Thread for Gone...for good

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 Gone...for good
5:35pm, August 09, 2005
I'm quitting the PJJ chats.

I've made my decision and I'm stickin' to it...except that I'll be remaining in one room only. The New HP Room. I'm sorry if this inconveniences anyone, I know I have a lot of characters and all, but that's how things go.

I really will miss everyone. 'Specially you, Kevo. This room was my very first RP room, and my very first RP. It's a big deal for me. You guys tolerated me (barely) and allowed me to RP here. Thanks to Kevo for bein' cool and for letting me in here. I'll miss you all!

If any of ya have any questions, or wanna keep in touch, you can contact me on aim, "sonofnaut". For those who don't know, or don't know me, my character list is as follows:
Agent Edwards
I think that's all of 'em, the rascals. Anyway, again, I'll miss this room. It was fun! Later!

Edited 12:41pm, August 09, 2005 by Naut, author.
4:52am, August 10, 2005
Well, I'm sorry to see you go. Not bad for your very first RPG, I of course extend an offer for you to come back whenever you want. Good luck and all that stuff.
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