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[09-13:44] cdb77, Sigura: ((elf as far as we've been informed...))
[09-13:45] fdc74, Merwyn: (Yes ^^ pwitty pwitty elfy)
[09-13:46] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : (she?)
[09-13:47] cdb77, Sigura: (
[09-13:47] fdc74, Merwyn: (*fwaks Sigura* Shoosh!!!)
[09-13:47] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : *she watches the elf coming down the a small chuckle as he stubbs his toe*
[09-13:48] fdc74, Merwyn: (Merwyn looks, acts and sounds she and preffers it when no one knows otherwise ^^ )
[09-13:48] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : (she then)
[09-13:49]       Merwyn straightens out a few wrinkles, before moving for the bar, aiming for a seat near Sigura. (heheheh)
[09-13:51] cdb77, Sigura: *is startled for a moment having forgotten that it wasn't just a strange dream* ah!...oh hey its can keep the room...I...I like the bar better any've got it for two more nights
[09-13:53]       Merwyn smiles at Sigura, climbing into the stool beside him with only minor difficulties of height. "That's very generous of you... I would really like to repay you"
[09-13:54] cdb77, Sigura: No need, I gave it to you...too late for repayment.
[09-13:55] fdc74, Merwyn: I must! This is a gift, not something I can steal. I wouldn't feel right unless I gave you something in return.
[09-13:56] cdb77, Sigura: It depends...there are few methods of payment I can accept due to where I was raised.
[09-13:57] fdc74, Merwyn: Such as?
[09-13:57] fdc74, Merwyn: (*waves at Illisse*)
[09-13:57] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : *sits listening to the two at the bar..not trying to hide her evesdropping ..*
[09-13:58] cdb77, Sigura: either a gift or a favor like a and services are no good, I am not one to accept either without repayment in return or reprimandation
[09-13:59] cdb77, Sigura: Unless I saved your life...then your life is mine to spend...
[09-13:59]       Merwyn blinks at him... "is there a short version tot hat?"
[09-14:00] cdb77, Sigura: either give me a small item, or do me a favor and since I have no favors that need to be done...
[09-14:00] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Tot hat!
[09-14:01] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : ()
[09-14:02] fdc74, Merwyn: Well, how about a kiss? (*fingering a little thimble in his pocket :-P) It is the best I can offer and all I possess in the area of small gifts.
[09-14:03] cdb77, Sigura: A kiss? that falls under services if I'm not mistaken....
[09-14:04] fdc74, Merwyn: It is all I have to offer *frowning a bit, more depressed by the fact that there is nothing in posession to offer Sigura* And I would feel horrid to accept the room and return nothing to you.
[09-14:05] fdc74, Merwyn: (*waves at Illisse*)
[09-14:05] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : *she chuckles again.. murmering to herself* services...*giving a small smile as that word brings back memories*
[09-14:05] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : (*waves to Merwyn* )
[09-14:06] 867a2, Sileen: *bites the wavers*
[09-14:06] cdb77, Sigura: Tell you what, you give me the dagger, I saved you from, and we can call it even
[09-14:06] cdb77, Sigura: ((Sileen!!! Wahoo!))
[09-14:06] 867a2, Sileen: .. Someone's happy to see me! o/
[09-14:07] cdb77, Sigura: ((Its Zero))
[09-14:07] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : (quickly draws back her fingers* Hey..I only let certain people do that!!)
[09-14:08]       Merwyn smiles again. "Deal. It's... um..." doesn't have a clue where it is, never really saw it, having been fleeing when Sigura had dealt with the guy.
[09-14:08] 867a2, Sileen: *GASP!!!* *tackles him!*
[09-14:09] cdb77, Sigura: Its gotta be somewhere in this one took it...
[09-14:09] cdb77, Sigura: (( ^.^))
[09-14:09] fdc74, Merwyn: (*waves to Illisse with other hand* ^^ heheh)
[09-14:09] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[09-14:10]       Merwyn slips off the stool to go locate the dagger, returning a few short moments later. "And here is my trade" holding the dager out towords Sigura... as it had indeed been left alone ^^
[09-14:10] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *goes about plotting ruin and despair! o/*
[09-14:11] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *is... watching peoples. Oh yes. She's totally perching on a roof watching everyone move around... She was started to get really tired of humans. Thus far, they'd been nothing but trouble*
[09-14:11] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((starting))
[09-14:11] cdb77, Sigura: *takes the dagger and slips it into a pocket in his thick robes* Thank the room is yours officially
[09-14:12] fdc74, Merwyn: ... pre-paid, right? *tis no human, blasted... roof percher!!!!*
[09-14:12] c226d, Zaeth : *makes notes of everything her master is muttering*
[09-14:12] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *there would be the very distinct small of brimstone wafting through the air as he steps through the small portal he created and then folds the leathery wings around himself like a cape, his toothy maw split into a grin as he stalks towards Delotha*
[09-14:13] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *the scent of brimstone drifts towards her... and without even looking behind her, she grimaces* What do you want?
[09-14:14] cdb77, Sigura: Yes, I paid for three nights...after that I was going to be elsewhere anyhow...and I suggest you do like wise in that account as your encounter last night will make for several difficulties for you here...
[09-14:15] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : *she watches the trade with some interest...she had seen that dagger somewhere before...if she could only remember where*)
[09-14:15] fdc74, Merwyn: Only if people go about speaking of it. Only three know of it so far and unless they spread it I am safe.
[09-14:15] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-14:15] ceea7, Palladia Mors : To check in on my favorite halfbreed...*when he gets close enough, he runs those black talons down her spine almost in a paternal fashion, that grin seeming to grow across his pale red skin*
[09-14:15] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:15pm, May 09 (CDT) ).
[09-14:16] fdc74, Merwyn: (ooooo, Illisse knew the muscly pervy NPC guy too?!?!)
[09-14:16] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : ((... you just never know)
[09-14:17] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Oh, so you ARE saying I'm a half breed now are you? You seemed to be trying to convince me I was full breed before
[09-14:18] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *turns at her waist to look up at him* Make up your mind..
[09-14:19] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Isnt that what you call yourself? A halfbreed? Willing to deny your own father? *that grin fades into only what could be described as a smirk*
[09-14:20] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *snorts softly* Other then the hands, I still do not see much of a resemblance. No offense... but you're not exactly the prettiest demon I've ever seen *smirks*
[09-14:21]       Merwyn climbs back atop the stool next to Sigura. "Buy me a drink??"
[09-14:22] ceea7, Palladia Mors : I always did say you took more after your mother than myself...*he chuckles deeply, those black, slitted eyes narrowing a bit upon his "daughter" his tail curling around his waist like a belt*
[09-14:23] cdb77, Sigura: eh? ...sure I guess...just don't say you owe me anymore for a drink, thats not big enough a deal to tarnish your honor or mine...
[09-14:24] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Hmph... where'd I get the eyebrows then? And the elvish features?
[09-14:24] fdc74, Merwyn: Of course not. A drink and a room are two entirey different things... I consider drinks a part of paying for me. *followed by a short giggle and a wink*
[09-14:24] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : *she closes her eyes to think for a bit..finally realizing where she had seen the dagger..... it had belonged to a man who had come to her for healing just a day or so earlier.....Frowning slightly...she wondered how the small elf had gotten it*
[09-14:25] cdb77, Sigura: *orders plum juice for Merwyn* there...its the only juice I order so hopefully you won't complain. ...and I'm not paying for you just so that you know I'm not a customer of fleshly delights...
[09-14:25] ceea7, Palladia Mors : My mother...*produces a small amulet of a rather attractive female demon that looks surprisingly alot like Delotha*
[09-14:26] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ... *blinks, obviously taken aback by this* ... There is no possible way! Why am I only partially immune to flame without my talismin, then?
[09-14:27] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Who ever said I was fully immune to it? *arches what might have been an eyebrow as he reguards her, his massive arms crossing over his chest*
[09-14:28] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ... Then why don't I have wings or a tail? Both you AND my mother have them... *is Delotha reaching? Yes she is!*
[09-14:29] ceea7, Palladia Mors : My mother had neither....*leans towards her and boldly brushes a kiss to her forehead, his lips are rather hot..but not burning* You cannot deny it are my child...
[09-14:30] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *eye twitches* ... Bah! *turns, and in a rather childish sulky manner, slumps forward with her arms crossed, staring broodily below her*
[09-14:30]       Merwyn smirks. "If you say so" Takes the juice and turns to exaimne the other............ occupant... of the room
[09-14:31] cdb77, Sigura: You question my honor?
[09-14:32] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *runs a hand through her fiery hair, petting her head like a father soothing his child after a temper tantrum* You cannot deny it anymore Delotha...
[09-14:32] JOIN: Wandering Man has entered.
[09-14:32] fdc74, Merwyn: Did I saythat? I thought I was agreeing with you.
[09-14:33] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : (*needs to go back in time a day or so*)
[09-14:33] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : I can deny whatever I want to, dang it all *mutters*
[09-14:33] 4e370, Wandering Man: ((microphone test... one, two, one two three, *tap tap* hello... test.. test))
[09-14:33] cdb77, Sigura: tone means much...but I shall let this matter drop...
[09-14:33] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : *hearing the absolute panic in the mans voice..she stops and looks at him*
[09-14:34] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Denial doesnt make it untrue...*he smirks broadly, though he keeps this look from her, still petting her head in a most paternal matter...good...she's falling for it...*
[09-14:34]       Merwyn eyes Illisse, speaking to Sigura still "Good, it wasn't a very nice matter anyway"
[09-14:35] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *snorts* I do not look a thing like you.. I mean, you are possibly THE creepiest looking demon there is. .. .. Well, aside from the one I killed a year back, but that's beside the point
[09-14:35] 4e370, Wandering Man: *he grabs at her shoulders, the blood seeming to flow even thicker from his state of exited shock* He let me live..... I live to pass his message.... *shuddering slightly as his knees buckle* I must tell!
[09-14:36] cdb77, Sigura: *Doesn't comment, and idly takes another drink from the mug in fron't of him that he hadn't touched since last night and Hacks a little* Gah! ...Dwarvish Brew!...I doub't I'll ever finish the whole mug...
[09-14:37] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : *gently trying to lower the man to the ground* He who? Who did this to you?
[09-14:37]       Merwyn peeks back at Sigura. "Why not try elven?"
[09-14:38] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Creepiest? *smirks all the more as he chuckles, the sound of which is deep, hollow and rumbling, that massive hand still attatched to her cranium, petting it lightly...for him at least* You have been away from your people for two long my daughter..
[09-14:38] 4e370, Wandering Man: *he clings tighter to her, blood flowing freely from his wounds, even more vicious seems to flow from beneath his tattered leathers* An Angel..... angel whom was fallen, his wings... they hid everything!
[09-14:38] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : (*glares at Merwyn* hey get your own, that fae wine is my private stock)
[09-14:38] cdb77, Sigura: Oh no...I've heard stories...forget it, its worse in the long run, flavor might be better but I want to WAKE back up...
[09-14:39] 4e370, Wandering Man: ((btw, what exactly is Sigura?))
[09-14:39] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Been away nothing, I have never been with ... and I kill all your kind that I find terrorizing others *looks up at him, a note of challenge in her bright blue eyes*
[09-14:39] cdb77, Sigura: ((a man))
[09-14:40] 4e370, Wandering Man: ((ah, as in human.... gotcha, making sure))
[09-14:40] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((*snitches Illisse's glass when she's yelling at Merwyn*))
[09-14:40] cdb77, Sigura: (( correct))
[09-14:40] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : *she looks confused* an angel? *she tries to stop the flow of blood , casting moderate heal on the just doesnt seem to work*
[09-14:42] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : ((*stabs Delotha with spork* ask nicely and i might share))
[09-14:42]       Merwyn smirks. "Then stop complaining, heh"
[09-14:42] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((*ducks the stab* MEEP! *flees!*
[09-14:42] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ))
[09-14:42] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *laughs deeply and trails one of those black talons down against her cheek, possibly cutting the skin...though any such cut would be a shallow one that would close almost as quickly as it was formed* Such brainwashing...*tsks audibly* You should know what you truly are, my daughter.
[09-14:42] 4e370, Wandering Man: *the wounds heal slightly, at least the one on his face, though it leaves vicious scars, the wounds resistant themselves it seems to magic, though a specific wound, one that bleeds heart red into his leathers, concealed by his tattered remains continues* An angel, fallen from heaven, with hell in his eyes.... the dark forest is his, stay away if you want to live he warned me! he warned all of us!
[09-14:42] ceea7, Palladia Mors : (*hides Delotha behind him* *looms over Illisse*)
[09-14:43] ceea7, Palladia Mors : (*grabs Wandering Man's skull with his hand and leaves imprints*)
[09-14:44] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : (*is afraid of nothing* *leans around him* what? you gotta have someone fight for you?)
[09-14:44] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *the only reaction to the claw slicing her pale skin is a very slight flinch.. and it does clot almost immediantly, though doesn't heal QUITE as fast as a regular demon's* ... What do you want from me?
[09-14:45] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : *laying a hand on his chest* Calm down...what does this 'fallen angel' look like?
[09-14:45] cdb77, Sigura: *looks to Merwyn* well I don't see you drinking this crap
[09-14:46] fdc74, Merwyn: I only drink on the job.
[09-14:47] cdb77, Sigura: yeah...I suppose you would need to
[09-14:47] 4e370, Wandering Man: *the man drops to the ground violently, writhing in pain as she touches the bloodied spot on his chest, screaming out* NO! he marked me!
[09-14:47] ceea7, Palladia Mors : I wish to get to know my only surviving that so wrong? *offers an almost beguiling, congenial would be if he wasnt so monsterous looking*
[09-14:48] JOIN: Brimstone has entered.
[09-14:49] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : .. A demoness as attractive as my mother, and you only had one child hm?
[09-14:49] fdc74, Merwyn: For some.... I would need quite alot for someone like... say... you... *nudges Sigura witha teasing smile*
[09-14:50] ceea7, Palladia Mors : I said one surviving did I not? *smiles lightly*
[09-14:50] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ... Oh.
[09-14:50] cdb77, Sigura: *looks at the nugde* yeah well...I understand, I'd need a whole bottle of fey to accidently stay the night with you...because I don't care to wake up naked and empty pocketed...despite not having pockets...
[09-14:50] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : *jerking her hand back as if she had been burned..she looks at her hand and back at the man* Marked? how has he marked you that I cannot touch you?
[09-14:54] ceea7, Palladia Mors : So it dawns upon you does it not/
[09-14:54] 4e370, Wandering Man: *he shakes his head* No.... *his eyes looking back up towards Illisse* touch you can me... but not this *as he grabs at the tattered rags, pulling it back to show a mark on his chest, directly over his heart, a branded talon print of some form of creature burnt into his flesh like a raised wound, making the flesh within ashen, with a wicked looking rose carved into the center of the charred flesh, the stem and thorns having crusted over, but the petals of the rose bleed continuously, as if by some form of enchantment*
[09-14:55] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *mutter* ... I still don't like you.
[09-14:55] 4e370, Wandering Man: *and if she was to touch the branded mark, she would feel a searing pain of licking flames, dancing upon her hand*
[09-14:57]       Merwyn yawns quietly, bored.
[09-14:58] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : *she abruptly sits down on the ground next to the man..staring at the rose mark...*What ? Who? *she cannot seem to form the words she wants to *..What is the meaning of this?
[09-14:59] cdb77, Sigura: *eyes the mug of brakish dwarven drink like a man who is preparing himself for his final days...*
[09-14:59] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : ((*pokes Merwyn*))
[09-14:59] ceea7, Palladia Mors : You do not have to... like me...Delotha...but I am still your father..whether you admit to it or know its true...*suddenly grabs her painfully tight by the hair before jerking her head back to stare into those blue eyes, his own black ones with the hellish scarlet slits seeming to narrow immensely* And you will not kill anymore of your people...
[09-15:00] fdc74, Merwyn: (ow *dies*)
[09-15:00] 4e370, Wandering Man: *his voice gets caught in his throat for a moment as he looks up to the elf* Stay from the Dark Forest..... your flesh will eat you alive, and your blood will boil in your veins.... my brothers, my friends, bled out and incentirated.... and he let me live.... DO NOT GO THERE! hell look for me!
[09-15:01] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *grits her teeth, sharp canines showing, as her head is jerked back, glaring up at him in return* *says nothing in response*
[09-15:02] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : *she tries to calm the man* I will not go there..But can you tell me who it is that i a to stay away from?
[09-15:02] fdc74, Merwyn: (Illisse.. yous till in the bar?... )
[09-15:02] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 3:09pm, May 09 (CDT) ).
[09-15:03] 4e370, Wandering Man: *he jerks up suddanly, grabbing the sides of her face with his palm, pressing very close to her, eye to eye* I told you, you damn faerie, a fallen angel!
[09-15:03] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Am I understood? *his hand tightens in her hair as he sees those canines being bared from her lips*
[09-15:03] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : ((not right now..I am in the past )
[09-15:03] fdc74, Merwyn: (ah....... how'd ya get there? :-P)
[09-15:04] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : *putting her hands on his* Yes , you said that..Does not this angel have a name?
[09-15:04] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : I understand you find... The real question is, am I going to listen? *flashes a feral grin*
[09-15:04] 4e370, Wandering Man: ((gaming something we started a few days ago))
[09-15:04] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : (had to finish rp...I will be back in Inn in a few or so))
[09-15:04] cdb77, Sigura: *Takes quite a large suicidal drink from the mug* Gak! Hek! Kah! ....its not so bad if you drink it quick
[09-15:05] fdc74, Merwyn: (heheh, was jsut wondering ^^..... wheres all the pretty guys? >.>
[09-15:05] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *he chuckles deeply in amusement and releases her hair* You truly are your mother's child....she had that defiant streak in her as well...
[09-15:05] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : ((Pretty guys? no such thing...))
[09-15:06] 4e370, Wandering Man: ((actually Merwyn, your the only person that plays a "pretty guy" in here))
[09-15:06] JOIN: Merwyn has entered.
[09-15:06] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Really... is that why you killed her? *narrows her eyes*
[09-15:07] fdc74, Merwyn: (bleh)
[09-15:07] ceea7, Palladia Mors : No. I killed her for being unfaithful to me...*smiles ferally, matching her him more ammunition to prove his paternity of her*
[09-15:07] 4e370, Wandering Man: ((this isnt Amarantus, or a few of those adrogenous male homoerotic chats, we have a very straightforward, serious plot for the most part))
[09-15:07] ceea7, Palladia Mors : ((Down with the 'Rant!))
[09-15:08] 4e370, Wandering Man: ((We're into pain, and blood shed, not pretty boys ))
[09-15:08] beb1a, Brimstone : *he dove from the sky, wings tight against his back .. a few seconds to darting toward the earth, then his wings lash out, flapping a number of times to slow his descent - landing in a crouch behind a clutter of trees close to town*..
[09-15:08]       Merwyn nudges Sigura again "don't go drowning or anything"
[09-15:08] ceea7, Palladia Mors : ((*supplies both...with a side order of mass death*))
[09-15:08] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : So you say at least... not that it would surprise me, judging how she came off the one time we met... but still
[09-15:09] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : ((rugged, stoic.....never pretty but ....they have their own attractiveness))
[09-15:10] ceea7, Palladia Mors : It was almost enjoyable killing her...*shakes his head* its a shame she broke so quickly...
[09-15:10] 4e370, Wandering Man: ((*high five for Steve* and me and steve are the most demented ooga boogas in here))
[09-15:11] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ... ... ...
[09-15:11] beb1a, Brimstone : *standing, his crystalline-looking wings lower again, quickly shrinking into the wide slits on the back of his longcoat, both sealing shut soon after .. he walks around the set trees, heading toward town in general, aimed for the inn for a drink and possibly a snack*..
[09-15:12] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : ((w/e))
[09-15:13] ceea7, Palladia Mors : ((Damn right..*high fives Jace back* ))
[09-15:13] cdb77, Sigura: *Barely notices the nudge, but coffs a little* I think more likely to die from the corrosion than the drowning
[09-15:14] 4e370, Wandering Man: I do not know his name.... but his eyes will burn my dreams forever *his breathing rate increasing*
[09-15:15] beb1a, Brimstone : *he pulled his thin gloves from each side pocket of his coat, tugging them on, like a second skin .. passing a hand through his white mane, only for it to shift back into place, though the wind does a good number to keep it out of his eyes - icy hues peer back and forth before him, mind still plagued with the events of the prior day*..
[09-15:16] ceea7, Palladia Mors : do not know how she died?
[09-15:17] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : *shakes her head* I just don't understand... why would he 'who ever it is' look for you if I went there?
[09-15:17] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Honestly, "I killed her" was, and still is, enough information about it. I don't really care how she died.
[09-15:19] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *tsks* Such apathy for one's parents...
[09-15:19] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *chuckles* I met the woman once, and she beat the tar out of me... You want me to love her to death for that?
[09-15:20] 4e370, Wandering Man: He gave me his unholy crusade.... he told me to warn everyone, the Dark Forest is tainted *his eyes widening slightly as his breathing increases, the stress within the man reopening the claw marks that run down his face, the bleeding begining once more* You dont know what waits for you there! warn everyone, it isnt worth it!
[09-15:21] ceea7, Palladia Mors : No...but you should hold some feeling for the people who breathed life into your existance...
[09-15:22] beb1a, Brimstone : *his pace was quick, graceful, but not overly so, walking tall and proud .. his attire consisted of leather, loosely fitting to allow agile movement if needed, black longcoat, dark brown slacks, black boots and gloves, everything held together by either leather straps of the same material and color, or shinning platinum fastens or buttons - he folds his hands behind his back, mind pained at his worried consideration, his unsatisfactory words and actions at that farm. hopefully a few drinks will calm his concerns*..
[09-15:22] 4e370, Wandering Man: ((I think we chased him off))
[09-15:23] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ... I fight demon after demon... throw myself into fights at bars, docks, you name it.. I have been attached to ONE person, and he left me without a word. *slowly stands, and turns to face him* The "life" you have breathed into me, as far as I'm concerned, has been wasted... I'm just too stubborn thus far to die
[09-15:23] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : *watching the blood run down his face again..realizind that she would not be able to heal this sort of wound...she tries once more to calm him* I will do what you ask...but i fear that I will not be believed..
[09-15:24] 4e370, Wandering Man: They had best belive.... for their own good *his hands slowly begining to grasp at his clothing, ripping and clawing at it* It burns... oh it hurts so bad *the man choaking on his sobs, tears flowing down his cheeks*
[09-15:25] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Then why do you not lea[ at the chance to know what it is you come from? Power.. That is your heritage...and you would deny and throw it all away...*tsks, shaking his massive head*
[09-15:27] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : *she lowers her head, wishing she had more power to help him...she tries every small bit of magic she possesses in her efforts*
[09-15:28] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *mock enthusiastically* Yes! I have a heritage of bullies! I am so excited! *rolls her eyes*
[09-15:30] beb1a, Brimstone : *approaching from behind the inn, he shuffles around to a side, traveling parallel to the wall .. glancing into windows as he passes, just out of the corner of an eye, head remaining forward - he stops at another corner of the building, one of two that are at the front, staring over the yard before the place*..
[09-15:31] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-15:32] ceea7, Palladia Mors : That settles it. You truly are my spawn...
[09-15:32] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *smirks* How so?
[09-15:32] 4e370, Wandering Man: *but for all of her healing abilities, though able to heal physically, it cant heal the mental scarring on the man, his back arching viciously upwards before sitting up, turning on the elf and diving at her, to pin her against the ground* You Tell them this! The Dark Forest is tainted, to step within is to willingly give your life, There is nothing there to be desired beyond a masocistic death wish, you are warned..... *and with that, the tautness of his muscles grow slack as he slumps against Illisse, choking on another sob as he rolls to his back, fingers grasping stiffly at his chest, going through all the appropriate motions of a stress induced heart attack*
[09-15:32] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Where do you think you got such a sharp tongue?
[09-15:33] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Years of practice?
[09-15:33] fdc74, Merwyn: (woohoo, chat problems solved)
[09-15:34] beb1a, Brimstone : *steps forward and turns, marching up to the door, a glance sent over each broad, leathered shoulder .. hand grapples the door handle, opening and entering the inn - closing it behind him quitely, sharp blue orbs take the main room in, looking over those present*..
[09-15:34] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Hardly.
[09-15:35] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *grins*
[09-15:36] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : *unable to help, ..she has no powers to deal with this sort of thing...she can only sit and watch the man...a tear sliding down her face*
[09-15:37] fdc74, Merwyn:
[09-15:37] ceea7, Palladia Mors : ((Hell.))
[09-15:38] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *smirks*
[09-15:38] 4e370, Wandering Man: *he lurches upwards, than slumps down against the cold road, without a friend to witness his death, without a family member to hold him close, alone, his soul slowly drifts upwards, death claiming his body, eyes turning glassy*
[09-15:38] fdc74, Merwyn: (erm... seriously???)
[09-15:38] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : ((past))
[09-15:38] beb1a, Brimstone : *boots thud lightly against the flooring as he advances toward the bar, a hand slips into a pocket withdraw his coin bag, undoing the small tie and fishing out the exact amount he'll need to pay for the drink .. weaving around tables and chairs along his way, he seats himself on a stool at a far end, adjusting his longcoat comfortably*..
[09-15:38] beb1a, Brimstone : (Inn.)
[09-15:40] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-15:41] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : *she watches him die, feeling his soul depart...grief heavy in her heart....strange to feel such for a stranger....she looks at his body.wondering just what to do with it*
[09-15:41] 4e370, Wandering Man: ((you'll post on the message board Illisse?))
[09-15:43] 4e370, Wandering Man: *yup.... is a body now*
[09-15:44] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-15:44] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : (Brand spankin new pic test)
[09-15:44] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : * as she watched the rose mark began to glow...burning his body away ..soon there is nothing but a burnt mark on the ground
[09-15:45] EXIT: Sigura has left the chat ( 4:04pm, May 09 (CDT) ).
[09-15:45] JOIN: Haywood has entered.
[09-15:46] cdb77, Haywood: ((Damn image...))
[09-15:46] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : ((*is in present now*))
[09-15:46] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : (Yes! Its Haywood!)
[09-15:47] beb1a, Brimstone : *he drops the coins onto the counter as the tender nears, speaking low to the man what he wants, and requesting it to be taken to a table that he motions to .. standing, he moves over to the booth he has a habit of residing in, sliding in - he settles back and undoes a few precious metal buttons on his coat*..
[09-15:47] cdb77, Haywood: *looks around the streets of the town he's just arrived in...*
[09-15:47] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : *she continues to watch the two at the intently that she had missed seeing anyone else come in*
[09-15:48] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 4:44pm, May 09 (CDT) ).
[09-15:48] cdb77, Haywood: *Notices the sign to the bar, and smiles slightly...* time for a drink? yes...I think so...
[09-15:49] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *he is standing in the streets, in full armor, his cloak whipping about his form in the wind, seemingly examining goods in the marketsquare of *
[09-15:52] beb1a, Brimstone : *he slides his tome out, an attractive book that is no bigger than one-hundred pages in size, corners and spine decorated in platinum, front and back covered in a material that resembles slighly wrinkled blue-hued velvet .. on the cover, in the center sits a dome-shaped partial sphere thats appearance matches ice - setting it down on the table before him, next to which his drink is placed as the waitress brings it, offering a nod in thanks*..
[09-15:52] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : (*hums "Tower" and sets a buncha goblins after Haywood*)
[09-15:53] cdb77, Haywood: *decides to kick open the door to the tavern, and the tall human fully clad in studded black leather helps himself to a seat at the bar*
[09-15:53] 4e370, Jace: *yawns, stretching out*
[09-15:55] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : *shaking herself...she begins to look around the room..taking note ot the men that had entered*
[09-15:56] cdb77, Haywood: *Shouts in a gruff voice to the barkeep* I need something strong!
[09-15:57] beb1a, Brimstone : *brilliant eyes cut to the door as it's forced open, watching the man of the deed enter, just a moment of staring before he peers over the room .. and finally down at the book before him, opening it to the pages set with a dark blue, silk marker - he picks the glass up with one hand, lifting it for a drink as he reads over the left page*..
[09-15:57] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : moves into the inn...the same one where he had seen the human...for no other reason than he could it seems...kick open the door...his hood fastened about his head to keep it from blowing away in the wind..lest someone see his truer nature*
[09-15:59] cdb77, Haywood: *receive his drink, a good stout Dwarven spirit he chugs half the mug and slams it down* What is this WATER?!
[09-16:00] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *he comes up behind the human, his pacing for the muted crak of metal...he would place a gauntleted hand upon the human's shoulder and then speak..his voice flowing and musical in its elf's voice* There is no need for such...vocality..
[09-16:02] cdb77, Haywood: *mocks the elf's voice* know, I should care more about your opinion, but I'd much rather watch you bleed...all I wanted was something to take the chill off and all you people have here is much water!
[09-16:03] cdb77, Haywood: ((Muck water
[09-16:03] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *his pale features curl into a smirk under his hood, whic completely hides his face from sight before he turns to the 'tender* Give this man a glass of Fae wine...on my tab...
[09-16:04] beb1a, Brimstone : *shakes his head slightly, white haif shuffles across his pale brow .. keeping focused on his book, eyes scrolling back and forth over the page - a narrow, icicle-looking item lays in the crease, collected between finger and thumb of his free hand. his eyes lift onto the two at the bar*..
[09-16:05] cdb77, Haywood: *looks at the elf* I don't need some fruity flavored tart water either...I'll pass.
[09-16:05] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : *she carefully watches the two men at the bar..her violet eyes narrowing as one orders Fae wine.... knowing that most of what was here belonged to her... seeing the tender glance at her..she gives him a small nod saying 'yes give it to him'*
[09-16:06] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : You will be pleasantly surprised my human friend...*moves away from heywood a moment and indeed such a wine is placed in front of him as he seems to make arrangements with one of the bouncers to carry the human off to a healer after he is done*
[09-16:07] cdb77, Haywood: Pleasant? who said I wanted pleasant! I wanted something gruff not this berry-flavored-piss
[09-16:08] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *he fixes those smoldering burgandy eyes...a trait left him by his mother upon the human* Just drink it...all in one shot if you can....
[09-16:09] MSG: Aleinn Duinn sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[09-16:09] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : *she gives a small smile at the mans words..berry flavored piss.....she just hoped that when he was lying on the floor the bouncer would forget that she was a healer*
[09-16:10] beb1a, Brimstone : *sitting back in the booth, he watches the Elf and Human closely, wondering, and slightly hoping .. glass raised for another sip of wine, seldom blinking, not wanting to miss a second of what may, but probably will not unfold - ankles cross under the table, shifting to make himself comfortable*..
[09-16:10] 4e370, Jagged Farrell: ((ah, whose life to ruin today))
[09-16:11] cdb77, Haywood: *Backhands the glass away* I need not take advice from you...I know what I want and I shall not settle for less because a Silent Boby arogant twig decided he has the fortitude to boss me about.
[09-16:13] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *arches a brow with a smirk...humans...cant live with them...Gods'll damn you all the more for killing them all....* Very well..order what you wish...but it will not be half as potent as what you spilled upon the floor.
[09-16:14] cdb77, Haywood: Potent...but no Bite to should sting on the way down.
[09-16:17] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : I could always make it sting...human...*his voice darkens into an almost vageuly apathetic note...his features broken into a smirk*
[09-16:17] beb1a, Brimstone : *he taps the end of the ice-like pencil against the empty page of the book .. eyes glancing between the two as they speak back and forth, occasional looks to the other occupant - he releases the glass and drops the writing instrument, taking a moment to remove his gloves, tucking them back into their pockets*..
[09-16:17] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : *she winces slightly at the waste of wine..still watching the taller of the two*
[09-16:19] cdb77, Haywood: *grins* I like do have fortitude...Well? lets go then...if you want to play around a little, I suppose since you asked, we can dance a while...
[09-16:22] beb1a, Brimstone : Mm. *he closes the book with an audible thud, quickly slipping it into his coat again, buttoning up .. bare fingers curl around the stem of the glass, watching, waiting..*
[09-16:22] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : Its not usualy in me to dance with males...*gives a faint shrug* but if you insist..I suppose we could take this outside...
[09-16:23] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : *raising an eyebrow at the challange* this should be interesting
[09-16:23] cdb77, Haywood: What? no audience to judge us and say how "pleasantly suprized" they were?
[09-16:24] beb1a, Brimstone : *a quick glance sent to the woman as she speaks .. he shuffles toward the end of the booth, turning so he can stand easily when the time comes*..
[09-16:25] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : If they wish..they may join us outside.. I would prefer not to disrupt this man's buisness anymore than I have to. *he would smile dryly under his hood...not that it would matter really*
[09-16:27] cdb77, Haywood: Here we go again with the suggestions...cut it or I shall cut you where you stand...if outside is where you want...then lets get to it...but I was hoping for music while we dance....
[09-16:29] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : Then think of your favorite song as you bleed...*gestures with a thin, almost frail looking hand towards the door* You first..
[09-16:31] cdb77, Haywood: *grins* well a real man eh? ...lets see * walks to the door and kicks it open, quickly walking into the open and unfurling a long black barbed whip*
[09-16:34] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *follows the human out into the dusty streets...his cloak again fluttering about him in the wind as he draws what appears to be two perfectly identical longswords, both being rather thin in the blade*
[09-16:35] beb1a, Brimstone : *he stands and pauses, another sip taken from his glass .. watching the human exit first, followed by the other - he exits soon afterward, positioning himself off to the side, away from the battle ground*..
[09-16:35] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : *watching the men go out the door.. she glances at the white haired stranger...stands and moves to look out the door*
[09-16:36] cdb77, Haywood: *grips his whip the slight sound of a cracking squeek as leather bunches on leather* Nice...
[09-16:37] JOIN: O.R. has entered.
[09-16:39] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *he raises one of the blades up so that the crossguard would fall across what would be his nose if the human could see his face...and then he drops the hand down rather sharply in a soldier's salute*
[09-16:40] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[09-16:41] beb1a, Brimstone : *he seats himself on the ground, back against the front wall of the inn .. setting his drink down to his left, he opens his coat again to remove his pipe bag - undoing the tie around the mouth of the bag, he reaches in and slides his long, highly-attractive pipe out, placing it in his lap. all the while, watching the two*..
[09-16:42] cdb77, Haywood: *cracks the whip on the ground once to get prepared, leaving a long neat slice in the ground below.... he studies the opponent for a while, then lashes out with the whip intending to ensnare a calf muscle*
[09-16:44] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *he then steps back from the whiplash, letting it crack in front of him..harmlessly before he smirks and steps in closer, to lessen the reach he can get with that whip*
[09-16:44] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-16:44] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 5:44pm, May 09 (CDT) ).
[09-16:45] beb1a, Brimstone : *a small smirk crosses his narrow lips as it begins, pulling out a small sack from the bag, darker in material .. parting the mouth of that, he sticks a finger and thumb inside, removing a pinch of smoking weed and carefully pushing it into the bowl of the pipe - closes and tosses the little bag back, lifting the pipe to his jaws*..
[09-16:45] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : *she watches the man crack his whip...flinching slightly as it scored the ground..a man had died in her arms there only yesterday...*
[09-16:45] cdb77, Haywood: you're so sure of think you have a card up your sleeve? *yanks the whip back as so it is currled in his hand*
[09-16:46] EXIT: Haywood has left the chat ( 5:45pm, May 09 (CDT) ).
[09-16:46] JOIN: Haywood has entered.
[09-16:46] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *he makes no for the sing of his blade as it slashes through the air in a downward arc, towards Heywood's left shoulder to cut him from shoulder to hip*
[09-16:47] beb1a, Brimstone : *finally, a match it taken out, sparked against the wall and taken to the awaiting bowl .. drawing repeatedly off it, the pipe long, curved away from his face - he flicks his wrist and puts the tiny smal out, tossing the spent match aside*..
[09-16:48] cdb77, Haywood: *Sees the attack comming and raises his arm under the forearm of the attack, and pushes it aside, while kicking at his chest*
[09-16:49] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *that second blade then comes up from under Heywood to more or less slice at the man's foot even as he is pushed back by the kick*
[09-16:50] beb1a, Brimstone : *closes and pockets the lengthy bag back into his longcoat .. a hand supporting the base of the pipe looming from his lips, other taking hold of his glass - he stands, and leans back against the outter wall of the inn, still smirking at the scene unfolding before him*..
[09-16:51] cdb77, Haywood: *the sound of a singing thin blade is heard faintly as the cold metal is met by cold leather, the slice is deep, but not deep enough to prove very effective, though blood is drawn all be it a small ammount, his whip lashes out at a wrist hoping to grasp it , as he hisses slightly when putting the foot down*
[09-16:52] JOIN: Amen has entered.
[09-16:52] 05376, Amen: hello there, room
[09-16:52] JOIN: Oyrin Darkune has entered.
[09-16:52] bc4c0, Oyrin Darkune : ((*Flex*))
[09-16:52] cdb77, Haywood: (( hey Oyrin))
[09-16:53] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *the whip circles around his wrist, perhaps digging a bit into his plate armor which he pulls on harshly to bring the whip taut as he lashes out with his other, unentangled arm to slice the whip in twain*
[09-16:53] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : ((hey both of you))
[09-16:54] 05376, Amen : what's up in here?
[09-16:54] cdb77, Haywood: *Pulls the whip hard yanking the arm that remains ensnared closer to the intended strike point*
[09-16:54] bc4c0, Oyrin Darkune : ((Sups ladies and non-ladies.))
[09-16:54] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : (Yo peeps)
[09-16:54] beb1a, Brimstone : *a boot plants against the wall, small push to set him straight .. side-stepping along the outside, toward the door - icy hues never leave the two combatants*..
[09-16:55] 05376, Amen : *looks curiosly*
[09-16:55] 05376, Amen : ..
[09-16:55] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *and against that tug he pulls as well to keep the intended strike point where it is...but alas..the human's strength is probably greater than the hand is pulled closer..though the whip is still sliced through*
[09-16:56] EXIT: Amen has left the chat ( 5:55pm, May 09 (CDT) ).
[09-16:56] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : *she focuses on the two combatants..not noticing the stranger moving towards the door*
[09-16:58] cdb77, Haywood: *Grimaces having lost about a foot and a half of his range, as well as the barb, but soon resumes smiling sadistically because blunt hurts more...he flicks a short sword up into his free hand still weilding his partly rended whip* took a chunk eh? ...
[09-16:59] JOIN: Jagged Farrell has entered.
[09-17:00] beb1a, Brimstone : *drawing off his pipe, the smoke filtering through his powerful lungs before its released into the wind, a very faint aroma of cheer wafting about him .. he stops to the left of the door, resting back against the wall again - speaking low toward her*.. What purpose do you believe this serves? *his voice friendly, though boarders on indifferent, smooth and holding a handsome level of depth*..
[09-17:00] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : A start...*he smirks under his hood...which stays in if fastened to him in some way...he then begins circling the human, keeping him in sight those smoldering burgandy eyes narrowed slightly in a cold stare*
[09-17:01] 4e370, Jagged Farrell: ((test))
[09-17:01] 867a2, Naurlote : *... another cloaked figure moves in on the scene of the fight...*
[09-17:01] bc4c0, Oyrin Darkune : *Steps out on the porch, war hammer resting over his shoulder.**mutters in his gruff dwarf voice.* What's goin on?
[09-17:02] 4e370, Jagged Farrell : ((bleh))
[09-17:02] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : *smiling at his words.* heh..not much really.. perhaps its only to prove to themselves they are 'men'
[09-17:02] cdb77, Haywood: *Moves himself to be constantly facing his foe, they both turn circle as they attempt to cirlce each other, until he decides to lash out with the slightly shorter whip once more at a leg this time near the ankle* Hyah!!
[09-17:03] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *he leaps aside the strike with a graceful motion of his body before stepping in with a feinted lunge towards the man's throat*
[09-17:03] bc4c0, Oyrin Darkune : Why would anyone want to do that? *Making a race joke of course.* Dwarves are better.
[09-17:03] beb1a, Brimstone : *eyes cut to the Dwarf as he speaks, also instantly noting the other figure*.. Mm, how eventful. *he looks over at Illisse as she replies, attention soon cast over the two fighting again*.. Such a price, for manhood.
[09-17:04] cdb77, Haywood: *attempts to parry the feigned attack with the sword, while retriving the whip with the other arm*
[09-17:05] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *lets his sword that he used for the feigned attack be batted asside with the parry, his other hand moving to slice along the man's thigh to lessen mobility*
[09-17:05] bc4c0, Oyrin Darkune : I think I want a beer...*Turns to head back into the bar.*
[09-17:06] 4e370, Jagged Farrell : *he crouches low against the roof of a nearby building, studying the battle between Haywood and Aleinn*
[09-17:07] 867a2, Naurlote : *she stands to the side of the fight a long moment, then finally calls out, throwing out her Queen's authoritive voice* Aleinn! Cease this immediantly !
[09-17:07] cdb77, Haywood: *Doesn't quite know that attack was on its way, vbut upon feeling the blade touch the leather leggins he instincively hops back, but not in time, a two inch long gash in his leather lets some blood seep out, luckily the armor being so tight doesn't let on to how deep the cut goes* Bastard!
[09-17:08] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : *watches the cloaked figure approach and listens to the dwarf as he heads back inside*
[09-17:09] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *looks ready to follow up the attack with another slash...but hearing the Queen call out...he stiffens and flicks the human's blood from his blade, sheathing them quickly, his voice coming out in baritone seriouslness* At once, Arwen en Amin..
[09-17:09] beb1a, Brimstone : Blast... *watching the cloaked figure for a moment before his blue eyes settle again on the two .. his hope dissipating*..
[09-17:09] bc4c0, Oyrin Darkune : *Comes back outside with a big ass tanker of ber. yeah. a tanker.*
[09-17:10] cdb77, Haywood: What is this!! We're not done dancing!! *takes a step forward, but feels the sting of both his foot and the thigh* be least my mistress is pleased for the moment...what can you say of yours?
[09-17:11] 867a2, Naurlote : *blatantly ignores the human, hood tilting up enough so that Aleinn can see her angry stare* You will explain yourself, Nikerym T'preshe
[09-17:11] 4e370, Jagged Farrell : *he glares daggers at Haywood, feeling the blood thirst fill him, yet he subsides for the moment*
[09-17:11] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : I will let her speak for herself, human...*he turns and bows before Naurlote, keeping his sharp ears on the human in case he should be backstabbed* Forgive me iof I have displeased you..
[09-17:12] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : *noting the behavior of the taller man toward the cloaked figure..she wonders just who it is*
[09-17:12] cdb77, Haywood: *sheaths his sword.* ...
[09-17:12] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : This man was disturbing the peace inside the inn..I offered alternatives to such an altercation...but it seemd as if he was intent upon this I decided to satisfy it for him...
[09-17:13] 867a2, Naurlote : *her eyes narrow slightly, as she switches her gaze to Haywood* Is this true...?
[09-17:14] beb1a, Brimstone : *chest quakes in a quiet chuckle, shaking his head in dissapointment .. pulling the mouth of his pipe from his lips, glass lifting for a deeper drink - staring over the three, so much for his hope on the results*..
[09-17:14] bc4c0, Oyrin Darkune : *Frowns.* This is retarted. Illisse. Lets go get another beer. *Already has one...but wants another one.*
[09-17:14] cdb77, Haywood: You're man patronized me and questioned my fallability and my manhood...where I am from we defend our the death if someone wants to press that far...
[09-17:14] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *is rather insensed at dare she second guess him...he has never given her cause to doubt his word of honor mad...yes...*
[09-17:15] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : Oyrin my friend...this is not done yet... I must stay ...I will join you in a few minutes
[09-17:16] beb1a, Brimstone : And the attention of others holds strong while the bout ensures, only to quickly die as the end is brought up... *speaking quietly to himself*..
[09-17:16] 4e370, Jagged Farrell : *smirks slightly as he fingers a throwing dagger between his dark fingers*
[09-17:17] bc4c0, Oyrin Darkune : Why stay? It'll only lead to trouble.
[09-17:18] 867a2, Naurlote : *stares silently at Haywood a moment, then looks back at Alienn, switching to elvish* ~We are not here so you can get into bar fights .. Whatever your intentions may have been, this is NOT our land. I do not wish for any of my men to cause a scene while we are on other's turf! What if you had killed him, Aleinn? Would you have left me to be stuck with the task of negotiating your release from jail?~
[09-17:19] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *lowers his head in derision, his voice coming out in elven, rolling rather musically* ~ There would have been no death, have my word on that.~
[09-17:19] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : *on hearing the suddenly dawns on her just who the woman is...bowes her head murmering* My Queen
[09-17:20] bc4c0, Oyrin Darkune : *Snorts at Elvish.* Oh. Right. The elves. *loudly* Bah! *Turns and heads back into the bar.*
[09-17:20] JOIN: Jagged Farrell has entered.
[09-17:21] 1afd1, Jagged Farrell : ((icon/profile test))
[09-17:21] beb1a, Brimstone : *head pivots, looking between the girl at the door, and the hooded figure .. pipe set back in his mouth, smoldering embers as he draws from it - a white brow slightly raised in thought*..
[09-17:21] cdb77, Haywood: *crosses his arms waiting to see if the play would be able to continue as left* ...tsk...
[09-17:22] 1afd1, Jagged Farrell : *spins the throwing dagger back and holsters it within his belt once again* hmm.... how boring
[09-17:23] 867a2, Naurlote : *gives a mental sigh, and prepares a response... then upon Illisse saying "My Queen", she jerks her gaze up, fascining those cold blue eyes on her... her cover was blown... After a moment's study, she gives Illisse a nod to aknowledge her*
[09-17:23] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *he stands as he is, his gauntleted hands moving to clasp behind his back in a militaristic fashion...beliying his training....his features going instantly neutral under his hood..not that anyone could see his face beneath it*
[09-17:26] JOIN: Jagged Farrell has entered.
[09-17:26] 867a2, Naurlote : ((fastening))
[09-17:26] cdb77, Haywood: If you have nothing more to say to me I am going to go back to my business...I can't stand here waiting all day.
[09-17:27] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : ~Is there anything you require of me at this particular moment, Highness?~ *his smoldering burgandy eyes focus upon the Queen before him*
[09-17:27] beb1a, Brimstone : *he speaks up, a calm, unthreateningly voice from the bystander along the wall*.. Allow them to resume, and resolve their issues as needed. No worry of exposure, other than that which already is... They have a need to settle, and as such, should be allowed so. *he stares at the two men, commenting more to himself*.. It remains as entertainment as well...
[09-17:27] 1afd1, Jagged Farrell : *he stalks back from his position and drops silently to his feet upon the ground, the shadows enveloping him, raising a silver streaked brow as he watches Haywood from his shadowed void*
[09-17:28] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : ((time for everyone's bastard half drow to make an exit stage left evenenen)
[09-17:29] cdb77, Haywood: *glances to the man who spoke up* ...rightly so...but if she is to hold him from it I won't kill him now...maybe another day we can continue to show our friendly sides...but it seems she is more interested in his well-being...
[09-17:29] 867a2, Naurlote : *looks to Haywood* Return to your buisness, if you so wish. *throws a quick glance towards Brimstone as he speaks, then shifts her gaze back to Aleinn, switching back to elvish* ~Accompany me~ *with that.. she turns back down the street, and begins to walk away*
[09-17:30] 1afd1, Jagged Farrell : ((Steve, Bwael Tangisto Dalninuk ))
[09-17:30] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-17:30] cdb77, Haywood: *snorts softly and walks back to the bar* waste of time and precious pain...
[09-17:30] beb1a, Brimstone : Ahh.. to hold control over another... *a shake of his head, turning away from them, staring off to the side in consideration*..
[09-17:31] 867a2, Naurlote : *leads him off! Ah ha ha!*
[09-17:31] cdb77, Haywood: *stops next to the stranger near the wall* ...who are you?
[09-17:32] cdb77, Haywood: ((to Brimstone))
[09-17:32] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : *watching the small group disolve she heads back inside the inn... *
[09-17:33] 6cd4c, Will-o'-the-wisp: {*sits and waits for his char Email to come back* god damn slow people...}
[09-17:33] 6cd4c, Will-o'-the-wisp: {*sits and waits for his chart to get regged* Damn I hate longs waits}
[09-17:34] beb1a, Brimstone : Just another man wandering in this chaotic world. *he turns back, peering over the wounded human .. puffing off his pipe - he himself appears as human as the next, save for his uncommon white hair, and hardly looking the age to don such a mane*..
[09-17:34] 1afd1, Jagged Farrell : *he slowly pulls his hood up over his head, tucking his silver strands of hair back, some know whom he is, but not all react kindly to drow, the dark elf turning down the main street, heading towards Trendlekims*
[09-17:34] 1afd1, Jagged Farrell : ((what char, Will?))
[09-17:35] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-17:35] cdb77, Haywood: I see, why take such interest in our bout? it the agony? the blood? the anguish....why?
[09-17:36] 0c586, Aynuk Khieva: ((*stretch*))
[09-17:37] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : *returning to her seat by the fire she picks up her glass and finishes the last of the fae wine in it....she tucks her feet back up under the edge of her skirt..wondering just what the Queen was doing in *
[09-17:37] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 6:33pm, May 09 (CDT) ).
[09-17:38] JOIN: Barendd has entered.
[09-17:38] beb1a, Brimstone : *he turns, facing Haywood fully, standing nearly half a foot over six feet, intimidation is far beyond him .. clad between royalty and poverty - answering a question with another*.. Why did you desire to duel him in the first place?
[09-17:39] cdb77, Haywood: Because, I felt that it would be worth my while, and it is my nature to seek conflict...or resolution sometimes as well
[09-17:41] EXIT: Barendd has left the chat ( 6:38pm, May 09 (CDT) ).
[09-17:41] JOIN: Barendd has entered.
[09-17:41] 6cd4c, Barendd : {ok mnow I think I can start to RP}
[09-17:42] 1afd1, Jagged Farrell : ((hey Haywood, what addy are you using for your avatar?))
[09-17:42] beb1a, Brimstone : Than consider it my resolution to be found in the bloody battle between two others. *head turns away, peering over the now empy area they fought in*..
[09-17:42] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : *closing her eyes for a moment..she thinks about leaving the Inn and looking for her companions..they have been gone so long now.....realizing that it would be a wasted effort on her part..she just remains where she is.....signaling the tender for food she pours herself another glass of wine*
[09-17:43] 6cd4c, Barendd : {ok might as well start{
[09-17:43] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : ((its been fun..but i have to go for a while bbl))
[09-17:43] cdb77, Haywood: ((
[09-17:43] 0c586, Aynuk Khieva : *a slender and horribly pale woman steps in through the door to the tavern. her deep red hair settled over her shoulders and down her back. onyx eyes flicking over the place. she remains near the door for a time. and then eventually moves towards the bar across the way*
[09-17:43] cdb77, Haywood: *nods and continues to go back to his seat*
[09-17:43] 1afd1, Jagged Farrell : ((Ill fix it so that you can actually use it))
[09-17:44] cdb77, Haywood: ((thank you))
[09-17:44] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 6:43pm, May 09 (CDT) ).
[09-17:44] beb1a, Brimstone : *he follows in after the woman does, moving an settling back into his seat*..
[09-17:45] cdb77, Haywood: *runs his fingers through the slice in his thigh*
[09-17:47] 6cd4c, Barendd : * a amn walking along side his horse, his hands gripped on the rains as he walked. The horse more for carring things then for rideing. But Barendd didn't care he loved to walk and so did his wolf. * * the anmiaml was right next to his master always keeping a watchful eyes as they approached the city gates. The wolf was a few shades of gray and black, his face was white and black* Areway...go up ahead and see whats at that intertsection......Bark if anything bad happends *the wold ran at a sprint of a good 200 yards and made it in under a minute.* *Barendd laughed to himself as his adjusted his sword an his side. And checked the rest of his stuff to mske sure it was all in order*
[09-17:48] 1afd1, Jagged Farrell : (( use this addy and most everybody should be able to see your pic))
[09-17:48] EXIT: Jagged Farrell has left the chat ( 6:48pm, May 09 (CDT) ).
[09-17:48] JOIN: Jagged Farrell has entered.
[09-17:49] EXIT: Haywood has left the chat ( 6:45pm, May 09 (CDT) ).
[09-17:49] 1afd1, Jagged Farrell : ((speaking of, I had to fix my pic, heh))
[09-17:49] JOIN: Haywood has entered.
[09-17:49] cdb77, Haywood: [
[09-17:49] cdb77, Haywood: ((thanks))
[09-17:50] beb1a, Brimstone : *settling back into his booth, he unbuttons the fastens of his coat, taking his tome out again .. placed before him, and opened, he picks the akward pencil up and begins to scribe onto the blank page, an icy text forming*..
[09-17:50] 1afd1, Jagged Farrell : ((*takes a bow* Yes ladies and gentleman.... I rock ))
[09-17:53] 0c586, Aynuk Khieva : *she requests a juice of sorts mixed with a liquor...dropping the payment into an open palm. then quietly makes her way to a seat*
[09-17:56] EXIT: Haywood has left the chat ( 6:49pm, May 09 (CDT) ).
[09-17:56] beb1a, Brimstone : *removing his pipe for another drink, red wine mixed with a cheer-scented smoke .. his entertainment ground dead, left to recording the incident on paper*..
[09-18:04] EXIT: Aynuk Khieva has left the chat ( 6:53pm, May 09 (CDT) ).
[09-18:06] EXIT: Brimstone has left the chat ( 6:56pm, May 09 (CDT) ).
[09-18:17] JOIN: Treygor has entered.
[09-18:19] 72092, Treygor : ((gtg))
[09-19:00] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[09-19:24] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-19:24] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-19:35] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-19:36] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:35pm, May 09 (CDT) ).
[09-19:39] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-19:39] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:39pm, May 09 (CDT) ).
[09-20:10] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-20:15] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : hey wispy
[09-21:08] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[09-21:08] 5d609, Cookie Monster: hmm
[09-21:16] JOIN: Brimstone has entered.
[09-21:18] EXIT: Brimstone has left the chat ( 10:16pm, May 09 (CDT) ).
[09-21:21] 5d609, Cookie Monster: aww
[09-21:22] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *looms behind Cookie*
[09-21:24] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *helps Paladia with his weaving*
[09-21:24] ceea7, Palladia Mors : .....*feeds Cookie to his sister*
[09-21:26] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Who's your sister?
[09-21:26] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Her name is Maria.
[09-21:33] 5d609, Cookie Monster: dunno her.
[09-21:34] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Nope.
[09-21:36] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *hides back in the X-mansion, where he has power*
[09-21:38] 34b54, Roki: *steals cookies powers*
[09-21:39] 5d609, Cookie Monster: hah! you can only steal the power I have in this chat!
[09-21:46] 34b54, Roki: *.. steals all Cookie's chocolate chips*
[09-21:47] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Noooooooooooo!!!!
[09-21:53] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *demands RP*
[09-21:55] 34b54, Roki: *demands alcohol*
[09-21:55] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *gives Roki some Jim Bean in exchange for RP*
[09-21:58] 34b54, Roki: hrm
[09-22:00] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Hey, I'm working on a budget.
[09-22:01] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : Hey guys
[09-22:03] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *huggles Illisse*
[09-22:03] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : *wants her share*
[09-22:03] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : hey cookie how ya been?
[09-22:04] 5d609, Cookie Monster: not too bad.
[09-22:06] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : havent seen you for a while....then again i havent been able to be here late..
[09-22:10] 5d609, Cookie Monster: yeah, I've only been on with a spotty record.
[09-22:13] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : heh well you're not the only one...pc had virus...was without for almolst 2 weeks....
[09-22:16] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : Oh hey i got something for you...*hands Cookie a cookie monster cookie* It looks just like you...
[09-22:19] 5d609, Cookie Monster: yeeee!!! *gobbles it up, spraying crumbs everwhere*
[09-22:19] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : *dusts cookie crumbs off self*
[09-22:21] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *in blood frenzy, attacks Illisse*
[09-22:22] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : *screams*
[09-22:23] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *devours Illisse and purrs happily*
[09-22:24] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : *makes herself comfortable and waits for someone to miss her*
[09-22:25] 5d609, Cookie Monster: care to RP?
[09-22:26] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : sure....*sitting at Inn drinking and having dinner*
[09-22:26] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : what happened to Roki? thought he was gonna rp
[09-22:27] 34b54, Roki: cookie has no clue what to rp... so... why rp ?
[09-22:28] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : what about you?
[09-22:31] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : *will not be held responsible for killing chat*
[09-22:36] JOIN: Cara has entered.
[09-22:37] 1d323, Cara: Roar!!!
[09-22:37] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : ahhhkk
[09-22:38] 1d323, Cara: *smile*
[09-22:39] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Sorry, trying to get RPage in other chats.
[09-22:39] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Is there any char you'd like from me?
[09-22:40] 1d323, Cara: *curls up, somewhere quiet*
[09-22:43] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : well...*ponders*
[09-22:45] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : hmm what ever you feel like wise...
[09-22:46] 5d609, Cookie Monster: damn! Hmm... Mercinary commander or Goblin King?
[09-22:47] JOIN: Merwyn has entered.
[09-22:48] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : Goblin King
[09-22:48] NICK: Illisse Brilthor changed nick to Ilia Fion.
[09-22:50] 51313, Merwyn: (*waves tof riends and strangers*)
[09-22:51] 22713, Ilia Fion: (*waves to Merwyn*)
[09-22:51] 51313, Merwyn: ( ^^ Hi )
[09-22:53] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *is sitting at the bar, drinking with one of his goblin companions*
[09-22:55] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 11:54pm, May 09 (CDT) ).
[09-22:55] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[09-22:55]       Merwyn had returned upstaires for a nap, having had nothing to do. Though now, being unable to sleep and unable to find anything else to do, clambers out of bed to get dressed
[09-22:56] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : *finishing her meal..she takes her glass of wine and moves to sit by the fire...watching the goblins at the bar...*
[09-22:57] 51313, Merwyn: (nevermind that ^^ changed my mind)
[09-23:01]       Merwyn heads in through the front doors of the inn, followe dshortly by a new man, of whome takes Merwyns shoulder, leaning down to suck on what little shoulder is exposed.Merwyn jsut smiles, alowwing it for a moment, before moving away towords a table.
[09-23:02] JOIN: Merwyn has entered.
[09-23:04] 51313, Merwyn: (thats better :-P )
[09-23:05] 51313, Merwyn: (hello??)
[09-23:05] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : (*(is here*)
[09-23:07] 51313, Merwyn: (phew, thought the place empted :-P)
[09-23:07] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *ist still here too*
[09-23:07] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : ( just haunting time)
[09-23:08] 51313, Merwyn: (well... wheres the IC? >.> )
[09-23:08] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : (waitin on Jerren)
[09-23:09] 51313, Merwyn: (cant respond to me? >.> )
[09-23:10] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((sorry, telling mom happy mom's day. and watching Aqua teen hunger force))
[09-23:10] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : *looking up she sees the little elf that she had seen earlier in the day*
[09-23:10] 51313, Merwyn: (*cries, lost cable, can't watch that no more*)
[09-23:11] 51313, Merwyn: (wow.. whatta respond... :-P )
[09-23:11] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : (sorry...had to think quick not very good at that)
[09-23:12] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *Jerren is human mind you. He puts his hand over the goblins shoulder* Isn't Cobbler water... isssss gud though...
[09-23:12]       Merwyn waits by the chair quietly until the man pulls it out, then sits. The man sits in the chair next to Merwyn, so that his new purchase is within reach.
[09-23:13] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : (*kills typo*)
[09-23:14] 51313, Merwyn: (*huggers Illisse*)
[09-23:17] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : *she continues to watch the elf...wondering to herself if history really repeats itsself..*
[09-23:19] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((elf?))
[09-23:19] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : ( least thats what ive been told(
[09-23:20]       Merwyn has some small meal ordered along with glass of wine.. The man quickly grows frisky, his hands all over the little body while the elf eats quietly, indifferent. (yes.. Elf.. why does everyone keep saying that? >.<
[09-23:21] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((cause you don't have an Icon saying it and your pic doesn't realy look elvish))
[09-23:22] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : *her eyes slide over the human at the bar...watching him drink ...what ever it is...and talking with the goblin next to him...*
[09-23:22] 51313, Merwyn: (I'm unregistered, I cant use elfy icons)
[09-23:26] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *the Goblin giggles and doesn't appear to be much structural support for his lord's slumping. They both look like they're about to fall off their chairs, they're that drunk*
[09-23:27]       Merwyn lightly nudges the man in the ribs as he starts trying to undress the little elf. "You can wait til we get to the room"
[09-23:28] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : *shakes her head at the men at the bar...typical..... *
[09-23:32] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((Where is Merwyn?))
[09-23:32] 51313, Merwyn: (random table at the inn)
[09-23:33] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : (glimmering Inn)
[09-23:33] 34b54, Roki: ..and elvish ho ?
[09-23:34] 51313, Merwyn: (*mummbles*)
[09-23:34] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : (not a High Elf to be sure...))
[09-23:35] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *begins talking in Goblin to his companion, though in a slurred manner*
[09-23:36] JOIN: Treygor has entered.
[09-23:38] 72092, Treygor : ((who handles regs here?))
[09-23:38] 22713, Illisse Brilthor : *she wishes that she understood Goblin...after the events of the afternoon she would like toknow what they are talking about....*
[09-23:38] 34b54, Roki: Ravion
[09-23:39] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((the afternoon?))
[09-23:39] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *the Goblin nods in a sad, mornfull manner and responds in Goblin back*
[09-23:41] bf8eb, Illisse Brilthor : (its just that somethings happened to her earlier that makes her want to know more of whats going on in ))
[09-23:42] 72092, Treygor : ((how often does he/she check? cause i sent in a form yesterday...where is everybody at?))
[09-23:43] bf8eb, Illisse Brilthor : ((it might take a does take more than 1 day to get reg'd... you will just have to be patient))
[09-23:44] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[09-23:48]       Merwyn jumps up with quite a curse, the man having bumped the table in his craving for elfy love, knocking the wine into Merwyns lap of white silk. in responce, Merwyn slaps the man, cursing at him many times.
[09-23:50] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *gets up and stands up, somewhat wobbly on his chair* Am Jerren, ruler of Goblin Kingdom! Who brave enough to fight orcs for riches?
[09-23:52] bf8eb, Illisse Brilthor : *thinks to herself* 1) who would be crazy enough to fight orcs for riches? 2) do orcs really have riches? 3) Gods i hope he doesnt fall...4) Ruler?
[09-23:54] JOIN: Brimstone has entered.
[09-23:54] bf8eb, Illisse Brilthor : (hey Brim)
[09-23:55] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *and to answer number 3... goes WHUMPF face down onto the floor.*
[09-23:55] beb1a, Brimstone : ('Ello.)
[09-23:55] bf8eb, Illisse Brilthor : *stiffles a giggle...* just as I thought...
[09-23:56] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ouch.
[09-23:57] JOIN: Oyrin Darkune has entered.
[09-23:57] JOIN: Durin IronFist has entered.
[09-23:58]       Merwyn starts back for the door, deciding this man wasnt worth the few coins he had, though is stopped, wrist caught by the man and pulled abck to the table.
[09-23:58] bc4c0, Oyrin Darkune : *Boom. the door to the glittering inn is kicked open and in stalks everyones fav. dwarf.*
[09-23:59] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *the Goblin moves off the chair and helps Jerren back up, both of them laughing like the drunk humanoids they are. *
[10-00:00] bf6ba, Durin IronFist : * Boom.the back door to the glittering inn is pushed open and in stalks everyone's other favorite dwarf*
[10-00:00] bf8eb, Illisse Brilthor : *at the sound of the door being slammed open...a familiar sound to her ears..she turns to see her dwarf friend making his usual entrance.*
[10-00:01] MSG: Jerren Skulldeep sent a message to Oyrin Darkune.
[10-00:02] beb1a, Brimstone : *he shuffles inside soon after the dwarf, making sure the door closes behind him, although its inability due to the busted mechanisms of the handle - wandering off to a side, he proceeds toward the bar*..
[10-00:03] bf6ba, Durin IronFist : * Not really looking at anyone in particular,the dwarf plops in a seat near the bar and, slumping*
[10-00:03] JOIN: Oyrin Darkune has entered.
[10-00:04] MSG: Oyrin Darkune sent a message to Jerren Skulldeep.
[10-00:05] bc4c0, Oyrin Darkune : *His boots making a very dull thud as he heads toward the bar, only to stop. Grins as he spots kin sitting there alone.* Cousin! *Bellows out and quickly moves to the other Dwarf.*
[10-00:06] bf6ba, Durin IronFist : * Jumps, a throwing axe appearing in hand as if conjured by magic* Wha-!!?? ..Oh...*chuckles* It's you...Greetings, Oyrin...*sets the axe back in its holster* How go things?
[10-00:07] MSG: Jerren Skulldeep sent a message to Oyrin Darkune.
[10-00:08]       Merwyn is pushed back atop the table. kicks and slaps at the man, who I am now calling William.. or.. Bill for short ^^. most are just slapped away, though the few that actually hit ten to have similiar effects as a fly would.
[10-00:08] bc4c0, Oyrin Darkune : As well as can be expected. *Sets his war hammer on the ground with a loud bang, buisness end on the ground, handle sticking up in the air.* How about you cousin?
[10-00:08] bf8eb, Illisse Brilthor : *she watches the two 'cousins' greet each other...keeping a close eye on the drunk man at the end of the bar*
[10-00:09] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *BTW, there IS a goblin helping out Jerren, in case the Dwarves are interested*
[10-00:10] MSG: Jerren Skulldeep sent a message to Oyrin Darkune.
[10-00:10] bf6ba, Durin IronFist : The same, my friend...* Spots the the goblin with Jerren, giving Oyrin a look that says "What say we cause a little mischief?"*
[10-00:11] bc4c0, Oyrin Darkune : *His eyes travel over to the goblins...then he grins.* Aye. Lead the way.
[10-00:11] EXIT: Brimstone has left the chat ( 1:11am, May 10 (CDT) ).
[10-00:14] bf6ba, Durin IronFist : * Stands,brushing himself off and does indeed lead the way, strolling right over to the goblins* would seem you're quite enjoying your alcohol there..
[10-00:15] bf8eb, Illisse Brilthor : *watching the two dwarves look towards the goblin...she slowly rises from her chair..trying not to draw attention to herself...and quietly disappears into the corner of the room..blending into the shadows*
[10-00:15] bc4c0, Oyrin Darkune : Indeed...why...I wonder what you have here? *Grabs Jerrens mug and takes a deep drink. Draining it all. Slams it down upon the table top and belches at the goblin.*
[10-00:16] bf6ba, Durin IronFist : (( * It'll take a few minutes to properly get into character..It's been so long..*))
[10-00:16] bc4c0, Oyrin Darkune : *Human. Sorry *corrects that*
[10-00:16] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *Jerren smirks at the antics of the dwarves, and the Goblin cackles like a madman*
[10-00:17] 51313, Merwyn: (*pokes people int he eyes*)
[10-00:18] bf6ba, Durin IronFist : * Raises a bushy brow at the two* Is wasn't THAT funny.. You goblin folk don't holdyour ale well, do you..?
[10-00:18] bc4c0, Oyrin Darkune : Not as well as a Dwarf! I'll wager all the coins on me, that I can out drink you. *Looking from the Goblin to Jerren.*
[10-00:19] EXIT: Merwyn has left the chat ( arg ).
[10-00:19] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((ow, what was that fore?)) Goblins show you Goblin water... tell ussss not hold liquor.
[10-00:19] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *the goblin speaks up* Wait, allready drunk!
[10-00:20] bf6ba, Durin IronFist : I'd doubt you've swallow more than half a pint..*chuckles* Come now...accept our challenge...I'll add all the gold I have as well...
[10-00:21] bf6ba, Durin IronFist : (( * Make that "all the gold on me"))
[10-00:22] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Hafff... better offer than that. Keep dwarf gold. Jerren give twice gold Dwarves try and put up if loose, Dwarves fight against orcs under goblin command if win.
[10-00:23] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((its hard speaking like a goblin and a drunk at the same time))
[10-00:24] bc4c0, Oyrin Darkune : Under Goblin command!?! *Rears up and smashes his fist through the table* I think not! Screw a drinking contest...I call a test of strength! A fight!
[10-00:25] bf6ba, Durin IronFist : You Goblins would only slow us down in a battle against Orcs....* He growls this*
[10-00:26] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *looks at the smashed table, somewhat surprised. More that the table isn't like it was just a few seconds ago rather than the dwarf having the strength to smash it* Fight? Why fight? Want dwarves fight ocs, why waste?
[10-00:27] bc4c0, Oyrin Darkune : You must prove your strength if you want to fight alongside the Dwarves.
[10-00:28] bf8eb, Illisse Brilthor : *thinks to herself...hmm a rather interesting offer...this day was full of suprises.....*
[10-00:28] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : How prove strength? Goblin Kingdom longest standing kingdom fighting orcs and still live. Who claim stronger than that? Even Krondor smashed.
[10-00:30] bc4c0, Oyrin Darkune : Enough talk! *Lunges forward and punches the Goblin in the mouth!*
[10-00:33] JOIN: Durin IronFist has entered.
[10-00:33] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *the goblin falls over and starts screaming. It is after all, not a warrior but an advisor. Jerren on the other hand reacts a few seconds later, as he is drunk, by swinging his fist straigh for Oyrin's mouth, with the power of a mule's kick due to the magic of his beads*
[10-00:34] bc4c0, Oyrin Darkune : *Punched in the mouth and takes a few steps was good enough to split his lip* AH! Better!
[10-00:35] bf6ba, Durin IronFist : * Grins, nodding at Jerren* That wasn't bad at all! *Claps him on the shoulder*
[10-00:37] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Am Goblin KING! *unslings a water pouch from his waste and uncaps it. The strong smell of alchohal emits from it*
[10-00:39] bf6ba, Durin IronFist : * Chuckles* Drunker then I thought..He's not even a Goblin!
[10-00:41] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *the goblin advisor thats on the floor springs up... and nearly falls face foreward again, but regains his ballance* "Is Goblin in soul!"
[10-00:43] bf8eb, Illisse Brilthor : (( Ok Oyrin...thats just not fair))
[10-00:43] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((?))
[10-00:44] bf6ba, Durin IronFist : * Strokes his beard* "In Soul",is he? King of the Goblins?
[10-00:45] bf8eb, Illisse Brilthor : (( all the men around here take lessons from each other.? .))
[10-00:46] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((of course. Thats how we keep from acting like girls. But seriously, I'm just doing a drunk Jerre, cause I figured he should be happy. What the dwarves do is their business))
[10-00:46] bf8eb, Illisse Brilthor : ((not about rp....))
[10-00:47] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : KING of GOBLINS! *quite assertive. Drunk, but assertive. Now, drink goblin water!
[10-00:47] bf6ba, Durin IronFist : (( And a secretive business it is..*adds this mysteriously*))
[10-00:47] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((*puts in a * between assertive and now*))
[10-00:48] bf6ba, Durin IronFist : * Accepts the flask dubiously,sniffing at it* There isn't any goblin urine in here, is there?
[10-00:48] bf8eb, Illisse Brilthor : ((I swear you must all compare notes on just when is the perfect time in a conversation to vanish...just so you cant get either yelled at or hugged...))
[10-00:50] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Urine make no good drink. *the flask smells like Vodka. Where the Elves have their wine, and the Dwarves have their ale, the Goblins make Vodka.* Is Kobbler Mountain Spring. If can drink full flask, not live to see tomarow. Is why you pass out before third swig.
[10-00:50] bf6ba, Durin IronFist : (( Seems mostly like it's just Oyrin who vanishes like that..*shrugs*))
[10-00:51] bf8eb, Illisse Brilthor : ((ha..))
[10-00:52] bf6ba, Durin IronFist : Oh...I think I may surprise you there, Goblin King! * Takes his first swig, wiping his mouth with his arm*
[10-00:52] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *drinking the Vodka is not entirely unlike taking a freshly squeezed lemon, mixing it with stawberry, lovingly wrapping it around a brick then smashing it against your head several times*
[10-00:53] bf8eb, Illisse Brilthor : *sits deeper into the shadows, curling her feet up under her..wondering if it would be safe to go up to her room*
[10-00:55] bf6ba, Durin IronFist : * The Dwarf's face turns a pecular shade of pink, and he looks at the flask with a newfound respect* Now this is a drink!
[10-00:56] bf8eb, Illisse Brilthor : *she decides that it was now or never...stands up and begins to move quietly towards the stairs*
[10-00:57] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Goblin water not for weak of heart nor strong of body.
[10-00:57] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((strong=weak))
[10-00:59] bf6ba, Durin IronFist : *Takes a second swig, resisting the urge to cough horribly*...Goblin Water....hmm...
[10-00:59] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((oops... thats supposed to be Kobold Moutain Spring. Its Cobbler River Water that I was thinking of))
[10-01:00] bf6ba, Durin IronFist : (( *thumbs up* Got it))
[10-01:00] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : In raids on Krondor, years ago, took barrel of Dwarf beer. Tried some. Decide by all goblins give to little children for getting ready for Goblin Water.
[10-01:01] bf8eb, Illisse Brilthor : *reaching the bottom step. she lifts the edge of her skirt and quickly runs up the stairs..pausing as she reaches the top to take one last glance at the ones standing at the bar*
[10-01:01] bf8eb, Illisse Brilthor : ((g'nite all..))
[10-01:02] bf6ba, Durin IronFist : * Growls at the Goblin, the hairs of his beard bristling* (( Night, Illisee))
[10-01:03] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 2:01am, May 10 (CDT) ).
[10-01:05] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *both him and the Goblin laugh uproarously, thought goblins is more of a cackle* So, strong dwarf think Goblins strong enough fight beside with against orcs? *takes a pondering look to see if he said that right*
[10-01:08] bf6ba, Durin IronFist : * Takes a third swig of the flask, and has to pause a moment to reclaim his balance...He shakes his head once, as if to clear it, then tackles the Goblin advisor*
[10-01:09] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : "IEEEEEEEE NOT AGAIN!!" *the advisor does what he things best, ie bitting his pointy teeth on the dwarf's shoulder*
[10-01:10] bf6ba, Durin IronFist : * Raises a brow,simply staring at the goblin attempting to bite through his his cloak,which has mithril ringed mail under it*
[10-01:13] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *the Goblin would therefore chip a couple of teeth, but hey, he's a Cobbler, he's not exactly all togather in the head when sober. He continues to bite and struggle against his burly if relatively same highted attacker*
[10-01:16] bf6ba, Durin IronFist : * Grabs the goblin by both his shoulders solidly and plucks him off, holds him at arms length and drops him...He hands Jerren the flask back* Oyrin and I'll think about it...*Gives him a slightly unsteady nod, then stumbles outside*
[10-01:18] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *gives Durin a slightly yellowed grin then helps up his companion* <Maybe Diplomacy not as hard as thought.> "<He drink two drinks of Goblin water and not fall over. Get whole army of them, smash up orcs easy.>" <Maybe. Maybe.>
[10-02:55] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[10-05:46] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[10-05:47] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 6:46am, May 10 (CDT) ).
[10-07:51] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[10-08:47] 35f2e, Illisse Brilthor : *The elven healer walks down the stairs going from her room to the dining area...after ordering her breakfast she sits at her usual table..takes out a piece of parchment and begins to read..muttering to herself...Restore Blood...this spell is going to be a great help ... her eyes glaze over seeing a bit into the future*
[10-09:56] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[10-10:01] 35f2e, Zaeth : grrr
[10-10:06] 57823, Roki:
[10-10:07] 35f2e, Zaeth : oh dont make faces at me
[10-10:08] 35f2e, Zaeth : just suffering from MPD this morning
[10-10:13] 57823, Roki: ahh
[10-10:19] 35f2e, Zaeth : and I'm sitting here nuts enought to be thinkin of a new char...
[10-10:20] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Hey..I got one in the works...
[10-10:20] 35f2e, Zaeth : oh?
[10-10:20] 57823, Roki: i've got 3 or 4 rollin around in my head
[10-10:21] ceea7, Palladia Mors : own priest.
[10-10:21] 35f2e, Zaeth : I've got enough trouble with the 7 i've got now
[10-10:22] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Hey got anything against me mebbe havin a lvl 3 caster as a priest?
[10-10:22] 35f2e, Zaeth : wait...not priests....chars....
[10-10:22] 57823, Roki: conflict of interests...
[10-10:23] 35f2e, Zaeth : hmm...hang on...priest.....demon of hell.....
[10-10:26] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Where else do you think the Rev. Jerry Falwell comes from?
[10-10:26] 35f2e, Zaeth : *snort*
[10-10:26] 57823, Roki: Demon Spawn
[10-10:30] JOIN: Garet Jax has entered.
[10-10:30] 35f2e, Zaeth : Hey
[10-10:30] 6803b, Garet Jax: (( Hello! ))
[10-10:30] JOIN: Cara has entered.
[10-10:31] 35f2e, Zaeth : and Cara
[10-10:31] 6803b, Garet Jax: Greetings...
[10-10:32] bf4f8, Cara: Morning
[10-10:32] MSG: Garet Jax sent a message to Zaeth.
[10-10:32] 35f2e, Zaeth : wowwiieee
[10-10:32] MSG: Garet Jax sent a message to Tarence Kurandi.
[10-10:33] 6803b, Garet Jax: ?!?
[10-10:33] 35f2e, Zaeth : what?
[10-10:34] bf4f8, Cara: I'm going to get something to eat...Chicken nuggets sound good
[10-10:34] 6803b, Garet Jax: NO idea!
[10-10:34] MSG: Garet Jax sent a message to Zaeth.
[10-10:40] 35f2e, Zaeth : FOOD.....
[10-10:40] 35f2e, Zaeth : why'd you say that? now i've got to go look for some
[10-10:43] 6803b, Garet Jax: RP?
[10-10:44] 35f2e, Zaeth : who?
[10-10:46] 6803b, Garet Jax: Anyone...
[10-10:46] 35f2e, Illisse Brilthor : ((ok..Illisse is in the Inn waiting for Val and Lev to get back from wherever on earth they went instead of taking lev's horse to the stable)
[10-10:53] 6803b, Valandil Elladan : *walks in, shaking hay from his hair*
[10-10:56] 35f2e, Illisse Brilthor : *looking up from he seat by the fire she sees Val walk in...she gets up from her chair and starts to run towards him...changing her mind and just standing there waiting for him*
[10-11:06] 35f2e, Illisse Brilthor : (*suddenly notices new pic* *shakes head* no)
[10-11:07] JOIN: (( is looking for other... )) has entered.
[10-11:08] 35f2e, Illisse Brilthor : (( i have it ))
[10-11:10] 35f2e, Illisse Brilthor :
[10-11:17] 6803b, (( is looking for other... )): test
[10-11:17] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[10-11:18] 6803b, Valandil Elladan : Ok....
[10-11:18] 6803b, Valandil Elladan : test
[10-11:19] 35f2e, Illisse Brilthor : hmmm
[10-11:19] 6803b, Valandil Elladan : Hm...
[10-11:19] 6803b, Valandil Elladan : there.
[10-11:20] 35f2e, Illisse Brilthor : much much better...*pets pic*
[10-11:27] 35f2e, Illisse Brilthor : Val??
[10-11:33] 6803b, Valandil Elladan : Ok...
[10-11:35] 35f2e, Illisse Brilthor : (*pokes* your post))
[10-11:36] 6803b, Valandil Elladan : *Spots Illisse, and runs toward her, embracing her* Melamin...
[10-11:40] 35f2e, Illisse Brilthor : *hugging him for just a minute ..she takes in his rather dishevelled appearance* What have you been doing?
[10-11:41] 6803b, Garet Jax: *smiles* Horse trouble...
[10-11:42] 6803b, Valandil Elladan : *smiles* Horse trouble.
[10-11:44] 35f2e, Illisse Brilthor : Phew *waving her hands in front of her face* I dont even want to know what kind of trouble that was...
[10-11:46] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Valandil Elladan.
[10-11:47] 6803b, Valandil Elladan : *grins* I probably smell like the stable... *wrinkles nose* Not too pleasant... perhaps I should bathe...
[10-11:49] MSG: Valandil Elladan sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[10-11:49] 35f2e, Illisse Brilthor : I think that would be a very wise idea....*she takes his hand leading him up the stairs* Thankfully your things are upstairs...atleast they wont smell like that too.
[10-11:50] 6803b, Valandil Elladan : *grins and allows himself to be led* Thankfully...
[10-11:57] 35f2e, Illisse Brilthor : *she signals the maid to bring hot water to their room....digging a jar of soapout of her pack she hands it to him* Here.....I may love you..but *grins* you made that can clean it
[10-11:59] 6803b, Valandil Elladan : *grins, grabs the soap* That's fine! The sooner I'm bathed, the sooner neither of us have to deal with this horrid stench!
[10-12:01] 35f2e, Illisse Brilthor : *laughs then turns away reaching reaching down to get his clothes out of his pack*....and you probably want food too dont you?
[10-12:02] 35f2e, Illisse Brilthor : *smacks one of those reachings right out of there*
[10-12:02] 6803b, Valandil Elladan : Well... *smiles*
[10-12:08] 35f2e, Illisse Brilthor : *laughs* Of course you do... when arent men hungry..../*she shakes her head ...* should 'ave known better than to even ask...
[10-12:08] 6803b, Valandil Elladan : *chuckles* You continue to surprise me!
[10-12:11] 35f2e, Illisse Brilthor : Surprise you? what did I do this time?
[10-12:14] 6803b, Valandil Elladan : I thought you knew I would be hungry...
[10-12:16] 35f2e, Illisse Brilthor : Always....*she begins to turn away* I will go see what the cook is hiding
[10-12:18] 6803b, Valandil Elladan : Ok, sounds good... *eases into the warm water*
[10-12:22] 35f2e, Illisse Brilthor : *she heads down stairs only to return a short while later carrying a tray filled with a variety of foods*
[10-12:24] 6803b, Valandil Elladan : Well, it's a bit hard for me to eat and bathe...
[10-12:25] 6803b, Valandil Elladan : (( I have to leave soon... at S? ))
[10-12:25] 35f2e, Illisse Brilthor : ok
[10-12:26] EXIT: Valandil Elladan has left the chat ( until next time... ).
[10-12:39] JOIN: Merwyn has entered.
[10-12:48] 2950a, Merwyn: (*whistle whistle*)
[10-12:48] 867a2, Sileen: *stuffs crackers in her mouth*
[10-12:49] 35f2e, Illisse Brilthor : hey
[10-12:49] 2950a, Merwyn: (*sneezes*)
[10-12:49] 2950a, Merwyn: (Hiya)
[10-12:50] 867a2, Sileen: Mwehehe
[10-12:50] 35f2e, Illisse Brilthor : *hands Merwyn a hankie*
[10-12:50] 2950a, Merwyn: (*names it Mr. hankie?*)
[10-12:53] JOIN: Aleinn Duinn has entered.
[10-12:55] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : (Pic test)
[10-12:55] JOIN: Merwyn has entered.
[10-12:56] 867a2, Naurlote : *... she felt so uneasy. She was far away from Quenill, surrounded by humans and worse on all sides, and her first and foremost defense, secrecy, had been blown... She stood alone inside her room, staring out the window down at the street below*
[10-12:56] 2950a, Merwyn: (*thinks*)
[10-12:57] 867a2, Aurora : *hoooorseeeey*
[10-12:59] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *there would be a disticntive knock upon her door as he stands there, hood drawn over his features to hide them from the general public...he was summoned to her ...yes...there must be something wrong...his smoldering burgandy eyes are focused on the door*
[10-12:59] 35f2e, Illisse Brilthor : *she stands looking out the window not knowing that her queen was doing the very same thing.....Her mind just wouldnt keep still....What was she doing here?*
[10-13:01]       Merwyn is here, but being bored and all isn;t gunna do much, so for the sake of being here while not really being here, says Merwyns off in a random alleyway with the new guy of the day.
[10-13:02] 867a2, Naurlote : Enter. *she turns to face the doorway, crossing her arms*
[10-13:06] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *he opens the door slowly, and steps in his footfalls heardling his approach..the sound of steel against wood it is..and once he is in..he closes the door and brushes back his hood, allowing her to see his mixed features...caught between Drow and High Elven* You wished to see me?
[10-13:08] 867a2, Naurlote : Yes.. First off, I want an actual explanation for your getting into common bar fights. You should be above that..
[10-13:10] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *he fixes those smoldering burgandy eyes upon her that seem to burn through her as if they had their own heat source as he folds his hands behind his back his baritone voice taking life again* He was harrasssing the owner of the establishment, I bought him a drink to try and quiet him down...and he refused it, insulting the both of us..and the bartender for selling such "swill" I believe he called it.
[10-13:16] 867a2, Naurlote : *stares at him a long moment, then finally averts her eyes, giving a soft sigh*
[10-13:17] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *his eyes remain on her a long moment, he doesnt to breathe, his hair falling over his shoulders with an almost regal touch looking rather a lot like his father...and then..there are those Drow features...his eyes...that snowy white hair...his decided mean streak that he keeps hidden from her...*
[10-13:19] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-13:19] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-13:19] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 2:19pm, May 10 (CDT) ).
[10-13:20] JOIN: Chewie has entered.
[10-13:21] adb0f, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((*waves to friends* Hi Bri))
[10-13:22] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : ((*whpas lil Bro*))
[10-13:22] 867a2, Naurlote : .. From now on, I do not want you picking fights for such trivial reasons. If the bar keep wanted that man out, he would have said so.
[10-13:23] 867a2, Naurlote : ((Hi! ))
[10-13:23] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *his head bows in mock derision...he's being chided..but ah well he'll kill that human later in a more befitting Drow fashion* Yes, Highness.
[10-13:26] 867a2, Naurlote : *moves towards him, til she's standing just within arm's reach* You are Nikerym T'preshe, and are here representing me, and our kingdom. *she leans in a bit, staring hard into those burning red eyes* I expect you to act like it, Aleinn
[10-13:29] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *he is pushing back whatever anger that would normally be burning under this chiding and just nods, looking down into those blue eyes of hers as they smolder against his red orbs* You are absolutely right, Highness..forgive me for any dissappointment i have given you.
[10-13:31] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 2:21pm, May 10 (CDT) ).
[10-13:32] 867a2, Naurlote : *.. slowly, a smile appears on her lips, as her stare softens* You have not dissapointed me , Aleinn. Very likely, that man deserved what you would have given him... And I hate that I must chastise you for it. *steps back from him* You understand?
[10-13:34] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *that icy stare of his that he had forced upon himself melts against the sight of a smile appearing on her lips* Of course, Highness...I will make such things less public in the future..
[10-13:35] 867a2, Naurlote : Or simply do not do them at all.
[10-13:37] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : I will not stand by and allow someone to insult you, would a dishonor not only to you..but to myself..
[10-13:37] 867a2, Naurlote : But you will leave those complaining to just hear themselves complain be.
[10-13:38] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : Of course, Highness...*bows his head, that mane of snowy white falling into his face, obscuring it from sight even as he raises his head and brushes the soft white locks back from his face with a sweep of his hand*
[10-13:41] 867a2, Naurlote : *Ofcourse he will when she's looking...bah* *nods* ... We will be leaving this city within the next few days to return home.
[10-13:43] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *nods* At your will Highness... *isnt he being such a good subordinate?*
[10-13:44] 867a2, Naurlote : *He's being too good...* *she turns from him then, moving over to sit on the edge of the bed* Have you anything you wish to say to me?
[10-13:45] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : Nothing that would be appropriate, Highness...*oh crap...did he just say that out loud? ...damn...he even flushes the faintest bit*
[10-13:47] 867a2, Naurlote : *blinks.. then gives a small smile* Like?
[10-13:49] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *feels drawn in by that smile and steps closer towards her* Certain things that have crossed my mind, Highness
[10-13:50] 867a2, Naurlote : I see..
[10-13:52] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : I dont think you do, Highness..and yet..I am reluctant to make it clear..
[10-13:53] 867a2, Naurlote : *uncrosses her arms, letting her hands drop into her lap* Why is that?
[10-13:54] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : It is rather...sensitive...*he looks almost...scared to tell her...though he tries to hide it with that military training*
[10-13:55] 867a2, Naurlote : *falls silent, looking up at him thoughtfully*
[10-13:57] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *his eyes would betray him...damn their smoldering burgandy depths...*
[10-13:59] 867a2, Naurlote : *for a long moment, she stares into those eyes... then finally averts her gaze*
[10-14:00] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *and as she averts her gaze...he realizes what has transpired...and closes those smoldering burgandy depths and raises his head from her gaze almost about to say something..but instead silently closes his mouth*
[10-14:01] 867a2, Naurlote : .. What was that?
[10-14:02] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : Nothing, there anything else you wish to speak wiht me about?
[10-14:04] 867a2, Naurlote : *she looks hard at him, eyes holding a knowing look* ... That is all
[10-14:05] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *turns and bows to her deeply, that snowy mane of hair falling into his face again as he staands* I await onyour next command...*moves away to the door and draws the hoood over his features and leaves*
[10-14:07] 867a2, Naurlote : *stands... and returns to staring out the window* *gone*
[10-14:10] JOIN: Sinder has entered.
[10-14:11] ceea7, Sinder: (pic)
[10-14:11] JOIN: Ashe has entered.
[10-14:12] adb0f, Ashe: ((sha-bong))
[10-14:13] ceea7, Sinder: (Color test)
[10-14:13] ceea7, Sinder: (Color)
[10-14:14] ceea7, Sinder: (Hm)
[10-14:14] ceea7, Sinder: (perfect)
[10-14:15] adb0f, Ashe: ((rocketh on))
[10-14:15] ceea7, Sinder: ((Shall we?))
[10-14:16] adb0f, Ashe: ((Aye, let's))
[10-14:16] ceea7, Sinder: *is where he normally is...along the road, up a tree, brooding against the trunk sitting against a branch, his arms folded across his chest, hugging a sword to him, one foot propped upon the branch, the ohter draping off of it*
[10-14:17] 867a2, Sileen: *huffs*
[10-14:17] adb0f, Ashe: *stands on the branch above his brother, Sinder, arms folded surveying things*
[10-14:18] 35f2e, Illisse Brilthor : *L*@Sileen boys...
[10-14:18] 8f1af, Zaknafein: *He walks the street occasionally looking into a shop window. There was one particular shop he was looking for. Until then he just casually went about the walk. His cloak is drawn over his head, hiding his true nature from passerby's. His sleeves were long enough to cover his hands until he reached for something.*
[10-14:18] ceea7, Sinder: *his golden eyes peer out from under that mass of silvery hair that falls into his face as he broods...silently...seemingly lost in thought*
[10-14:19] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *he leaves the inn he had just been in after his little talk with Naurlote and begins wlaking down the streets..figuering a walk would suit him about now*
[10-14:20] adb0f, Ashe: *pulls back strands of hair from his eyes and speaks calmly to his brother* What is it brother?
[10-14:21] ceea7, Sinder: *he doesnt respond right away..he turns his golden eyes up at his older brother a moment and sighs heavily* Its boring here...
[10-14:22] adb0f, Ashe: *lowers his head and closes eyes* I wish to make mischief.
[10-14:23] ceea7, Sinder: There's only so many times I can trick you, dear brother...*sighs depressedly* at times I think you are merely humoring me..*clutches that sword tighter to his chest as his arms tighten around it*
[10-14:24] adb0f, Ashe: *smirks* At times, you would be correct. *hops down to perch infront of his brother* But that's never stopped you.
[10-14:25] ceea7, Sinder: One has to do something for entertainment...*he stares past his brother a bit...morose in his boredom...*
[10-14:25] 867a2, Aegnora : *... down the road by the tree the Inuyashi brothers are perched, moves a figure, concealed in a black cloak..*
[10-14:25] 8f1af, Zaknafein : *He passes by Aleinn. His cloak is of Drow origin. A chile runs out and trips infront of Zak. He reaches down and lifts the child to his feet. The child sees Zak's hands and freaks out running away as quickly as they can. A short curse may be heard in Drow as he realizes his time here may have become shorter than anticipated.*
[10-14:26] adb0f, Ashe: *continues to smirk* Indeed. *crouches*
[10-14:27] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *indeed so as an armored figure begins pacing along the street towards Zak as he sees him scare off that poor kid...his armor clanking about him*
[10-14:29] ceea7, Sinder: *his head raises a faint measure as he sees a figure in a black cloak pacing down the road...hardly the Inuyashi brothers...but they are Kitsune...*
[10-14:29] 867a2, Aegnora : ((Was picking on you))
[10-14:30] ceea7, Sinder: ((**knows**))
[10-14:30] 867a2, Aegnora : *yup! Someone there! From the looks of it, a woman... She continues on her way, drawing closer to the tree*
[10-14:30] 8f1af, Zaknafein : *He just continues on his way, having noticed the armored figure comming up behind him. Finally comming to the store he wants he stops and leans in a bit to examine the wares in the window.*
[10-14:31] adb0f, Ashe: Yes, I sensed her too.
[10-14:32] adb0f, Ashe: ((*throws trout at Aegnora* Picking on us ))
[10-14:33] ceea7, Sinder: *a slow..mischevious smile touches his lips as he looks up at his brother, showing a bit of his teeth* Can we Ashe? Please?
[10-14:33] 867a2, Aegnora : ((*eats fish* *purr*))
[10-14:34] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *the amored figure is mirrored in the storeshop window...he makes a guesture for the Drow to follow and then turns away*
[10-14:34] adb0f, Ashe: Have at it brother. I'm merely content to watch at the moment.
[10-14:34] 34b54, Roki: *shaves the cat*
[10-14:34] 867a2, Aegnora : ((AAAAAAAHH!!!))
[10-14:34] ceea7, Sinder: *waves an illusion about himself as he drops down...looking like nothing more than an ordinary housecout...he mews if lost*
[10-14:35] 34b54, Roki: wtf is a housecout ?
[10-14:35] ceea7, Sinder: ((house cat...damn it))
[10-14:36] 8f1af, Zaknafein : *Notices the gesture, shakes his head at the wares, they weren't want he needed. He then straightens up and walks after the armored figure.*
[10-14:36] adb0f, Ashe: *moves the whip at his side so that he may sit where his brother was sitting moments ago*
[10-14:36] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *off in a remote part of this landing square his baritone voice would echo forth sharply...Zak might know this tone...* Frightening small children now?
[10-14:37] 867a2, Aegnora : *she glances towards the.. "cat"* ... ...
[10-14:37] ceea7, Sinder: *he had also left his sword upon the branch, trusting his older brother to watch over it for him...he continues his weak mewling by the side of the road...appearing as a cute adorable kitten*
[10-14:37] 8f1af, Zaknafein : *Recognises the tone, as he comes to a stop.* No that was unintentional. I was helping the child to his feet.
[10-14:38] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : I'm sure...*it is a blantant tone of disbelief...but hell he is Drow is he not?(*
[10-14:38] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-14:39] 867a2, Aegnora : *she lifts her head, focusing her ember red eyes on the cat* ... I suppose you might make a good snack...
[10-14:39] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:38pm, May 10 (CDT) ).
[10-14:39] 8f1af, Zaknafein : Believe what you will. However I speak the truth.
[10-14:39] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *continues mewling pathetically..looks so cold..and cute...and lonely..wont you pet the kitty red eyed lady?*
[10-14:40] ceea7, Sinder: *continues mewling pathetically..looks so cold..and cute...and lonely..wont you pet the kitty red eyed lady?*
[10-14:40] adb0f, Ashe: ((stupid siblings))
[10-14:40] ceea7, Sinder: (*whistles*)
[10-14:40] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[10-14:40] 34b54, Roki: peel the cat!
[10-14:40] adb0f, Ashe: ((NOT YOU!))
[10-14:41] ceea7, Sinder: ((*pees on Roki's shoes*))
[10-14:41] adb0f, Ashe: ((crapidy crap crap, my sister wants on))
[10-14:41] 867a2, Aegnora : *she slowly advances on the cat, a predatory gleam flashing through her eyes...*
[10-14:41] ceea7, Sinder: ((STFU LACY!))
[10-14:41] bb171, Axis : (hello....location?))
[10-14:41] 35f2e, Illisse Brilthor : ((you dont really want to know that do you?))
[10-14:42] 34b54, Roki:
[10-14:42] adb0f, Ashe: ((I'm right behind you, that's where I'm located))
[10-14:43] adb0f, Ashe: ((and I've got a big knife))
[10-14:44] bb171, Axis : ((freindly bunch arn't we? *dry voice*))
[10-14:45] ceea7, Sinder: *continues mewling.. and sniffs...seeing the womana nd moves towards her and nuzzes her ankles...purring*
[10-14:45] 34b54, Roki: I KILL YOU !
[10-14:45] 35f2e, Illisse Brilthor : ((well Axis ...its kinda been that sort of day))
[10-14:46] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : Or your version of the truth..The but a lie undiscovered...*ah...some of the teachings of Lloth*
[10-14:46] 867a2, Aegnora : ... This is way too easy... *reaches down to grab the cat by the scruff of the neck*
[10-14:46] bb171, Axis : ((yeah wahtever))
[10-14:46] ceea7, Sinder: Mrow?*freezes as its grabbed by the scruff of the neck...only to suddenly change from small really big lizard that roars and has wings*
[10-14:47] 8f1af, Zaknafein : *Chuckles* I do not follow Lloth.
[10-14:47] EXIT: Axis has left the chat ( 3:44pm, May 10 (CDT) ).
[10-14:49] 867a2, Aegnora : *if she even has a hold on something on him, she keeps a hold of it, and as there is that roar, she speaks* Do stop that... It's rather annoying
[10-14:49] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : Pity...she has quite a bit her words
[10-14:49] 867a2, Naurlote : *would smite him if she heard that*
[10-14:49] ceea7, Sinder: *he roars again and swipes at her with a clawed foot...not quite a dragon...but still...*
[10-14:50] 867a2, Aegnora : *she releases her hold, and leaps back from the swiping claw, hand ducking inside her cloak to draw out her sword...*
[10-14:50] 8f1af, Zaknafein : I did not say I do not know of her words. I simply do not follow them.
[10-14:51] ceea7, Sinder: *he would rear back and inhale, breath crackling at his jaws before a short stream of a bolt streaks out towards her*
[10-14:51] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *smirks as he stands a skelter of himself..leaning against a building* tell me..mage..what are you still doing running about?
[10-14:53] 8f1af, Zaknafein : Living obviously. Needed to get away from my city. It can get overly stuffy.
[10-14:55] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : So I can see...judging by those who frequent it*
[10-14:56] 867a2, Aegnora : *she dives to one side, curling mid dive to curl her shoulder to hit first, using that to roll to her feet in a croutch...*
[10-14:56] 8f1af, Zaknafein : Can you, now? *He'd better not be saying that Zak's stuffy.*
[10-14:56] ceea7, Sinder: *he begins snapping at her, his teeth dripping with saliva that seems to burn holes itno the ground when it drips*
[10-14:57] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : Yes. But that is neither here nor there...It has been a while since I saw a Drow in these in the water..
[10-14:57] 867a2, Aegnora : *the head comes down.. and the sword goes up to skewer it!!*
[10-14:59] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *rears back quickly, narrowly avoiding the skewer...causing the illusion to dissipate and him to fall backwards into a crouch, shaking from the violence of which the illusion was shattered*
[10-14:59] 8f1af, Zaknafein : Well I come to the surface from time to time. Alot of rare and unusual items to create better spells than the others.
[10-14:59] ceea7, Sinder: *rears back quickly, narrowly avoiding the skewer...causing the illusion to dissipate and him to fall backwards into a crouch, shaking from the violence of which the illusion was shattered*
[10-15:00] 867a2, Aegnora : *a smirk slowly spreads across her lips as she advances on the fallen... thing..*
[10-15:01] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *smirks visibly under his hood at the Drow*
[10-15:01] ceea7, Sinder: *he looks human enough, dressed in wide sleeved and legged red robes, platinum silver hair that hangs down his back in thick sheets and a bushy tail of the same color, as well as fox ears...a Kitsune*
[10-15:03] 867a2, Aegnora : *she advances quickly... stopping next to him to stare down at him, sword held ready* ... Finished?
[10-15:03] ceea7, Sinder: *he leaps aside nimbly and back into a crouch whispering as a wave of black surges from layers...forming a wall about a foot away from her*
[10-15:04] 8f1af, Zaknafein : What? Is it not the desire of the drow to improve his station?
[10-15:04] 867a2, Aegnora : *continues a steady advance towards him, a cold grin spreading over her crimson lips* I've always enjoy a good hunt..
[10-15:04] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : There isnt too much further one can climb once he has met my station...
[10-15:04] 867a2, Aegnora : ((enjoyed))
[10-15:06] 8f1af, Zaknafein : No I would gather not. Judging from your dress I'd say you've reached your limit as a house weapons master. Or an instructor at the academy.
[10-15:07] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : that is only but half of it, Mage...
[10-15:07] ceea7, Sinder: *he stays crouched behind the wall of black darkness...grinning as she cant see him...nope...mwahaha*
[10-15:08] 867a2, Aegnora : *... and a moment later... she launches, sword tucked close to her, through the wall at him!*
[10-15:08] ceea7, Sinder: *he simply steps aside, only to rake his natural clawed nails at her back*
[10-15:08] 8f1af, Zaknafein : Is that so?
[10-15:09] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *nods* But that would be giving more away than I would be recieving...and not good for buisness.
[10-15:09] 867a2, Aegnora : *the claws rip through cloth, cutting into her skin.... and reeaally manage to piss her off* *she spins around to face him, eyes flaring like fire, as her sword whips out to cleave him*
[10-15:10] 8f1af, Zaknafein : I see. Wanting to play the secretive type. All one has to do is ask.
[10-15:11] ceea7, Sinder: *he ducks the attack her sword managing to cleave some of his luxurious hair from his head...which definatly pisses him off as he brings his lawed hand to ram through her stomach*
[10-15:12] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : Not quite...but that will suffice for now. I would suggest you invest in a pair of gloves. Uncomfortable as they may will draw less questions.
[10-15:12] 867a2, Aegnora : *dances to the side of his clawed thrust, as she swings the blade down, throwing it down to stick into the ground, as she reaches up with her free hand to unfasten her cloak...*
[10-15:13] ceea7, Sinder: *takes this chace to leap and claw at her...she is disarmed and distracted...perfect opening GRR!*
[10-15:15] 8f1af, Zaknafein : No thanks. They also make casting spells difficult.
[10-15:15] 867a2, Aegnora : *her head twists, moving to bite into the arm coming at her... as she very rapidly shifts... by the time the mouth would close on his arm, there are sharp fangs, rather then teeth... he's now faced with a monster of ebony and flame, rather then a woman*
[10-15:16] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : Spell casting is also rather...discouraged here.
[10-15:16] 867a2, ((Wee!))
[10-15:16] ceea7, Sinder: *he yells in pain and claws at her muzzle with his free hand to get her off of him..CLAW! CLAW!..leggo!*
[10-15:17] 867a2, Aegnora : ((*cough))
[10-15:18] 867a2, Aegnora : *chomps down hard on the arm, fire searing at the arm she's holding, and the one frantically clawing at her, before finally releasing it, as she rears up, front hooves coming down to smash into the Kitsune*
[10-15:18] 8f1af, Zaknafein : Then I suggest you arrest me. I will need to cast a spell at least once more before I leave. Unless of course I get into trouble.
[10-15:20] ceea7, Sinder: *he just barely manages to leap back and away from the incoming hooves, clutchign his burnt and bitten arm with his other burnt arm and likewise fully changes into a multitailed fox of silver, his gold eyes brimming with anger as he dances around her, rubbing his two tails together, creating a spark of lightening that shoots out at her*
[10-15:20] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : If I arrest you...I would have to have a good reason..they are rather tolerant of races in this city
[10-15:21] 867a2, Aegnora : *launches into the air, floating up there as the lightning flares beneath her.. then lets herself drop down at him, letting loose a loud, eerie sounding scream*
[10-15:22] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *dances aside in fear, his tails still rubbing together in preparation for another bolt to fly at her soon...yes...go away scary horsey!*
[10-15:22] ceea7, Sinder: *dances aside in fear, his tails still rubbing together in preparation for another bolt to fly at her soon...yes...go away scary horsey!*
[10-15:23] 867a2, Aegnora : *stubborn beasty... *she spins around as she langs, hooves flying out to kick at him as he retreats*
[10-15:24] ceea7, Sinder: *he being smaller...and thusly quicker..he darts aside the hooves..though the flames do singe his fur a bit as another strike of lighting comes at her*
[10-15:24] 8f1af, Zaknafein : But not Drow. *Could have left it unsaid. But did not.*
[10-15:25] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : I would still need a plausable reason..
[10-15:25] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 3:45pm, May 10 (CDT) ).
[10-15:25] 867a2, Aegnora : *lets out another eerie scream as the lightning hits her... knocking her back....*
[10-15:26] ceea7, Sinder: *and as she is knocked back...he seems to poof! as does his older brother...poof! Gone!*
[10-15:26] 8f1af, Zaknafein : Well I have done nothing other than arrive and walk down the street.
[10-15:27] 867a2, Aegnora : *she forces herself back to her feet... eyes flaming like the pits of hell searching... and finding her quarry gone, she gives a mental smirk* *Oh, she'll find him again... and he isn't going to sleep well for awhile*
[10-15:27] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : Lets keep it that way...*moves aside of Zak as he moves away and dissappears into the crowds*
[10-15:27] ceea7, Sinder: *is snickering...that was fun!..doesnt sleep much anyway...but still fun...ah..mischeif gland sated...goes to lick wounds and such*
[10-15:27] 8f1af, Zaknafein : I make no promises. Besides what do you care? *He asks as Aleinn walks away.*
[10-15:29] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[10-15:36] 867a2, Sileen: *spins*
[10-15:40] 7fb04, Illisse Brilthor : you're in a good mood...
[10-15:41] 867a2, Sileen: Actually, I'm just bored *spins s'more*
[10-15:41] 7fb04, Illisse Brilthor : ah...*chuckles*
[10-15:42] 8f1af, Chewie: Yea boredom sucks.
[10-15:45] 867a2, Sileen: <_< >_> *bites Chewie!*
[10-15:45] 7fb04, Illisse Brilthor : hehe well i havent been bored...
[10-15:48] 8f1af, Chewie: *Bites back!*
[10-15:48] 867a2, Sileen:
[10-15:49] 867a2, Sileen: *bites again, harder!*
[10-15:50] 7fb04, Illisse Brilthor : *hides behind the door*
[10-15:52] 8f1af, Chewie: *Bites back again.*
[10-15:52] 867a2, Sileen: Someone RP with me
[10-15:52] 867a2, Sileen: OW!! *hides*
[10-15:53] 8f1af, Chewie: Yes Rp's good.
[10-15:53] 867a2, Sileen: Pick a character, and I'll find one to throw at them
[10-15:54] 8f1af, Chewie: All I've got is Zak, Pug or uh, the one I made for Z's Elves that never got regged.
[10-15:55] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[10-15:55] 867a2, Sileen: Pick one!
[10-15:56] 8f1af, Chewie: okok! I'm in a Drowish mood so Zak it'll be.
[10-15:57] 8f1af, Zaknafein : *He's since returned to from alley to the store front he was browsing before.*
[10-15:57] 867a2, Sileen: *steeples fingers, looking over her character list*
[10-15:58] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *scrape... scrapescrapescrape!* .... "*CENSORED!*" *shortly after there's a rather nasty word said, a woman would drop from the roof above Zak, falling right towards him...*
[10-16:01] 8f1af, Zaknafein : *He hears the ruckus above him and rolls to the side just before he can be flattened. The motion also pushes the cowl of his cloak back slightly.*
[10-16:02] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *THUD!* ... ... *lays there, eyes closed in a grimace... then slowly opens her eyes, looking up at Zak. She flashes a sheepish grin, briefly showing her sharp canines, before closing her mouth* ... Sorry about that... *and yes, she noticed the black skin. Does she care? Not really*
[10-16:04] 8f1af, Zaknafein : You should be more carefull. *As she does not bring up the color of his skin, he thinks all is well.*
[10-16:06] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *very slowly pushes herself up to her feet, wincing some* ... That I should... As should you. Pull your hood down. *begins brushing off her clothing*
[10-16:08] 8f1af, Zaknafein : Huh? *He does as she says and realizes that it had moved.* Must have happened when I avoided your fall.
[10-16:09] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *smirks* We are just falling for each other... *pause, then begins laughing softly*
[10-16:12] 8f1af, Zaknafein : *Chuckles.* I hardly believe that. More like showing our true colors perhaps?
[10-16:13] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : True colors... That I am a clutz, and you are shy? *grins*
[10-16:16] 8f1af, Zaknafein : Possibly. And you'd be shy too if you were not exactly welcome.
[10-16:17] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *laughs, a touch bitterly this time* I'm not
[10-16:18] 8f1af, Zaknafein : But you can walk down the street and enjoy the cool air can you not?
[10-16:19] 8f1af, Zaknafein : Without much prosecution.
[10-16:20] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Granted. *flashes a grin, showing her sharp canines* I do have a pretty face...
[10-16:23] 8f1af, Zaknafein : I'll not argue that.
[10-16:23] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : When I don't smile, that is.... Well, since I just tried to smoosh you, Can I get you a drink?
[10-16:25] 8f1af, Zaknafein : Well I can't. Why not. A drink can't hurt.
[10-16:26] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *smirks, extending her hand to him* Name's Delotha...
[10-16:27] 8f1af, Zaknafein : *Glances around a moment before shaking the offered hand.* Zaknafein.
[10-16:27] JOIN: Treygor has entered.
[10-16:27] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Pleasure to meet you. *with that, she spins on one booted foot, and starts off towards the bar*
[10-16:28] 7d58d, Treygor : ((where is everyone? Mind if I join?))
[10-16:28] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((Crazy!))
[10-16:29] 8f1af, Zaknafein : *Nods then falls in a step behind her.*
[10-16:29] 7fb04, Illisse Brilthor : ((pic test))
[10-16:30] 7fb04, Illisse Brilthor : ((oops try again))
[10-16:30] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : .. So where are you from? *walk walk*
[10-16:30] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((... I have a sister!))
[10-16:31] 7fb04, Illisse Brilthor : heh
[10-16:32] 7fb04, Illisse Brilthor : ((that ones for new char i just forgot which one it was ))
[10-16:32] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((Can I have it? ))
[10-16:32] 8f1af, Zaknafein : You want the vague surface dweller description or the actual city name?
[10-16:32] 7fb04, Illisse Brilthor : ((*ponders*))
[10-16:33] 7d58d, Treygor : *Treygor would be walking, his broadsword sheathed at his side and his elven dagger at his other. His height makes him hard to miss. Treygor's boots clamour on the ground*
[10-16:33] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Eh, either way works.
[10-16:35] 7fb04, Illisse Brilthor : ((give me a couple of days to search for a new one....I've already sent in reg for her description...))
[10-16:35] 8f1af, Zaknafein : I'm from the underdark. Deep underground. *Gives the vague description as player has forgotten the name of the city.*
[10-16:36] 7d58d, Treygor : ((erg, that style is annoying me *switches* um...i'll be back later *wanders off to finish a movie*))
[10-16:37] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Menzoberranzan.. Quite a mouthful... *glances to him* I am guessing, since you are here instead of there, that you did not like it there?
[10-16:38] 7d58d, Treygor : ((nvm, I'll go in 1/2 an hour)) *Treygor looks down at the golden phoenix spreading its wings on his chest armor. It reminds him of the king he used to work for*
[10-16:38] 8f1af, Zaknafein : Actually I have never been to Menzoberranzan. So I can not say. I'm here to find a few magical items.
[10-16:38] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : (( ))
[10-16:39] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Really? What kind of magical items?
[10-16:40] 7fb04, Illisse Brilthor : ((fickle))
[10-16:40] 8f1af, Zaknafein : *PLayer searches disks looking for information on Zak.* Any kind at the moment.
[10-16:41] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *smirks* Well... if I didn't have been of it, I would offer you mine
[10-16:42] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((Need))
[10-16:42] 7d58d, Treygor : ((*wants to be regged* Illise, wanna RP?))
[10-16:43] 8f1af, Zaknafein : It is quite alright. I I have a nack for creating spells and that's what I"m looking for.
[10-16:44] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : More spells, hm? Know of any fire spells?
[10-16:44] 8f1af, Zaknafein : A few.
[10-16:45] 7fb04, Illisse Brilthor : ((location))
[10-16:45] 7d58d, Treygor : ((jus walkin around in the woods))
[10-16:46] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *smirks* Those are all I know... *slips inside the doorway of ze bar*
[10-16:46] 7fb04, Illisse Brilthor : (hm..I'm in Rua ))
[10-16:46] 7d58d, Treygor : ((oh, well what's that...?? *doesn't know much about this pjj chat))
[10-16:48] 7d58d, Treygor : ((i could teleport...heh. I don't really know where my char could be, he's just walkin))
[10-16:49] 7fb04, Illisse Brilthor : (( THE town long have you been rp here?))
[10-16:50] 8f1af, Zaknafein : *Chuckles.* I've got an ice spell you'd like. Works wonders. *SLips in behind her.* Try and find a nice dark corner.
[10-16:50] 7d58d, Treygor : ((I've been in the inn here before...but about two days, with no response about reg...but he could be walkin there))
[10-16:51] 7fb04, Illisse Brilthor : ((like i said before it may take some time to get reg'd......hrm..... you would have to come to Inn...))
[10-16:51] 8f1af, Zaknafein : ((BRB. Gotta restart. I'm crashing things.....))
[10-16:52] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : .. I really am not too big on ice. *glances around, then moves to a corner, pausing to blow out the candle on it, before sitting*
[10-16:53] 7d58d, Treygor : ((ok. what's it called again?)) *Treygor, walking through , decides once more to step inside the inn. It is a little more crowded than it was the last time. He looks around and then sits at the bar*
[10-16:54] 7fb04, Illisse Brilthor : ((i gotta go bbl))
[10-16:54] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 5:54pm, May 10 (CDT) ).
[10-16:54] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : I'm really not that much into ice... *glances around, then moves towards a corner, pausing to blow out the candles nearest the corner, before slipping in to sit at the booth*
[10-16:55] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-16:57] 7d58d, Treygor : ((*stabs Illisse* grr)) *Treygor orders a drink and takes in all of his surroundings without needing to look around. His experiences as a knight come to him as he ensures his safety*
[10-16:57] 7d58d, Treygor : ((err...I gtg also, I'll be back tomorrow...*stabs self*))
[10-16:57] EXIT: Treygor has left the chat ( 5:57pm, May 10 (CDT) ).
[10-16:57] JOIN: Chewie has entered.
[10-16:58] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((*spins*))
[10-16:58] e599c, Zaknafein : ((*Kicks her computer.*)) Ah. Well I've got a few others.
[10-16:59] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *gives a pause after she settles down in the booth, looking thoughtful* ... Perhaps I should learn an ice spell... Would really come in handy. What kind of drink would you like?
[10-17:01] e599c, Zaknafein : *Takes a seat, letting his eyes adjust to the darkness.* Mead.
[10-17:02] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Be right back.. *slides out of the booth, moving towards the bar*
[10-17:03] e599c, Zaknafein : *Nods.* Alright.
[10-17:04] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *she's up there for a few seconds, leaning over the counter to talk to the bar keep and place her orders.. She returns before too long, carrying two mugs, one of which she slides across to him*
[10-17:06] e599c, Zaknafein : *Takes the mug as it's slid over to him.* Thank you. *Glances around. Decides against lowering his cowl.*
[10-17:08] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *reaches up a hand to her mouth and bites the end of her glove, letting the cloth slide free from her hand... beneath, her hands are long, deformed... and have some rather wicked looking black claws. She repeats the gesture with her second hand, then curls her spidery fingers about the mug, raising it to her lips*
[10-17:09] e599c, Zaknafein : *He notices this.* Seems you're just full of suprises.
[10-17:12] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *kind of hard to miss it, as she's right across from him* *smirks* Is it not grand? *takes another sip, eyeing him over the rim*
[10-17:13] e599c, Zaknafein : Aye. I suppose.
[10-17:15] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *absently swirls the contents of the mug* ... Do you know who your parents are?
[10-17:16] e599c, Zaknafein : Yes. If it were required of me I could name my entire family tree.
[10-17:20] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : What did you think of them?
[10-17:20] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[10-17:21] 0d217, Illisse Brilthor : ((8reads logs* atleast he saved me the trouble of stabbing him myself))
[10-17:22] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((Huh?))
[10-17:22] e599c, Zaknafein : They're alright. For Drow I suppose.
[10-17:22] 0d217, Illisse Brilthor : ((treygor...))
[10-17:22] 0d217, Illisse Brilthor : ((well..he stabbed me first...))
[10-17:23] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((Oooh))
[10-17:23] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Would you wish them harm?
[10-17:24] 0d217, Illisse Brilthor : ((I guess i could have taken the time to explain that i have one real stupid goat that is always getting stuck ))
[10-17:25] 0d217, Illisse Brilthor : ((ah...I'll be back later tonight after 10 tx time see ya ))
[10-17:25] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 6:25pm, May 10 (CDT) ).
[10-17:25] e599c, Zaknafein : Doesn't matter anymore. Another family killed them.
[10-17:26] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : I'm sorry to hear that
[10-17:28] e599c, Zaknafein : Don't be. It is the way of Drow society. I should have been killed as well. But I was on the surface.
[10-17:29] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Hm.. Good thing you were, then. Does this mean if you ever go back, you will be killed?
[10-17:31] e599c, Zaknafein : No. When I returned I knew who made the attack on my house, and the council struck back. Destroying the house who destroyed mine.
[10-17:32] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : I see. Interesting. Why are you up here, then?
[10-17:32] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Just the search for magic?
[10-17:33] e599c, Zaknafein : Pretty much. And to get away from the stuffy royals. I don't fit their mold.
[10-17:35] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *chuckles, glancing down at her hands* .. I can understand not fitting molds... *reaches out, snatching up her gloves, and slips them back on*
[10-17:37] e599c, Zaknafein : I used to think I fit. But once I got into the academy and later the mage council, I realized how much I didn't fit.
[10-17:39] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : What makes you different?
[10-17:41] JOIN: Z has entered.
[10-17:42] e599c, Zaknafein : Not really sure. I guess it really has a lot to do with the loss of my family. I'm basicly a rogue.
[10-17:42] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Hm.. But are you welcome back there?
[10-17:44] e599c, Zaknafein : Yes. I've been taken in by another Matron. She felt the need for a second mage in the family. And why have one when she could just accept me into the family.
[10-17:45] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : You have one up on me then...
[10-17:46] e599c, Zaknafein : Just the way Drow society works.
[10-17:47] 94c70, Z: *shifty eyes*
[10-17:48] e599c, Zaknafein : ((It's a Z.))
[10-17:48] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *smirks* Me.. I cannot be with either of the races I am born from. If you have not guessed, I have demon blood... because of this, the High Elves won't have a thing to do with me. Likewise, the demons don't much like me. *chuckles* Hell, the one time I saw my mother, she about killed me
[10-17:50] 94c70, Z: Yes, it is!
[10-17:51] e599c, Zaknafein : All races fear me, so the only place I'm welcome is with my own kind. So I know how you feel, somewhat.
[10-17:52] 94c70, Z: *knows someone who doesn't fear Zak *
[10-17:52] e599c, Zaknafein : ((Yea other Drow. ))
[10-17:52] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Well, thankfully, my elven blood shows through more then the demon.. So most are none the wiser that I'm a monster *smirks*
[10-17:53] 94c70, Z: Nuh uh... *notes Muna wouldn't fear any Drow*
[10-17:53] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Humans aren't exactly all that observant, I've noticed
[10-17:54] e599c, Zaknafein : You've got one up on me. They're observant enough to know that darkskinned elves are evil.
[10-17:57] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *laughs* Have me walk around without my gloves for awhile, and we'll see how long it takes before I get into a fight...
[10-17:59] e599c, Zaknafein : All I have to do is lower my cowl. Or show a hand.
[10-17:59] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *chuckles* Alright, you win
[10-18:00] e599c, Zaknafein : *Chuckles.* I thought you'd agree eventually.
[10-18:02] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *winks, then lifts her glass to her lips*
[10-18:03] e599c, Zaknafein : *He finishes his mead in one good swallow.*
[10-18:05] e599c, Zaknafein : So.....
[10-18:05] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : So?
[10-18:06] e599c, Zaknafein : I don't know. Conversation died quickly.
[10-18:07] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : That's because I am busily mentally making fun of you out of spite for winning the game of "My life's worse then your's" *grins widely*
[10-18:08] e599c, Zaknafein : *Laughs.* I see. Just be that way. And my people wonder why I come to the surface when I tire of their childish games.
[10-18:11] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Hey, at least I'm honest
[10-18:11] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-18:11] e599c, Zaknafein : And that can be taken a few ways. It is good I don't follow Lloth. Of course I wouldn't even be here otherwise.
[10-18:13] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Lloth?
[10-18:15] e599c, Zaknafein : Yes. The spider queen. Goddess of chaos.
[10-18:15] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : A spider goddess of chaos, eh? Chaos I don't mind, I cause it a lot myself... but I really don't like spiders.
[10-18:17] e599c, Zaknafein : She has many forms I'm told. However unlike the women, we wizzards don't exactly don't exactly follow her. It's one of those, we do and don't type deals.
[10-18:19] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Interesting. *finishes off her drink* ... I am going to laugh if someone steps on her *grins*
[10-18:21] e599c, Zaknafein : I doubt she'd be that foolish.
[10-18:21] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Pity
[10-18:21] e599c, Zaknafein : Yes I suppose.
[10-18:22] 867a2, Sileen: *grins* I would probably get zapped if one of your other kin heard me saying that, wouldn't I?
[10-18:22] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *grins* I would probably get zapped if one of your other kin heard me saying that, wouldn't I?
[10-18:23] e599c, Zaknafein : I would get zapped for sitting here, slightly agreeing.
[10-18:24] e599c, Zaknafein : Especially if it were one of the females.
[10-18:29] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *chuckles* I should try it... See if I can say that, and escape with my life
[10-18:29] e599c, Zaknafein : Being a half demon you probably would. By the skin of your teeth.
[10-18:30] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : If nothing else, I can play avoid the spells thrown at me until I can open a portal out of there
[10-18:34] e599c, Zaknafein : Depends on how they attack. Their whips are pretty evil.
[10-18:34] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Pfft... Whips can be fried.
[10-18:35] e599c, Zaknafein : *Chuckles.*
[10-18:36] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : All I have to do is make the insult, throw out my strongest spell, then portal out before the spell ends *smirks*
[10-18:36] e599c, Zaknafein : You do that. I wanna see that when you decide to do it.
[10-18:38] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : I will make sure you are present
[10-18:38] e599c, Zaknafein : You make sure of that.
[10-18:39] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Who knows? Maybe someone there will actually be able to kill me...
[10-18:40] e599c, Zaknafein : You have a death wish?
[10-18:42] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : In a sense...
[10-18:43] e599c, Zaknafein : Why?
[10-18:44] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Why not? *shrugs* No one would mourn if I was found dead in a gutter somewhere... Besides, I've become so jaded, the only time I truely feel alive is when I am skimming the brink of death.
[10-18:45] e599c, Zaknafein : Yes I can see how you'd feel that way.
[10-18:47] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *flexes her hand, looking down at it bitterly* Yes.. no one would care... Especially the few men I've ever learned to care for.
[10-18:48] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : .
[10-18:50] e599c, Zaknafein : I can't say I'd be able to find one who'd care, but I'm sure there is one.
[10-18:51] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *grins* You think?
[10-18:52] e599c, Zaknafein : Yes.
[10-18:54] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : You were right with the first half of your statement..
[10-18:55] e599c, Zaknafein : You just said that there've been a few men in your life. Unless they're all dead, there's probably one that cares.
[10-18:56] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : If they cared... neither would have left without saying anything
[10-18:57] e599c, Zaknafein : Well don't ask me. I'm a Drow, we do things differently.
[10-19:02] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : How does your kind court?
[10-19:04] e599c, Zaknafein : We don't. The matron finds a male she likes, weds him. She keeps him around until she finds someone better often times sacrificing the one who's fallen out of favor with her. As for the common people, I have no idea.
[10-19:05] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : That... doesn't sound very fun for the males
[10-19:06] e599c, Zaknafein : I wouldn't know. I generally avoid the matrons when all possible.
[10-19:07] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Probably a smart idea... So does that mean you are unlikely to wed for love, then?
[10-19:08] e599c, Zaknafein : There are some that do.
[10-19:08] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : And the chances you'll find one?
[10-19:09] e599c, Zaknafein : I had one. Until the council killed her family, for killing mine.
[10-19:09] e599c, Zaknafein : A love of my life. Never been married.
[10-19:12] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ... Sorry to hear that..
[10-19:13] e599c, Zaknafein : No big deal. It's the way we work. We kill to climb the ladder. To be the best.
[10-19:16] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *eyes him* Hm.. I am very glad I'm not a drow
[10-19:17] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[10-19:19] e599c, Zaknafein : If you were you'd have a love of spiders. And be a servant of Lloth.
[10-19:19] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *quirky grin* Again... I'm glad I'm not a drow.
[10-19:20] e599c, Zaknafein : *Chuckles.*
[10-19:22] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : So.. you like your society? How it's run and all?
[10-19:23] e599c, Zaknafein : I don't have much of a choice in the matter. It's run differently in other cities. Mine, the mages rule. Other's it's the matrons.
[10-19:24] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : You have a choice on weither you like it or not, even if you can't affect it overly much
[10-19:26] e599c, Zaknafein : I am a Drow in every sense of the word. There are some who renounce the Drow society. But I am not one. It has made me who I am.
[10-19:26] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : I suppose that means "yes" then.
[10-19:27] e599c, Zaknafein : Pretty much. Yea.
[10-19:28] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *nods* That is interesting..
[10-19:28] e599c, Zaknafein : Why?
[10-19:30] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : You say you are drow in every sense of the word, that you embrace your people's way of live... Yet you are unlike the cruel, twisted drow I have always heard of.
[10-19:32] e599c, Zaknafein : You have not seen me at my worst either. I have learned from my many trips to the surface, that being evil doesn't get me what I need, to create my spells.
[10-19:33] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Ah... so your core is truely evil, you just play at being nice to get what you wish.
[10-19:33] e599c, Zaknafein : Of course. Is that so wrong?
[10-19:35] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *shrugs* Doesn't effect me either way. You're not a demon, and you're not sporadically hurting people, so you are fine with me
[10-19:37] e599c, Zaknafein : But I have. Ever hear about an attack on a caravan resting for the night, that was visited by a unicorn. Or perhaps you heard about the terrorizing of the unicorn.
[10-19:39] e599c, Zaknafein : ((I gotta run.
[10-19:39] e599c, Zaknafein : ))
[10-19:39] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ... You terrorized a unicorn? *blinks, then smirks* That's quite a trick. How did you even know it was a unicorn? I thought only pure so and sos could see one
[10-19:39] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((Alright))
[10-19:40] e599c, Zaknafein : ((Roommate wantss the net and I can't get the router to work. Should be back in a couple hours.))
[10-19:40] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((Alright. I'll likely see you then. Take care))
[10-19:43] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-19:43] 867a2, Sileen: *spins*
[10-19:44] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:43pm, May 10 (CDT) ).
[10-19:44] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[10-19:45] JOIN: Brimstone has entered.
[10-19:45] 7f5d6, Axis : ((hello))