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Thread for Registration, Rules and Restrictions

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 Registration, Rules and Restrictions
8:59am, November 15, 2010

Welcome to World of Harry Potter Rising Darkness

Before you register your character please take the time to read through the links below. They will help you get aquainted to what's what and who's who in the chat. By submitting your application and playing, you are agreeing to follow the rules set forth by the staff of this room and are willing to accept the consequences if you don't follow them.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Canon characters are not excluded from the rules, specificaly those pertaining to moding and combat and the like. Canon chars can be killed.

The Staff of WHPRD
Helpful Hints for New Players

The year is 1973. The Marauders are starting their 3rd year at Hogwarts.

Register Your Character Here!

Important Note: Characters do not have to be approved before playing but the following must be followed.
1) The character can not start any trouble or fight until the character is approved.
2) You must at least have the application submitted before playing the character.
3) A profile for the character needs to be up for view no later than 1 week after character submission.

Edited 3:22am, November 16, 2010 by Master, moderative.
9:01am, November 15, 2010
1. NO Admin Abuse: An admin's word is final! Period! DO NOT argue with any of the admins in the chat, discuss it with us on our IM's. If you insist on dragging the argument on in the chat, we will kick you out for an undisclosed period of time. And you can calmly talk to us once again over our IM's about our mutual problem before you are let back into the room. Abuse over IM will not be tolerated either.

2. NO Player Abuse: Admins must know that the room is about the players and having fun. No admin will abuse her/his power over players in the room. If there is a problem, admins should be able to contact you over IM to discuss said problems. Abuse over IM will not be tolerated either.

3. Respect: DO NOT come into the room to just insult people you dislike or just in general! You will be given only one warning and then you will be banned for an undisclosed amount of time. This will not be tolerated from anyone. If someone complains about OOC have some respect and limit your commentary. This also includes acting your age! Just because someone called you a "doody-head" or said something really insulting does not mean you get to flood the chat with insipid, moronic OOC crap. Take it to AIM if you MUST do it. Abuse over IM will not be tolerated either.

4.NO OOC arguing: This room is for fun and RP. If you have a problem with someone , take it to AIM or use the message system. DO NOT continue the argument in the room or if it is requested that you stop. That will get the attention of an Admin and you don't want to do that. It will also get you kicked out of the room for a "time out" if you continue to argue as well.

5. God- Moding: NO god-moding or use of OOC knowledge IC: If your character can't do it, than you can't make your character do it. If your character doesn't know it (even though you do or its in their profile as OOC info) , he/she better not use it IC. If that happens, that RP will be nullified or modified if someone complains.
Addendum: These rules apply to Canon chars as well. If a canon char dies in combat and it was perfectly legal, it is final just like any other char death, regardless of the characters future importance. To stress why so you can understand, the point of rping is to expand the world you rp on through your chars events if a char is shielded from events than the world does not expand. A char death affects every other char around them so for this reason, these rules apply to canon chars as well.

6. Magical or Special Items: All unique magical items needs to be approved by the Admin staff before they can be brought into play. (ie: invisiblity cloaks, items that tell you when you are about to be attacked,time turners, ect) If these get brought into play before approval is given they will not be approved at all. If you are unsure about an item it is in your best interest to ask, just to be on the safe side

7. If you don't like these rules , too bad. We are not forcing you to stay in the room. If you are only in the room to cause trouble with people you don't like, Get Out! We don't want you in the room. If you constantly disrespect the admins/mods or the players, you WILL be banned permanently, and that will be the end of the story for you.

8. Offensive Language: Do NOT come into this room and use language that could be considered racial, sexist, defamatory, derogatory, inflamatory, descriminatory or just plain offensive. Consider this your warning! If you are found to be making these comments you will be banned for an undisclosed amount of time.

9. Banning: An admin or moderator reserves the right to ban anyone from the chat at anytime if they are being a disruption to the chat.

10. Ignore: Players are not to put the admins or mods on ignore as they may have important things that need to be said that would be missed if they are being ignored.

11. Inigo Montoya: No player shall be able to be able to use other of there characters to research into the death and exacting revenge against those who did make the other character unplayable.If found to be using ooc information and passing it on to others as valid info IC, it can lead to punishments from a warning to outright ban.

12. Three Post Rule: When you will be getting into a fight where a character has the chance of being killed, please use the three post rule.

13. To help insure continuity of the room, no RP will take place more than 1 week before or after the current date without admin approval.

14. Use common sense.

15. ANYONE found allowing another person to use thier account(s) in WHPRD without letting the admins know (and getting approval) will be eligible for an automatic ban.
 Code of Conduct and Ettiquette
9:08am, November 15, 2010
There they are, posted by me, Teh Das.

These are rules of proper and polite role playing. dont think you know better, just read them

Code of Conduct and Ettiquette

1. Don’t shit in your own back yard! ~This goes along with the rules “Don’t burn any bridges!” and “Don’t shoot yourself in the foot!”~ : Do not attempt to make enemies with someone. We are ALL here to RP, and not a single person is going to leave just because you try to piss them off and want them to leave. We are an apartment complex, and firing a gun through the wall, trying to shoot the neighbor, well, it really only makes you look like a moron, and you’re never going to hit anything anyways.

2. Don’t be a stalker! ~This goes along with the rules “Let people think for themselves!” and “I see you there in the bushes, n00b”~ : Whatever you may think, whoever you are...SHUT THE HELL UP! You appreciate the fact that you are the only one in control of your character, so why in hell’s name would you try to influence your RP partner my telling him what you want to happen in the RP?! If you do something, and expect a certain response, try to convey that the response is a possible outcome to your action. Do NOT post an action and immediately go into your friend’s IM service and go “hey, he wants her to do this, and this is why he’s acting like that”. If your RP partner wants to know anything, they can ask in the IM, but if you tell your friend what the character or yourself want done, you’re expecting them to go against what their character would do and use OOC knowledge to influence their RP. Bad karma dude...

3. Good posts get presents...BAD POSTS GET COAL! ~Also known as “Details! Details! Details!” and “I DONT CARE HOW MANY COLORS THE LEAVES ARE TURNING!!!”~ : Most people think that post length determines a quality post...and those people deserve to be shot in the face with a flak cannon, point blank. It is just as easily possible to make a completely worthless post that maxes out the amount of characters you can type in the box as it is to type two words and no action. If you want to post a favorable post, use detail that would be appreciated, but dont make it too long that no one wants to read it. For dialogue, give a thoughtful response and USE COMPLETE SENTENCES whenever possible. I cannot STRESS the importance of that last rule. Also, when typing actions, use all the detail necessary, so that someone could come in that has never seen your character before, and get a general picture of them. "A coat", "A red coat with black buttons", "A red coat she bought from Tiffany's with black buttons, but her mother had to sew on blue ones...etc". What sounds best? Well, the first could describe ANY coat, not just YOUR coat. The third is too much detail, and will lead to a post that is full of shit, and one that will just stand there with no one wanting to read it. The second is best BECAUSE it only says what the other character in the RP would know. The same goes for actions. YOU may know exactly what your character is doing, and have a picture of it in your head, but the other person isn't a mind reader, describe the action so the other person knows just what you are doing. Combine these two methods, and you can get a post about 2-5 lines that can actually be RPed off of.

4. Is your card No? Damn... ~ : Whatever you may think, let’s get things straight...YOUR CHARACTER IS NOT A MINDREADER!!! Just because a person posts what they are thinking in a action, it DOES NOT mean your character knows exactly what they are thinking, and can comment on in it the perfect way, at the perfect time, every time. “Oh...but, but, but *sniffles* Im a Legilimens!” TOO BAD!!! Have you READ the definition of Legilimency? It is NOT mind reading; it is the ability to read emotions and feelings, JUST as was CLEARLY stated in the fifth book. There have been WAY too many people commenting on thoughts placed in actions that it has reached a new plateau of stupidity. Thoughts in actions are acceptable, as CERTAIN thoughts can affect a person’s appearance with certain nuances that could be hard to describe otherwise. But then again, posting “*and there she sat, in the commonroom, with no one else in the room, wishing someone would come in and talk to her*” DOES NOT mean that someone will automatically come in and whisk you away to a magical fairy-land of rainbows made of sunshine and farts. If your character thinks something, dont expect it to be known instantly, and if it is, the person RPing opposite you is either a) a complete moron; b) someone who cant RP; c) someone who doesnt respect your characters; or d) a complete and utter N00B!!!1!11!!Q!!!2!!

5. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!!! ~Also known as “Shut the fuck up and go away” or “you arent even involved, n00b”~ : This rule is ettiquette above ALL else. If some people are discussing an issue, and you arent involved, and no one as asked you your opinion, SHUT THE HELL UP!!! So many people give unsolicited advice and opinions, which, really only fuel the anger and piss people off even more. If you want to help a conflict, suck on a sock and walk away. “It is better to remain silent and let people think you are dumb, then to open your mouth and remove all doubt” has now become “it is better to remain silent and let people think for themselves, then to speak and piss people off.” I PERSONALLY am tired of this. A single argument is NOT a chat wide debate, and NEVER should be. Don’t add to arguments by soliciting your own worthless and unwanted opinion, its bad for digestion.

6. YOU ARE NOT OMNIPOTENT! ~Also known as “YOU ARE NOT A GOD!” and “YOU ARE NOT SMARTER THAN THE TEACHERS!”~ : This pisses me off to NO end. Whatever you may think, whoever you are, however the fuck you make your character, remember: YOU ARE NOT A GOD! Your characters may be smart, in CERTAIN subjects, WITH limits, but is NOT smarter than any teacher in any subject, is NOT a prodigal genius, and is NOT gods greatest gift to the world. SO many people think their character is the best because stupid 2nd grade “oh, oh, oh! But he has super kung-fu grip!” logic. Everyone thinks his or her character is better than everyone else’s because of pure, blind, stupid pride, not from reason. Think about it. Everyone we see plays quidditch like good ‘ole Victor’s complete bullshit! Characters NEED flaws, the very things that makes them human-y-ish-er...yeah, thats it. RPing someone who is above the clinical measurements of genius, is a prodigy at Quidditch, and is God’s greatest gift to the opposite sex? It is TRULY pathetic to see someone who is so vane that they have to live a perfect life through a game. Grow the fuck up, damnit!

8. A place for everything and everything in its place: We've all been in RPs with more than 2 people, most likely, and we all know how annoying it is when people post right in front of you, making your post null and void. I know its a crazy thought to use any order in an RP, and its a lot to expect from most of us, but it really helps the RP. so try it, and see wonders!

Edited 2:19pm, September 04, 2014 by Sweetpea, author.
 Registration Restrictions
2:03am, November 16, 2010

Except for head of houses, teachers will remain as npc's

You must have at least two active students before I will consider approving you to play something other than a student.

The six character limit still applies unless you can show me cause why I should approve more than that for you.

No Animagus, Occlemency, Legimancy, Vampires, Faeries, etc...

I reserve the right to refuse any character that is submit for any reason at any time

Edited 2:20pm, September 04, 2014 by Sweetpea, author.
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