Thread for The Call is Out

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 The Call is Out
Red Skull
8:22pm, February 18, 2006
*Across the realms of Louisianna, Florida, California and New York in the decrepit and poverty stricken areas there could be seen an increasing number of "tags" upon walls showing the mark of the Red Skull, trails leading to doors leading to rundown buildings where each new cell would begin its formings, The Call was out on the streets to all Anarchists, Neo Nazis, White Supremecists, Friends of Humanity... the low and loathed of the nation... a new order was rising in their name, a new voice was leading their cause, a new mark was hailing them to one another: The Red Skull*

OOC: This is a call out to anyone who'd like to create a character that would be just the sort of things described above. Crazy enough to achieve their goals at any cost at any lengths. The Red Skull is calling to you, join today *g*
If you're interested in making a character for this faction, please state so in the character description.

-Red Skull
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