Thread for A Note From Xavier

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 A Note From Xavier
Professor Charles Xavier
1:25am, May 28, 2006
((the following notice has been given to all students and faculty of the X-mansion))

As many of you are already aware an alien presence has been seen around the grounds of the school. These outsiders may seem strange and perhaps at times even a bit aggressive, but I assure each and every one of you that they are our friends, and would do no harm to anyone beneath our roof. Some of you are already familiar with them, others have not yet been introduced. They call themselves the Shi'ar, and we are as strange to them as they are to us. I ask each of you to treat them the same as any other guest to our home.
During their stay they will be moving in and among the grounds of the school and mansion. Their actions are merely to ensure that we ourselves remain safe during their stay here.
Thank you all,
Prof. C. Xavier

((OOC: The occasional Shi'ar guardsman will be seen moving in or out of the school and school grounds. For reasons of safety, Xavier is not blatantly advertising them as extra-terrestrials and their ship remains in cloaked orbit over earth. Any questions just lemme know an I'll address them :) ))
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