pods can keep characters at a distance, while the shotgun stuns the opponent in addition to inflicting damage, leaving them vulnerable to combos.


Quarter-circle L-M-or H punch: The Peacemaker: Turok throws a sunfire pod to the ground, rushes in and throws some punches before blasting the opponent away with his pistol.

Backwards-quarter-circle any punch: Drop the Hammer- Turok charges and pummels the enemy with his War Club. With certain characters it ends differently. With evil characters, Turok bashes them across the stage with his club. If they are good, Turok just breaks their neck.

Quarter-circle kick: Mouthful of Exploding Buck- Turok shoots the opponent with his shotgun’s normal rounds before switching and lunging at them as he unleashes a barrage of shots with exploding slugs setting the opponent up for an air combo.

Tribal Beatdown: Turok hurls a sunfire pod to the ground blinding the opponent, and Turok unloads with his pistol and shotgun before finishing it up with his Razor Wind which when it connects, a scream is heard as it returns to Turok’s hand.

To Shizune: You are quite skilled, young one. It will be an honor to duel you.
Win: You fought boldly and for that you have my respect.
Loss: “I still have much training to do. Thank you for the battle..”

To The Creeper:”I can tell the lives of many have been ended at your hands, fowl creature!”
Win:”Now no more innocent blood will be shed because of you.”
Loss:”Forgive me my ancestors, I’ve failed..”

To Azrael and Barnaby: “..What an odd duo”
Win:”I don’t know what your issue is my friend, but I refuse to wear a shirt simply because it’s the ‘civilized’ thing to do! “
Loss: “Just who are these creatures?!”

To Nightmare:”You’ve had your last soul demon!”
To Wander:”To let yourself be controlled by such a beast, for shame.”
Win:”Never again return and threaten these people, monster...”
Win with Wander skin: “I pray for your soul’s safe trip to the afterlife, young tribe-boy.”
Loss: “I’ve failed..”

To Turok: “What Is this sorcery?!
Win: “I AM TUROK!”
Loss: “”

To Arachnid Man: “Why do you pester me so, costumed one?”
Win:”I hope you have learned some respect.”
Loss:”Tsk..Go away.”

To Elias:"You're not dead but I can tell you hurt my friend. If it makes you feel better, we honor our dead. I'll honor you and grant your request.."(Which he interprets as Elias wanting to be killed.)

Win:"I do hope you fulfill whatever your purpose might have been, my mysterious friend."

Loss:"Ugh..You won't go down easy.."

To Wayne:"Your ability is quite..remarkable. It'd be great to face you in combat!"

Win:"I might have won but that was a great battle, comrade!"

Loss:"I underestimated you too much.."

To Jackie:"I don't care for thieves."

Win:"Change your ways or I will not be so merciful next time."

Loss:"Damn it all. I'm too weak.."

Edited 5:00am, October 17, 2013 by The Chosen One, author.
3:17am, October 17, 2013
Saxaphone Wayne

Intro: Takes one last drag on his current cigarette before tossing it to the side with a wolfish snarl as he shifts to his hybrid form


Sax plays like your usual rough and tumble beatdown character, with a balance mix of health and damage, and a few firearm attacks to help deal with keep away characters.


quarter circle punch: Police brutality- a dash accompanied by a trio of vertical claw swipes, with a fourth that does significant knock-back/wall-bounce.

reverse qcircle punch: Cowboy cop- pulls his sidearm from his jacket and takes a shot. Low damage but can stumble.

reverse qcircle kick: repressed hunger- Lunges forward into a grapple attempt. takes a bite out of the enemy's should of it hits before hammer throwing them into the wall


Full moon: Transforms into full wolf form. health slowly regens, and Sax gains a signifigant damage increase on all his combos.

Dead or alive: Only available during Full moon. After landing a grapple, Sax pins the opponent beneath his bulk and tears in with tooth and claw. Afterwards he shifts into hybrid form again, stomping once on their head before backing off. If KO hit. Instead of the head, Sax plants his foot on their chest. Against villainous characters, he reaches to the sling hidden under the back of his jacket and pulls out his shotgun, locking a shell into place before the screen goes black. Against heroic characters, he pulls out the cuffs instead.

-Intros and outros-

When less tired
Elias Voorhees
4:04am, October 17, 2013
Elias Voorhees
Intro: Teleports around before he stops, the camera looking at him from behind until he snaps his head over his shoulder and the camera closes up in on his hockey mask.

Elias is a berserker type character who mixes getting in close and using his strength along with his long range weapons and his teleporting. He can teleport right before an enemy tries to grab him if the player is fast enough to press the button prompt to have Elias teleport. His 2P costume is meant as a joke as it’s Jason X/Uber Jason which is out of place in Grimm but added as it fits with Elias’s history. His mask/prostechtic can also be damaged in his 1P form showing off his well disfigured and slightly decomposed face.


Quarter-circle L-M-or H punch: A New Beginning: Elias teleport spams before appearing behind the opponent and unless the opponent presses a button prompt fast enough, Elias wraps his arms around them/kneels down to do so if the opponent is shorter than him and after suplexing them, he slams his harpoon gun(he doesn’t fire it)right into their throat.

Backwards-quarter-circle any punch: New Blood: Elias swings his machete three times, uppercuts the opponent, then grabs them by the ankles and slams them into the ground from which he slams his knee into their chest. This super has hyper armor and will blow through any attack except for throws.

Quarter-circle kick: Full frontal assault: Elias fires three harpoons, then jumps straight up into the air and lands on the downed opponent. Elias will fire his harpoons at wherever the opponent is on the screen.

Deadly Reach: Elias teleport spams before reappearing behind the opponent as in a New Beginning only this time he grips the opponent by the neck, throttles them until their legs stop moving(it’s not an istant K.O fyi) and it cuts to a silhouette of Elias and the opponent whose head gets crushed by Elias. If it's a child or young(sirus/andrew/jackie/shizune) though, Elias won't crush their heads but hold them close before dropping the body.

Road to Hell: Elias loses it and snaps his fingers setting the opponent ablaze with a flurry of hellfire and smashing his fists into the ground and to finish it up, he pulls out his machete and hurls it at them-seemingly impaling them though we only see the silhouette getting impaled through Elias’s tinted lenses.

To Shizune: Fighting a child? This is beneath me..”
Win: You..You reminded me of my family. So I’ll spare you..
Loss: “Perhaps this is the fate I deserve..”

To The Creeper:”I’m a real monster.”

To Azrael and Barnaby: “Get out of the way.”
Win:”I had no choice but to kill the two of you. “
Loss: “Defeated by two fools. Is this divine retribution?”

To Nightmare:”I’ve seen enough Nightmares..”
To Wander:”Poor boy.”
Win:”You don’t know my nightmares..”
Win with Wander skin: “…” *Walks away as he shakes his head.*
Loss: “I’m..dead?”

To Turok: “You worship your fallen? Honorable..”
Win: “Such a shame..”
Loss: “Pamela..Jason..”

To Arachnid Man: “Arrogant.”
Win:”Go home. Now.”

To Jackie:”…” *tilts head to the left in curiosity*
Win:”Get home. Child.”

To Sirus:"Van Damne, eh?"
Win:"I apologize."
Loss:*Lenses crack as electricity sparks through him*

To Elias:"..What?"
Win:"Was this a joke?"
Loss:"I don't understand.

To Jason X Skin:"It..Reminds me of myself.."
Win:"How peculiar.."

To Wayne:"I won't be stopped by you."
Win:"Bad dog."

*Slashes machete at the air*
*Tilts head quizzically to the side*
*Flickers fingers, creating small sparks of hellfire*
“Don’t waste my time.”
“Vanish without a trace.”

Edited 7:11pm, October 17, 2013 by Elias Voorhees, author.
The Narrator
6:27pm, October 17, 2013
Assassin(Ala ad-Dinn)

Intro: Does a "Smooth Criminal" stance in his Gangster clothing before it flashes into his standard "Arabian Nights" skin.


A well-balanced character meant for newbies to get used to the game. Specializes in combo moves and chains with speed bursts and agility focus.


Up-Down+ H punch: - Projectile Attack: Flings Knives in the direction of opponent. Standard fare.

Forward-Forward+M punch: Hassassin's Cut: Dash forward speedily and on impact, lands a slash on the opponent with Knife and Clawed Gauntlet, similar to Sabertooth's "Beserker Claw".

Down-Forward+ H kick: Street Rat- Leaps quickly overhead opponent and sticks to the wall behind before launching himself in a kick to the back of the opponents head. Can be repeated two more times for a more stronger kick.


Whirlwind/Trickster:Upon impact, Assassin draws his knives and spins them in hand before doing the following. If his opponents are villains, he glares and the screen goes dark with a flash of True Assassin's white mask briefly seen as the sound of blades scrape and echo before it returns back to the villain on the ground and Assassin facing away, blood dripping on his knives before he reverts to his Gangster clothing and walks away before vanishing in spirit form in terms of a K.O. If facing a hero, Assassin has a shit-eating grin on his face before it fades to black and the sound of a fist fight can be heard before it becomes clear again, with Assassin sitting on the hero opponent, and spinning his hat on his finger.

-Intros and outros-

-Intro: C'mon kitten, surprise and delight me.
-Win: Looks like someone needs more training.
-Loss: Whatever happened...To respecting your elders?

Samhain Rider
-Intro: Odd, you don't seem the type to loose your head.
-Win: See the measure of a TRUE Hassassin.
-Loss: Someone get the number of that Ghost Horse?

Scarlette Rider
-Intro: "Ahehehehe....I don't suppose you're not still begrudging me that joke, are you?"
-Win: "So sorry! I'll make it up to you later."~
-Loss: "Who knew...She could hold a grudge that long?"

-Intro: "I have nothing to say to the likes of you."
-Win: Perhaps this time, you'll stay dead.
-Loss: Forgive me....Lioness. I failed.
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