Thread for Setting

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3:51pm, August 24, 2009
A couple years have passed since MaryAnn had made her presence known to the civilians of Bon Temps and as well as other changes has happened since the incident. Sam's bar is still struggling but it's not down and out, however Sookie Stackhouse is under threat with Russell Edgington on the loose now and back wanting her blood for full power but there is another like Sookie who Russell is after with the same blood as Sookie's to become more powerful than any vampire before him which gives threat to vampires all around. Not only are the vampires under threat because of Russell, but the werewolves are as well but for a different reason. Things are happening, things are changing, and are moving, will you be able to survive what is coming?

Edited 8:37pm, June 19, 2012 by V, author.
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