Thread for Common Sense New York Police Regulations

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 Common Sense New York Police Regulations
Elana Hudson
11:18pm, November 26, 2004
Ok. I couldnt find anything on New York Cities specific rules of conduct and regulations for police officers. ANd I am too fucking lazy and tired to type out every regulation from my regulation books. Thats what the academy was for damn it but Im gonna post some common sense rules in my own words I think should be abided by for Law enforcement characters.

1. Legal use of a firearm.
A. Peace officer's sidearm will only be drawn and used in a situation in which a imediate threat (I.E. someone actually has a weapon out and is gonna use it) to the officer or others is present.
B. Weapon will only be drawn during arresting procedures in special situations such as arresting a suspect imediately after a combat scenario, arresting a suspect who has had a concealed weapon, etc ( I shouldnt need to go on use common sense).

2. Penalties for weapons violations.
Unlike in a Mel Gibson, Ahnuld or Stallone movie, chances are if you violate the weapons regulations you will be suspended probably without pay , be brought before a review board and possibly dimissed from the Department.

3. Every shooting situation will be brought before the Use of Force review board and a temporary paid suspension from duty ( few days, week max). A standard formality even if the shooting officer was well within his rights to do so.

4. Officers may purchase and keep weapons besides their standard issue weapon but use of these will be focused upon heavily during the review period for that situation. Meaning if you have accquired a SWAT issue H&K MP5, while this is possible , if you use it in a situation such as arresting a murder suspect this may be uncalled for. In situations where the suspect is armed with fully automatic weapons this may be called for. (NOTE: Just because you have the license class to purchase these weapons doesnt mean you will have the money to do so and on a policemans pay it is very unlikely you will be able too. Extra siderarms rifles, shotguns, etc is a different story.)

I will add more as I see the need to do so. But at the moment, weapons regulations seem to be the only ones that needed to be reviewed imediately.

Edited 5:22pm, November 26 by Ill Nino, moderative.
 A note..
Agent Muller
10:54pm, November 27, 2004
This post IS ADMIN APPROVED. All people with law enforcement characters are expected to follow these basic guidelines, Cru is a cop himself IRL so don't go off on any shit about how it's unfair ect..
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