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Thread for Remy's Talking Point... WHO ARE YOU???

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 Remy's Talking Point... WHO ARE YOU???
4:24am, August 14, 2004
Alright, I know I can't possibly be crazy. At least not as crazy as this would make me. For some time now I've begun to notice a trend, a rising trend with a rising number of people being involved.
We've always taken pride in this chat for being original and creative. We've had some people create some truely unique and interesting characters... and lately we (myself and the others in the Administration) have been noticing a great many similarities between recently introduced Marvel Characters, and the ones who have existed in this chat for roughly 4 some odd years.
So far, to mind I can instance 4 characters/people this has happened to, while I am far aware there are more.

1) New X-men hosts a cute and lovable Empath who is not of American origin... sounds like Ariana almost doesnt it? Almost. (forgot to mention, she even LOOKS like the images used for Ariana)
2) An Asian chick with a slight attitude and a knack for electricity but no complete control over it... kinda like Ayame almost isn't it? Almost.
3) Joshua Guthrie- A musician (guitarist) with red angel wings.
Sounds a bit like Gabriel... only... with the RPers REAL name as the first name, and red wings... Almost, right?
4) A character recently introduced in the new Mystique... broody, angsty, and having mind-controling tentacles... sounds remarkably like VINCENT MURDOCK our resident goth-sex-fiend-with-mind-control-powers... doesn't it?

Whoever you are, we know you're out there. We ask not so much that you stop, honestly it's flattering to see Marvel using the ideas presented in a small-yet-long-standing X-men chat community. But rather that there be some confirmation of our suspicions, something that tells us we're NOT just being paranoid.
Thank you for making mine, Marvel.

Edited 11:30pm, August 13 by Remy, author.
4:29am, August 14, 2004
C'mon marvel, where's the crazy Scottish Janitor with Dr Kimble syndrome?
Stan Lee
7:31am, August 14, 2004
He's on his way ;)
Papa Smurf
4:11pm, August 14, 2004
I actually noticed a character that was remarkably like Abigail too.
7:33pm, August 14, 2004
I did notice that there was a wind user as well, so...yeah...grar.
Leet Marvel Lackey
9:27pm, August 14, 2004
Confound it, Mr. Lee, you were supposed to stay in the "the man behind the curtain!" In future, please leave the spying to your loyal, anonymous minions. Using an alias on the messageboard would be recommended as well.

...Unless they'd assume that you'd never use your real name, so in using it they wouldn't suspect it was actually you...hmmm...
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