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Thread for Conflict in the Middle East!

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 Conflict in the Middle East!
The Mandarin
3:29am, July 06, 2008
Recently, there has been an increasing number of news broadcast and print reports about a surge of violence in the country of Pakistan.

Soldiers of an unknown origin, suspected to be Afghani militants, have been engaging in open conflict in the already tense northern territories of Pakistan, attacking and destroying several small towns before disappearing into the hills, with the unconfirmed death toll already in the thousands.

Pakistani president, Pervez Musharraf, has mobilized the military, preparing to strike against the unknown hostile force. There is some worry about this however, as large numbers of troops deployed to that region have gone missing, suspected to have defected or even kidnapped by the local ultra-religious militants.

There has, as of yet, been no official response from any other countries or organizations.
John Hancock
7:29am, July 07, 2008
*scratches nuts...sniffs fingers. reads reports..swigs from the whiskey bottle* Should do somethin' 'bout this shit here. Fuckin'...pricks.
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