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Chat TitleDescriptionActive ChattersCurrent ObserversStatus
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Star Trek
No Description
The Danger Zone
Enter at your own risk.
No Description
WoS: Silver Raven Inn
World of Spyridon: 1522 ASR |High Fantasy| To Those Faraway Times | ∞ End of the Beginning ∞ つづく...
The Jedi Creed: The Challenge of the Force
The Jedi Creed is based on 'The Challenge of the Force' Chat Room during the late 90's. We hope to inspire you into realizing your abilities.
Real Vampires
This chat is for all interested in the truth about real vampires, dispelling both old and new myths about them, plus providing some guidance and assistance to newly awakening vampires as well as any help a mature vampire may be needing. Not for Role-Playing!
A Den Of Wank
+++ OOC insanity..leave your presumptions at the door and chat subversively. permissive moderation. potential adult content, oh! +++
One of the original NeoX chats, set in an alternate continuity then /NX - Primarily obsolete.
~Be Seen~

This is a darn cool chat. :o)
Dungeon of the Damned
T he Dungeon of the Damned as it used to be. Alternative Culture! OOC..**Not A Roleplaying Room**
-Moderated-< /b>
Elemental Detention Facility
No Description
Empire X
No Description
Setting: San Francisco. The main team is gone on business leaving the city to team members with less experience to keep order.
Hollywood Nights:WoD

Welcom e to WoD:LA! An old world of darkness based RP room. This is a Horror/Fantasy room that allows old world of darkness characters and some free form. The setting is Hollywood and downtown, Los Angeles, California. The city is large, and filled with many things that can survive those who live in the world of darkness. Perhaps large enough that for the most part the difference creatures can co-exist without too much of an issue. Though, obviously peace and quiet is not something that Los Angeles is none for, in the mortal or supernatural worlds alike. People pass you by and they could be from this world or the other, and you might be oblivious to that fact. Your very neighbor could be Vitae drinking creature, or perhaps your boss is something that warships Gaea! Step into the world of darkness and tempt fate with every breath you take. Be careful not to tick off the wrong person or a broken jaw would seem like a blessing in comparison to what you might find. Even more so are the depths of the black market t
Philadelphia: City of Shadows
Unusual things have been occurring within the Philadelphia area. Things unexpected, things which go bump in the night.
Planet Mobius Chat
Planet Mobius, the home of the famous Sonic the Hedgehog. PMC is a dedicated, long-time RP community based on the titular blue blur. Open to many who wish to join.
Shadow of Deceit: Main Room
The Original Star Wars Chat Room upon Projectjj. Can the NR halt the terrifying advance of the Ne'kressis?
Silver Spires
No Description
Skyward Dreams
The School for the Arcane that rests in a world unlike any other. This is not Earth. All are welcomed for now. [Work In Process]
Star Wars
The Galactic Rebellion Era
Star Wars : Tides of War

Planet Vallera, 30 ABY. The only important thing you need to know is that there is no Vong.
The Cantina, a Cross-Franchise Role Playing Chat
A Multi-Universe Role-Playing Extravaganza! Based chiefly in a smokey little bar on Tatooine, any characters, stories and settings are welcome!
The Stygian Path
The Stygian Path is a horror role playing room that is centered around a small Ireland town named Ciarin that is located in the County Offaly, near the bog lands. The town is the typical Irish town, friendly enough to the tourists, but perhaps hiding things among themselves.
The Unknown Room
just a chatroom
.:The Wheel of Time:.
The Wheel of Time turn and Ages come to pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Fourth Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a new era has begun. An era of Aes Sedai, of Daes Dae'mar and the ultimate struggle for power...
The X-Mansion
Discover your true potential at Xavier's School for the Gifted. The one and only X-Chat.
Arrested development.
No Description
No Description
30 of 54-21 (1)-
Chat TitleDescriptionChattersObserversStatus
Chat Title: Very simple, and exactly what the name says.
Description: The chat theme/setting as the admin writes it.
Chatters: Number of people in the chat.
Observers: Number of people looking on the chat. Includes chatters.
Status: Open, Moderated or Locked. Access ranges from View/Chat over View/NoChat to NoView/NoChat for unregistered users.

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