Thread for The War Behind

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 The War Behind
Agent Mason
6:19am, May 20, 2004
Alright, some may have heard about the Merovingian problem, some may not have but heres the way it goes from my end.

Me, Kevin and one Agent Ericson started this chat. Later people were involved but this started on A.o.L. as a fun little experiment. More and more people joined. Nailah, D and others who are no longer with us. And some who are. Regardless many of you are here NOT because you are part of this chat. Because you are a GUEST


1. One who is a recipient of hospitality at the home or table of another.
2. One to whom entertainment or hospitality has been extended by another in the role of host or hostess, as at a party.
3. One who pays for meals or accommodations at a restaurant, hotel, or other establishment; a patron.
4. A distinguished visitor to whom the hospitality of an institution, city, or government is extended.
5. A visiting performer, speaker, or contestant, as on a radio or television program.
6. Zoology A commensal organism, especially an insect that lives in the nest or burrow of another species.

Now some of you have been acting like 6. You seem to forget a very important fact.

THIS CHAT IS NOT YOURS. This is Kevins work. His decisions, regardless of weither they make sense to you, IS NOT FOR YOU TO FUCKING UNDERSTAND. In this place he is the word of GOD because this is not a chat we designed for other people, we designed it for us.







THOSE names are all that matter in the grand scheme of things KIDS. D has been here a long long time but he has never been the force that drove this chat and made it work. And no one here has the right to question the actions of Kevin. None of you because your all outsiders here.

The Newb Invasion of 99 gave birth to half of the rpers who like to complain.

GET Off your high horses. Those of you who are Vets are suppose to be making examples because you survived the Wildman/Mitth wars and you know what questioning Admins does. It divides people.

Likewise you Newbs who came into the Tina in 99 need to fuck off that ego of yours. And before you piss about mine remember who put the work into this chat. Remember who kept wildman active so you could rp in a chat and get to the good graces community you have now.

This has gone well beyond the Merovingian problem. This is a question of not accepting the rules.

D, no offense man but you are not a primary chatter here. Weither or not you have the Merovingian matters very little because you know what. Kevin made a decision and as a support character you were here to add flare to the chat which you stopped doing. An active FULL TIME rper took the position. Kevin took away your support character and made him full time. Good bad? He is the Chat Admin and your a support rper. You should have simply accepted his ruling once he talked to you and been happy with the two other characters you had. But you didn't. To be honest Sean didn't drop the Merovingian because he had lot of work coming up. He dropped the Merovingian because Kevin was getting so many complaints Sean simply didn't want him to be bothered by them anymore. Of his own free will. He gave up a character whom he enjoyed and was rping on a nightly basis because you wouldn't shut the fuck up. And your little D-Bots wouldn't leave well enough alone as well. You may play a fine Merovingian when you want to but you haven't for some time. And you forgot your place in this chat in the mean time.

To others whom pelted Kevin on ths issue. FUCK YOU ALL. See the first part of my post.

I'm pissed, not that D got the Mero back, I'm pissed at the lack of respect shown to Kevin and the childish reaction of some of the RPers.

Kevin did not tell me to make this post, Kevin really had no idea what was in it so don't cry to him. You come cry to me about it.

Agent Mason

Send your hate my way because honestly I am not as nice as Kevin and I don't take shit because I don't have to. And thats the way it is.

Again D, I am not pissed at you, just your actions as I am sure you are pissed with mine at this point. I apologize for that but I had to get that off my chest.

 For better of for worse
7:12am, May 20, 2004
There is nothing I can say that has not already been said but it has also been said that sometimes repetition is good.

I’m not one of the original 6 this chat was created for. Like so many of you I am a guest, as Kael put it. But I am a veteran from the Wildman/Mitth wars, again as Kael put it. I disappeared from the RP world for fuckin 2 years after the days of Wildman because, yeah, I got pulled under by the petty bullshit. I know exactly what he is talking about. When people start to think they are better then their Admins that is when things go to shit cause then you have 10,000 voices all screaming for peace but all screaming for peace their way.

Kevin is an awesome fuckin Chat Master. That is all there is to it. Up until this shit with the Merovingian happened this was one of the smoothest running rooms I have ever seen. He made a mistake in lack of communication and he admitted it and now when he’s trying to make things right people have been criticizing him and chastising him for his decisions. By no means or by any definition is that right. He’s human. We all are. Despite what we play in our alternative universe escapes, we are all human and as such we are subject to mistakes, but it takes a truly strong individual to admit when they are wrong and try to remedy it. I have been an online RPer for almost 10 years now, which is pathetic to some and admirable to others, but as such I have seen allot of shit and it would truly make me sad to think this room is going to be pulled under because people are too fuckin proud to know when to step back and just accept the way things are.

Again, as Kael said, when people start to think they are better then the rules things fall apart and even though I am just a guest in this room, I gave up 2 of my own rooms I Chat Mastered to be a more active part of TMRPG because I think what Kevin has going is a really great place for people to have fun, if they would just break these recent “I’m better then you” boners, and remember what this is about. Yes this is a game but even games have rules. Rule number 1 of any RPG, table top or otherwise, is you don’t argue with the GM. They were given that title because they know what the fuck they are doing.

Now by no means do I agree with everything Kael said. I think he is being a bit overly harsh in saying everyone from ’99 is a Newb, or basically implying that. I have played with some real fuckin awesome Rpers that came from ’99 and even 03’. How long you have been Rping really doesn’t make that much of a difference. It is the person behind the character that establishes who is a Vet and who is a Newb.

In any event I just wanted to post my opinion because I know I have seemed really quite and somewhat neutral about this whole matter but that is because I don’t want to put myself where I don’t belong. Yes, I’m an Admin. Why I’m an Admin I have no fuckin clue, but I am but first and foremost I am an Rper like everyone else that just came here to have some fun and escape the real world for a few hours. And I’ll state here, infront of everyone what I have stated on IM’s on several occasions.

D, I love you to death and you are an awesome player, when you play. When you asked me to be your Persephone I really didn’t want to but I did and as a result in order to keep a character I never played because I didn’t have a Merovingian to interact with, I had to kill off my human character Burn to make room for Lintilla. I wanted to pass on Persephone but I thought you were going to play Merovingian, and even when I asked you, you never played him. In that I was really disappointed but by no means do I hold that against you. I wish you the best of luck in all honesty in reclaiming the Merovingian. I just really, really hope you play him because the new Persephone really doesn’t deserve to be fucked around the way I was.

And honestly…in response to Kael’s “bring on the bitching” line…why bother? What’s been done is done. What’s been said can’t be erased. Just take what you have learned from this experience and move the fuck on. TMRPG is one of the oldest running successful chats on the PJJ list for a reason. Our Chat Master knows what the fuck he’s doing, even if he does make the occasional mistake, don’t worry, he’ll fix it. As cliché as this is going to seem, have faith. Everyone is important and yes everyone has a voice…but sometimes you just need to learn to shut up and see where things go

And with that, I’m bowing out. I really hope I haven’t offended anyone but I realize you can’t make everyone happy.

Kindest Personal Regards,
Raven d.l.V.
A.K.A. Ravee
11:42pm, May 20, 2004
I am not one of those six. I may not be the greatest rper in the world and I make mistakes. But When the chatmaster speakes...thats it. No more complaining, no use in it. Get over it or get out. This is one of the best chats I know and while I may not be as much of an old hand at it as some people I try my best. If you are gonna play an important char you have to play it well and often. Chars die and new ones are made. Thats how it works. Just wanted to say my peice.

Aka Bane.
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