Thread for The Rules

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 The Rules
12:52am, August 25, 2009
1) Stay on topic in the games. I know sometimes it's fun to mention something out of the game's topic, but just try to get back on topic as soon as you notice you are out of it.
2) Do not spam.
3) Keep it clean! Do not start discussions and fights in any of the games, unless your role-playing strictly requires it.
4)If you reg for an important canon character please make an intro post or post of that character with in at least a week to make sure that we as the players know that the character is out there and aware of whats going on. If you need longer than a week please notify the admins and we will make arrangements to see what can be done for the character itself.
5) Please reg a character first before play I am usally around so it would be regged quickly if not the other admin could and should get to it, I ask this so I know whose who and whats what.
6) And on top of all, have fun!

Edited 8:48pm, July 27, 2010 by V, author.
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