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Thread for Rules of Xavier's School

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 Rules of Xavier's School
2:44am, February 23, 2007
With some more influxes of new characters intended to become students of Xavier's, I feel the need to outline a few things on the issue of being accepted into Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters, teams, and the like.

Joining The School

-Firstly: There is a gate between you and the Front Door. Remember this.

-Your character must be a mutant. There are few exceptions to the rule(Character is normal yet has parents/guardians that are mutant, special needs-usually applied for teachers or technicians, or in some instances-a shift in the mutanagenic gene), but they shall be on a case-by-case basis.

-Only teachers are allowed to sign a student up to the school. This is because there is alot of red tape involved in accepting runaway minors without involving the authorities or the often unkind legal guardians(remember...children CAN be arrested for running away).

-Older students(students that have been around for a while and are over 16) are the only ones allowed to open the gate for a new applicant, and are the only ones allowed gate-codes. This is because, like any young child knows, you do not open the door to strangers.

-Upon signing up, Students undergo a physical and various blood tests. This is to prove they are mutants, and are not holders to certain diseases, such as the Legacy Virus, which is still a problem in this timeline(a cure is underway, however, on Muir Island).

School Rules

-Xavier’s School runs all grades, from elementary through high school and even college. All students MUST complete High School. This means that if your character dropped out of High School to run away, you are REQUIRED to finish.
Whether or not the student wishes to continue to college is up to them. They can continue either at Xavier’s school, or wander into the world to try at another human majority college.

-ALL students undergo classes to learn to control their powers. Often times, if the power is particularly destructive and uncontrollable, students undergo INTENSIVE one on one tutoring to learn to control it, then will continue with small classes to learn on a more broader scale. Note: Students do NOT undergo combat training. At ALL.

-Xavier’s School is a No Tolerance school. Weapons, drugs, alcohol, smoking is not permitted in the school building, gym, or student dorms. Smoking is permitted on the porch areas and outside ONLY. Alcohol and smoking will NOT be permitted by underage minors(18 for smoking, 21 for drinking). Being caught on these grounds would result in an extensive series of detentions for the first offense ONLY. Drugs are not permitted. If caught, SEVERE disciplinary actions will be made. Students caught with weapons are dealt on a case by case basis. Guns are not allowed without an experienced teacher present in a training area ONLY. Live steel is allowed only to students training under sword using teachers and must be sheathed at all times not training. Shivs and swiss army knives must be sheathed or folded, and used only for survival needs(ie:the Boy Scout survival needs, not fighting). Any student under the age of 16 found with a knife will have it taken away and will serve detention. Any student under the age of 18 found with an unauthorized blade(ie:sword) will have it taken away and be given a detention and a warning. Any student with a gun will not only have it taken away, but may be faced with an expulsion. Keep in mind, the Mansion security system is set up to scan for the complex mechanisms of modern firearms on the above levels(any area above the lower X-Men levels). If a firearm is detected, alarms will sound, and it and it’s owner will be tracked down.
Any student threatening another with any weapon will be faced with expulsion.
Note:Saying Drinking, Smoking, and Drugs are not tolerated does not mean you cannot RP these elements. It is just a warning that it is not allowed in the school and you risk being caught by a teacher or get ratted out on by others and get in trouble. As for weapons, you must have admin approval and set it up with a player who plays a sword user to have a sword. Guns outside of training exercises are not permitted, and we as admins highly discourage it. If you have a gun, it WILL be taken away. Alot of these characters are weapons on their do not need them to have a piece.

-A curfew is underway for all students under the age of 18. Curfew is also age specific, and the oldest students under this rule are not to be out past midnight without special permission.

-There is a sound ordinance in the hallways after 10pm. Loud music, yelling, running and the like is discouraged to let younger students sleep.

-Excessive swearing in the hallways is discouraged. It is not allowed in classrooms.

-Boys are not allowed in the Girls dorms(and vice versa) after 10pm. If a boy is visiting a girl(and vice versa), the door is never to be shut. Any students caught exploring certain aspects of their gender with another(of the same or opposite gender), will suffer severe repercussions. There are exceptions upon special permissions(ie:Marrage, Engagement. A simple boyfriend/girlfriend relationship does not count).

-Sparring is prohibited unless under special supervision. Sparring without supervision is considered a fight on school grounds and will be punished as such. Fighting is not permitted, and punishment includes being put in solitary confinement, length of which is dependent on if any, and how bad, injuries are.

-There is no skipping class without prior consent. Students caught skipping class without a viable reason will receive a detention and a one on one class with the teacher to catch up. Students missing any long-term amount of class will be required to make up said classes during the Summer.

-Students do not have any access to the lower levels. The only time a student would be in the Danger Room is during their power-training class, or one on one power tutoring. Students are not to be in the lower levels without a team-member escort. Note: The lower levels are under constant surveillance. If you have a student either figure out a code, or hack their way in downstairs, they WILL be caught and detained...before being severely punished.

Becoming a Teacher

-Those wishing to become a teacher at the X-Mansion MUST have a college degree, completed an apprenticeship, or undergone extensive training in their field. Note: You must seek out an admin to become a teacher if your character is not canon.

Joining X-Treme

-Students wishing to join the training team, X-Treme, must be of 16 years of age and have exceptional control of their powers. Students also must maintain a 3.0 GBA to qualify and maintain their position on the team.

-X-Treme members are trained in advanced usage of their powers, strategy, combat situations, fighting styles, and some weapons training. They are also trained on surveillance of the mansion, system matenance, leadership, and teamwork.

-Discussion of team practices in public is prohibited.

-X-Treme members have access to the lower levels, but are restricted from certain rooms, such as the server room, armory, and hangar, without certain permissions. They also do not have full access to Danger Room or War Room controls.

-Giving out your code to reach the lower levels is prohibited. Punishment for this offense will result in being suspended from the Team for a time.

-Students with any history of violence, potential to violence, or even slightly mentally unstable will not be considered for X-Treme until given a certificate of rehabilitation by the doctors, the people working with them, AND the acting Headmaster.

Joining the X-Men

-Those wishing to join the X-Men must be of 18 years of age, graduated high school, and completed training with X-Treme.

-Discussion of the X-Men teams in public is prohibited. While the group is rumored, it has never been proven by any media sources to exist(as such, knowledge of the X-Men would not be typical of a new student).

-X-Men have full access to the lower levels, equipment, and controls.

-Rosters are created with regards to powers, seniority, and value as a team asset. Note: Teams are created by being mindful of which characters have been continually played, and have been around longest. This is in regards to both X-Treme and X-Men. Teams are set up with members who’s powers are beneficial in situations and in unison with other members, as well as attitude and ability to work with others.

Edited 11:30am, February 23, 2007 by Ali-Cat, author.
 Dave....the next Van Gough
8:30pm, April 15, 2007
Mansion Map

The Mansion Map

Edited 3:31pm, April 15, 2007 by Sabi, author.
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