Thread for Concerning My Outburst.

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 Concerning My Outburst.
5:34pm, December 12, 2004
First, I'd like to apologize for the way I went about being pissed off the other day. It was untactful and probably annoying but there was reason and a little alcohol behind it.

Yesterday was a really long day for me. Alot of little bad things happened that just congealed into one big bad day. Two good things happened. I got some privileges I really need to finish this project for school and then all my friends IRL were here in my apartment in a really good mood partying.. and it was the eve of my friend Rachel's birthday. I just really wanted to hang out with them and drink and forget the earlier part of my day had ever happened.

Kevin called me first and told me in his words that everyone was waiting for me. Well I was really annoyed but I figured everyone had been waiting for a half hour or so...So I put down the cards to the really fun card game I was playing and stood up, excusing myself and came into my room, staunchly avoiding the party going on in the dining room. By this time I'd already had a couple beers so I was a little fuzzy.

When I get back, everyone's going on about how this RP has been planned for a month. However... I never heard about it until maybe Friday. And by Saturday, I didn't even know what part I was going to be playing in the RP. Kevin had to tell me what you guys expected the Oracle to say and that just kinda tipped the boat.

Maybe you guys had been planning this RP for a month but I, even though I was going to be a major player in the RP, was not even in on the planning. What if I didn't want the Oracle to say that? What if I felt the outcome wasn't good for the storyline? (I'm not saying that's the case because I'm not even sure yet what the outcome was.. i'll read the logs later). Anyway. I didn't want to just be a puppet to whatever you guys had planned so I let you guys do it instead. I suppose I'm still pretty resentful of that... and being tipsy and at the same time being pressured by my friends to come hang out with them.. I was really pissed off.

I'm not saying the way I went about expressing this was the right way. It wasn't. And I'm very sorry that I disturbed your RP or made it hard for you but I hope you're able to see my side of things.

Again sorry. Especially to Kevin.

 Last night.
Ill Nino
9:09pm, December 12, 2004
As one of the players in last night's events, Lys...I'm more than a little upset and severely disappointed in you. I had a lot bigger respects for you than that and last actually hurt me.

You say that you only found out about it yesterday, and you were just thrown headlong in it...It's been on the board the entire time from when we planned this. November 23nd was when I put the word out, and it was November 22nd was when the idea was created. Therefore you had published warning to be ready for the RP, and if you didn't know what the game was, you should have asked. To be blunt about it, that's no one's fault but your own. It was on the MOTD for a bit that said "NEW NEWS!", done on the News thread. K, who is a new RPer...even K saw this and asked if she could join. As one of us admins, you should have been plenty aware of this game.

Now onto your friends. I've got no problems with you having friends over or anything. That's cool and all...but you should have warned us ahead of time. You should have said 'Hey, guys. I have friends, can we do this another day?" Sure, we woulda been pissed at you, but at least it woulda been done face up. Ravee even put her friends aside for this game, even scheduled work off. I, myself..had massive things wrong with my life but I still sat my ass down and RPed. All it would have taken is advance warning and it would've been less hassle.

I'm not going to throw any names, get all angry and belligerent or anything. All I have to say is that there is no one to blame here but you, Lys. You had plenty of just didn't exercise it.

 An unfortunate series of events
Agent Muller
9:55pm, December 12, 2004
I thought now would be a perfect time to assert my authority as chat admin. If I seem facist.. well this is my room, I'll do as I see fit.

This chat is not perfect. I am not a perfect admin, some of you give me too much credit where it is not due and I acknowledge that... but to people who accuse me of being an elitist; GO. TO. HELL. There's such a small circle of people who seem to be favoured, yes, but they're no more favoured than you are. I say it in the reg form spiel, YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL. Why is there a percieved oligarchy? Well.. I don't know. It might have something to do with the six or so people, some more than others, who've actually stuck by this chatroom alongside me and made it work, made it the only chat room in pJJ that's Matrix themed.

Lysa, the alert was on the board for three and a half weeks or so before we started. Attention was even brought to it on the motd. If you wanted to go out, that was fine. Like Dave says, we would have been pissed, but at least the fallout wouldn't have spiraled out of control.

And Dave, this is a graphic description of why I.. hate... planned RP's. It excludes people whether it means to or not. YOu know what Karen wasn't the only one who simply wasn't informed, right? The fault does not lie entirely on herself, she was not the only one to come to me about this. The board post was there, but it was vague and not everyone asks questions.

SO that's it. I don't want to hear another word about this. Put it out of memory like the Mero bullshit or any other unnecessary events that have happened in this chat because of poor communication. It's all finished.
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