Thread for The Destruction of New York

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 The Destruction of New York
6:41am, March 07, 2006
New York has come under attack by Muller and Stone's shamblers. The attack was facilitated by Muller infiltrating AoS to kidnap the body of Doctor Lintilla, which he was successful in doing.

As New York burns, the System has mobilized all local law enforcement agencies, the National Guard and the US Air FOrce to help defeat the threat and evacuate as many survivors as they can, though the situation is very much in the Shamblers favor. The fight is ongoing..

Edited 12:48am, March 07, 2006 by Kevo, author.
 What now?
3:57am, March 17, 2006
Where does this leave us chars who are not around when rp seems to be happening? Are anti-viruses still in the city fighting, or have they been moved out? It's hard to decipher exactly what we are supposed to be doing.
Agent Harris
7:33pm, March 21, 2006
All combat capable programs are remaining in the city to fight the hordes in the meantime.
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