Thread for X-Mansion Homepage Is Coming!

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 X-Mansion Homepage Is Coming!
4:53pm, January 29, 2006
Yes, I've been talking about it for years and even managed a few failed attempts but it is now official. We will be getting our own .com/.net/.org space very soon.
The hopes is that the webspace will allow us a more organized way of storing and sharing information with one another related to the RP as well as allowing us as a community to organize in other ways as well (IRL shindigs, Convention gatherings, CoH stuff etc)

So, since this is going to be a site dedicated to this wonderful community which has for so long stood the test of time, I want to hear what everyone else thinks about it. Ideas, Suggestions, Complaints, anything you feel a need to say about it :)

"Make ours, Marvel"
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