Thread for Character Caps-UPDATED

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 Character Caps-UPDATED 2/24
2:38am, January 10, 2007
This is the thread you need to read before creating new characters, as this thread is dedicated to listing out capped character powers and traits. It will be updated accordingly.

In this chat, we strongly encourage being creative with creating a character. Sometimes research into existing characters to see what’s been done and what hasn’t, whether it’s through reading profiles(located here), reading logs (located here and here), or lurking for a little while before jumping in. These are options but, of course, not required.

Also, this thread, though a little old and out-dated(which I will update a little) is a great outline for what we’ve seen and not seen.

Capped Powers
These powers will not be registered.

-Telepathics/Telekenetics: Because of the shear power of Telekenetics and Telepathics, we’ve obtained our quota of allowable telekenetics and telepathics. If your character is not exactly telepathic/telekenetic, but has abilities akin to it(able to control parts of their power via telepathy/kinetics, please revise the power, as it is likely not to be registered due to the telepathic/telekenetic connection.

-Temporal Manipulators(time shifters): Being a time shifter is not only rare in canon Marvel Comics, but in this chat as well. As such, the small quota has been filled, and no originals with this power will be registered. This includes Agers(the ability to age themselves, others, or objects), time jumpers(the ability to travel back and forth through time), and time shifters(the ability to slow or speed up present time).

-Shadow powers: This has been lingering on the capped/not capped line for a while now. Due to the influx of new registrations and applications, the fact that we just registered two in the past week(in addition to the 5 or 6 that exist already) and another reg came in with an alike power, we’re cutting off Shadow powers. This includes, but is not limited to: Shadow Manipulation(the ability to shape, distort, solidify, etc shadows), Shadow Teleportation/Walking(self explainatory), Shadow Shifting(reforming the body into that of a shadow-form or shadow-self), and Shadow Creation(the ability to create darkness where there would be none).

-Empaths(the ability to absorb/project emotions): This is yet another really rare power, and as such, the quota again has been filled in this chat.

-Illusionists(the ability to project illusions to confuse enemies/hide from enemies): Once again, quota has been filled on this rather rare power.

-Immortals: Immortals here are called Externals. In canon, there is only a small, limited amount of Externals at any given time. As such, our quota has been filled.

-Blood Manipulators(ability to shape and manipulate blood)

-Speedsters(the ability to run and do activities at a rapid speed)

Characters with more than three powers will not be registered- Please limit yourself! To put many different powers in one character makes the character too uber. Abilities directly related to each other(ie:pyrokenetics that can 1)withstand temperatures and 2)throw fireballs. Both those powers are related and as such will be concidered ONE power). Also, just because three powers in one is allowed, please do not automatically make characters that all have three powers each.

On-The-Line Powers
These powers are NOT capped, but we highly discourage turning to these powers before trying to be a bit more creative, as they have been overdone.

-Pyrokenetics(the ability to create and manipulate fire)

-Hydrokenetics(the ability to create and manipulate water)

-Aerokenetics(the ability to control and manipulate wind and air)

-Ice Formations(the ability to create and manipulate ice)

-Winged-forms(the physical deformation resulting in having wings of some sort, angel or otherwise)

-Cat-forms(the physical defomation resulting in being/changing into that of a feline form)

-Electrokenetics(the ability to generate and manipulate electricity)

-Healing Factors(the ability to heal ones-self at rapid speed)

-Healing Touches(the ability to heal others at a rapid speed)

-Energy/Life Draining(The ability to drain energy, life, powers, etc from an individual, by touch or otherwise)

-Ghost-Forms(the ability or trait of being in a form that of a pretenatural manifestation)


This thread will be updated accordingly, either with addition or subtraction of capped powers. It is important that you read this and related posts before creating a character. Take your time, do some creative thinking, and I’m sure you’ll have no problem with new characters!

Fellow Admins:if you see anything that needs to be added, let me know!


Edited 10:23am, February 24, 2007 by Ali-Cat, author.
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