Name:Elias Voorhees
OOC Name:ND4
Stats:Charisma (3), Intellect (3), Strength (6), Agility (3), Endurance (4), Wisdom (4)
Skills:Back when he was a human, he was quite skilled as a police officer, that being said firearms and such. He didn't like magic all that much. He wears the tattered remains of his officer's uniform under his yellow and black jacket. In his off time, he was also intrigued by bladed weapons like machete and the such, and while his wife Pamela didn't understand such a hobby, she let Elias have his machetes/axes/ etc. He was also an avid archer.

Ranged Weapon Proficiency(Agility):2 Intimidate(Charisma):6. Survival(Wisdom):3. Melee Weapon Proficiency(Strength):4. Unarmed Combat Proficiency(Strength):3. Knowledge (local):2

Magic: Only magic he uses is to teleport fair distances to give the impression that he is quite quick to his victims and to make them feel that there is 'no escape' from him. He also has immense strength due to being a demon and can use hellfire.

Equipment:Durable mask with a breathing apparatus(He doesn't need it but he feels better with it.) He also carries a variety of weapons with him, including a harpoon gun, throwing knives, hatchets, and his favorite:a black machete with his wife's name Pamela signed onto it.

Bio:Elias Voorhees was a hard working father trying to support his wife, Pamela and their newborn son Jason Voorhees. That job being? He signed up as a police officer and he did alright for himself, getting enough of a pay to support his family. But, then one night he chased some Black Suns to one of their hideouts with two other officers backing him up. But, the Black Suns had alerted their comrades and Elias's fellow officers were gunned down and Elias was captured. After refusing to talk, they dumped Elias's body into the water.

But, as his vision started to fade in favor of darkness, Elias saw a RED light. This red light ended up being none other than a high ranking demon from well down below(Hell)who had been looking for someone to make a deal with so he could prove his worth to the other demons. Elias was naturally enraged and wanted revenge on the Black Suns. The Demon understood and promised he would save Elias and grant him the power to get his revenge if he so desired. But, it would be at a cost most dear. Not thinking it through, Elias accepted and with a chuckle and a wave of his hands, the demon vanished and Elias teleported out of the water. But, as he snuck away in the cover of darkness, he noticed something was amiss. He was HIDEOUS. He now recalled what the demon had said too late. He'd never be able to go back to Pamela and Jason like this. Resigning in his fate, Elias had a special mask made for him as he took the jacket from a nearby dumpster and cleaned it off. He was no longer Elias Voorhees:loving and doting police officer father. He was Elias Voorhees:Masked killer of those he deems unworthy to live and bounty hunter.