Thread for The Rebel Ultimatium

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 The Rebel Ultimatium
Agent Mason
5:47pm, March 07, 2006
Agent Mason has made it clear..if the Matrix Falls so to must humanity. Even as we speak the Machine Army is drilling toward Zion with one purpose, to destroy all life that resides within. But there is a way to spare yourselves this fate.

Rebels of Zion must unit with the System to battle the Muller Virus. Only with his destruction can peace be achieved. If he is stopped there will be an end to the war and those who feel the desire to leave the system may do so, so long as they do not disrupt the lives of those who wish to remain behind.

There is no negotiating. There are no talks. There is no escape. This is the offer, the final hour is upon us all. Will you die on your knees or fight to see tomorrow?
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