Thread for Attacking the X-mansion

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 Attacking the X-mansion
Hepatica Acutiloba
8:32am, June 12, 2002
All right, people, look. If you´re going to attack the X-mansion itself, you´d better expect to encounter some resistence. Don´t think you can just stroll on in, start breaking things as you please, and get into a fair fight with a single mutant. If you attack the X-mansion, you´d better believe anyone who can is gonna come running to join in. So don´t go off on a tirade about how it´s so unfair and you´re being ganged up on. If you want to fight a single mutant, arrange an RP where you can go fight in the woods, or something. Don´t go barging into the Mansion half-cocked and think you´re gonna get off easy.

10:08pm, June 12, 2002
Also, keep in mind that the mansion itself has defenses. Don´t ignore them!!

Thankee :)

10:24pm, June 12, 2002
defenses.... ha! *goes off to get half cocked so he can storm the place later*
3:37am, June 13, 2002
Well, next time I attack, I´ll just lift the whole Mansion into space.
 Walk in another person´s shoe...
3:41am, June 13, 2002
Consider this, if it were reversed and the bad guys out numbered the good ones, people would raise holy hell about it.
Impersonating Hepatica Acutiloba
3:48am, June 13, 2002
That would only happen if we were storming into a badguy secret lair or something. And that is to be expected.
8:21pm, June 13, 2002
Yep, what Hepa said. Additionally, most the time it seems that one bad guy is so powerful that he can hold his own against half a dozen anyway.

Bennett Du Paris
12:27am, June 14, 2002
This is percisly why I chose not to attack a place thats full of mutants. I mean...c´mon, it´s a stupid idea....
 Much disregarded fact...
6:41am, June 24, 2002
I´d just like to point something out that was brought to my attention. Seems in all the comings and goings of people in the Mansion a few things seem to have been forgotten:
1) Due to an in-chat RP a few years back, the Mansion was given a near full makeover with Shi´ar technology/weapons/armor & such. As a result of this please keep in mind that things that have "occured" such as the girls dorm being completely destroyed would not be very plausable. So to those of you attacking the mansion, please keep in mind that you´ll be dealing with stuff from another world in regards to the mansion´s defense systems, and simply destroying an entire wing of the building would not be all-together easy. Thank You.
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