Thread for To those creating NEW CHARACTERS.

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 To those creating NEW CHARACTERS.
11:24pm, May 04, 2003
Several things to know, along with some advice.

Powers:Capped powers are found here. Try to come up with an original power!

Remember that most characters are somewhat new in their powers. This means that they are limited, but will increase with training. Please explain how your character has begun to master their power if they have.

Please refrain from making uber-mutants. Yes, some real Marvel ones exist. (Example: Nate Gray, Apocalypse.) DO NOT MAKE THESE GUYS. They won't be approved.

Skills: Please include skills and knowledge appropriate to a character's background, age, and scholastic level. Feel free to incorporate odd categories, if you have a good explanation for it! Don't forget that your character will be learning things at the mansion as well, and there is always room for skill growth. :)

Note: Highly trained martial artists are STRONGLY discouraged, though students will be able to gain training once at the mansion if they so desire.

Age: Please play your character accordingly! Particularly if you have a younger one. Please do not create child geniuses. If your character is six years old, play him/her as a six year old, not an 18 year old in a six year old's body. PLEASE NOTE: You must be at least 16 to be eligible for a team. The preferred age is 18. Understand that children's movements will be somewhat restricted, and they are to be kept out of battles, ESPECIALLY those under 14 years of age.

Origin & Background: Here's your chance to really shine! Come up with some traits that make your character a person, and play them! You are encouraged to use other countries and ethnicities for your character's origin. Cultural quirks and mindsets are great! Please avoid playing entire stereotypes though. :)

Note: Japanese, French and Russians are very common. If possible, please try to come up with a different origin, if the character is from a different country.

General Notes:
The X-Men are kind of public knowledge. The Institute is rumored to accept mutants. It is NOT known that the X-Teams are housed at the Institute.

Talk to someone out of character about possible ways for your character to make their way to the mansion. Just 'stumbling' across things is a very old tactic, and rather unlikely. ^_^ And don't try to break in unless you're wanting to end up in the brig. Defenses are at a higher alert because of the Anti-Mutant Task Force and past attacks.


Also, please don't expect your character to be placed on a team two weeks after s/he arrives. Students are there for a long time before being entrusted with knowledge and recruitment for the teams, if ever. But! There are plenty of options for your character to act outside of the teams. :)

PLEASE NOTE! Public displays of power, particularly destructive ones, will quickly gather the attention of the Authorities. Chances are, your butt will be put where it doesn't want to be.

Role Playing Games are good ways to create a character. Generally starting somewhere between 1st and 3rd level is ideal. :) If you want to play an existing Marvel Universe character, speak with the Admins.

For the Admin Contact list, go here

Thank you!

Edited 8:46pm, January 09, 2007 by Ali-Cat, moderative.
Cookie Monster
11:43pm, May 04, 2003
One thing I'd like to tack on, that I thought of not too long ago. Not all mutants are normal looking humans. Outside of X-men, you usualy see in your minds eye pretty hidious creatures when you think of mutants right? Well, such mutants are in X-men as well. I'm not saying you have to be hideous, but Green skin, scales, a couple of extra eyes are not unheard of, even if it has littl to do with their powers. Use this idea or not. This may be purely cosmetic, but it realy shows the person to be a mutant, unable to stick his head out the door.
2:34am, May 06, 2003
I agree with cookie, making a character odd looking has been a great experience for me and has caused me to develop the character much further. The Kyle we see now is an annoying pest but if you all remember he was once meek and quiet, his appearance and being flooded with acceptance for the first time have made for interesting development.

I'd also like to thank Ms. Jade for such a brilliant little post to ... post on the board, many valid points which need repeating were repeated and for that i appplaud you. My e-mail address was however pposted last, now this may be nothing but i tend to overread things and think that oerhapos some of you may as well. For registration purposes, i am probably the best one to go to on some instances, not to insult brother and sister admin i just tend to be more accepting and much more prompt. The other two have their own things to do, i like to think of new character orientation to be one of my suits. Thanks again Jade sweety, may our love hate relationship never die.
 Just an addition
5:48pm, June 06, 2003
I also manage current users...just so that you know that I'm not really as lazy as I seem. Lost passwords, character mispellings, anything wrong with a character that is ALREADY REGISTERED should come to me. ^_^
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