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 Next GM run
Sir Storyline
1:06am, September 30, 2014
So, we're finally approaching the rundown for the Devourer arc. (finally ;-;). After which I get my break, but so I can start fleshing out the notes for my next turn in the rotation was curious which one people would prefer

A Spiritual Journey: Sonya was so close to ridding her world of her family's influence, but a dark ritual has began the summoning process of this world's grail. Thankfully, she's found something to even the odds. (Tone:middling length, Middling)

Who The Hell Do You Think You Are, Messing With Time?!: There is a universe oppressed and held down from advancement by dark forces, but one man among men's death will spark a revolution that will have shackles cast off and an explosion of progress and hope that would last for centuries to come. The Man's death and the darkness' defeat are both fixed points in time. Or at least... they were supposed to be (canon: Gurren Lagann, tone: middling, length: middling-to-short)

Something Borrowed: Quinn abandoned the group in the midst of their campaign against the Devourer, but why? Answers will hopefully be shared as they recieve a message from her asking to meet on her homeworld of Golarion

(canon base:pathfinder, Tone: dark)

Edited 5:53am, February 17, 2015 by Sir Storyline, author.
The Narrator
2:19pm, October 30, 2014
I figure this is as good a place to post my campaign ideas as any in turn. When it comes my round again, I've three in mind.

- Iceberg Ahoy!: As part of a relaxing time, the Doctor takes the crew for an extended vacation aboard the SS Titanic. A space luxury cruiser for the rich and famous. Everything seems alright at first, until guests are found dying in strange ways. (Canon: Doctor Who. Tone: Middling)

- Skulls and Stars: A renegade warlord Yautja has gathered an army to his side. And the only thing in his way of conquest is the Survivors. (Canon: AvP-centric. Tone: Middling to dark)

- Battle Nexus: The Battle Nexus is a dimension wholly given over to warriors and martial artists to come and test their might against one another. This years tournament, the Daimyo has extended a personal invitation to the Survivors. (Canon: TMNT Tone: Middling to dark)
Rudol Von Stroheim
7:47pm, February 05, 2015
The year was FO 142 of the Fourth Age. Many decades since the fall of Sauron and . King Eldarion sits on the throne of the Reunited Kingdoms and the world, despite a few disputes, the kingdom is for all intense and purposes at peace.

But there are dark clouds forming over Mordor once again. Rumors of a new tower being built in one night. Orcs and Easterlings working together and amassaing an army. In Gondor there has been talks of a cult of Sauron operating somewhere in Minas Tirith. Those close to the king tell him to not heed the rumors, but there are so many and more continue to crop up through out the land. The spies he has sent out have either returned with no valid information or have not returned at all.

Something needed to be done. Perhaps he could get out a call beyond the veil...could he risk it? Inside the vaults he would find what he sought...a palantir stone. Perhaps with this he could call for help?
7:53pm, February 05, 2015
Current GM rotation, subject to change on my whim when the need arises

Opa (finished), ND/Hugo, Whoever didn't run there, Jeremi, Evan, AvP(?), Michale, repeat and adjust as necessary

Edited 7:56pm, February 05, 2015 by Korra, author.
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