Thread for Character Deletions

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 Character Deletions
5:17pm, June 10, 2004
Just for notice, I'm retiring from Matrix ... so please feel free to delete both my OOC and IC names ("Mass" and "Massada").

Also, as of this notice, I'm putting "Persephone" up for adoption by whom ever would like to have her (please notify Kevin at: [Aim] Goose511th if you're interested so he can make the proper selection).

As for Persephone's story line - there isn't much happening to date, so you should be able to slip into character rather easily (if you need more information on the dynamics, the player of the Merovingian - aka: Ravee - can be of use to you at: [Aim] ArterialDevil).

Thanks to all for the great run - I had a wonderful time, and I hope you all do well in the future: I'll still be out and about so look for me on aim [JadisSN] when I'm on and I'd be glad to talk to you.

~ Jadis (aka: Mass)
Agent Muller
8:37pm, June 10, 2004
Aww.. I'm sad to see you go, Mass. You're always welcome to come back at a later date, of course.

Good luck and keep in touch.
5:01am, June 11, 2004
Seeing as there's already a thread for this.. I suppose that, rather than take up more space, I'll post this in here.

I've had a good enough run in Matrix. I've met some people I've grown very close to, and had some pretty damned amusing experiences in here, none of which I'd care to remove from my memory. However.. as all good things eventually do, I've hit a bump in the road. And, unlike the rare good thing which will continue on, I'm afraid that I'm at the end of the haul.

I apologize to anyone whom I had storyline bits rolling with and ideas branching off for future RP. I also apologize to anyone who enjoyed seeing me game in here and had laughs at any antics I may've had--those are done now. They were fun while they lasted. I apologize to the whole of you who'll miss your, ahem, Image God... right. *LOL* If anyone cares to extend requests for images to me, I'll be more than happy to at least offer to do 'em, but I can't guarantee they'll be done swiftly.

I'd like to hope I have made a positive impression on people, and I'm sorry if anyone will miss me. Most anyone who cares to can hit me up on AIM for conversation--SN's Vector v7. To anyone who won't miss seeing me around? Well.. Likely, it's reciprocated.

Anyway.. This is my official statement for it all. Burton's likely to have died in the Brawl which was scheduled for this weekend, which I'm not entirely sure I'dve been able to make anyway. Ratatosk is free for whoever has the Merovingian to use as they will. Decker's going to have.. gone somewhere. Fuck if I know his reasons or the cause. Shift likely will have wound up somewhere roundabout in Zion Engineering, beating the shit out of his subordinates and cursing with the might of ten sailors on crack. And Gatts? Well.. Most anyone's aware of his condition. I think this run that's been delayed simply will result in the same comatose state as always--one of which he'll either die from, or lacking that he'll simply retire into Zion, out of the military due to his condition. And while I can't say much for Psyk.. Eh, he could be killed in some kind of random accident on the docks. I never got to play him much at all. Keep the Leviathan around if you want and ask me for info on it if you care to--I like to think it's a decent concept, at the very least.

And the OOC handle of Sye, well, he's going the same way I am--which is, right now, just plain out. Again, I'd like to think there's been a good run through here. But that point aside, I've got my reasons for departure, and I won't bother posting them in here and waste space. I've been thinking about this for a long time now, and if you'd care to, Kevin, you can inquire with me on AIM and I'll explain all my reasoning. To anyone else who may wish to hear, ask and I may go into it, depending upon my mood at the time and if I feel I should even bother with it.

I suppose.. That will be that. Hopefully I'll keep in contact with those I care to, and maybe we'll meet up again elsewhere sometime. Take care, people. Truth and Perception to you all.

Edited 12:05am, June 11 by Gatts, author.
 For the record-books.
5:49pm, June 11, 2004
A bit more elaboration, and clarification of what has occured to my characters here:

John Gatsby, alias Gatts--After the recent jacking in, Gatts experienced a severe traumatic backlash. His connection to the Matrix disconnected improperly, and he had to seek immediate medical attention. Upon returning to Zion, Gatts was transferred to the medical facilities there.. and, long story short, it was suggested by Zion command that he retire from the military for an indeterminate amount of time--a decision which he agreed with. Goodbyes were cut short, however, as the Redemption had to swiftly depart again on business. Also for the record, he spends most of his time doing whatever work needs to be had in Zion, and in his own free time he's been working on designing and refining guitars and amps, drums, keyboards, and the like--a bit of an idle dream to get some -real- music back in Zion, for the sheer hell of it. He kept the speeder he'd been working on while on the Redemption, though what he's done with it is anyone's guess.

Colin Jay, alias Shift--Shift's a fuckin' hardass. He's wandering Zion, working as an engineer, and cutting a fuckin' path through anyone who doesn't like him. His rehab after the run-in with Agents goes along fairly smoothly, though every now and again he has a bit of psychotic episode where he sees someone as an Agent and assaults them. Either a psychotic episode.. Or just really damn good acting. No one's been able to figure out which.

Alias Psyk--Psyk's project for the Leviathan hovership met with a snag, and the ship once again had to be brought into drydock. He continues to work with Zion C&C to try and refine the ship further for an eventual launch one day.. but his chances of captaincy are looking fairly slim at this point, much to his own disappointment.

Ratatosk--Good 'ol Ratty is going to simply remain as one of the Merovingian's NPCs, if that's fine with the administration. Much like Doorman is used, just have him be some kind of deus ex machina for getting whatever done that you feel need be done. Or kill him. Either way, it doesn't matter.. Ratty's the eternal lackey.

Burton--Burton's pending, 'cause he's got a fight or two left in him that I may well indulge.

Decker--One of the last Free Strangers.. Well.. Decker's always been something of a loner, with few deviations from this. And, for reasons -all- his own, Decker made a decision to change his location--to go to a different server entirely and see what he could do to hone his abilities in an area that likely wouldn't be searching for him so intently. Whatever happens to him, he's gone beyond contact range of the other Strangers, unable to reach them from wherever he's gone.

And that.. As they say.. Is that. *Nods* For anyone who may have had cause to work anything for any of my characters into plot and development of your own, there you go.
Agent Muller
10:22pm, June 15, 2004
I deem this the official Character Deletion thread- if any of your characters are killed in combat or if you merely ned them deleted for whichever reason, post it here. ALso, if your character has a sudden faction change, then post it here as well.

Don't forget to post who killed the character in this thread.

Edited 9:55pm, June 15 by Agent Muller, author.
6:39am, June 24, 2004
May as well go ahead and delete all of my handles in here, Rin, Sevastion Fadde, and Krystal. Just don't think I can get back into chat RPing because it has basicly lost it's luster for me. After a couple years of this all..I just don't think I can go on. Never had inspiration, never RP, never do nothin anymore except hang around in OOCness and contribute to conversations very little.

For the records...

Rin will meet his demise by the hands of an Agent, whoever wants the body count can for for it.

Sevvy...Sevvy can just...go off...I don't know.

Krystal...well I never played her so she never existed, bah.

I don't have much more to say, so I'll just go ahead and say Goodbye.
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