Thread for Young Avengers Assembled!

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 Young Avengers Assembled!
4:38pm, January 21, 2007
Given the complexity of the Young Avenger team as a whole, and their existence in 616 being largely based on several major events that never occurred in 477, here is a breakdown of their formation in the chat timeline:

-In the distant future, IronLad encounters his future self (ala the comic timeline).

-Ultron decides the Red Skull Army needs a counter to the Avengers. Young, impressionable, programmable minds. As he caries the same brain-waves as Pym his choices would flow along the same lines as the comic's Failsafe Program.

-In order to doop the unknowing unformed YA's into servitude Ultron creates a drone designed after Vision to approach them.

-IronLad traveling backwards in time encounters the mock-Vision, assuming it to be the true Vision, and thusly asks for aid in contacting the Avengers.

-At this point the Avengers have not yet anounced their official return to the public. Mock-Vision explains to IronLad that the Avengers are worn with age and too emtrenched in politics to be effective or helpfull. So he places IronLad on the path to recruit and form the Young Avengers.

-The YA's form, train, gather materials and obtain a base of operations etc.

-Shortly thereafter, the Avenger's make a public announcement of their official return. Vision being present at this unveiling reveals the Mock-Vision's inauthenticity, Fight ensues, Mock-Vision destroyed


This leaves an excellent chance for the Young Avenger's on a myriad of levels by having a pre-existing tie-in to an ongoing in-chat RP event, and allows for them to introdruce themselves as they see fit to the chat universe.
It has been somewhat established that the Young Avengers have had some encounters with the Avengers, as well as encounters with SHIELD. At the same time this keeps the door open though for players to decide on a one-by-one basis if their character was present at these times/events in the recent past.
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