Thread for Other Schools of Note

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 Other Schools of Note
6:34am, August 17, 2015
Kyoto Excellence Academy is a college, for graduates of NTHS and NHS, focusing on the use of the exceptional abilities of those students.

Nagasaki High School was narrowly was beat out by NTHS as the last Arbitration Site, due to the high concentration of native superhuman students, although lacking on the high end tech wizards and actual magic wizards in student body, though they've had a consulting Wizard come in from Chicago, USA, to be their Magic Theory and Application teacher.

Stonehenge Focuses on magic, and is the next chosen Arbitration Site, and is probably the oldest of all such schools.

Sky High is the newcomer, but boasts a wide variety of superhumans, and is a good generalist school - not focusing on any one area of supernatural or paranormal ability.
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