Thread for Registration

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Agent Muller
3:39pm, November 10, 2003
REGISTRATION IS HERE. Sorry for the obnoxious colors, but back in the day no one could find the registration link and I got tired of people asking me where it was!

THERE IS VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION BELOW! Please take a few minutes to read it, as it will answer many of your questions. If there is still some doubt, then please refer to the administrative contact thread here. If there is STILL some doubt, refer to the link at the very bottom of this spiel.

Last Update: 11/04/08

This is the Matrix. Humans live out their lives oblivious to the real purpose of this virtual reality: Control. Control that the Rebels of Zion fight, control that the System fights to maintain, control the Rogue Exiles attempt to steal for themselves. Will you choose to Free your Mind... or to submit to the System?

Welcome to the Matrix! After a bit of a hiatus, we've reopened and currently need characters of all stripes! Please read further for more information..


I would like to start with general chat rules. These are as clear as they're presented, there is no hidden meaning nor are they open to interpretation.

You will note that sending in this registration form is equivalent to signing a binding contract. You are expected to actually Role Play in the room once your form is processed and your handle has been registered. Your characters will be deleted after four months of inactivity (This is done the 15th and 30th of every month). All characters under threat of deletion will be posted under the news thread. CONSIDER THIS YOUR WARNING.

If your character has any special abilities that may be outside the norms, DO NOT ASSUME THAT THEY ARE ALL AUTOMATICALLY APPROVED JUST BECAUSE THIS IS A SCI FI CHAT! You MUST talk to either myself or another administrator for approval. Also, YOU MUST STATE ALL SPECIAL ABILITIES OR POWERS IN THE REGISTRATION FORM! There is also a policy of ZERO TOLERANCE of powers that are made up on the spot, or powers that are overly abused.

One final general rule, it's been a small problem in the past so hopefully this will kill the problem before it gets worse.. This is first and foremost an RPG room. When you see an RP going on in the room, DO NOT START ANY OOC NONSENSE. This is an RP chat and not your playground. A few comments is fine, but if 6 or 7 people start an OOC conversation while major RP is going on, it will not be tolerated. Take that shit to AIM, or at least PM as it doesn't crowd the chat scroll nearly as bad as a full post. RP comes before everything else in this room, NO EXCEPTIONS.


Now, on to the RP itself..

Please keep in mind that this RPG is based on the CONCEPT and BASIC IDEAS of the Matrix, not the actual movies, games or the Animatrix. We're making our own storyline here. The chat setting is in modern day New York City, during the 24th version of the Matrix.

DO NOT ask to be The One or "Neo", please read this to find out why.. moreover,
DO NOT "recommend" your character to be The One after he/she is established, you will be laughed at.

CANON CHARACTERS can be requested, please ask an admin. They will be handled on a TRIAL BASIS, which will last for one week while you are evaluated by the chat admins. If you can demonstrate an understanding of the character, and play on a regular basis, then you will be granted the character. If there is a high demand for one specific character, then what we will do is either have applicants submit an RP for review, or we will allow them a chance to RP in the room once before the character is handed off to the next player. If you have any questions then please ask an admin. Please note, that if you receive a canon and then FAIL to play them consistently (and we're not talking about bullshit token cameos), you WILL lose them.

Taken Canons
The Twins

Go here to pick your weapons for your character. Rebels and exiles, please note that too many weapons WILL BOG YOU DOWN and make you an open target for Agents, so don't overload yourself.

Affiliation is whatever faction you are in, they are as follows..

(NOTE: All factions that are by invite-only are both bold and italicized, like this. All other factions are open to anyone.)

Updated 11/04.08
The Merovingian faction is a safe-haven for exiles of all stripes, giving them an organizing force largely free of System intervention. This faction currently open for grabs, as we do not have a Merovingian or Persephone player. Please contact an admin if you're interested!

Exiles who are not a part of The Merovingian's faction are either:
Regular Exiles, who still perform the duty they were designed for before they were deleted
Renegade Exiles, who serve no one but themselves.
Viruses, who are programs that were not created by the System for whatever purpose their designer had in mind.

Updated 08/19/04
The System has:
Agents, which is pretty self explanatory.
System Anti-Virus/Agent Support, who often aid the Agents in missions or hunt virus programs down to free the Agents for more important duties. Please note that the System Maintainence faction has been folded over into this faction, as it really went nowhere.
System Administration, program writers, overseers ect.. think of the Oracle when she said "At some point a program was written to govern those birds."

Invite only!
Please note that Agents are being limited to THREE positions, as the only people who can even begin to fight with an Agent on even terms are The One and certain Exiles (such as Seraph or former Agents). Agent's are very powerful characters, and as such cannot be played by just anyone. You would do well never to face an Agent on your own, as many RPer's have noticed, the Agents eat cowboyish characters alive. All Agent characters are handed out through invite only.
We have one Agent trio as of 11/04/08:
Leader- Agent Muller
Strength- Agent Stone
Speed- None

Invite only!

Updated 02/20/05
The Zion Rebels are broken up into ships-
The Midway (AIM: JediLaiLinn)
The Redemption (AIM: Akali13)

Each ship has a different crew size, but all ships maintain the following-
Captain or CO
Executive Officer or XO
Medical Officer

After that, it is just regular crewmen or women who may preform other duties on the ship. ALL crewmembers should be able to know how to use the gun turrets. It is possible to have dual roles, for example: your character is both the Pilot and XO of a ship.

Updated 08/19/04
There are three more sub-factions under the Rebels..
Zion Rebels are members of the Zion military who are not assigned to a ship.
Zion Citizens are much the same thing except they are not in the military.
The Cult of the One is pretty self explanatory.

If you wish to join a specific ship, you will have to check here to see what crew positions are open, and then talk to the individual ship captains (e-mails are provided, just click on any of the ships listed above).

A note about the Matrix feed- There is only one person on each ship who has the training to read all the code: The Operator. No one else has the experience or training that an Operator has, thus they are the only people who can point at a bit of code and say "That Agent has blue eyes". THink of it as a foreign language. The Operators are taught to read it, and use it daily, and while it's not impossible for others to understand bits of code, the only person fluent in it would be the Operator.

Finally there are the humans, which has:
Military / Law Enforcement
I feel that these are pretty straightforward.

Edited 3:50pm, November 04, 2008 by Agent Muller, author.
6:36am, November 04, 2008
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