Thread for Complaints

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Agent Muller
8:34am, December 02, 2003
Please feel free to pos any chat, faction or RP-related complaints here. DO NOT use this as a forum for personal issues, take that ouside of this message board and chat.
9:03am, December 02, 2003
Ok! Just got done with my first big fight and I realize I did horribly. I don't know enough about some of the shit the Agents are pulling so in order for me to avoid further GMing, could someone please give me a few links to some sights regarding helicopters, SWAT teams, etc. Thanks! and again I apologize for being a screw up in that fight.

9:43am, December 02, 2003
Same here, guys. I'm sorry if I fucked up in the RP tonight. That damned headache is FINALLY breaking, at...3.38AM...I'll do better next time.
2:38am, December 14, 2003
Nightshade, there. There's my complaint. And Stone too, always showing up here and there. It's like magic, whoah

Edited 8:43pm, December 13 by Lante, author.
2:44am, December 14, 2003
No, it's called being an Agent.
2:46am, December 14, 2003
Lante, you failed to take any care of your character. All you did was threesomes with the viruses you were supposed to kill. How can you claim Nightshade's the problem? She did what she was told and you're the one who asked her to play. Also on the main portal...CHARACTER SURVIVAL IS NOT GUARANTEED.

As for Stone, I'll agree, in some places. But not others.
Agent Stone
2:46am, December 14, 2003
Stone has never showed up anywhere he would not or could not go. Give me an example of when he shows up in a location he shouldn't or a reason why he wouldn't and I'll agree but so far as I remember he has not done anything he shouldn't.
4:51am, December 14, 2003
Okay I retract everything said
Agent Muller
5:07pm, June 15, 2004
Reviving this thread in case there are any complaints..
 Unfitting portrayal of police officers
Elana Hudson
2:34am, October 28, 2004
Okay this is a lil pet peeve of mine for obvious reasons. I can understand playing a police officer like you see in a movie. I can get that. What I dont agree with is thinking it gives you a right to pull a gun and use it whenever ya damn feel like it and then your character magically still keeps there job. Im not gonna name any names but you know who you are. And if ya dont get with the pogram I will write up a nice code of conduct along with some of the finer rules then brutally cram them down your throat. Have a nice day.

Edited 9:38pm, October 27 by Elana Hudson, author.
9:13am, October 28, 2004
Ill Nino
6:21pm, April 26, 2005
Nailah...for the love of everything that is friggin' sacred...FINISH A FREAKIN' RP!
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