Thread for A recap of tonights events.

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 A recap of tonights events.
6:14am, June 12, 2004
An evil Demyan (yes... the same one we had that nice funeral for just after halloween) attacked the mansion tonight and is now sporting a lovely set of metal tentacles (or whatever) that can go into some holders in his wrist. Attacking the mansion with him were between 10-20 tentacled homeless hobos who sported inferior tentacles that turned out to be VERY sharp.

They entered the complex after Demyan completely ripped the gate from it's hinges (ie. Bye bye gate) and the hobo's stormed the mansion, pulling many doors off their hinges in the second floor hallway, as well as breaking Brianna's and another occupants window. The hobo's were defeated by Bobby, Danae, Rachel, Fiona, Roxanne, Rogue, Brent and Brianna. Then our heroes (and heroines) met Demyan in the Foyer of the mansion, joined by Husk, and they defeated Demyan after Rogue sucked enough energy from him to knock him out for a little.

Bobby then escorted the black haired, violet eyed Russian down into the holding cells and he remains there right now, still stuck on his intent to kill the X-Men (because his daddy told him to through subliminal messages *grins*)
5:40pm, June 12, 2004
Wow, that's a good recap.
2:53am, June 13, 2004
Aileen wacked him damned hard on the head to aid in the knocking out XD
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