Thread for All the important background info

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 All the important background info
The Organizer
9:01pm, May 14, 2013
The Whats:

-The whole conflict has been revealed, being as such:

--Picture the multiverse like a well oiled machines where each universe is like the clockwork spinning slightly out of synch with each other so they won’t overlap. Whoever…some times there’s a hiccup in the machinery that causes universes to overlap with each other causing a number of effects from the not quite so harmful crossover by a few individuals to an universe wide destruction, but the destruction of both universes are very rare.

This overlapping phenomenon is squarely rooted in chaos having no rhyme or reason in when it happens or how it happens.

The Arbiters, beings rooted in order has had enough. Now they seek to access the Nexus of All Realities to finally shut down the “machinery“ of the universe effectively shutting each universe away from one another forming them into autonomus regions stripped of conflict from outside universes reverting them all to their own order. However they needed help to achieve this in the form of a few key figures from a number of these worlds, in other words they needed the contestants to do this.

Obviously Discord finds the idea of self contained pocket universes to be boring and stagnant of course lacking in the chaos of what a free multiverse entitles. He and the ones siding with him feel this is the natural order of things and tampering with it for the sake of order in the multiverse is not the way to go.

However there is a catch for both sides. The Arbiters plan will shut down the "machinery" as it were but it causes such a shock to the system that a number of the universes implode, but what are a hundred universes if it brings order to millions?

Discord also has ulterior motives…he seeks to save the multiverse from the fate of becoming closed but he also seeks to dip his hands into the Nexus changing the worlds slightly in a way that leans the worlds a bit more into chaos, be that in whatever way he feels.

The Wheres:

The Nexus: The pocket reality law is based in. it takes the form of a ocean filled world with a few large islands (Some continent sized) arrayed about, each ruled over by one of the Arbiters

-The union: Island where the competitors for team law reside. Dimensionally overlapped with the center of Disharmony, with both existing at The Stage. Arbiter: The organizer

-Haven: this island/continent is a super city, an experimentation in how perfect foresight would create a crime free society even with those of conflicting ideals occupying it. You can find the saintliest angel and the most despicable alien slave lord here, but due to subtle manipulations they would never cnme into conflict. Arbiter: The Planner

-Nexus Prison: Maximum security prison for detaining immortals and those who would have uses later. Arbiter: The Warden

-Gateway island: Massive tower complex that contains gateways to the various universes. Seemingly goes both up and down underground forever. Arbiter: The Troll

Disharmony: Pocket reality now smushed atop the Nexus, both overlapping at 'The Stage' on the Center and the Union.

-Center of Disharmony: The island for Team Chaos, see union above

-Dyslexia: A giant, warped mass of a city. much like Haven, if it exists, it exists here, it simply does it without any rules constraining it

-Gates of Infinity: A horizontal stretch of ocean that seems to go on forever, with portals to various universes along it

-Hellhole: Prison for people who team Chaos doesn't want to/can't kill. Prisoner's are perfectly welcome to try to escape the endlessly shifting hallways and bizarre guards that walk its halls, but the Hellhole's pretty good at fighting back.

The Whos

Discord: being of chaos that has reveled in the Multiverse's erratic ways for eons, and isn't about to let the Arbiters both screw with the inner workings of reality without knowing the effects/ruin his usual fun.

Arbiters: Beings of Order that see the inherit chaos of the occasional universal collisions as a problem to finally be rectified now that they have discovered the nexus

If there's something not mentioned here, please don't hesitate to ask so I can answer and place the answer in this thread if need be

Edited 9:02pm, May 14, 2013 by The Organizer, author.
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