Thread for Dimension 477(AKA CURRENT CHAT TIMELINE!)

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9:44pm, January 07, 2007
Due to the influx of new chatters that have come about(and maybe to answer questions some older chatters may still be confused about), this post is in reguards to this chat’s timeline, it’s relation to current and past canon timeline, and other things that may be related.

Canon Timeline in Reguards to THIS Chat

This chat and canon are consistant with each other up until 1997 and the death of Graydon Creed and the disbandment of the Friends Of Humanity organization. All events prior to this happened in the chat(some can be found here: Marvel Timeline on Wiki,X-Men History on Wiki ). All events after( from Operation Zero Tolerance to House of M and Civil War) never happened here.

This Chat’s Timeline
As stated before, the timeline of this chat is consistant with Marvel’s (Dimension 616). In the start of this chat’s creation in Beseen(followed by Star-Net, and finally here), Marvel had just published the death of Graydon Creed, and the disbanding of the Friends Of Humanity. It was decided at this point that our chat would delve away from Canon, and create our own alternate timeline(or, now, Dimension...number 477, to be exact).
This chat takes place in PRESENT DAY...within the known Marvel Universe(as in, many of the characters still exist, places still exist, and similarities are seen though they are not exact). However, many of the drastic recent events, such as the House of M, Civil War, rise of the New Horsemen of Apocalypse, do not exist. As such; There is no 198, Spiderman’s identity is still secret, and The X-Men are generally UNKNOWN to the public.

After the disbanding of the Friends Of Humanity, Xavier decided that it was time to reach out to young mutants now that they had one less organization to hide from. Invitations were then sent out to mutants, some of which accepted his invitation to become students and learn to control their powers.
Over the years, many events have unfolded that shaped this timeline into what it is today.

-Apocalypse, considered missing (though in fact destroyed once and for all), was quick to teach new students the meaning of destruction and betrayal; leading attacks on the mansion from the inside out.

-Magneto has always been on both sides of the line, often aiding Xavier when it was needed most, but also continuing on his own agenda.

-Doctor Octopus, in one of his maniacle tyrades, created a gravity beam to attract a small asteroid and aim it at the nation of France. France, as well as parts of Spain, was destroyed. They continue their rebuilding efforts.

-The formally government run AMTF(Anti-Mutant Task Force) became a constant threat to the school and peace between human and mutant-kind;
-Coming out in public after framing the mutant rock band, Revolt, in the destruction of the Statue of Liberty.
-Laying seige to Xavier’s school, kidnapping several students for their own plans on making Mutant Soldiers, as well and killing several young X-men students.
-Backing the brainwashed masses of Justin Price’s church, and corrupting the NYPD...before finally being disbanded by the newly elected President Ian Knight(after the former president Vincent Craven was impeached)

-President Ian Knight (formerly a Headmaster of the Xavier Institute during a two year period of Xavier being on-hiatus) signed a bill giving mutants equal rights in the United States of America.

-The Reverend Justin Price set forth a protest against Xavier’s school, which lead to the destruction of the Massachusetts Academy, and unrest among the nation against mutant-kind as well as the forming of the Church of the Templar (a religion which holds the belief that meta-humans and mutants are demons sent from hell). This also lead to the attempted assassination of President Ian Knight, which revealed that the President himself was a mutant.

More Recent Events

-New Orleans (as well as most of Southern Louisiana) fell victim to an explosion in one of its Nuclear Power plants, the Red Skull terrorist organization has claimed responsibility.

-Japan, which formerly embraced mutants and idolized them, turned around suddenly to shun mutants and begin to regulate their mutant population. Many mutants chose to run for sanctuary in other nations.

-In retaliation for their political mutant agenda and threats against Genosha, Magneto targeted several major Japanese cities; Tokyo, Okinawa, and Hiroshima, with their own nuclear missles, destroying the cities and leaving the nation in shambles.

-As a result of the attacks on Japan, the UN have banded together to start talks about an International Meta-Human Registration Act. To try to keep this at bay, President Knight has started talks about a Human controlled Sentinal Squad, though it has not yet become public.

-Magneto has taken the entire district of New York known as District X and relocated it to the Island of Genosha. Several hero teams are in talks and actions on trying to return those who do not wish to remain in Genosha back to where they belong.

OOC Issues

Knowing that we are a seperate timeline from canon, and understanding that, I know that some questions still may remain. I’m going to address the ones that I can think of here:

September 11th
While it is wide knowledge that Marvel has accepted the events of 9/11 as canon in their timeline. Due to some personal issues that happened on that date, and the personal connection some of us had with the tragedy, we have never officially said anything in chat reguarding them. As such, however, it is simply asked that the Twin Towers or the events are not mentioned in RPs.

New Character Teams
As people may have noticed, several teams(Runaways, the current Avengers Roster; known as the New Avengers, etc..) that would otherwise not exist in this timeline do actually exist. In our eyes, some teams, such as the Runaways, would have eventually developed on their own, reguardless of events happening, and thus, their existance exists.

Newer Characters
In relation to above, there are also several newer mutants(Sage, X23, to name a few that come to mind) that exist in this chat. It is possible to play newer mutants that have developed after 1997, as long as you realize that you must come up with a story to get them introduced. You can borrow elements from the comics they first appeared in to think of ways to involve them.
This can also pertain to newer powers canon characters have obtained after the timeline split. However, to get these powers, you must pass it by an admin before going forward with it. Chances are we’ll involve it anyway. :)

Any other OOC questions you may have, you can post it down below, and I, or someone else, will answer it to the best of our ability

Hope this clears up some things for people!


Edited 7:57pm, January 07, 2007 by Remy, moderative.
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