Thread for Hell's Buildup

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 Hell's Buildup
The Lone Wanderer
11:34pm, February 06, 2015
Basically this is a thread for me to put all my posts that have been focusing on building up my Hell mission so it isn't intermingled ith other un-related posts. Enjoy.

"So then I was like 'That's what I like to call the Spirit Sword Donut' Pretty impressive, right?" Kuwabara asked the bored looking godling sitting next to him on a bench with Arbos standing nearby.

"Yeah, I guess. But it gets kind of repetitive after the 20th or so time you've told me..." Nyra mumbled, seeming rather despondent and disinterested in the other's rambling. Pushing himself off the bench, he slumped his shoulders and walked off leaving Kuwabara to frown in concern. "Poor kid..""I think it's you talking about that ice maiden of yours that drove him off." "HEY! DON'T YOU TALK THAT WAY ABOUT MY ONE TRUE LOVE YUKINA!" "No need to get all upset. I'm just addressing a problem is all." "SHE'S NOT A PROBLEM AND IF YOU DON'T SHUT UP, I'M GONNA KNOCK YOU OUT!" "Not physically possible anymore." "...SHUT UP!"

It was true, despite his assurances to Yang and Lucy that he would find a way out of Heaven, the chance to try and do so never showed itself. Either Kuwabara wanted to share a story of how awesome he was, Arbos wanted to go on about good money was and how women weren't all that great, which kind of annoyed him. Then again, Kuwabara's pompadour did that too. It just looked really weird. Either way, he was about to give up hope that he'd ever see his friends or his dad again. Squatting down into a little ball, the godling began to quietly sob.

"Hey, what's wrong little guy? You seemed pretty upset when you walked off earlier." That voice..It was Kuwabara again. Glancing over his shoulder, Nyra slapped an incoming hand away before it reached his shoulder. "Leave me alone Kuwabara! I don't want your help." Hurt by the gesture, Kuwabara sighed and knelt down by the godling. "That's fine! But can I sit here at least?" Nyra grumbled and looked away. "I guess. I don't own the clouds, God does."

"You know when I'm upset, I usually got into fights with Urameshi or thought about my dearest love, Yukina and I was all better, hehe! But I don't think what upsets me is what's eating you right now." Nyra giggled slightly at the way Kuwabara described Yukina before letting out a remorseful sigh. "It's my dad. I think he's down below but I can't get to him."

"DOWN THERE!? YOU KNOW WHERE 'DOWN THERE' IS!? WAS YOUR DAD SOME KIND OF MONSTER?" Nyra quickly jumped up and bonked Kuwabara on the head. "Not so loud! The angels don't approve of me wanting to see him and I haven't thought of a way to get out of here. But, Kuwabara you mentioned a sword of yours that can cut through dimensions and stuff right? You think you could cut through these clouds and get me down there?"


"What!? But Kuwabara! He's my dad! I'd do it if you were in my spot!"

"I-I know! Seeing how determined you are, while I still don't think it's a good idea to go looking for your dad if he's down there of all places, I'd help you out but I'd be breaking the reason that's why I'm not dead like everyone else here." He muttered clenching his hands tightly into fists as he glanced away.

"Huh..? So that's why you and Arbos don't have halos! But how?!"

"Both me and that women-hating cloud in a suit were SUPPOSED to have died. Key word being supposed. I mean I was kind of, heh, not thinking and used up all my spirit energy after leading my friends into a trap, and Arbos was supposed to have gotten eaten by some creepy evil ghost or something. But Fish God pulled us away right before the brink of death.. I can't tell you more than that, Nyra. I just can't.." Nyra blinked before rising back to his feet as he wiped at his eyes.

"Then I'll do something crazy!"

"Nyra..What are you talking about?"

Nyra clasped his hands together and began to mutter the incantation to summon deadites which was forbidden by Heaven's rules and Kuwabara glancing around, not wanting to hurt Nyra but also not wanting to see him get brought down by Ranti Lah's God for breaking the rules. So against his better judgement, he placed his own hands together. "SPIRIT....SWORD!!" With a mighty battle cry following the name of his weapon, the sword appeared in hand and Nyra stopped chanting right before he would have brought upon Deadites to Heaven.

Glancing around for any nosy angels, Kuwabara raised the sword. "Alright, I can't believe I'm actually doin this. But you need to hurry on through once I slice the cloud, okay? Find your dad and go from there!" "Why don't you just come back with me Kuwabara? Then I could bring my dad back here!" "Nonononono! You think Heaven is gonna be cool with you bringing someone from Hell up here, and what kind of trouble I'll get into for slicing one of Heaven's clouds? I'm doing all I can here, Nyra.."

Nyra listened and stoically nodded. "I understand, I'll never forget this Kuwabara." With that, Kuwabara smiled at the godling and swinging downward with his sword, it sliced through the cloud and peering through the opening, Nyra gasped when he caught a peek of Hell. It was like he had imagined it to look, with scary looking architecture, lava and just seeming like a rather unpleasant place. If this was where his father had been sent after the Ranti Lahains executed him according to Steve, then Nyra was just going to have to deal and spreading the cut as wide as he could, he'd leap through. The cut quickly closed behind him and Kuwabara sighed as his sword vanished.

"Do you always cut open portals to Hell or are you really just that dense?" Arbos asked nearly causing Kuwabara to topple over from surprise. "HEY! DON'T SNEAK UP ON ME WHEN I'M PONDERING THINGS OKAY?! I just hope he's okay.." "Where he's going, hope is what he'll need to survive.."


Down in the depths of Hell, two oni could have been seen feasting on what appeared to be Ranti Lahians. One of them was very large, appearing to stand to over eight feet tall while the other was an average six feet. The bigger one also seemed more 'gorilla-like' in how he carried himself and as he ripped a piece of flesh from the bone and spit out some scales, he turned towards his fellow oni who appeared to look like a skinned human with a mask and what appeared to be an iron club surrounding his left arm.

"It's good of Master Eddie to bring all these fishes to us." The bigger and blue oni bellowed in between bites as the sounds of bones being broken down and consumed were heard. "*BURP*" The other oni cackled. "Yes it is! With him pulling that entire planet's strings, we'll have an endless supply of food. Wait, Moloch *sniff* Do you smell that?"

"Depends on what you mean, Drahmin. I mean I smell all this tasty meat that you're letting go to waste by talking so much." Moloch said as he scarfed down more fish people, only to get a skull thrown at his head. "RARRGH! DRAHMIN!" Drahmin pointed his hand down across the field where they were having their feast as it seemed something was falling from above.

"It smells..It smells like that pumpkin godling! The one that came here earlier! But he didn't seem meaty.." Moloch angrily bemoaned only for the fallen figure to push himself up and wave towards the two oni.

"Hello! Can either of you help me? I'm looking for someone!"

"This one smells the same but he smells like these fish people too. I MUST DEVOUR HIM! RAARGH!" Moloch roared as he hauled ass towards Nyra whose eyes grew wide in concern as Moloch raised a hand to try and smash Nyra into the ground. The godling quickly jumped back as pieces of the ground were sent flying from the blow. "I really should have expected this.." Nyra murumured.

"I MUST EAT YOU!" Moloch continued swipping at Nyra only for Nyra to decide he had enough of this and leaping forward, he sought to slam a fist right into Moloch's gut causing the oni to stumble back, taken aback by Nyra's strength. "URK! HOW..CAN..YOU BE SO STRONG? YET SO TINY?!" "Tell me where Leslie Vernon is!" Nyra yelled only to have to dodge yet another series of blows. This time coming from Drahmin who was trying to swat Nyra with his club. "We will tell you nothing! You will become our nourishment!"

As Nyra dodged and ducked to avoid Drahmin's blows, he smelled a rather distinguishing odor coming from both Moloch and Drahmin's mouths. It smelled..It smelled like Ranti Lahians! Putting two and two together, Nyra leaped onto Drahmin's face and began scratching at him, digging his nails into the side of the oni's head. "MOLOCH! GET HIM OFF! GET HIM OFF ME!"

*The vicious beat down of two oni later*

With both Moloch and Drahmin laying with many bumps protruding from their heads, Nyra looking none the worse for wear glanced down at the two. "Okay! I think I've been more than reasonable with you guys! Tell me how you got Ranti Lahians, why you're eating them, and where the guy in charge is!"

"My stomach hurts.." Moloch complained as all that fish wasn't settling after he had gotten gut-shot so many times by this little godling. Drahmin huffed and folded his arms. "How we got them is something we can't answer, we ate them because we're demons, and the Devil you're looking for is in that castle." Drahmin pointed to said castle. Nyra not liking Drahmin's atittude jumped up and down on his back for a bit before heading off in that direction.

"Thanks a bunch you two! But next time if I see you eating my people, it's going to be the lava! Bye!" With that Nyra happily continued on his quest to find Leslie with both Moloch and Drahmin grumbling as they made their way off angered by having been beaten up by what appeared to be nothing more than a child.


Somehow managing to avoid any other fights with other demons like Drahmin and Moloch, he approached the castle door and knocked upon it and much to Nyra's surprise the doors shifted open. "Come in, mate! I know why you're here!"

"That's a bit odd but okay.." Nyra wasn't going to argue with the disembodied voice that had a really strange accent. It was kind of like the Doctor's but more scratchy sounding.

As Nyra made his way inside, the throne room would grow dark and he leaped up into the air as the doors slammed shut behind him. "Oh relax yourself, boy! You're fine! I just had the doors do that because i think it's kinda fun to see minor demons get the shit scared out of em, hehehe.." The lights returned and Nyra came face to face with the current ruler of Hell.

Who much to Nyra's amazement didn't seem as regal or as fancy as Nyra had been expecting. It looked like one of his Deadites, only with glowing white eyes, scraggly white hair, and a yellow t-shirt and jeans. Not exactly the picture of royalty. Noticing the stare that was being aimed at him, the Devil leaned forward in his throne and hissed. "Wut? You got a problem or somethin, you lil shit? Why dun't ya take a picture? It'll last longer!"

>_> "..." <_< Nyra pressed his pointer fingers together and winced a little as he was snapped at. "Sorry it's just that...That.."

"Wut?! You got a stutterin problem too, kid? T-Today junior! I don't got all day! I'm a very busy man! Matter of fact before you came in, I was watching some good ol wrestling. Or well as good as it can be nowadays. Fuckin Reigns, man I tell ya. Rather have Santino and his awesome theme back. Ah, those were the days.." The devil seemed to drift off in his nostalgia which Nyra quickly shook him out of by clearing his throat rather loudly.

"Oh yeah! You want to know how I know what you want. Well, kid it's like this. When you come here, there's a phrase back from where I hail called 'come and have a go if you think you're hard enough.' Basically take that and apply it to Hell. I was hard enough and so I challenged the last ruler of Hell and well, I think you can ask him how that went." He'd sya with a dark snicker as he reached behind his throne and pulled out the head of the last Devil, with cobwebs covering his face and half of it having decomposed. "Ain't in all that great a shape anymore but still love to keep it around to look at it and say 'ey I decapitated that bloke on the Mountain of the Beheaded.' Bloody fitting right?"

Nyra nearly heaved upon the smell of the head reaching his nostrils but he managed to restrain himself. "I-I guess. But that still doesn't answer my question, Mr..Devil?"

"Please! Don't call me Devil, that's far too formal for a wild son of a bitch like me! Call me Eddie. Eddie the Head. Remember that I have a the in the title. It's very important! Anyhoo, being the big cheese of these parts mean I have eyes everywhere and so I saw your little plummet from up above and considering I haven't gotten any reports on new arrivals, you didn't die to end up here and judging by this little dink you got here." Eddie added as he reached forward and flicked Nyra's halo before leaning back in his throne.

"You're from Heaven and decided to come down here and beat up two of the demons who happen to be under my protection. Care to explain why?" Eddie asked as he gestured for Nyra to speak. The godling hadn't really been expecting Eddie to be so forward but deciding he wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth, he gulped once, twice, before responding.

"I'm sorry I beat them up, Mr. The Head. It's just that they tried eating me and they had already eaten some of my people so I got angry and went all out on them. I just want to know how they got their hands on Ranti Lahians and where Leslie Vernon is. Please, Mr. The Head! I'll do anything!"

"Eh? Anything, eh? Hhehehehehheheheheheheh...HAHAHAHAHHAHAH!" Eddie broke out into roaring laughter for some reason which confused Nyra who didn't think any of what said was meant to be taken in a humorous way. Wiping a tear from his eye, Eddie ruffled Nyra's hair. "Oh you're adorable, you little rugrat you! You're looking for your daddy? Well it just so happens I do know where is and I do know how those two buffoons got their mits on your kind! Now come on laugh with me!" He said with a friendly grin as Nyra nervously laughed alongside him, both of their laughter getting louder and louder.

"Alright.ENOUGH!" Eddie yelled as the throne room became dead silent. "Thank you. Now as I was saying, well the answer to both your questions is that I have your dad and I've been the one giving the demons your people to snack on like a fucked up version of trail mix! Funny ain't it?"

"..You what?"

"Oh for sweet Mary and Joseph! You deaf, kid? I said I have your pop! Here he is!" With that Eddie clapped his hands and from the left side of the throne room, a door would open and as what appeared to be a yellow colored Guyver stepped out with a broken and terribly abused Leslie over his shoulder, he flung Leslie's unconscious form at Nyra's feet. "DAD!"

"Yeah, you see kid, that little pumpkin headed shite you're a clone of trapped me in that damn book of his. Your little fairy friend got me out however and since then the entire population of Ranti Lah has been dancing to my tune from beyond the beyond. I'm planning something big and I need your help for that kid and I also need to keep the demons here on my side so I give em a little snack, courtesy of my loyal fishies. I'm also the one who sent glove-boy to try and apprehend you back on that masked fuckhead's planet. Course he fucked up but you kicked the bucket anyhow and since I knew you'd try and come to get your dad, well here we are! So. Whaddya say-"


Eddie 'tsk-tsked' as his head was punched to side by a furious godling's little fist. Gripping the fist, Eddie yanked Nyra off his feet. "I expected that'd be your answer, you heroic little fuck. So I'm gonna give you over to one of my mates so he can try and 'soften you up' as it were before you're ready for what I have planned." Eddie followed this up with a swift jab to the gut which took any and all of the fight out of Nyra.

"Lisker!" "Yes sir." "Take em to Thresh. Have him break the kid down. I don't want nothing more than a shell to remain when I slot him in the machine and send Raven to go and get that pumpkin headed lil fucker." With that Guyver 2 walked off, his orders clear. Now alone with Leslie's broken body, Eddie propped his boots up on Leslie's head as he leaned back in his throne. "Ahh, yes. Santino had the greatest theme of all time."


As he was dragged off however, up above 'God' as it were for the Ranti Lahians placed a hand to his chest. The two angels standing next to him frowned in grave concern. "God! What is wrong?!" Both of them cried out in concern.

"It is as I have feared my children. Edward has taken one of my children. The one known as Nyra. I can feel it in my heart.."

"But how? Did Eddie's forces somehow sneak up here and grab him without us noticing it? If that's the case then we should wait no longer!" One of the angels formed a sword and raised it to the air. "We shall take the fight to Hell itself and retrieve our lost one!"

"We're going to war with Hell?! But think of the damages! If any of us were to die again.." "Then we'd fade from existence, yes. But we cannot allow Eddie to do as he pleases, more so with his plan!" The angels argued among themselves while God tried to corall them.

"NO ONE'S GOING TO WAR, YOU JACKASSES!" Kuwabara shouted as he stormed into God's chambers with Arbos following behind him.

"How dare you two barge in here without permission! Why I should strike you two down where you stand-" One of the more battle-ready angels growled as he walked forward only for God to raise his hand. "Enough, my child. Kuwabara, what is it that you wish to tell us..?"

"It's about Nyra. I know how he got to Hell. It was me. I cut through the cloud and let him through to find his dad. Are you happy now? No one's gotta go to war! I'll get him back myself with Arbos!" Kuwabara exclaimed with manly tears running down his face as Arbos stood silently behind him with arms folded. The angels were outraged and stormed towards the two.

"You idiot! Do you know what you've done?! You've given that damn monster leverage to hold over us, no a hostage and a powerful one at that! If we wish to hold any credibility we can't let him get away with this! We have to take the fight to him!"

God quickly shook his head from side to side though. "No! Kuwabara, while I must admit I'm very disappointed in your actions as it means Nyra is now possibly in Eddie's clutches, this means the purpose that I saved both you and Arbos from death's door will come sooner than I had expected. You will indeed go and retrieve Nyra. But you cannot do it alone. For as skilled as the two of you are, it'd be suicide to take on Eddie yourselves. Which is why I've decided to reach out to someone who may be able to help us. Go and prepare yourselves. I will address them myself.." Aware of what they had to do now, Kuwabara and Arbos nodded before making their way out.

"..God, I know better than to question your decisions but why not send us to accompany those two? Who could possibly be more suited than us?"

"Heh, you do not understand my child. This is not about strength and simply overpowering Eddie. But I'm enlisting the aid of someone whose dealt with evils possibly even greater than Eddie. They go by the title of Survivors.."


"BUT MASTER EDDIE! HE DISGRACED US IN MORTAL KOMBAT! WE DESERVE A RIGHT TO DEVOUR HIM!" Moloch roared as both him and Drahmin stood before Eddie who once again had been interrupted in the middle of his programs. Sitting upright in his throne from his previous slouched position, he narrowed his eyes.

"So since you two wankers couldn't handle a little godlin, you expect me to hand him over when he has no chance of fighting against either of you?"

"Yes! That's what we've been asking for this entire time!" Drahmin yelled in exasperation only to get a punch to the face from Eddie. "Don't you bring up that tone with me and goddamn take a bath would ya mate? That buzzing around you is irritatin the fuck outta me! Now here's what I'm gonna do. I'm not going to give you the boy. What I will do is give you a lil booster. By that I mean you two chumps are gonna be working for Raven."

"RAVEN!? BUT HE'S A MERE HUMAN! I SHOULD BE EATING HIM NOT WORKING FOR HIM! I REFUSE!" Moloch snapped as he turned to shamble for the door only for a loud *SHWING!* to be heard and turning back, he'd have the tip of Soul Edge pointed at Moloch's neck. "I don't recall asking you to work for Raven and so what if he's a human? Last I checked you two had trouble with some undead ninja and now a little fishboy! I think I'd be doing you a solid by making you do this! But if you don't want to then well Soul Edge is always looking for new souls."

"..We'll do it." The two oni muttered in agreement as Soul Edge vanished from Eddie's grasp as he clapped his hands together. "Great! Now go and escort Raven to retrieve Samhain. Think I sentenced him to 1000 years of listening to that Dawson chap."

Samhain had indeed been sentenced to one of the worst tortures imaginable:Dealing with mike Dawson day in and out and unable to attack him in any way shape or form. Less he incur the wrath of the Upper Level Demon that watched over him, his cape billowing in the Hellish wind.

"So, I don't think you've ever given me a straight answer, Samhain. Did you kill Rita?"

"GAH!" Sam hissed as he dug his nails into his head causing pumpkin seeds to scatter to the ground. For as evil as he admitted what he had done was, he didn't think it warranted ten thousand years of dealing with this idiot and answering the same question over and over and over. But the godling's savior came in the form of a pale looking man with scraggly black hair and black/white face paint. It appeared he also had two oni accompanying him to where Sam was held.

The Upper Level demon that had been assigned to watching over Sam and making sure he didn't hurt Dawson, raised an eyebrow behind his mask and rose to his feet from the rock he had been sitting on as he approached Raven. "I don't know how you persuaded these two oni to follow you but this isn't a place for you, human. Now leave before I-" The demon was blasted in the back by Sam who had grown very sick and tired of Mike friggin Dawson.

As the demon fell to one knee and glared over his shoulder at Sam, Moloch smashed one of his feet into the Upper Level demon's chest, pinning him to the ground as Raven stepped past him and approached Samhain with Drahmin following behind. "What are you doing human!? Do you know what he's done?! You can't release him!" Stopping in his walk, Raven looked over his shoulder.

"In life we're not allowed to do many things, stabbing, mutilating, eviscerating being just some of those things that society deems as uncouth and savage. Where as I see it as just another, perhaps more visceral display of art and one's inner self. But judging by the spiked halo above my head, I'm sure you can put two and two together on whether or not I am alive or dead. In either case, being as dead as I am those rules don't apply to me anymore, for I serve a higher power and this power desires this godling." Raven explained, sounding as cold and monotone as he had in life as he approached Sam who tilted his head in confusion.

What higher power was this human talking about and what did it want with him? But before Sam could further that train of thought, a defiant Mike Dawson stood in front of him and Raven. "I won't let you take him! I think he knows who killed Rita and he's not leaving until he says so!" Sam groaned as Raven blinked. "Whether or not he killed this Rita doesn't matter to me in the slightest. Nor do you. Drahmin." Raven gestured forward with his head as the other oni walked forward and bashed Dawson aside with his club before grabbing Sam up and throwing him over his shoulder.

Still pinned down by Moloch, the Upper Level demon could only watch and struggle in vain as Drahmin walked off with Sam in tow. The godling snapped and snarled at the oni but after a few bashes over the head from Drahmin's club he went quiet. "Moloch, release him and resume following, the higher power will not pleased if this godling is not returned to him in sufficient time." With that Moloch grunted and raising his iron ball he stepepd off the Upper Level and soon everything went black as the ball smacked into his head.

As blood smeared the surface of Moloch's ball, the two oni and Raven started on back towards Eddie's castle. "I still don't understand why we're obeying your orders, human filth." "Drahmin is right! We should devour you and take Samhain back ourselves!" Taking note of the oni's comments, Raven didn't stop walking as he spoke to them.

"Yes, you could certainly attempt either of those tasks. While I doubt your success in achieving the latter, more so since my body would not last long if I were to be gripped by the hands of death once again and thus you'd have nothing to 'eat', but what would he think? That's something very important that you two didn't stop and take into account. Though, that's understandable considering oni aren't well known for their intelligence." The two oni ceased in their growling and glanced away at Raven's very well made point. "But, while I'm sure you'll no longer pose any more idle threats towards me, allow me to take it a step further." With that Raven began to emit a strange glow as both Drahmin and Moloch let out agonizing shrieks and collapsed to their knees. Looking them over stoically, a small grin appeared on his face as the two rose up, their eyes completely pupil-less and nothing more than puppets to obey Raven's orders.

---Eddie's Castle---

"I gotta say that these two are a lot more tolerable without them going on and on about 'humans this' 'we're hungry' 'feed us' blah blah blah. Thank you though, Raven. You're free to do with Sam as you wish. Once you've broken him down, I'll send him to the other machine and we can finally get this shindig started! Heheheh.."

---Back at Sam's prison---

Clenching onto a nearby small rock and smashing it into rubble, the Upper Level demon pulled himself out of the crater Moloch had created by smashing him with his ball. His mask had a crack running down the center of it and a small pool of blood had leaked down near him. But rising back to his feet, he licked the blood that had dripped onto his hand off and glancing over to where Mike Dawson lay having been knocked the hell out by Drahmin's strike. They had gotten away with Samhain and he had been unable to stop them. Well they'd pay dearly for their attack on him.

"Minions! Appear before me!" The demon yelled as three demons of varying builds and descriptions appeared before the Upper Level. One of them had a rather boastful and loud voice as he slammed his fists into his chest. "DON'T WORRY BOSS, THAT PASTY FUCK, THE STINKY FUCK, AND THE BIG FUCK AE GONNA PAY FOR FUCKING WITH YOU!" "Hey! Could you not yell so much? I know we're supposed to be working together but jeez, guy." "..."

"Enough squabbling, let's get down to business you three.." With that the Upper Level quickly made his way off as the other three followed after.

"Oww..." Muttered a wounded Mike Dawson but nobody was there to hear or care.

Edited 11:45pm, February 06, 2015 by The Lone Wanderer, author.
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