Thread for 7. Racial Information

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 7. Racial Information
9:01pm, September 14, 2016
This thread will go over some basic racial information as well as contain the additional racial attributes/bonuses granted to each race within this setting. Again, if you do a mixed race, please remember that for every racial bonus you claim, there is a racial weakness given as well.

  • Info: This is the easiest race to start with. Humans are just about everywhere and they are rather versatile, not to mention the most adaptable. This is what we all are the most familiar with. They are set as the standard and all other races are measured against them. Therefore, since they are the standard, they have no set bonuses or weaknesses. Cultures vary quite widely among the human nations so, feel free to add some aspects of this within your character's makeup.

  • Info: Elves are a highly fantasy influenced race. They are very long lived, and as such can become very set in their ways. Think of how much elderly humans hate change - this is why elves get the way they are, too. They are also in-tune with nature, and tend to use magic that is elemental based because of this. Finally, they tend to be much more emotional and passionate when young, but then grow to become more stoic as they age and realize that they truly do have all the time in the world. Elves come in all kinds of heights and tend to be slender creatures.

    Edited 6:27am, October 07, 2016 by Headmaster, author.
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