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Thread for Campaign Setting.

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 Campaign Setting.
The Narrator
10:34pm, October 31, 2013
"I am Proximo, mon-keigh. I shall be closer to you for the next few days, which will be the last of your miserable lives, than the bitch of a mother that brought you screaming into this world. I did not pay good money for you for your company, I paid it so that I could profit from your death and as your mother was there at your beginning, so I shall be there at your end. And when you die, and die you shall, your transition shall be to the sound of...

[claps his hands]

...Gladiators, I salute you."

Raid World. A planet in the dark corners of the multiverse. A harsh land, once terra formed to become a world not unlike Earth, but the years and subsequent raids ended up reducing it to ruins and wasteland.

Untouched for centuries, it waited...Until finally some enterprising Dark Eldar had the bright idea to turn it into something else.


A hundred years later, the planet has been soaked in more blood then most planets do with water. Seeded with genetic enhanced monstrosities, Warp-twisted creatures, Robotic Assassins and feral cannibalistic tribes, it is now ripe for its next challengers...

The Narrator
12:19pm, March 23, 2014
Miltiades Malachite
12:58pm, March 23, 2014
So is the Story Thus Far, The Cast of Characters etc. :P
Yang Xiao Long
3:58pm, March 26, 2014
Wanna take it upon yourself to update 'em, hotshot?
Miltiades Malachite
4:09pm, March 26, 2014
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