Thread for The Journey Concluded

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 The Journey Concluded
3:55am, December 08, 2005
I'm still working on a more in-depth summary of the RP, but for the sake of all that's holy ;) here's a summary of what occured Monday evening:

The Grim Wurm attacking the group was distracted by the oncoming of the second team (Rachel, Logan and Chris) and soon defeated after it charged Wolverine. At which time a large number of armor-clad women appeared to take both groups away to the Great Hall of Odin.
There they encountered Odin and Thor, learning the Grim Wurm was a pet of Odin's. Learning of their quest, Odin proposed a wager. Two of his mightiest against two of their own. If they won he would aid them in finding the smith, Brokk, if they lost he would keep their friend Liam as his trophy.
Odin's champions were chosen as Thor (his son) and Tyr, the God of War. From the Groups, the members selected Wolverine to fight, while Odin selected Salem as their second member. Before the contest began, the champions were allowed to take upon them a weapon of their chosing. Wolverine chosing his claws, Tyr chosing his own sword and to level the playing field against the mortals Odin made Thor lay down his hammer. Thor's hammer was just the weapon chosen by Salem. At this turn of events, Odin returned Thor's hammer to him and gifted to Salem an empowered hammer of his own (later to be called Tempests Fury).
An epic battle ensued, and in the end both Wolverine AND Salem stood victorious against their opponants (for details see Logs for Monday evening, a damn good fight if I do say so). After the battle, Odin permanently bequethed the hammer to Salem, and had Thor deliver the Teams to the home of Brokk, upon which Kairi learned the secrets of the Book of Morkelse. At which time Brokk sent the Team on their way, and after stepping through a metal door within his home, they found themselves standing within the woods in the backyard of Xavier's Mansion. Home at last.
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