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[09-05:31] 14688, 'Mr. J: *cough* Im no Fred Flinstone babeh..but I can make your bed rock *muffled audience laughter* no..seriously folks
[09-05:31] 1e241,Rob : *Thinks MB would be played by William Shatner, hehe j/k*
[09-05:31] 906f1, *AekannaSlis : (( in smacked.))
[09-05:32] 906f1, *AekannaSlis : ((*chuckles@Rob*))
[09-05:32] 9515d, 'Nay: very, very, very little, Slis
[09-05:32] c9c2c, *E : *lol*
[09-05:32] 906f1, *AekannaSlis : ((I think i've got some sanity the size of a grain of sand.))
[09-05:32] 9515d, 'Nay: though it may just be a dreamer's dillusion
[09-05:32] 14688, 'Mr. J: *does the worm*
[09-05:32] 9515d, 'Nay: I'm too screwed up to be sane
[09-05:33] 6a0ee, MidniteBurn: *Glancing up with narrowed eyes* I have trouble....withstanding it...yes..
[09-05:33] 1e241,Rob : Well, I'm off for the night, g'night folks ^_^*Hugs for those who want them*
[09-05:33] 97af0, *Macy Sorchett : ((*L@Rob*))
[09-05:33] EXIT: Rob has left the chat ( ).
[09-05:33] 97af0, *Macy Sorchett : ((bye Robberz *hugs*))
[09-05:33] 97af0, *Macy Sorchett : Poor you. *turns for the door*
[09-05:33] 906f1, *AekannaSlis : (( Dreamer huh? get called a space cadet?))
[09-05:33] 2bb54, *Dalris : In your personal opinion Im fit to go then...?
[09-05:33] c9c2c, *E : *takes hugs, natch* :D
[09-05:34] 906f1, *AekannaSlis : *she shifts slightly...eyes narrowed to slits...witch green slits...perfectly lined lips and darkened eyes...watching the room*
[09-05:35] 9515d, 'Nay: I bet if I went to a shrink, I'd walk out on heavy meds.... but nah.... then I wouldn't feel all the lovely pain
[09-05:35] 906f1, *AekannaSlis : (( I refuse to be put on medication.))
[09-05:35] 14688, 'Mr. J: *ponders streaking*
[09-05:36] 6a0ee, MidniteBurn: Yeah..really..*rolls his eyes as he watches her turn for the door*
[09-05:36] 9515d, 'Nay: it lets me know I'm not just dreaming something I can eventually wake up from
[09-05:36] c9c2c, *E : *returns to unconsciousness, at least having something to do then*
[09-05:36] 906f1, *AekannaSlis : ((*remembers streaking back in the day*))
[09-05:36] cd706, B: *agrees with E*
[09-05:36] 2bb54, *Dalris : *Arches a brow at her* Why?
[09-05:36] 97af0, *Macy Sorchett : *walks out the door confidently and all but as soon as she gets outside she slumps down in the sand next to her bike, putting a hand to her forehead*
[09-05:37] 906f1, *AekannaSlis : ((*hands E a slinky(eyes spelling)*))
[09-05:37] 906f1, *AekannaSlis : ((HAHA! Macy's gonna give herself a hangover.))
[09-05:37] 9cd6d,Ronica : It walks down stairs, alone or in pairs, and makes a slinkity sound. *hums*
[09-05:37] 14688, 'Mr. J: *lets it all go...Streaks..yes...streaks like a mad nekkid f00l!*
[09-05:38] c9c2c, *E : *agreed with* Score. hehe. Oooh... *but now, has a slinky. Abandons unconsciousness long enough to play with slinky.*
[09-05:38] 906f1, *AekannaSlis : (( I still can't stand those plastic slinkies...thats just horrid.))
[09-05:38] f558f,Mazzik : A THING! A THING! A WONDERFUL THING! IT'S LOG LOG LOG!
[09-05:38] 906f1, *AekannaSlis : ((holy shit and 'four wheelers'...they're called ROLLER SKATES YOU TWERP!))
[09-05:39] cd706, B: Alright...I'm out of here.
[09-05:39] 906f1, *AekannaSlis : ((seeya B...))
[09-05:39] JOIN: Assain has entered.
[09-05:40] c9c2c, *E : *hugs B, and hugs Ria* ^_^
[09-05:40] cf7df, *Assain : ((*hugs for Zahra* Sleep well))
[09-05:40] cd706, B: Jen... *hugs for E*
[09-05:40] 906f1, *AekannaSlis : ((g'night leaving people...))
[09-05:40] EXIT: B has left the chat ( Quit ).
[09-05:40] JOIN: Mazzik has entered.
[09-05:41] EXIT: AekannaSlis has left the chat ( Quit ).
[09-05:41] 14688, 'Mr. J: The movie is brilliant, there is no doubt about this. It is dark, thrilling, entertaining and I almost cried like a girl during all the scenes in Tatooine-from a review about episode two
[09-05:42] JOIN: Jen has entered.
[09-05:42] 906f1, 'Jen: ahhh...
[09-05:42] 2bb54, şV : *is gone too. especially since Rob left first. Still beat him \o/*
[09-05:42] 14688, 'Mr. J: *is spazzing out..must see this movie..cannot wait two weeks..must see it now..NOW..NOW I SAY*
[09-05:43] JOIN: Knees has entered.
[09-05:43] 14688, 'Mr. J: *wonders if he can get a bootlegged copy*
[09-05:43] 906f1, 'Jen: *must see spiderman tomorrow night* :)
[09-05:44] 97af0, *KJ : Erk. *is left alone*
[09-05:44] 97af0, *KJ : *saw Spider-man opening night* =op
[09-05:45] 14688, 'Mr. J: *swings around like SM* Spider-man Spider-man does whatever a spider can..spins a web of any size catching theives just like flies..loook out here comes the spider-maaaaaaaaan
[09-05:45] 906f1, 'Jen: Unfortunately...I have a job. Or I might have gone already.
[09-05:47] d3daa, 'Knees: I haven't seen it because I didn't want to battle the crowds. I'll see it when it loses popularity.
[09-05:48] 906f1, 'Jen: That too Knees. Its really wise...because if i went with the throngs of people...I'd have to kill someone...too many...of those...bubblegum teens.
[09-05:48] 9cd6d,Ronica : *listens to the best version of the Spider-man song*
[09-05:48] 97af0, *KJ : Oh. We don't have bad crowds. Just small ones... of mostly people I know so it's fun! *G*
[09-05:48] 97af0, *KJ : *loves living in a college town*
[09-05:48] 2ccce, *Mavei: DON'T sing that J! I am warning you! *had to listen to that over and over while cleaning up after Spider-man as that song is at the end of the credits*
[09-05:49] d3daa, 'Knees: Oh yeah. Or the girls that are like, "OOOOH, TOBEY! He's so hooooot!" *Rolls eyes*
[09-05:49] 906f1, 'Jen: *used to live in a college town* Its just got more bars.
[09-05:49] 14688, 'Mr. J: *sings it..yes sings it GOOOOOOOD*
[09-05:49] 9cd6d,Ronica : But... Tobey is hot...*blink*
[09-05:49] d3daa, 'Knees: So? I don't have to hear pre-teen girls screaming it out every time he shows up on the screen.
[09-05:50] 14688, 'Mr. J: *is hotter*
[09-05:50] 906f1, 'Jen: exactly Knees. and they talk and giggle and*cringe*
[09-05:50] 14688, 'Mr. J: of cours...I havent shaved in..*thinks* well..since april 6
[09-05:50] 906f1, 'Jen: Tobey isn't hot.
[09-05:51] 97af0, *KJ : *never been to a bar*
[09-05:51] 97af0, *KJ : Knees- that's the high school girls. I go to the shows that are on while high school is still in session *S*
[09-05:51] 9cd6d,Ronica : Oh, Tobey is so hot. He's got that nerdy charm that I love, and he's built like a brick shit house. I could not ask for more. Buff nerds.
[09-05:52] 97af0, *KJ : *got a shirt for Ep2* >
[09-05:52] 906f1, 'Jen: I have a strange sense of hotness lets not go there.
[09-05:52] 97af0, *KJ : *thinks Tobey is hot too, but also thinks Hayden is hot* *shrug*
[09-05:53] f558f,Mazzik : Kirsten Dunst.
[09-05:53] d3daa, 'Knees: KJ, I'm in high school. *eyes*
[09-05:53] 906f1, 'Jen: KJ has no tact.
[09-05:53] 97af0, *KJ : *snickers at M@zz* Is she your new Eliza?
[09-05:53] 14688, 'Mr. J: Natelie(sp) Portman..OMG she so wants to have my children
[09-05:53] 97af0, *KJ : =op @ Kneesie*
[09-05:53] d3daa, 'Knees: Hayden is hot. But he was very hot in Life as a House, because he played a goth guy.
[09-05:54] 97af0, *KJ : *blinks @ J* *hides her NP-ish pic*
[09-05:54] 906f1, 'Jen: *thinks its amusing how guys ALL think certain girls are hot at the same time*
[09-05:54] 906f1, 'Jen: *eyes Knees* really?
[09-05:55] f558f,Mazzik : OMG ELIZA DUSHKU
[09-05:55] d3daa, 'Knees: Yep, Jen. Black hair and dark clothes. He was yummy.
[09-05:55] 97af0, *KJ : *totally predicted M@zz's reaction...*
[09-05:55] 906f1, 'Jen: Jude Law.
[09-05:55] f558f,Mazzik : OMFG she is so doom sexiness times three x nine....OOOH DOOM
[09-05:55] 906f1, 'Jen: You must have like taste to mine Knees. hehe.
[09-05:56] 9cd6d,Ronica : Rivers Cuomo! *has bizarre taste*
[09-05:56] d3daa, 'Knees: I'm the only one that seems to think Billy Corgan is attractive. *waits for Ronnie to comment...*
[09-05:57] 14688, 'Mr. J: Billy Corgon looks like a fish..O_o
[09-05:57] f558f,Mazzik : Yes, Falco. We are the ruling class...the Elite that shall see it opening day.
[09-05:57] a5e6f, *Zhen Sunrider : ((*guts and devours all random visitors* If they wanna say "Have a good trip" they should call!!!! ...oh yeah... I disconnected my phone... STILL!))
[09-05:57] 906f1, 'Jen: I don't like Billy Corgan. heh.
[09-05:57] 97af0, *KJ :
[09-05:58] 906f1, 'Jen: do you provide him with porn too KJ?
[09-05:58] f558f,Mazzik : *DIES*
[09-05:58] 9cd6d,Ronica : Yeah, Billy Corgan... Whiney, ugly, pale, bald boy in a dress. SEXEH. </sarcasm>
[09-05:58] a5e6f, *Zhen Sunrider : ((*was one of the few to get wednesday midnight tickets* Bwahaha! And then I have another set for Friday at 7!))
[09-05:58] d3daa, 'Knees: Good point, Jen.
[09-05:59] d3daa, 'Knees: You hush, Ronnie. You nerd-loving freak. :p
[09-05:59] 97af0, *KJ : *LOL*
[09-05:59] a5e6f, *Zhen Sunrider : ((Why'sat Falc?))
[09-06:01] NICK: Zhen Sunrider changed nick to Sunrider.
[09-06:01] f558f,Mazzik : I would go at midnight if I had a ride.
[09-06:01] d3daa, 'Knees: I'm seeing it on Friday, because on Thursday I go to GARBAGE. *thinks that's a lot better than seeing a movie*
[09-06:01] a5e6f, Sunrider: Who wouldn't? Midnight showings are the utlra-fan showings! Only the uber-elite go :)
[09-06:02] a5e6f, Sunrider: 3 1/2 hours Falc, 3 1/2
[09-06:02] 906f1, 'Jen: *agrees with Knees*
[09-06:02] d3daa, 'Knees: Or the people who can't wait a few hours to see it.
[09-06:02] f558f,Mazzik : Wait...Zhen gets to see it nine hours before me...
[09-06:03] a5e6f, Sunrider: Hey, I work nights. You people whine and complain but damn it! When you're pissy and go to the video store at midnight, I'm the pissed off guy behind the counter with a joint in his mouth! *is speaking you as a generalization, not anyone in particular*
[09-06:03] f558f,Mazzik : THAT'S NOT FAIR!
[09-06:03] f558f,Mazzik : I hate you, Zhen!
[09-06:04] 906f1, 'Jen: *always gets the urge NOT to see it at all when people do this*
[09-06:04] a5e6f, Sunrider: Mazz-who doesn't?
[09-06:04] d3daa, 'Knees: I'm seeing it on Friday at 3:45. Daddy is picking me up early from school. Haha.
[09-06:04] f558f,Mazzik : Ahhh...*seeing it before Falcon, though...relieved*
[09-06:05] 97af0, *KJ : They're not selling tickets in my town yet *rolls her eyes*
[09-06:05] d3daa, 'Knees: Yep, Jen. I personally think it's kind of sad.
[09-06:05] a5e6f, Sunrider: *saw midnight showing of Fellowship... at which he saw someone who coulda played a dwarf (beard and all) wearing a biker outfit and had the nose-earring chain*
[09-06:06] 906f1, 'Jen: its not sad. I just would rather not get gutted by movie starved fans.
[09-06:06] 906f1, 'Jen: when Episode I came out...we went to see a totally different movie it was so crowded...and a whole group of people were prepared to jump the red cord and beat us down because they thought we were seeing Episode I.
[09-06:07] EXIT: Ronica has left the chat ( I'm a lot like you so please, hello, I'm here, I'm waitin'.... I think I'd be good for you, and you'd be good for me! ).
[09-06:07] d3daa, 'Knees: I think it's sad. Especially since I'm already haveing bad expectations about this movie from the title. And the fact that Episode 1, after watching it from a rational point a view instead of a "OHMYGOD, STAR WARS" perspective, wasn't that great.
[09-06:08] a5e6f, Sunrider: Of course Ep. 1 wasnt that great, but you ask anyone whose seen Ep. 2... just ASK 'em and they'll tell you not only how much it rocked ass, but also how much more they like ep 1
[09-06:09] f558f,Mazzik : Episode II is supposed to make Episode I SO much better
[09-06:09] a5e6f, Sunrider: Go here, just go and tell me you're NOT going to go see Ep. 2
[09-06:09] 906f1, 'Jen: actually...episode II looks to be better...every time i see a preview it looks more worth it.
[09-06:09] f558f,Mazzik : I am so hyped for this movie...*fidget*
[09-06:09] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[09-06:10] 2ccce, *Mavei: *might get to see Ep.2 before a lot of people* Mwahaha
[09-06:10] JOIN: Khyren has entered.
[09-06:10] JOIN: Khyren has entered.
[09-06:10] a5e6f, Sunrider: *threatens to duct tape Mavish to the rafters again*
[09-06:10] d3daa, 'Knees: I'm going to see it. But *shrugs* my life isn't going to be altered by it.
[09-06:10] fa3bb, Khyren: *roars at browser and bashes it good*
[09-06:11] 3f310, *Liz: *blinks* If you bash won't like you
[09-06:11] 2ccce, *Mavei: *makes faces at Sunrider*
[09-06:11] fa3bb, Khyren: It wont listen if I dont bash it
[09-06:12] fa3bb, Khyren: *feeds Mav-chan a ton of sugar*
[09-06:12] a5e6f, Sunrider: Knees- sure, say that now, but just you wait
[09-06:13] f558f,Mazzik : My life will be altered.
[09-06:13] 3f310, *Liz: If you bash it, it won't work
[09-06:13] f558f,Mazzik : I'll be like HOLY SHIT
[09-06:13] d3daa, 'Knees: It's just a movie.
[09-06:13] fa3bb, Khyren: BUt it's FUN to bash it
[09-06:13] 906f1, 'Jen: its just the movie.
[09-06:13] fa3bb, Khyren: *glares at the unwanted caps, waving his Cardboard Tube of Death in warning*
[09-06:14] f558f,Mazzik : No,'s an's a lifestyle. It''s...YODA WITH A LIGHTSABER FOR CHRIST SAKES
[09-06:14] 3f310, *Liz: Ok... *s*
[09-06:14] a5e6f, Sunrider: Mazz- And more!!! *gets hyped but covers mouth so he don't tell all*
[09-06:14] d3daa, 'Knees: Okay, whatever.
[09-06:14] fa3bb, Khyren: Yoda without someone's hand rectally implanted
[09-06:15] f558f,Mazzik : Zhen - Yeah, I know! *also covers the aintitcool review, and bought the book*
[09-06:16] a5e6f, Sunrider: *refuses to read the book but has read said article* I'm gonna be standing in my seat when that fight scene takes place.
[09-06:16] fa3bb, Khyren: *blinks* Um.....what day is it?
[09-06:16] d3daa, 'Knees: Kay. Goodnight.
[09-06:16] a5e6f, Sunrider: Wednesday, or Thursday if you are est
[09-06:16] f558f,Mazzik : I tried not gettin the book, Zhen.
[09-06:16] 906f1, 'Jen: *eyes Sunrider* I would so beat you off that seat.
[09-06:17] EXIT: Knees has left the chat ( Quit ).
[09-06:17] f558f,Mazzik : My resolve lasted about six seconds when I saw it in the store...
[09-06:17] fa3bb, Khyren: Thanks kindly Zhen...*tries to shake his head clear* Pain meds....what fun...
[09-06:17] a5e6f, Sunrider: *has not seen the book in stores, thus has not been tempted*
[09-06:17] fa3bb, Khyren: ONE WEEK TILL EP. II COMES OUT!
[09-06:18] fa3bb, Khyren: Wellp! Time to RP..
[09-06:19] NICK: Khyren changed nick to James Hildebrandt.
[09-06:20] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((test))
[09-06:21] 3f310, Shanira: (( *blinks* ))
[09-06:23] a5e6f, Sunrider: Dear lord! I'm outta coke
[09-06:23] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((ACK! *hands Zhen a 12 pack from his personal fridge*))
[09-06:25] a5e6f, Sunrider: *downs the 12 pack* where's the rest?
[09-06:25] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: *draws the cowl of his cloak over his head and readjusts his sleeves, sending two daggers sliding to his hands* ((Sorry Zhen...that's all I can spare you...the rest is mine!))
[09-06:26] a5e6f, Sunrider: m00
[09-06:26] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((Sorry...I only got 1 12 pack left and its gotta last till payday))
[09-06:27] a5e6f, Sunrider: I-I-I-I-I want the kniiiiiiiiiife!
[09-06:27] 906f1, 'Jen: *rae*
[09-06:28] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((*bops Zhen on the head with his Deadly Carboard Tube of Death* No Golden Child references!))
[09-06:28] a5e6f, Sunrider: Anyone name that?
[09-06:28] a5e6f, Sunrider: WOOHOO!!!!
[09-06:28] a5e6f, Sunrider: Someone got it!
[09-06:29] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((Of course...who DOESNT know Golden Child?))
[09-06:29] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : *meanwhile, reads* Wait...wait...what the hell does that - oh. That's...stupid...*grumbles...reads*
[09-06:30] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ((WTF is Golden Child?))
[09-06:30] 906f1, 'Jen: *smacks Mazz with a ruler*
[09-06:30] a5e6f, Sunrider: Crazy people with no sense of humor. I mean, that tap dancing pepsi can scene is classic
[09-06:30] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ((*smacked*))
[09-06:30] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: (( Let him ask it.... I want the knife......please *does the hand motions for spinning the prayer column*))
[09-06:31] a5e6f, Sunrider: Do you have any idea who I am? Of course! You're Sardo Noompsy!
[09-06:31] JOIN: Uriana has entered.
[09-06:32] 906f1, 'Jen: tap dancing...pepsi....hey wait...the lil kid.....i think i know what you're talking about..
[09-06:32] f0a86, *Uriana : OOC: Hello, everyone.
[09-06:32] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((Brother Noompsy has forgiven me!))
[09-06:32] 906f1, 'Jen: 'lo Uriana.
[09-06:33] a5e6f, Sunrider: There's a floor Monty! *drops coin.* ... HEY! There's no floor down here!!!!
[09-06:34] f0a86, *Uriana : OOC: Hi, Jen.
[09-06:34] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((I thought you told me to stay on the path!! Yes... but you must know when to break the rules....))
[09-06:34] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((*waves to Uriana* Hello person I dont know...or if I know...dont recognise))
[09-06:35] f0a86, *Uriana : OOC: *waves to James* I don't recognize you, either. *L*
[09-06:35] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((Whoo! I am not alone then!))
[09-06:36] 2ccce, *Mavei: *hurls a silly string gernade at Zhen, then dives behind cover*
[09-06:36] f0a86, *Uriana : OOC: *G*
[09-06:37] a5e6f, Sunrider: *knocks the grenade over to Mavish using the Schwartz*
[09-06:37] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((*tackles Mavei and then force feeds her sugar from a funnel*))
[09-06:37] a5e6f, Sunrider: Only a man who's butt is narrow enough to walk down this hallway shall have the knife, and if mine is such a butt I shall have it.
[09-06:37] 906f1, 'Jen: *randomly* I HATE POP-UP ADS!!
[09-06:38] 3f310, Shanira: *walks in and looks around, her eyes and senses scanning the shadows*
[09-06:38] a5e6f, Sunrider: Ha! I got the knife, now turn on all the damn lights!
[09-06:38] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((*huggles Jen...though she prolly doenst remember who he is*))
[09-06:39] 906f1, 'Jen: *huggled* well I'm not sure...but you seem familiar.
[09-06:39] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((*whispers* I's be Liam-sama))
[09-06:39] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((Liam Kincaid that is))
[09-06:40] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((There aint nothin wrong with my yang))
[09-06:40] 906f1, 'Jen: Liam!! *hugs!*
[09-06:41] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((Hai Hai! Tis me!))
[09-06:41] 2ccce, *Mavei: *is hit by her own grenade, then force feeded sugar* Nooo! *struggles*
[09-06:42] JOIN: Seriktzari has entered.
[09-06:43] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((BWAHAHAHA! *continues to feed Mavish-chan sugar*))
[09-06:43] a5e6f, Seriktzari: *motions for another bloodwine, scratches his feline companion lazily sleeping in the booth, behind the ear*
[09-06:45] JOIN: Shanira has entered.
[09-06:45] 906f1, 'Jen: thats alot of sugar.
[09-06:45] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((Yep))
[09-06:46] 3f310, Shanira: *heads over to the bar*
[09-06:46] a5e6f, Seriktzari: *he looks around, his features closely guarded by a tattered shroud*
[09-06:46] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: *spots Shanira and smirks to himself, readying his daggers further*
[09-06:47] 2ccce, *Mavei: *on a sugar rush* *laughs madly as she starts bouncing rapidly off the cieling and walls and all over the place at dangerously high speeds* Ah hahaahahehehehoo!
[09-06:47] 3f310, Shanira: *frowns, feeling a prickling between her shoulders. Looks around again*
[09-06:48] JOIN: Kael has entered.
[09-06:48] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: *sees her looking around and presses against the wall, attemtping to blend in as well as he can with the shadows*
[09-06:49] 906f1, 'Jen: *could go IC and bug someone*
[09-06:49] 3f310, Shanira: *her eyes pass right over him. But, being no fool, loosens her blaster, saving her pistol for later*
[09-06:50] efaee, *Kael: [slips through the rear entrance, pausing for a long moment to cast a poison-green glance over the place. Her physical wounds have long since healed, though the wounds in her pride are even now still somewhat raw. Fingers tighten around the staff held loosely at her side.]
[09-06:50] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((*drags everyone IC*)) *waits for her to look away and, staying as much in the shadows as he can he attempts to pick his way through the crowd towards her*
[09-06:51] 3f310, Shanira: *lays her blaster in front of her, ordering a scotch*
[09-06:51] f0a86, *Uriana : OOC: *L* Isn't it better to ask nicely instead of dragging?
[09-06:51] 2ccce, *Mavei: *pounces Liam repeatedly until he's too injured to drag her IC*
[09-06:52] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((But I am Liam Kincaid...I can drag anyone....MUAH! *pounced upon repeatedly* *mentally wills Mav to go IC*))
[09-06:53] EXIT: Gavin Lurid has left the chat ( Quit ).
[09-06:53] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: *crouches low watching her intently*
[09-06:53] EXIT: Jen has left the chat ( Quit ).
[09-06:54] a5e6f, Seriktzari: *his eyes float to the woman he perceives to be a warrior of sorts as she carries a weapon*
[09-06:54] JOIN: AekannaSlis has entered.
[09-06:54] 906f1, *AekannaSlis : *still over there against the wall...watching James*
[09-06:54] 3f310, Shanira: *sips her drink, now quite sure she's being watched*
[09-06:55] JOIN: Morbidus has entered.
[09-06:55] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: *presses himself as far against the wall as he can staying very much in the shadows*
[09-06:56] a5e6f, Seriktzari: *pushes his hood back, revealing long midnight blue hair, he raises the shroud on his face only enough to drink the bloodwine*
[09-06:56] efaee, *Kael : [continues in, threading her way between tables and chairs, skirting patrons and heading for a 'secluded' booth. Noting the glance, she casually searches for the source as she moves.]
[09-06:57] 906f1, *AekannaSlis : *one would not notice the moment she moves away from the wall...but only when she breaks into the slight crowd to move to the bar*
[09-06:57] a5e6f, Seriktzari: *there is something strange about him, the way his brow and eyes look... something almost archaic about it*
[09-06:57] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: *glances around the room cautiously*
[09-06:57] 3f310, Shanira: *glances at Slis as she moves towards the bar*
[09-06:58] 3f310, Shanira: (( Archaic? How? ))
[09-06:58] 2ccce, *Mavei: Well, must be off *passes out hugs for those that want them, then hops off*
[09-06:58] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((Spooky Language...))
[09-06:59] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((*gives Mavish a huge crushing bear hug*))
[09-06:59] f0a86, *Uriana : ::strolling through the streets, on her way to visit Tier, if that's OK with Xan... otherwise, will head for the Cantina::
[09-06:59] 906f1, *AekannaSlis : *she orders...and pays for a wine*
[09-07:00] efaee, *Kael : [Brow arches just slightly. Brushes the tassel of braided crimson-and-black hair behind her shoulder as she settles into the booth, keeping the staff close at hand.]
[09-07:00] a5e6f, Seriktzari: ((If you know the character you'd understand, otherwise it's meant to be an enigma))
[09-07:00] 12c65, *Morbidus: *Steps into the Mos Eisley cantina, through the front entrance. The durasteel door slides open with a soft hiss, to reveal an individual wearing a carbon black flight suit. Moves past the droid detector, before stepping down the staircase.*
[09-07:00] 2ccce, *Mavei: *is smooshed* *goeys off with what's left off her*
[09-07:00] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: *his gaze shifts to Slis, and he arches a brow*
[09-07:00] a5e6f, Seriktzari: *his eyes move to her staff, his head tilted back as he downs the bloodwine*
[09-07:00] EXIT: Mavei has left the chat ( Quit ).
[09-07:01] JOIN: Xan Tier has entered.
[09-07:01] 906f1, *AekannaSlis : *her lips curve up slightly into a cruel, comfortable smirk..and she takes a sip of her wine directly as it arrives*
[09-07:01] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: *silently to self* ~This would be a hell of a lot easier with a larger crowd~
[09-07:01] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : *tossing and turning in his sleep, his brow beginning to sweat as he has a vision in his dreams*
[09-07:02] 906f1, *AekannaSlis : ((*mutter*))
[09-07:02] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((*bops Xan for using a pic of Gay-den...err I mean Raiden*))
[09-07:02] 3f310, Shanira: *ponders the effect of being civil to Slis*
[09-07:03] efaee, *Kael : [raises a hand to Wuher, signalling for her usual. He remembers it even after all this time, because he's just that good. Settles back, eyes tracing over the patrons once again.]
[09-07:03] f0a86, *Uriana : ::slips discretely past any number of guards or attendants that might try to stop her from entering the med-center, wending her way toward Tier's room::
[09-07:04] a5e6f, Seriktzari: *the large panther-like beast at his side, stirs awake and it's head pops up, looking around*
[09-07:04] EXIT: Morbidus has left the chat ( Quit ).
[09-07:04] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : *he sits up suddenly in his bed, body covered in a cold sweat*his breathing heavy* Elyanna...
[09-07:05] JOIN: Phoenix Eclipse has entered.
[09-07:06] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: *watches both Slis and Shanira from his position crouched in the shadows*
[09-07:06] f0a86, *Uriana : ::hesitates outside Tier's door when she hears him call out... raises an eyebrow sharply, leaning around the corner to peer cautiously into the room::
[09-07:07] efaee, *Kael : [seems to pay them all the same amount of attention without any shift in her features or emotions, though perhaps her eyes do tighten slightly upon sighting one particular person. Eventually, returns her attention to the bench opposite.]
[09-07:07] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : *turns in his bed, his legs now hanging off the side, he holds a hand up to the side of his head*
[09-07:07] 906f1, *AekannaSlis : *her eyes take a turn about the room...not really noticing anyone...just...taking it in*
[09-07:07] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : *he gets up and moves over to a sink, splashing cold damp... well, air onto his face*
[09-07:07] 906f1, *AekannaSlis : ((*pause* oooh...shit i totally forgot...))
[09-07:08] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: *very slowly moves slipping his daggers back into their sleeves and readying his two crossbows*
[09-07:08] 3f310, Shanira: *shrugs. To Slis* ~Hello.~
[09-07:08] f0a86, *Uriana : ::frowns in concern, slipping silently into the room:: Xan...?
[09-07:09] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : *pats a towel to his face*curiosly, not yet seeing Uriana* yes?
[09-07:10] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: *a soft click eminates from his position as he slowly draws back the strings on the crossbows and he freezes hpoing no one heard*
[09-07:10] f0a86, *Uriana : Are you alright? ::watches him from her place just inside the door, unmoving::
[09-07:10] 906f1, *AekannaSlis : *one hand holds her wine...the other rests just over the whip coiled low upon her hips..tracing a coil...she doesn't look at Shanira...instead focusing on the shadows..* ~took you long enough.~
[09-07:10] efaee, *Kael : [offers the faintest of smiles as her drink is delivered...a glass of roiling black liquid. Drops a cred chit into his palm.]
[09-07:11] 3f310, Shanira: ~To say hello?~ *shifts, resting her hand on her blaster as the prickling between her shoulder blades increases*
[09-07:11] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : *is, inconveinently wearing just a pair of shorts* Oh, uh Uriana. *his cheeks flush* I'm fine... just a dream.
[09-07:11] 12c65, *Phoenix Eclipse : *A soft hiss escapes the front sliding entrance, as an individual dressed in a carbon black military uniform and knee length cape steps inside. His presence in the Force is virtually non-existant, as a Taozin nodule attached to the inside of hi tunic, creates a void in the Force, around him.*
[09-07:12] 906f1, *AekannaSlis : *her lips curl up just the slightest bit more* ~of course.~
[09-07:12] f0a86, *Uriana : ::surreptiously flicks her gaze over him:: About Elyanna?
[09-07:13] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: *watches the two, yet hearing nothing again, a brow arches at this and a second soft click sounds as he removes the safety and again he freezes in place*
[09-07:13] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : Oh, you heard... Yes, about my mother.
[09-07:14] efaee, *Kael : [lifts the glass, taking a small exploratory sip.]
[09-07:14] a5e6f, Seriktzari: *lightly pats the feline creature* Rest Syrix... rest. There is no danger here.
[09-07:14] f0a86, *Uriana : A nightmare? ::gently::
[09-07:15] 3f310, Shanira: ~Would you have missed it that much?~ *looks around,scanning*
[09-07:15] 906f1, *AekannaSlis : No. But then you wouldn't miss me either. Oh but you'd be so bored...*she sips at her wine*
[09-07:15] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : W-.... a vision... *still standing near the sink-like thing*
[09-07:16] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: *mentally curses his clumsiness and presses harder into the shadows*
[09-07:17] f0a86, *Uriana : ::raises an eyebrow:: A vision? A good one or a bad one?
[09-07:17] 3f310, Shanira: ~Bored?~ *sips her drink*
[09-07:17] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : I'm not entirely sure... it was so vague.
[09-07:18] efaee, *Kael : [finding the drink to her satisfaction, methodically drains it. Places the emptied glass back on the table, uttering an almost inaudible sigh.]
[09-07:18] 906f1, *AekannaSlis : *slips a blade from those coils...twisting it...then slips it back..* bored...
[09-07:18] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: *silently slides a bolt into place upon each crossbow*
[09-07:19] a5e6f, Seriktzari: *sets the empty bottle down, his eyes shifted to watching Kael*Syrix, the panther-like beast settles down in the booth once more, almost completely vanishing under the table*
[09-07:19] 906f1, *AekannaSlis : ((*had a nightmare last night but can't remember it*))
[09-07:19] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((*had a nightmare as well and doesnt WANT to remember it*))
[09-07:19] f0a86, *Uriana : Are they normally... vague? ::keeps her voice low, since she is standing near the door::
[09-07:20] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : *almost laughs* You can come in if you want... and it all depends. Sometimes they are, sometimes they aren't.
[09-07:20] 906f1, *AekannaSlis : ((...I just hate waking up with that feeling and not knowing why.))
[09-07:20] 3f310, Shanira: Might not be for long.....
[09-07:21] efaee, *Kael : [studies the glass for a few moments before realizing she's again being watched. Glances up, gaze moving to Seriktzari almost immediately.]
[09-07:22] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: *freezes at Shanira's words*
[09-07:22] f0a86, *Uriana : ::reaches out and taps the control for the door, stepping farther into the room as the door slides shut:: If it's vague, does that mean it's less likely to happen?
[09-07:23] efaee, *Kael : ((*dreamt she was pregnant last night*, to say the least. heh))
[09-07:23] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : Sometimes the more vague the more likely.
[09-07:24] a5e6f, Seriktzari: ((*thinks back to that freaky dream he had* Too weird K))
[09-07:24] f0a86, *Uriana : Oh. Then how do you know?
[09-07:24] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((*is listening to Midi's*))
[09-07:24] f0a86, *Uriana : OOC: I've had dreams where I was pregnant before. I've also had dreams where I've lost the baby.
[09-07:25] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : It's all based on faith. *sounds as though it is the only explanation he's ever had*
[09-07:26] JOIN: AekannaSlis has entered.
[09-07:26] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: *slows down his breath and heart rate as much as he can*
[09-07:26] efaee, *Kael : ((Quite so, J...heheh. Rampant theme.))
[09-07:27] 25494, *AekannaSlis : ((I had a dream i was pregnant...and someone was trying to steal my baby.))
[09-07:27] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: (( I had a dream where a part of my body turned black, fell off and did the can-can))
[09-07:28] f0a86, *Uriana : ::looks confused:: Faith?
[09-07:28] a5e6f, Seriktzari: *makes eye contact with Kael, knowing she sees him, he does not move*
[09-07:28] 25494, *AekannaSlis : *sends a force tendril drifting through the shadows..randomly really...eyes still searching them* Oh...really?
[09-07:29] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: *a tendril happens to glance the very tip of his boot*
[09-07:29] 25494, *AekannaSlis : ((and then other ones where people are trying to kill me.))
[09-07:29] efaee, *Kael : [brows quirk slightly, in an unspoken "What are you looking at?" Though it isn't quite as antagonistic as that...more warily curious.]
[09-07:29] 3f310, Shanira: *nods*
[09-07:30] a5e6f, Seriktzari: *he nods his head, as though to simply reply an unspoken "you" however there is nothing antagonistic about it*
[09-07:30] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((There was this one nightmare I had where everywhere I went...there were clowns...and these were EVIL clowns...I'm talkin Ronald McDonald evil here and...*shudders, falling silent*))
[09-07:30] 25494, *AekannaSlis : *she looks towards the very spot James occupies..taking another slow sip of wine..licking her lips*
[09-07:31] efaee, *Kael : ((Ohh yeah...people try to kill me all the time in my dreams. That's gotta be psychologically bad. *had a particularly vicious nightmare once that was actually a continuation of an RP she'd fininshed before going to sleep*))
[09-07:31] a5e6f, Seriktzari: ((You mean like Killer Klowns from Outer Space?))
[09-07:31] 3f310, Shanira: *smirks slightly* ~See him?~
[09-07:31] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: *happens to be looking directly at Slis when she looks at the spot he is occupying and freezes in place, not breathing, not moving a muscle*
[09-07:31] 25494, *AekannaSlis : (( Seriously...the most common dreams for me are ones where people are trying to kill me. and yeah. I've had those kinds too Nigma.))
[09-07:31] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : A great deal of things in the Force rely on faith.
[09-07:32] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((No....Regular clowns....It's just that I have an intense fear of them))
[09-07:32] efaee, *Kael : [actually, faintly amused by that. Lip curls up in a small smirk.]
[09-07:32] 25494, *AekannaSlis : *simply...mouths... boo *
[09-07:32] 25494, *AekannaSlis : ((clowns suck. and people in costumes with masks disturb me.))
[09-07:32] efaee, *Kael : ((Killer Klowns from Outer Space! That's gotta be the best worst movie I've ever seen. *nodnod@Sis* It was really creepy. heh.))
[09-07:32] f0a86, *Uriana : Oh... That's... not something I would understand.
[09-07:33] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: *face wrinkles up slightly in dissappointment*
[09-07:33] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((I fear two things in this world...Clowns and needles....))
[09-07:34] 25494, *AekannaSlis : ((*quote*)) Come out come out wherever you are....*swirls her wine slightly...*
[09-07:34] 25494, *AekannaSlis : ((god needles are horrid things.))
[09-07:35] 25494, *AekannaSlis : ((outside of a doctors office they don't bother me a bit tho.))
[09-07:35] 25494, *AekannaSlis : ((*wonders if anyone can tell her where that quote came from*))
[09-07:35] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: *remains where he is a moment before slowly retreating away, not ready to admit defeat*
[09-07:35] efaee, *Kael : ((*shudders@needles* They were involved in both that RP and that nightmare, come to think of it.))
[09-07:36] a5e6f, Seriktzari: ((Well, could be QotD but it's been in other movies))
[09-07:36] 3f310, Shanira: *glances at her, taking better hold of her blaster, tensing*
[09-07:36] 25494, *AekannaSlis : Friend of yours? *to Shanira*
[09-07:36] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((Quite a few movies...))
[09-07:36] 25494, *AekannaSlis : ((nope. thats where i was using it from. ))
[09-07:37] a5e6f, Seriktzari: *mirrors the smirk, notes that it should seem sickeningly familiar, yet different and more natural than another such smirk Kael may have seen before*
[09-07:37] a5e6f, Seriktzari: *mirrors the smirk, however due to the shroud on his face it cannot be seen*
[09-07:38] 25494, *AekannaSlis : ((I've had dreams involving the people I know from this chatroom. And they were 100% truthful.))
[09-07:38] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : *smiles a bit* I could teach you.
[09-07:38] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: *mentally* ~Alright in the blue f@#k did you know I was there..?~ *slowly, once he is completely back into the shadows, makes his way around the room, staying crouched and in the shadows*
[09-07:38] efaee, *Kael : [loud enough to carry across the distance to Seriktzari, continuing the unspoken dialog] Dare I ask why?
[09-07:39] 3f310, Shanira: *shakes her head* No
[09-07:39] a5e6f, Seriktzari: *motions with his head for her to come closer, or to join him at the booth, either way could be taken*
[09-07:40] 25494, *AekannaSlis : *doesn't smile now...just watches her wine swirling in the glass..lapping the edges...*
[09-07:40] f0a86, *Uriana : ::tilts her head:: Really? I think I would like that...
[09-07:40] 25494, *AekannaSlis : ((hehe...wench...))
[09-07:41] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((I coulda said worse...but hell...there might be filters in this room))
[09-07:41] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : *simply smiles at her* You ever done something or believed in something just because you felt it was right?
[09-07:42] f0a86, *Uriana : I... ::frowns slightly before she can stop herself:: ...yes.
[09-07:42] 25494, *AekannaSlis : (( No. One of my nicknames is 'wench'. ))
[09-07:42] efaee, *Kael : [curiosity peaked, she slips from the booth, casually taking up the staff. Saunters closer, coming to a halt at the booth divider. Being the cautious sort, certainly doesn't sit. And doesn't ask again...simply waits in silence.]
[09-07:42] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((*sings along with the TV* We are We Are...The Youth of a Nation....We Are We Are....the Youth of a Nation..))
[09-07:42] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : Well then, that's a start. *s*
[09-07:44] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: *from another position in the shadows he kneels, staying very well hidden and levels the sight of his crossbow onto Slis's head*
[09-07:44] a5e6f, Seriktzari: *from her vantage point she'd notice the large mass of furr breathing next to him*motions to her staff* A warrior?
[09-07:44] a5e6f, Seriktzari: *his voice is low and deep, almost sounding as though it were from the crypts*
[09-07:44] 25494, *AekannaSlis : *has by now shifted enough sense the delicate shifts that might indicate an attack...the air currents...the intent..she waits...clearly ready*
[09-07:45] 25494, *AekannaSlis : ((*eyes Seriktzari* well now...))
[09-07:45] f0a86, *Uriana : Whether or not it's a good start remains to be seen... ::murmurs to herself as she moves toward the bed::
[09-07:46] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : Good, bad... being willing to accept the outcome is just another form.
[09-07:46] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: *squeezes the trigger, sending a pair of bolts speeding towards Slis's head and then moves to another location in the shadows*
[09-07:46] a5e6f, Seriktzari: ((what?))
[09-07:46] 25494, *AekannaSlis : ((nothing actually.))
[09-07:47] JOIN: Shanira has entered.
[09-07:47] efaee, *Kael : [gaze flicks to the breathing fur, then returns her gaze to him] Not in the typical sense of the word, I do not think.
[09-07:47] 3f310, Shanira: (( Lag test ))
[09-07:47] f0a86, *Uriana : ::perches on the edge of the bed, watching him:: The end justifies the means, is that it?
[09-07:48] efaee, *Kael : ((eh *strikes second gaze*))
[09-07:48] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : Sometimes.
[09-07:48] 25494, *AekannaSlis : *she shoves drops into a crouch...leaving the bolts to fly overhead and slam into the space behind the bar...tsk'ing as she stands back up again...having not spilled a drop of her wine*
[09-07:49] 3f310, Shanira: *blinks as the bolt comes out after Slis*
[09-07:49] a5e6f, Seriktzari: *glances to the fur* Do not mind Syrix, he is harmless... provided you remain such. In what sense then?
[09-07:50] f0a86, *Uriana : I was taught that the end always justifies the means.
[09-07:51] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : Not if that means is evil or cruel in intentions.
[09-07:51] 25494, *AekannaSlis : ~Chicken Shit~ *smiles cryptic-ly*
[09-07:51] 25494, *AekannaSlis : ((*is in one of those off moods* sorreh.))
[09-07:51] f0a86, *Uriana : Define evil.
[09-07:51] 3f310, Shanira: ~Me?~
[09-07:52] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((Ah so there is no language filter...good)) *mentally* ~Quick lady isnt she?~ *reloads silently*
[09-07:52] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : *almost laughs again* w-well, I suppose something that would cause harm to another.
[09-07:52] a5e6f, Seriktzari: ((*L* m00er))
[09-07:52] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((Err I didnt say lady))
[09-07:53] efaee, *Kael : [rests the butt of the staff against the floor] Warrior to me implies one who fights for a living, perhaps being paid for it. I only fight for survival. [slight pause] And I used to fight for justice.
[09-07:53] a5e6f, Seriktzari: ((yeah, we know, you tried to say lady))
[09-07:53] f0a86, *Uriana : ::forces a smile:: Really?
[09-07:53] 25494, *AekannaSlis : No. Not you. *tapping into that veritable volcano of dark energy she has hiding just beneath the surface...again ready*
[09-07:53] 25494, *AekannaSlis : ((b!tch.))
[09-07:54] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((Yeah..))
[09-07:54] f0a86, *Uriana : OOC: Am not!
[09-07:54] 25494, *AekannaSlis : (( I like m00 actually. Reminds me of the good times. Ronnie would know what I mean.))
[09-07:54] a5e6f, Seriktzari: And now you fight only to survive, without justice? I see. However, one who is skilled in such things, is a warrior.
[09-07:54] 3f310, Shanira: *watches her, studying what she's doing* Ahh
[09-07:54] 25494, *AekannaSlis : ((*chuckles@Uriana*))
[09-07:55] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : As a Jedi, I was raised on the ideal that one should never attack another unless first attacked.
[09-07:56] f0a86, *Uriana : You might frown upon someone who, for example, attacked a random, innocent bystander?
[09-07:56] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: *silently locks in a 10 round clip taking aim again*
[09-07:57] efaee, *Kael : The justice I was seeking has been served...for the most part. [brow creases sharply] And I do not know if I qualify as skilled. Lately I seem to be coming out on the losing end of fights. Though I may plead extenuating circumstances. [slightly dryly, to cover her embarrassment]
[09-07:57] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : *nods* Those are the very people I was trained to protect.
[09-07:58] f0a86, *Uriana : ::leans back:: Are you just going to stand there all night?
[09-07:58] a5e6f, Seriktzari: You speak of the Force. Yes, that would be an unfair advantage now wouldnt it?
[09-07:58] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((Jen do you gots IM?))
[09-07:58] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : Sorry, I'm just a little embarrassed still. *cheeks still pink*
[09-07:59] 25494, *AekannaSlis : ((heh...yeah. MaelynRose.))
[09-07:59] f0a86, *Uriana : Embarrassed, hm? Because of me?
[09-08:00] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : W-well that... and I'm half naked...
[09-08:00] efaee, *Kael : [briefly wonders how he figured that, but lets it ride] I think so...though perhaps I am just seeking excuses.
[09-08:00] 25494, *AekannaSlis : *she settles her glass on the bartop now...her focus shifting and throwing moonlight glancing off of water*
[09-08:01] a5e6f, Seriktzari: Are there other women like you? Fighters?
[09-08:01] f0a86, *Uriana : You haven't got anything I haven't already seen at least twice before, sweetheart. ::smiles::
[09-08:01] 3f310, Shanira: *blinks, but saves her questions for later* Want him for yourself or can I play, too?
[09-08:01] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : *turns a bit red at the "sweetheart"* Yeah... but the lights are on now.
[09-08:03] f0a86, *Uriana : ::shakes her head, laughing lightly:: How true. You might be less embarrassed if you returned to bed. Then you'd have the sheets to cover you.
[09-08:03] efaee, *Kael : [brows shoot up...almost laughs, but not quite] Certainly, there are women who are fighters...many probably better fighters than myself.
[09-08:04] a5e6f, Seriktzari: Extrodinary...*a hint of enthusiasm shows through in his cold tone*
[09-08:04] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: **fires repeatedly as he moves the bolts aimed at Slis's body*
[09-08:05] 25494, *AekannaSlis : *smirks slightly at Shanira's question..but doesn't answer yet*
[09-08:06] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : *clears his throat a bit* true. *picks up a cold cloth and returns to his bed*
[09-08:06] efaee, *Kael : Not really. Those who do not know how to fight, or do not have to fight, are in the minority these days. Being without even basic survival skills in a place like this would be unhealthy. [shrugs]
[09-08:06] 3f310, Shanira: *makes as if to raise her blaster, but does'nt shoot*
[09-08:06] 25494, *AekannaSlis : *tracks the trail the shots take as she avoids each one like a cat jumping fire...her concentration fixed*
[09-08:07] 25494, *AekannaSlis : (( right back))
[09-08:07] a5e6f, Seriktzari: *motions to the ongoing brawl* It would certainly seem that way. *motions to the empty seat* Come, let me get you something.
[09-08:07] f0a86, *Uriana : ::slides off of the bed, letting him get in and comfortable:: I had to sneak in here. I think this place has more security than the Imperial Palace on Coruscant.
[09-08:08] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : *laughs a bit* Wouldn't know, I've never been there. Though I'm sure it would be.
[09-08:08] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : *catches the word "Imperial" in there, however he lets it slide*
[09-08:09] efaee, *Kael : [glances to the fight, noting with faintly amused chagrin Aekanna's abilities.] Indeed. [then, considers the empty seat...sinking carefully into it...almost perched on the edge in quick-getaway style.] No, thank you. I'm fine.
[09-08:10] f0a86, *Uriana : ::returns to the bed once he's settled:: You've never been to Coruscant? I thought you were a Jedi. ::winks::
[09-08:11] a5e6f, Seriktzari: Verywell, *motions for the waitress to take away his empty bottle and replace it with a new one, he places several shards of pure nova onto the table for the waitress as payment, it simply sits there between Se'rik and Kael until the waitress can arrive*
[09-08:12] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : No, I was trained on Yavin under Master Streen.
[09-08:12] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: *curses aloud and then shuts up, drawing his daggers*
[09-08:12] efaee, *Kael : [tilts her head slightly, studying the nova...being quite unfamiliar with it.] What is that?
[09-08:14] f0a86, *Uriana : I was talking to a woman a few nights ago. She mentioned something I found interesting. ::doesn't elaborate, although her words indicate that she has more to say::
[09-08:14] a5e6f, Seriktzari: That? Merely a form of currency... nova crystal.
[09-08:14] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : *smiles a bit* Oh? What was it... if you don't mind my asking?
[09-08:15] 25494, *AekannaSlis : *follows the curses into the shadows pinpointing his location as she finally lands after the last shot...she mentally draws back and looses a rather volatile force punch at his head*
[09-08:16] efaee, *Kael : I've never seen it before. May I? [hand hovers over the nearest shard]
[09-08:16] 3f310, Shanira: *watches, noting*
[09-08:17] f0a86, *Uriana : I was counting on your asking, actually. ::reaches out impulsively, brushing the hair back from his forehead:: Apparently, she was married to a Jedi. She spoke vaguely about something called "Force-pleasure." ::casually:: Ever heard of it?
[09-08:17] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: *moves witht hte force of the punch staggering out of the shadows and into a table* *has short, military shaved brown hair and looks to be a rather small guy being about 5'10 and being rather small framed*
[09-08:17] 25494, *AekannaSlis : ((*hack/cough/wheeze*))
[09-08:18] a5e6f, Seriktzari: *if he were not wearing the shroud she would see his smile* be my guest. *gesturing to it* I'm in no short supply.
[09-08:18] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((*makes an attempt to throw a pillow at Aiyame for picking on him since he's drugged up*))
[09-08:18] 25494, *AekannaSlis : *draws her own daggers...approaching the man quickly and quietly...if there was fire in her eyes it would be casting off sparks by now*
[09-08:18] a5e6f, Seriktzari: *at this, a few of the more seedy patrons who've been eves dropping slightly turn their heads to him*
[09-08:18] 25494, *AekannaSlis : ((*blinks* ))
[09-08:18] f0a86, *Uriana : OOC: Are you OK, Jen?
[09-08:19] 25494, *AekannaSlis : ((*slight smile* yep Uriana. thanks. ))
[09-08:19] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : *simply freezes his lips parting in sort of a small jaw drop, his cheeks burn red*
[09-08:19] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: *lies motionless as Slis approaches, waiting until she is close enough for him to strike and then quickly slashes at her* ((I'm on pain meds for my knee and *points to Shanira* She's pickin on me...))
[09-08:19] 3869a, *Night Stalker : ((*Thinks Jen needs to smoke*))
[09-08:20] efaee, *Kael : Oh...I did not mean to keep. I just meant to see. [slight laugh. Carefully picks up the shard, turning it over in her palm]
[09-08:20] f0a86, *Uriana : ::lowers her hand, looking perfectly innocent:: Hm?
[09-08:20] 25494, *AekannaSlis : ((*grins@NS*))
[09-08:21] 25494, *AekannaSlis : *blocks it with one...directing the slash down to the she's doing that she slashes the opposite direction with the other dagger at his shoulders*
[09-08:22] EXIT: Night Stalker has left the chat ( Quit ).
[09-08:22] a5e6f, Seriktzari: See anything you like in it? *the crystal is a dark jade green, clear as water though, and upon looking at light shinning through it one would be dazzled by the vivid refractions and colors*
[09-08:22] 25494, *AekannaSlis : ((ah fck...*now has a problem*))
[09-08:23] 3f310, Shanira: *sits back down, watching*
[09-08:23] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : I-I'm sorry... what was the question?
[09-08:23] f0a86, *Uriana : OOC: What kind of problem?
[09-08:23] JOIN: Nurse has entered.
[09-08:23] 3869a, Nurse: *There is a soft knock on Xan's room door*
[09-08:23] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: *meets her other dagger with his other one knocking her attack away from his shoulders*
[09-08:23] 25494, *AekannaSlis : ((..oh...nothing..))
[09-08:23] f0a86, *Uriana : I was wondering if you'd ever heard of anything like Force-pleasure. ::frankly::
[09-08:24] 25494, *AekannaSlis : ((*falls over laughing*))
[09-08:24] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : *freezes again at the knock*clears throat and calls out* Yes?
[09-08:25] f0a86, *Uriana : ::grins brightly, slipping off the bed to face the door::
[09-08:25] 3869a, Nurse: *There is a sweet voice outside.* umm..sorry to bother you *the female voice flows through the door* There is a box here for you.
[09-08:25] f0a86, *Uriana : In the middle of the night? ::murmured, mostly to herself::
[09-08:26] efaee, *Kael : The color is lovely... [as one might naturally do with a crystal, lifts it up to the faint light. Blinks, and just stares...tilting it various ways to see the different colors.] It's...really rather stunning.
[09-08:26] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : *tries to think fast* I'm... unable to get up right now. Could you possibly leave it with Niamh?
[09-08:26] 25494, *AekannaSlis : *lets that dagger be knocked away...and moves back just enough to recover...x-slashing at the front of him*
[09-08:27] 25494, *AekannaSlis : ((*L* oh god...))
[09-08:27] 3869a, Nurse: That is not possible..*fear is in her voice* It is important for you to open it tonight...I'm sorry.
[09-08:27] a5e6f, Seriktzari: Perhaps that is why a number of galactic currencies are backed by it *smirks, though once again, it cannot be seen though his tone would reflect it*
[09-08:27] efaee, *Kael : (("I've...fallen, and I can't get up!"))
[09-08:27] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : *look to Uriana, not sure what to do*
[09-08:28] a5e6f, Seriktzari: ((*LOL*))
[09-08:28] efaee, *Kael : [brow arches] I would imagine so. [replaces it gently on the table]
[09-08:29] f0a86, *Uriana : ::raises an eyebrow, then smiles at Tier... strolls toward the door and, standing to one side, keys it open::
[09-08:29] 25494, *AekannaSlis : ((...this is like a bad horror movie..."DON'T OPEN THE DOOR!"))
[09-08:30] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: *only manages to block one of the daggers, getting cut by the other one, a wince and a sharp inhale of pain being the only sound he makes*
[09-08:30] JOIN: Meiko has entered.
[09-08:30] f0a86, *Uriana : OOC: Really. *L*
[09-08:31] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : *watches*
[09-08:31] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : *sensing the fear from the nurse... for some reason wishing he had his lightsaber*
[09-08:31] 25494, *AekannaSlis : *moves away...holding one dagger up higher than the other and slightly out in front of her....ready again*
[09-08:32] f0a86, *Uriana : ::has her's::
[09-08:32] 323e9, Meiko: *enters the tina*
[09-08:32] a5e6f, Seriktzari: *tosses her a shard about the length of a woman's fingernail*
[09-08:32] f0a86, *Uriana : OOC: hers, rather than her's
[09-08:32] 3869a, Nurse: *A blonde nurse stands there wearing a white coverall. She enters rather timidly with a wrapped package in her hands. She looks at Uriana, and then to Xan* I really do apologies for this..but I was informed I better give this to you..*hides the rest of what was said*
[09-08:33] 25494, *AekannaSlis : ((told you not to open the door.))
[09-08:33] f0a86, *Uriana : ::eyes the nurse warily, moving back toward the bed::
[09-08:33] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: *donkey kicks at her kneecaps in an attempt to buy some time to get off of the table*
[09-08:33] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : *eyes the nurse curiously* th-thank you... *wondering silently why she has not commented on Uriana's presence*
[09-08:33] efaee, *Kael : [catches the shard, brow remaining quirked. Warily.] What's this for?
[09-08:33] f0a86, *Uriana : ::winks at Tier, then returns to watching the nurse::
[09-08:34] 3869a, Nurse: *She quickly places the package on the bed, and leaves the room quickly*
[09-08:34] JOIN: Meiko has entered.
[09-08:34] f0a86, *Uriana : Odd.
[09-08:34] 323e9, Meiko: *walks behind the bar *
[09-08:34] efaee, *Kael : ((tick tick tick BOOM!))
[09-08:34] a5e6f, Seriktzari: A gift. You are after all sitting here conversing with me... which is much more than anyone has done in a very long time.
[09-08:35] 25494, *AekannaSlis : *already being away...she moves back more..just enough to avoid the kick...she stays just out of reach*
[09-08:36] 323e9, Meiko: *looks around*
[09-08:36] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : Very... I sensed an unusual amount of fear from her.
[09-08:36] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: *reaches into a pocket and pulls out a silver ball and throws it at the ground, green smoke issuing forth*
[09-08:37] f0a86, *Uriana : ::shifts her gaze to the package, frowning:: So, what do you think's in the box?
[09-08:37] efaee, *Kael : Oh...well...glad to be of service, then. [smiles faintly...wondering for a moment why he experienced such a conversational drought] Thank you. [tucks the shard into one of the pouches on her belt]
[09-08:38] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : *breathes* Only one way to find out... *slowly begins to open it*
[09-08:38] 25494, *AekannaSlis : *she mutters an incantation of sorts...bringing a slight breeze into being to blow the smoke away...her lips curling finally into that 'hungry for blood' expression*
[09-08:38] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: *as the smoke clears from the breerze, he is nowhere to be found*
[09-08:38] 3869a, Nurse: ((*tick tick tick tick*))
[09-08:39] f0a86, *Uriana : ::slaps his hand away:: Don't be silly. ::with a little more heat than she intended::
[09-08:39] 3f310, Shanira: *watches with continued curiousity*
[09-08:39] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : What should we do then?
[09-08:39] f0a86, *Uriana : Um. Watch it?
[09-08:39] 25494, *AekannaSlis : ((pff...sucker.))
[09-08:40] a5e6f, Seriktzari: Tell me more of this planet's inhabitants.
[09-08:40] 3869a, Nurse: ((What is that ninja shit))
[09-08:40] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : I'm not sensing any danger from it.
[09-08:40] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((A diversion...))
[09-08:41] 7d890, Nurse: ((Its Ninja shit, you best get your ass back in there and fight or I'll cut your balls off))
[09-08:42] f0a86, *Uriana : ::shoots him a scathing glare:: It's a box. An inanimate object. How much could you possibly sense from it? ::leans forward to examine the box closely.... she sees...?::
[09-08:42] 25494, *AekannaSlis : *remains on guard...she does so want to fight...*
[09-08:42] 323e9, Meiko: *waits*
[09-08:42] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((Feh....whatever...)) *slips out the back of the cantina, a trail of blood following him*
[09-08:43] 25494, *AekannaSlis : ((*L* the box has malicious intent.))
[09-08:43] 3f310, Shanira: *frowns* He's running?
[09-08:43] efaee, *Kael : They are your typical varied population...scavengers, criminals. Average beings, good beings, bad beings. [slight pause] There seems to be an unusual concentration of people with...talents.
[09-08:43] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((It is not Ninja shit would be the leaves trick...or the poisoned rice balls or even...the darts of doom))
[09-08:43] f0a86, *Uriana : OOC: Attack of the Killer Boxes.
[09-08:43] a5e6f, Seriktzari: *the waitress comes, taking the nova and replacing the bottle, she smiles brightly at Se'rik, almost too brightly for this time of night*
[09-08:44] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((*sounds like Grandpa Simpson* That box is Eeeevvvillll EEEEEEVVVVVIIIIILLLLLL
[09-08:44] 25494, *AekannaSlis : They always run. *she twists the if she could be gutting someone or something*
[09-08:44] 7d890, Nurse: ((*waves around her scaple* I can do it too you silly boy.))
[09-08:44] 7d890, Nurse: ((Alright, I have to knock this shit off))
[09-08:44] a5e6f, Seriktzari: *the cork is already popped for him* You speak of the force once more.
[09-08:44] EXIT: Nurse has left the chat ( Quit ).
[09-08:45] JOIN: NS has entered.
[09-08:45] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((Try it...and you'll have my mate to deal with...she is rather.....territorial))
[09-08:45] 25494, *AekannaSlis : ((*rofl*))
[09-08:46] 323e9, Meiko: ( aww no one in the tina )
[09-08:46] 3f310, Shanira: *sips her drink, almost finishing it* Always?
[09-08:46] 7d890, NS: Your mate is territorial?
[09-08:46] 25494, *AekannaSlis : ((be right back.))
[09-08:46] f0a86, *Uriana : Do you recognise this? ::points to what appears to be a symbol of sorts on the top/side of the box::
[09-08:46] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((she is...she attacked my sister for hugging me....beofre she knew that my sister was my sister))
[09-08:46] efaee, *Kael : Yes, I do. [slips from the seat] I'm sorry...I should be going. Perhaps we will talk again sometime.
[09-08:48] a5e6f, Seriktzari: A pity, I assure you. And it would be interesting to do so once again. Until we meet again.
[09-08:48] 7d890, NS: Well that is just lovely.
[09-08:48] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : *brow furrows* It does look familiar... *tries to recall*
[09-08:49] efaee, *Kael : [inclines her head slightly, accompanying it with a faint smile. Takes up her staff and moves for the door.]
[09-08:49] f0a86, *Uriana : Hm. ::examines the box for several more minutes, looking for any sort of trap, or indication that it's anything more than it should be... finds nothing and sighs:: Well, I suppose it's safe to open it. ::steps back::
[09-08:49] 323e9, Meiko: ( anyone in the tina?)
[09-08:50] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((Yes and no))
[09-08:52] efaee, *Kael : [slips out into the night, and is gone]
[09-08:52] 7d890, NS: And there are people in the m00ing Cantina.
[09-08:52] 323e9, Meiko: ( yes and no? )
[09-08:52] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: m00!
[09-08:52] EXIT: Kael has left the chat ( Quit ).
[09-08:56] 25494, *AekannaSlis : *just for the hell of it...moves after the blood trail...all the while prepared for an attack..senses splayed out like spiderwebs*
[09-08:56] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : *looks over the box* Yes, I know about it *cheeks flushing a bit*
[09-08:58] 25494, *AekannaSlis : ((*randomly* m00 m00 m00 m00 m00 m00 m00.))
[09-08:58] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: ((*picks up his hamster* See battle Boo? Run! Boo! Run!))
[09-08:58] 3f310, Shanira: *follows, to watch, but well out of their way*
[09-09:00] f0a86, *Uriana : ::looks back to Tier, tilting her head:: Know about what?
[09-09:00] fa3bb, James Hildebrandt: *staggers along trying to get as far away as possible*
[09-09:00] 25494, *AekannaSlis : ((*ponders taking a 10 minute break*))
[09-09:01] 25494, *AekannaSlis : *strides along...the way she's moving would remind one of a panther stalking pray into the night...and with the green eyes...catching light like a cats...she looks the part...blades catching the slight light as she creeps up after him*
[09-09:01] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : F---- *starts but finds her can't say it* What you were asking me earlier
[09-09:02] f0a86, *Uriana : ::smiles slightly:: Really? That's good to know.
[09-09:03] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : *smiles, a bit uncomfortably, feeling a bit embarrassed*
[09-09:03] 25494, *AekannaSlis : ((alright thats back in a few! *twitch*))
[09-09:04] f0a86, *Uriana : Perhaps you can... teach... me about that some day, too. ::begins back toward the bed, stopping once she reaches the edge::
[09-09:07] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : W-well... I'm sure I've got enough strenght to.... *smiles a bit again... not finding the right words*
[09-09:09] JOIN: Shanira has entered.
[09-09:10] 3f310, Shanira: *follows Slis at a safe distance, watching..learning*
[09-09:10] f0a86, *Uriana : ::leans against the bed, watching him:: Don't you want to open your gift? ::softly, returning his smile::
[09-09:11] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : *it having completely slipped his mind* gift? *notes the box on his bed* oh. Almost forgot about that.
[09-09:13] f0a86, *Uriana : Well... We could leave it until the morning...
[09-09:13] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : *smiles softly up at her* I suppose we could.
[09-09:15] 25494, *AekannaSlis : ((*back*))
[09-09:15] f0a86, *Uriana : ::leans down and gives him a soft kiss on the cheek.. as she straightens, she catches something out of the corner of her eye and jumps slightly::
[09-09:15] 3f310, Shanira: (( Yay!! ))
[09-09:17] f0a86, *Uriana : OOC: Welcome back, Jen. *S*
[09-09:17] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : What is it?
[09-09:17] 25494, *AekannaSlis : ((god it is so nice outside. *smiles back* thanks Shan', Uriana. heh.))
[09-09:19] f0a86, *Uriana : It's... ::frowns:: Nothing. ::reaches over and snatches the box up:: You know what? I'm just going to move this over here. ::brings the box as far away from the bed as possible, and sets it down::
[09-09:19] 25494, *AekannaSlis : ((*purrrrrrrs*))
[09-09:21] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : *watches her, almost laughing* alright*
[09-09:21] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : ((*kills the last"*"))
[09-09:22] 3f310, Shanira: (( Whose post is it? ))
[09-09:22] 25494, *AekannaSlis : ((heh.))
[09-09:23] f0a86, *Uriana : ::turns to go back to the bed... stops, removing the jacket she just happened to be wearing... tosses it over the box... then returns to the bed, eyeing him::
[09-09:24] 25494, *AekannaSlis : *she sheaths both daggers and moves back towards the cantina...eyes flashing..*
[09-09:25] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : *smiles at her*
[09-09:25] 3f310, Shanira: *moves out of her way, then goes back in as well, to finish her drink*
[09-09:26] 3f310, Shanira: (( *bashes AIM* Damn thing! ))
[09-09:26] 25494, *AekannaSlis : *takes up her wine again...downing the last...the empty glass in hand...begging and pleading for its life...she hurls it across the room into a wall*
[09-09:27] f0a86, *Uriana : ::attempts to return the smile as she moves onto the bed:: Well, that's taken care of. ::hesitates a moment, then climbs over top of him, placing him between herself and the box:: Better.
[09-09:28] 3f310, Shanira: (( brb ))
[09-09:29] 25494, *AekannaSlis : (("can't you...can't you trip like I do..."))
[09-09:33] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : *gulps, almost inaudibly as she climbs over him*
[09-09:34] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : ((sorry, setting alarm for tomorrow AM))
[09-09:35] f0a86, *Uriana : OOC: *G* It's quite alright. I hardly even noticed you were gone. *w*
[09-09:35] JOIN: Shanira has entered.
[09-09:36] 3f310, Shanira: *blinks and just sets her empty glass down on the counter*
[09-09:36] f0a86, *Uriana : ::doesn't seem to notice his discomfort in the face of her own uneasiness:: Is there an easy way to turn off the light, or do I have to get up again?
[09-09:37] 25494, *AekannaSlis : *she stands there...moving to lean agains the bar slightly..the fingers of one hand curled around the edge..gripping it tightly enough to turn her knuckles white*
[09-09:38] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : *smirks in a sly yet innocent kinda way*he picks up a small console by the bed and keys the lights off before setting it back down*
[09-09:38] 25494, *AekannaSlis : ((*randomly dislikes it when people leave AIM without saying anything* makes me feel so unimportant.))
[09-09:39] 3f310, Shanira: (( Did I do that? *glares at AIM, willing it to work again* Don't go down again! ))
[09-09:40] f0a86, *Uriana : ::relaxes a little bit:: What a relief... ::settles down beside him, further comforted by his warmth:: what was that you were saying about strength...? Fade Out OOC: If that's alright?
[09-09:40] 3f310, Shanira: *pays her tab, pondering leaving*
[09-09:42] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : ((*L* No, I think I'd like to show everyone exactly how Force Pleasure works ;) *a funk guitar can be heard coming from nowhere*))
[09-09:43] f0a86, *Uriana : OOC: *L*
[09-09:43] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : ((*hugs* Well, I'd best be off. Night all ;) I'll see everyone again on Monday late night ))
[09-09:44] f0a86, *Uriana : OOC: *hugs back* Goodnight, Xan.
[09-09:44] de46f, NS: ((*randomly appears with a Camera, taping*))
[09-09:44] f0a86, *Uriana : OOC: Hey, I covered the box!
[09-09:45] 3f310, Shanira: (( Jen...I don't think I can get back on... ))
[09-09:45] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : ((Uhm... *whispers to NS* send me a copy...))
[09-09:46] f0a86, *Uriana : OOC: *grumbles*
[09-09:46] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : ((*whispers again* Send Uri one too))
[09-09:47] f0a86, *Uriana : OOC: *L* That's more like it. *G*
[09-09:47] a5e6f, *Xan Tier : ((*g* *hugs those what want em, forces it on the rest* Night everyone, C-ya all later :) )))
[09-09:47] JOIN: AekannaSlis has entered.
[09-09:47] 3f310, Shanira: *stands and heads for the door*
[09-09:48] f0a86, *Uriana : OOC: *accepts another hug* Goodnight, Xan. *S*
[09-09:48] f844b, *AekannaSlis : ((not you, Shan'. heh...))
[09-09:49] EXIT: Xan Tier has left the chat ( Quit ).
[09-09:49] 3f310, Shanira: (( *accepts the hug* Night, Xan ))
[09-09:49] f844b, *AekannaSlis : ((I was teasing NS..but hey..))
[09-09:51] f0a86, *Uriana : OOC: Well, since my character is otherwise occupied, I might as well go to bed too. Goodnight, everyone.
[09-09:51] 3f310, Shanira: (( Night, Uriana ))
[09-09:53] 3f310, Shanira: *leaves*
[09-09:54] 3f310, Shanira: ****Gone****
[09-09:54] EXIT: Uriana has left the chat ( I'll spit on floors, and do more drugs, burn every bill, get drunk on love, wear next to nothing in the pouring rain, be a bad example and do it all again ).
[09-09:57] f844b, *AekannaSlis : ((oh fine...leave me alone. *pout*))
[09-09:58] 3f310, Shanira: I have to go in seven minutes...that's not enough time to do anything, really
[09-09:58] f844b, *AekannaSlis : ((yeah..i know. *was kidding...*))
[09-09:59] 3f310, Shanira: Hehe.....can't always tell, with you
[09-10:00] f844b, *AekannaSlis : *she just leaves....out the door and blending into the night...*
[09-10:00] EXIT: AekannaSlis has left the chat ( switch. ).
[09-10:01] 3f310, Shanira: you realize that tonight's rp has been the first rp in a while that they (mostly Slis) have'nt been hostile towards eachother?
[09-10:01] EXIT: Shanira has left the chat ( Quit ).
[09-10:01] JOIN: Jen has entered.
[09-10:01] f844b, 'Jen: i know..shame on me.
[09-10:02] f844b, 'Jen: *jumps back out*
[09-10:02] EXIT: Jen has left the chat ( Quit ).
[09-13:57] JOIN: Ronica has entered.
[09-14:19] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[09-14:35] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[09-14:57] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[09-19:33] JOIN: KJ has entered.
[09-19:34] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[09-19:46] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[09-20:25] JOIN: †‡Protector‡† has entered.
[09-20:28] JOIN: Gavin Lurid has entered.
[09-21:40] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[09-21:47] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[09-21:58] cc377, *Jeskar Rikati: *waves howdy*
[09-21:59] 2bb54, şV : *noogies Jeskar*
[09-21:59] cc377, *Jeskar Rikati: *noogies V* Hey, mano! How ya been?
[09-22:00] 2bb54, şV : Okay :/
[09-22:02] cc377, *Jeskar Rikati: Ahhh.. *nod* How's the RP going?
[09-22:03] 2bb54, şV : Its going okay.
[09-22:04] cc377, *Jeskar Rikati: Awesome. :) Do you have note on all the stuff that's happened? I'd like to catch up on what's going on one of these days.
[09-22:07] 2bb54, şV : From what point?
[09-22:08] cc377, *Jeskar Rikati: As early back as possible. I was never around enough to know what was going on.
[09-22:08] JOIN: Busarod Durro has entered.
[09-22:09] aa598, *Busarod Durro: Hello. I'm Stoney's friend, the one he kept bugging you to reseth the password for.
[09-22:11] 2bb54, şV : Jeskar - Geeze heh
[09-22:12] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[09-22:12] cc377, *Jeskar Rikati: *whistles innocently*
[09-22:13] aa598, *Busarod Durro: *starts walking around aimlessly, bumping into the odd wall here and there*
[09-22:14] cc377, *Jeskar Rikati: Well, bro, I've gotta run. You can always email it to me (or the address or whatnot), and if you forget I'll just remind ou the next time I see you.
[09-22:14] cc377, *Jeskar Rikati: *noogie* Good talking to you again, man. :)
[09-22:14] EXIT: Jeskar Rikati has left the chat ( Quit ).
[09-22:15] JOIN: Brors Devilla has entered.
[09-22:15] 2dd19, *Brors Devilla : ((evenin all))
[09-22:20] 8dd24, Get a Name!: Evenin, Brors.
[09-22:22] 2dd19, *Brors Devilla : wow...
[09-22:22] 2dd19, *Brors Devilla : someone is here!!!
[09-22:23] aa598, *Busarod Durro: Oh, srry. Evenin'.
[09-22:23] 8dd24, Get a Name!: No I'm not! *shifty eyes*
[09-22:24] aa598, *Busarod Durro: Are any of us really here...I mean...really?
[09-22:24] aa598, *Busarod Durro: *gets filled with philosophical hot air*
[09-22:26] 8dd24, Get a Name!: *snickers*
[09-22:28] aa598, *Busarod Durro: So how are you? (could I be more original when I'm bored?)
[09-22:28] 2dd19, *Brors Devilla : *drinks coffee*
[09-22:30] aa598, *Busarod Durro: *counts the number of unidentified material objects in his so-called drink*
[09-22:31] 2dd19, *Brors Devilla : *throws a napkin at the bin, and misses*
[09-22:32] aa598, *Busarod Durro: *taps the counter with a pencil, adding another mark to the countless miriad of scratches and having to leave a larger tip for it*
[09-22:33] 2bb54, şV : Wy pink text :/
[09-22:33] 2dd19, *Brors Devilla : *Signs his Barstool with a magic Marker*
[09-22:34] aa598, *Busarod Durro: ((*LOL* Is it pink? Looks purple to me.)) *Immortilizes himeslf with an old piece of charcoal on the dusty wall*
[09-22:34] 9cd6d,Ronica : *sneaks up on V*
[09-22:35] 2dd19, *Brors Devilla : ((V, Ronnie is behind you!))
[09-22:35] 8dd24, Get a Name!: *rolls eyes*
[09-22:36] 2dd19, *Brors Devilla : ((sorry....*shuts up*))
[09-22:36] aa598, *Busarod Durro: ((Test...for lack of anything better to do))
[09-22:37] aa598, *Busarod Durro: ((And again))
[09-22:37] aa598, *Busarod Durro: ((And Yet Again))
[09-22:37] 2bb54, şV : *pokes GaN*
[09-22:37] 9cd6d,Ronica : *wedgies V and escapes*
[09-22:38] JOIN: Rokeim Gekla has entered.
[09-22:38] aa598, *Busarod Durro: *watches the scene with slightly less than interested eyes*
[09-22:38] 8dd24, Get a Name!: *poked* ow
[09-22:38] aa598, *Busarod Durro: ((Better?))
[09-22:39] 2bb54, şV : *Cant be wedgied. Spanks Ronnie*
[09-22:40] 8dd24, Get a Name!: *snickers*
[09-22:40] 9cd6d,Ronica : *can't be spanked if V can't be wedgied*
[09-22:40] 2dd19, *Brors Devilla : *smiles* what makes you wedgie-proof then V?
[09-22:42] 2bb54, şV : Just because. I dont think its possible. Thus it isnt. Spanking is quite possible tho
[09-22:42] 9cd6d,Ronica : No double standards. If you can't be wedgied, I can't be spanked. You gotta compromise.
[09-22:43] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[09-22:43] 98920, *Rokeim Gekla: V doesnt wear pants or undies... thats why he cant be wedgied
[09-22:43] aa598, *Busarod Durro: *tries to balance things* I am both wedgie-able and spankable.
[09-22:43] aa598, *Busarod Durro: *crawls back into his corner*
[09-22:44] 2bb54, şV : \o/@Roki
[09-22:44] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[09-22:44] 98920, *Rokeim Gekla: anybody who wants to see some of the shinanigans my class is involved in..go there
[09-22:45] 232aa, Get a Name!: oh god...i didn't want to know that...
[09-22:46] JOIN: Ronica has entered.
[09-22:46] JOIN: President Zahra has entered.
[09-22:47] aa598, *Busarod Durro: ((Interesting...without doubt...))
[09-22:48] 98920, *Rokeim Gekla: and its not even done yet...
[09-22:48] 9110e, *President Zahra : *peers*
[09-22:48] 2dd19, *Brors Devilla : *is spankable...wedgieable...and pokeball*
[09-22:48] 98920, *Rokeim Gekla: *sticks a mirror infront of ria*
[09-22:49] 9110e, *President Zahra : *peers into the mirror, at herself* Eeeep! The horror! Of all the frightning, awful, disgusting... *faints from shock*
[09-22:52] JOIN: Rob has entered.
[09-22:53] 9cd6d,Ronica : *hugs Ria!*
[09-22:53] aa598, *Busarod Durro: *blinks mercilessly*
[09-22:54] 2bb54, şV : *hugs er... Rob then*
[09-22:54] 98920, *Rokeim Gekla: eww
[09-22:54] 69221,Rob : *Hugged**Blink*...and I thought the wink was unexpected.
[09-22:55] 2bb54, şV : *hugs Roki then for getting jealous*
[09-22:55] 9110e, *President Zahra : *awakens, hugs Ronnie, Rob, Roki, and V!*
[09-22:57] 69221,Rob : *Hugs Ria!*
[09-22:57] 69221,Rob : What the frick is SW Combine? 'sounds like a farming vehicle.
[09-22:57] 9cd6d,Ronica : *doesn't hug V. Tried to show her affection through a wedgie, and was shot down* *huffs*
[09-22:58] 98920, *Rokeim Gekla: *condems V*
[09-22:59] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[09-22:59] 2bb54, şV : Affection with a wedgie? pfft
[09-23:00] 9110e, *President Zahra : *read "condems" as something else* *drags mind out of the gutter*
[09-23:00] aa598, *Busarod Durro: Well, someone had to say it...
[09-23:01] 9cd6d,Ronica : Yes! And you regected me!
[09-23:02] 2dd19, *Brors Devilla : *sits and waits for the hugging to come his way*
[09-23:02] 8dd24, Get a Name!: regected?
[09-23:02] 9110e, *President Zahra : *pounce-hugs Alc-y*
[09-23:03] 2bb54, şV : Wedgies arent affectionate
[09-23:04] 9cd6d,Ronica : Sure they are! Nothing says I love you like underwear up your ass.
[09-23:04] aa598, *Busarod Durro: I can think of a few things...
[09-23:06] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[09-23:06] aa598, *Busarod Durro: Kiss, smack, kiss, smack, bang, lawsuit, bad lawyer, bankrupcy...That's how I like ot be loved.
[09-23:06] 232aa, Get a Name!: wedgies are so very not affectionate.
[09-23:06] 8dd24, Get a Name!: lol
[09-23:07] 2bb54, şV : See?!? The GaN agrees with me
[09-23:07] 9cd6d,Ronica : Well mine are.
[09-23:08] 232aa, Get a Name!: Thats because you're strange, Ronnie. :P
[09-23:08] 9cd6d,Ronica : And proud of it.
[09-23:09] aa598, *Busarod Durro: *strokes a cat the wrong way affectionatly*
[09-23:09] 232aa, Get a Name!: so am I. *is very very very happy right now btw*kisses everyone*
[09-23:09] 232aa, Get a Name!: *hugs* and wedgies Ronnie
[09-23:10] 9cd6d,Ronica : Oh, I genuinely can't be wedgied. I'm not about to explain why, either.
[09-23:10] 9110e, *President Zahra : *curls up*
[09-23:11] 232aa, Get a Name!: she wears thongs. she's always got a wedgie.
[09-23:11] 9cd6d,Ronica : *hugs Ria*
[09-23:11] 2bb54, şV : Because your ass is too tight
[09-23:11] 8dd24, Get a Name!: rofl
[09-23:12] 9cd6d,Ronica :! *weakly* *eyes GaN suspiciously* What do you do, live in my dresser?
[09-23:12] 9cd6d,Ronica : You should talk, V. :P If you stuck a piece of coal up yours, you'd have a diamond within the week.
[09-23:12] 232aa, Get a Name!: of course I do. I just hide in your unmentionables so you can't ever see me.
[09-23:12] 8dd24, Get a Name!: Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
[09-23:13] 98920, *Rokeim Gekla: dont tell him such things ronnie.. he may try it
[09-23:13] 9cd6d,Ronica : You bet.
[09-23:13] 9110e, *President Zahra : *hugs Ronnie back*
[09-23:14] 9cd6d,Ronica : I know I should have put my underwear in the small drawer. *snaps*
[09-23:14] 2bb54, şV : Shall we have a competition to see whose arse (corrected spelling) is tighter?
[09-23:15] JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
[09-23:15] 9cd6d,Ronica : How about we don't. You're British, you win by default. *eg*
[09-23:16] 8dd24, Get a Name!: lol
[09-23:16] 232aa, Get a Name!: whose arse is tighter?!!? how the bleedin' hell do you....*doesn't want to know*
[09-23:16] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: I'm not even gonna ask what's going on
[09-23:17] 69221,Rob : .....oi....
[09-23:17] 9110e, *President Zahra : Erm. *drags people IC*
[09-23:18] 2bb54, şV : Damn :( *cant think up a good comeback*
[09-23:19] 232aa, Get a Name!: *tacklehugs Justin* :D
[09-23:19] 9cd6d,Ronica : Aww. *hugs V*
[09-23:19] 69221,Rob : *Totally resents that*
[09-23:20] 232aa, Get a Name!: resents what?
[09-23:20] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *tacklehugged* Er...
[09-23:21] 69221,Rob : Being Brittish atomaticaly make you a tight arse.
[09-23:21] 9110e, *President Zahra : *hugs Justin and resumes being curled up*
[09-23:21] 232aa, Get a Name!: a 'tight' ass is also a way of saying...'yo...that ass is tight...' like they like your ass.
[09-23:21] 8dd24, Get a Name!: You aren't "british" Rob.
[09-23:21] 9cd6d,Ronica : *could totally make a remark about how Rob resenting it is further proof in the remarks favour, but will refrain. For now.*
[09-23:21] 2bb54, şV : *is hugged. Hugs back then*
[09-23:21] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *hugs Ria back*
[09-23:22] 232aa, Get a Name!: and being canadian makes you-*cuts off*
[09-23:22] 69221,Rob : Yes I am, 'born in Britan.
[09-23:23] 8dd24, Get a Name!: I wouldn't call you british. I'd call you scottish. or, if you'd prefer, irish. But not british.
[09-23:23] 232aa, Get a Name!: *was 'Er...'d*eyes Justin*
[09-23:24] 2bb54, şV : Oi....
[09-23:24] 9cd6d,Ronica : But that's Britain. *blinks at GaN*
[09-23:24] 232aa, Get a Name!: *gets a colour*
[09-23:25] aa598, *Busarod Durro: *wakes up* OMG, I had the wierdest dream about a tight arse competition....arrrgg!!!
[09-23:25] 69221,Rob : Britan consists of Wales, England and Scotland, therefore, I am :P
[09-23:25] 232aa, Get a Name!: no...not green...*pats V* you know if people pick on you it means they love ya. ;)
[09-23:25] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *eyed* Would you rather I die instead?
[09-23:25] 8dd24, Get a Name!: So? I'd still make the distinction.
[09-23:26] 9cd6d,Ronica : *yes, just loooooves V*
[09-23:26] 232aa, Get a Name!: Dying bad. hugging Jen back=good.
[09-23:26] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *hugs Jen* Better?
[09-23:26] 9cd6d,Ronica : But calling him a Brit is still correct.
[09-23:27] 2bb54, şV : er. Great Britain is England, Wales and Scotland. Whilst United Kingdom are the rest of the stuff like Ireland, and other islands we control or whatever ... I think
[09-23:27] 232aa, Get a Name!: much...*peers* you ok?
[09-23:27] 2bb54, şV : I always use the UK reference tho
[09-23:28] 232aa, Get a Name!: well you could be a loose ass Rob.
[09-23:28] 69221,Rob : No V, only Northern Ireland is part of the UK.
[09-23:28] 8dd24, Get a Name!: Yes, but calling him a Scot is more correct.
[09-23:28] 2bb54, şV : "Where are you from?" "United Kingdom" <--- would be me
[09-23:28] 232aa, Get a Name!: anyway...I'ma with my new cellphone an' drive me' car. *squeaks*
[09-23:28] 9cd6d,Ronica : No, no... If you're counting Islands, that's the Commonwealth. Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland and England are the UK. Islands and shit thrown in makes up the Commonwealth.
[09-23:29] 2bb54, şV : GaN - Like calling be English. Im English, and thus also British
[09-23:29] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: I'm fine
[09-23:29] EXIT: Get a Name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
[09-23:29] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Bye bye *hugs Jen*
[09-23:30] 2bb54, şV : Ronnie - I never advanced past year 8 on goegraphy so I dont know :P Call me distraught over the loss of the British Empire. ... yeah...
[09-23:30] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Ah, so that's why you hate me, because we crushed you back in 1776.
[09-23:30] 9cd6d,Ronica : I just know about the commonwealth because you have to be part of the British Commonwealth in order to win the Booker Prize, and authors from Canada, India, and stuff have won.
[09-23:31] 9cd6d,Ronica : Oh, for Christ's sake, Justin, don't start.
[09-23:31] 2bb54, şV : Justin - Dont start that again. You never "crushed us". We retreated because of events elsewhere.
[09-23:32] aa598, *Busarod Durro: Were either of you alive in 1776?
[09-23:32] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Sure, sure.
[09-23:32] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Nope
[09-23:32] 2bb54, şV : Justin - Go back to your Americanized History Books then poor soul.
[09-23:32] 9110e, *President Zahra : Can we stop arguing and go IC, pretty please?
[09-23:33] aa598, *Busarod Durro: Oh, alright,,,so you're just mindlessly arguing over something neither of you were alive to care about?
[09-23:33] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: I wasn't arguing over anything
[09-23:34] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[09-23:35] 60426, şForexs: Are we talking about the civil war?
[09-23:36] 9cd6d,Ronica : No we're not! We're so not talking about it! If I have to go through that conversation in here one more time, I will hurt things.
[09-23:36] 60426, şForexs: Actually, the 'Americans' were close on losing the war
[09-23:36] 60426, şForexs: But the archenemy of England (France) decided to help the Americans.
[09-23:37] aa598, *Busarod Durro: Indeed, and wouldn't have stood a chance were it not for the French.
[09-23:37] 2bb54, şV : Curse France
[09-23:37] JOIN: Tej Assati has entered.
[09-23:38] 69221,Rob : Uhhh... Politics, War and religeon should be a no-no in here, generally.
[09-23:38] 60426, şForexs: That wasn't the first time the French beat the english btw :P
[09-23:38] 9cd6d,Ronica : And Star Wars/Star Trek. That ought to be a no-no too.
[09-23:39] 9110e, *President Zahra : If nobody's going IC, I'm gonna go lie down or exercise or sulk or something.
[09-23:39] 60426, şForexs: (But that was our fault really.)
[09-23:39] 2bb54, şV : Fx - Frence are poopoo
[09-23:40] 9cd6d,Ronica : Go IC as who?
[09-23:40] EXIT: Tej Assati has left the chat ( Quit ).
[09-23:40] 60426, şForexs: yep, but nevertheless they successfully invaded you after you had sent your entire army to beat us (Vikings) back in the north. Then they invaded in the south. A cowardish way, but it worked.
[09-23:41] aa598, *Busarod Durro: You're talking about ancient times!
[09-23:41] aa598, *Busarod Durro: (the "!" was a typo)
[09-23:42] 60426, şForexs: Of course I do.
[09-23:42] 2bb54, şV : They still suck. Even today
[09-23:43] 60426, şForexs: yep.
[09-23:43] aa598, *Busarod Durro: That's like comparing the French vs. England to the Germanics vs. Rome.
[09-23:43] 9110e, *President Zahra : As anyone. Everyone. Somebody.
[09-23:43] 2bb54, şV : English >>>> French. No competition
[09-23:44] 69221,Rob : Or Arsenal vs Man hehehehe...
[09-23:44] JOIN: Mazzik has entered.
[09-23:44] 9cd6d,Ronica : Oi. I dunno who to pick. Pick someone for me, and I'll go IC.
[09-23:44] f558f,Mazzik : o....m....f....g
[09-23:45] 9cd6d,Ronica : *peers at Mazz* Er?
[09-23:45] 9110e, *President Zahra : Um. *pats Mazzy* *and meh@Ronnie* *much too tired to think or pick or anything*
[09-23:46] f558f,Mazzik : ....*dies*
[09-23:46] 9cd6d,Ronica : Well, blah, then. I can't pick either.
[09-23:47] 9cd6d,Ronica : Uh oh. *pokes Mazzik's prone body with a stick. Then takes his wallet, watch, and anything else that might be of value.*
[09-23:47] JOIN: Mr. J has entered.
[09-23:47] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Mazzik has nothing of value
[09-23:48] 9110e, *President Zahra : Hmm. *removes a limb, and.. erm.. a certain other appendage from Mazz* *throws them at Ronnie*
[09-23:48] 14688, 'Mr. J: *appears...yay.*
[09-23:48] EXIT: Mazzik has left the chat ( ....why? ).
[09-23:48] 60426, şForexs: Rob, Q.P.R.!
[09-23:49] 9cd6d,Ronica : AHG! *has Mazz bits thrown at her. Dodges* What did I do??
[09-23:50] 69221,Rob : QPR...heh, They'll win the Cup next year. If there's a war.
[09-23:50] 9110e, *President Zahra : You were supposed to catch them and dispose of them.
[09-23:50] 14688, 'Mr. J: *tries to figure out this SWC*
[09-23:51] 9cd6d,Ronica : I don't want to touch disembodied appendages. You do it.
[09-23:52] 60426, şForexs: :P
[09-23:52] 9110e, *President Zahra : Fine, fine. *burns them*
[09-23:52] 2bb54, şV : Only attached ones
[09-23:53] 9cd6d,Ronica : *shoots V a glare*
[09-23:53] 14688, 'Mr. J: *tackles V for the hell of it*
[09-23:53] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *dances around the disembodied appendages, chanting shit*
[09-23:53] 2bb54, şV : Mr J - I tried earlier. Gave up after I read that Piett had become Emperor
[09-23:54] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: SWC?
[09-23:55] 14688, 'Mr. J: *shakes head**searches for SW music videos on the kind people make for DBZ*
[09-23:56] 14688, 'Mr. J: *eats out of his SW potatoe chip bag*
[09-23:56] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: WHAT THE HELL IS SWC?
[09-23:59] JOIN: Mazzik has entered.
[09-23:59] 1b544, şJim: Star wars circus?
[09-23:59] f558f,Mazzik : That was hell.
[09-23:59] f558f,Mazzik : Pure, and unadulterated.
[10-00:00] 9110e, *President Zahra : What's wrong? *much hugging for Mazzy*
[10-00:00] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Deservedly so, I bet
[10-00:00] 2bb54, şV : Mazzik - AIM now.
[10-00:01] f558f,Mazzik : Windows decided it would be a good idea to start a systematic killing of my DLL files.
[10-00:01] aa598, *Busarod Durro: *been standing too long in the fire* Food...*leaves to sstisfy his insatiable appetite*
[10-00:01] 9110e, *President Zahra : Heh. Fun.
[10-00:01] 1b544, şJim: *makes the sound of a cracking whip*
[10-00:03] 14688, 'Mr. J: *pulls out his gun*
[10-00:03] 14688, 'Mr. J: *aims at Justin*
[10-00:03] 9110e, *President Zahra : Whip? Where?
[10-00:03] 14688, 'Mr. J: *pulls the trigger*
[10-00:03] 14688, 'Mr. J: **
[10-00:03] 14688, 'Mr. J: >_>
[10-00:04] 14688, 'Mr. J: <_<
[10-00:04] 14688, 'Mr. J: *runs off screaming*
[10-00:04] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *matrix dodge*
[10-00:05] 14688, 'Mr. J: Matrix Dodge what?! *from way off in the distance* The gun was empty *takes off running again*
[10-00:06] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Oh
[10-00:06] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: But what's SWC?
[10-00:06] 60426, şForexs: SW COMBINE GOD DAMNIT YOU RETARD
[10-00:06] 60426, şForexs: *ahem*
[10-00:06] 14688, 'Mr. J: SW Combine
[10-00:06] 1b544, şJim: swc=so who cares?
[10-00:07] 1b544, şJim: Star Wars Comine? Combine what? harvester?
[10-00:07] 14688, 'Mr. J: *slips Cay some whiskey*
[10-00:08] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: What the hell is Star Wars Combine?
[10-00:09] 14688, 'Mr. J: CLICK THE LINK O_O!!!!
[10-00:09] 14688, 'Mr. J: *rips hair out*
[10-00:10] 1b544, şJim: I'm with justin on this? is it like throwing two star wars character at each other real quick, so they combine into one? Lando Solo? Chew-D2? See three Leia's?
[10-00:10] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Oh
[10-00:10] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Lando Solo would result in the same friggen character
[10-00:10] JOIN: Falcon24 has entered.
[10-00:11] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: SWC looks gay
[10-00:11] eaafd, Falcon24: what
[10-00:12] eaafd, Falcon24: what's this now
[10-00:12] eaafd, Falcon24: oh
[10-00:12] 2bb54, şV : Justin - I stopped reading it when I saw "Emperor Piett"
[10-00:12] 14688, 'Mr. J: *blows SWC up*
[10-00:12] 9110e, *Niamh : *Considers for a moment.* Well, you're healed and all, but what if it's still not safe? I dunno. You can go if you like, I guess.
[10-00:13] eaafd, Falcon24: wtf is that?
[10-00:13] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Piett kicks ass.
[10-00:13] eaafd, Falcon24: for a second i thought SW combine was a new jk2 map
[10-00:13] eaafd, Falcon24: from just the sound of the name
[10-00:13] eaafd, Falcon24: then i looked up and saw a link, bleh
[10-00:14] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Oh, Falco, go to, They released a patch
[10-00:15] 2bb54, *Dalris : Is anything ever safe?
[10-00:15] eaafd, Falcon24: what does it do
[10-00:15] 69221,Rob : What does the upgrade patch do..?
[10-00:16] eaafd, Falcon24: like what does it fix
[10-00:16] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: How the fuk should I know?
[10-00:16] eaafd, Falcon24: lol
[10-00:16] eaafd, Falcon24: the JO page is being lame and not loading, eh
[10-00:16] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: I was at school, not doing in anything in programming cuz of my AP test and just browsed
[10-00:16] eaafd, Falcon24: ok there it is
[10-00:16] 69221,Rob : Well I wouldn't download a patch unless I know what it did. :P thats asking for trouble.
[10-00:17] eaafd, Falcon24: ok i found the info
[10-00:18] 9110e, *Niamh : Some things are more safe than others. And it's always safe here.
[10-00:18] eaafd, Falcon24: * Added a keyboard icon that appears over the player's head when the player is chatting or configuring force powers.
[10-00:18] eaafd, Falcon24: heh
[10-00:19] 9f396, 'Justin Sane:
[10-00:19] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: DAMN YOU FALCO
[10-00:19] eaafd, Falcon24: * Force Heal and Force Drain have been adjusted to require more force energy to use them.
[10-00:19] eaafd, Falcon24: well crap, i'm not downloading that then
[10-00:20] JOIN: Nay has entered.
[10-00:20] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: 4 more duel maps
[10-00:20] eaafd, Falcon24: hmm duel_bespin eh, i wonder if that had pits
[10-00:20] eaafd, Falcon24: brb dinner
[10-00:21] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: "* Lightsaber usage in multiplayer has been modified to work similarly to the way it works in single player levels. This will enable better saber battles up close with your opponent." HOORAY!
[10-00:21] 9110e, *Niamh : ((*beats OOC-ness with a stick*))
[10-00:21] 69221,Rob : Wohoo!!
[10-00:22] 6907b, *Nyevin Maggrig : *dodges the stick*
[10-00:23] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: 6.77mb, so haha Rob
[10-00:23] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *also dodges the stick*
[10-00:23] 2bb54, *Dalris : Since when have I been concerned for such safety....? *Sits up on the bed now*
[10-00:23] eaafd, Falcon24: haha silly dialup users
[10-00:23] 69221,Rob : That'll take about 20 minutes, no big deal.
[10-00:23] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Took me 30 seconds
[10-00:25] 9110e, *Niamh : Since I decided you should be.
[10-00:27] 2bb54, *Dalris : You dont control me... *chuckles slightly at the thought of her being remotely dominative of him*
[10-00:27] 9110e, *Niamh : That's what you think. *Crosses her arms, attempting to appear somewhat intimidating.*
[10-00:28] JOIN: Busarod Durro has entered.
[10-00:28] JOIN: Jaret Snomel has entered.
[10-00:28] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : *needs to fight something..oh yeah..everybody dont forget to watch Episode One on Fox*
[10-00:29] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[10-00:30] 3d2cd, Get a Name!: *beaten* ach!!
[10-00:30] 2bb54, *Dalris : But I'm right *his gaze turns away from her as he pokes the dried blood at the top of his pants (*shudders at using that disgraceful word*) *
[10-00:31] JOIN: Gavin Lurid has entered.
[10-00:31] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : *wants to fight sand people..yes..**out in the desert, wandering around*
[10-00:32] 9110e, *Niamh : You are not. Just for that, I won't let you leave. *Sticks her tongue out, playful.*
[10-00:33] aa598, *Busarod Durro: *looks about, resorts to the fruitful lifestyle of an alcoholic* Drink!
[10-00:33] 2bb54, *Dalris : *Raises an eyebrow, as he stands* Sure, you and whose army?
[10-00:33] 3d2cd, Get a Name!: eheh....Alcohol...
[10-00:36] 9110e, *Niamh : I, and all the other doctors here. *Attempts to look intimidating again.*
[10-00:36] 3d2cd, Get a Name!: so did Ronnie ever get her wedgie straightened out?
[10-00:37] 9110e, *Niamh : ((*hugs Jen*))
[10-00:38] 3d2cd, Get a Name!: *hugs Ria back*
[10-00:38] 2bb54, *Dalris : I doubt their are many doctors around right now... *Walks slowly towards her*
[10-00:39] 9110e, *Niamh : Yeah, well, that doesn't matter. I can be my own army.
[10-00:39] JOIN: President Zahra has entered.
[10-00:40] JOIN: Ronica has entered.
[10-00:40] 3d2cd, Get a Name!: ....ants are vile evil creatures....*squashes one*
[10-00:40] 2bb54, *Dalris : *Pauses in front of her, amused, but brushes past her speaking in a whisper* Sure you can...
[10-00:40] 9110e, *Niamh : ((Ants? Where? *leaps up onto a table, cowering*))
[10-00:41] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : ((*turns into a giant ant, eats Ria*))
[10-00:42] 9110e, *Niamh : You just watch. *Catches his hand, pulling until he turns toward her, then widens her eyes, pouts prettily and stares right into his eyes, all innocent-like. Small voice.* Don't go. ((*eaten* Eeeep! Helphelp! *bangs on the inside of J's stomach*))
[10-00:42] 3d2cd, Get a Name!: *points@this one spot on the floor/wall thing...* i killed them all. *powerful pose*
[10-00:42] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : ((*buuuuuuuuuuuurp**some of Ria's screams escape*))
[10-00:43] EXIT: Jaret Snomel has left the chat ( Quit ).
[10-00:43] JOIN: Mr. J has entered.
[10-00:43] 9cd6d,Ronica : *leaps in, Raid in hand, and attacks J* Leave my friend alone!
[10-00:44] JOIN: Rihani Ambrai has entered.
[10-00:44] 1b544, şJim: huhuhuh, huhuhuhuhuhuh, huhhuh
[10-00:44] 14688, 'Mr. J: *eats Ronnie...yes...Raid just makes him bigger..yes he GODZILLANT*
[10-00:45] 3d2cd, Get a Name!: *eyes Raid* heh..."RAID?!?!" *puff*
[10-00:45] 2bb54, *Dalris : *Frowns lightly* Why not?
[10-00:45] eaafd, Falcon24: mmm cowboy bebop
[10-00:46] eaafd, Falcon24: *watches more DVDs*
[10-00:46] 14688, 'Mr. J: *eats Jen and Falc for speaking*
[10-00:46] 9110e, *Niamh : Because, um, I'm asking you not to? ((*eaten.. dead.. meh*))
[10-00:46] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : ((RAID? Whassat then? Isn't that a kind of software that fools your motherboard into accepting more than one hard drive?))
[10-00:47] 9cd6d,Ronica : *eaten as well* Well, shoot.
[10-00:47] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *Enters the cantina, a small smile on his face as he gestures to the person behind him* Ladies first...
[10-00:47] 2bb54, *Dalris : Why are you asking that...? *Stares right back into her eyes*
[10-00:47] 3d2cd, Get a Name!: *burns Mr.J*muffled* hey...Jim's lost it.
[10-00:48] 9110e, *Niamh : 'Cause I'll worry about you if you leave.
[10-00:48] 14688, 'Mr. J: *eats Rohan.., burps up smoke from fire* ooooo..SPiceh!
[10-00:49] 2bb54, şV : *can ban Mr J*
[10-00:49] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : ((Help! J is eating everyone, includin- *Horrible sounds. his voice comes back up, muffled* -including me!))
[10-00:49] 3d2cd, Get a Name!: bah. *escapes and scrambles to the rafters*
[10-00:50] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : How sweet. *Steps inside, flashing Rihani and bright smile as she passes.*
[10-00:50] 14688, 'Mr. J: *eyes V*...*vomits everybody on V*
[10-00:50] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *Smiles in return, and gestures to a nearby booth* Your usual?
[10-00:50] 2bb54, *Dalris : Tonight? I doubt the Jedi is going to be waiting outside for me. And it'll probably be best for you to just forget about me
[10-00:51] 1b544, şJim: *smacks J upside the head* ...and if V doesn't, I can
[10-00:51] 9110e, *Niamh : Forget about you? *Eyes widen some more.* I couldn't. Not ever.
[10-00:52] 14688, 'Mr. J: WTF...O_o
[10-00:52] 3d2cd, Get a Name!: *like a crowd gathered around a fight, chanting* ban...ban....ban...ban...
[10-00:52] 2bb54, *Dalris : Why not? I'm sure you can meet someone else. Some Jedi or something. *Shrugs slightly*
[10-00:52] 3d2cd, Get a Name!: *bored*
[10-00:52] 6907b, *Nyevin Maggrig : *taps the sign that says "don't feed during the admins' nightly power rush"
[10-00:52] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : ((*Vomited upon V* Er, sorry))
[10-00:52] 14688, 'Mr. J: Banning for eating people?...*snorts* BWAB
[10-00:52] 6907b, *Nyevin Maggrig : *
[10-00:52] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : Sure. *Slides into the seat gracefully, smiling again.*
[10-00:53] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : ((*LOL*))
[10-00:53] 9cd6d,Ronica : Ew... *is vomit*
[10-00:53] 9110e, *Niamh : Jedi are all the same. You're.. you. *Lowers her gaze and her tone.* But, I guess, if you really want to go, I shouldn't stop you.
[10-00:53] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *Nods and heads over to the bar, waiting for Wuher to notice him*
[10-00:55] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *When Wuher comes over he presses a few chits into the man's hand* Two red wines.
[10-00:55] 2bb54, *Dalris : You've seen my past *Sighs slightly, still facing her*
[10-00:55] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : *Meanwhile, pulls out a small makeup case and reapplies lipstick and such.*
[10-00:55] 3d2cd, Get a Name!: *really really bored...plays with ringer/tones*
[10-00:56] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : ((*Pats Jen*))
[10-00:56] 9110e, *Niamh : I have. And it hasn't changed a thing. *Can't quite manage to meet his gaze anymore.*
[10-00:57] 14688, 'Mr. J: *plays with c4, a fuse, and a match*
[10-00:58] 3d2cd, Get a Name!: Fuga,Elise or Orient? *eyes Mr.J*bats him*
[10-00:58] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ((Rawr.))
[10-00:58] 2bb54, *Dalris : It hasn't? *sounds shocked*
[10-00:59] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *Is handed two glasses filled with the dark fiery liquid. He heads over to the booth and puts the two glasses on the table, then sits down next to Stardust, and gestures to her makeup* Didn't you already do that?
[10-00:59] 3d2cd, Get a Name!: and ITS COUPLES NIGHT AT THE CANTINA!!
[10-00:59] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : ((*LOL@Jen*))
[10-00:59] 8dd24, Get a Name!: heh
[10-01:00] 9cd6d,Ronica : *will RP an unattached char, then* Bah.
[10-01:01] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : ((Hi Mazz))
[10-01:01] 14688, 'Mr. J: *snores, props his head up with his arm*
[10-01:01] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : ((*pats Jen*)) *Blinks at Rihani.* I'm a rock star, darling. There's never an inappropriate time to touch up makeup.
[10-01:01] 9110e, *Niamh : That's right. It hasn't.
[10-01:01] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : I'll take your word for it, then *He smiles, and takes a tentative sip of his drink*
[10-01:01] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ((Hey.))
[10-01:02] JOIN: Rob has entered.
[10-01:02] 3d2cd, Get a Name!: oh quit patting me. I'm not a dog.
[10-01:02] 9cd6d,Ronica : *downloads the theme song from Hockey Night in Canada, and kicks herself for never thinking to do this before*
[10-01:02] 14688, 'Mr. J: *drools..yes..all runnin down his arm onto the desk*
[10-01:03] 3d2cd, Get a Name!: *blinks@self* heh...oops.
[10-01:03] 2bb54, *Dalris : But why not? You are a Jedi. Surely it should.*Steps closer to her as he leans forward to grab his blood soaked used-to-be-white shirt*
[10-01:05] JOIN: Busarod Durro has entered.
[10-01:05] 9515d, 'Nay: *can't find that MS paint patch "alien" whatever Rob was talking about O_O
[10-01:06] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : Ahh! Found you!
[10-01:06] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : ((You can't dl it any more, Nay.))
[10-01:06] 84608,Rob : Alien skin for Paint shop pro :P
[10-01:07] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : *has just found those coordinates...and is so very tired*
[10-01:07] 9515d, 'Nay: no? well shit.... I can find everything except one fking MS patch....
[10-01:07] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : ((*un-pats, then*)) *Takes a sip of her own drink, and rests her head against Rihani's shoulder.*
[10-01:07] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : ((But the creators don't let you dl it any more. Unless you can find it on a personal site))#
[10-01:07] 3d2cd, Get a Name!: ..*rae*
[10-01:07] EXIT: Mr. J has left the chat ( Quit ).
[10-01:08] 2bb54, *Agent Korik : I hope your next sentence are the coordinates Dirano or you get a one way trip to the afterlife
[10-01:08] 9515d, 'Nay: >: ) I'll find it
[10-01:08] JOIN: Jaret Snomel has entered.
[10-01:08] 84608,Rob : Well you can't get if for MS pain, it's too basic to use plugins.
[10-01:08] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *Puts his arm around her, smiling* So, how does engagement suit you? *He laughs*
[10-01:08] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : *awaits anything*
[10-01:08] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : ((If you find it Nay - tell us, 'cause it may be an updated version))
[10-01:09] 9515d, 'Nay: heh, it took a whole 20 seconds to find
[10-01:09] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : Well, I dunno. It's kinda odd. *Laughs and pokes his side.* How do you think it suits me?
[10-01:09] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : ((Y'what? How did you find it? And with that search engine?))
[10-01:10] 9515d, 'Nay: there's one for photoshop eye candy too
[10-01:10] NICK: Get a Name! changed nick to Jen.
[10-01:10] 9515d, 'Nay: I used Grokster
[10-01:10] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *Squirms away, ticklish* Well, you're not hitting me any more *He grins* But the engagement is not complete, don't you think?
[10-01:10] 3d2cd, 'Jen: *curls up a lil on the rafter and be's quiet*
[10-01:11] 9110e, *Niamh : Maybe it should. I dunno. It doesn't.
[10-01:11] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : *thusly says the coordinates*
[10-01:11] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : ((Never grokster. Bah, typical. Site address?))
[10-01:11] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : What d'you mean? *Peers at him.*
[10-01:11] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : ((Er, that should read "I've never used Grokster"))
[10-01:11] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[10-01:12] 9515d, 'Nay: it's like Morpheus and LimeWire used to be when they didn't suck
[10-01:12] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *He reaches into his robes and brings out a small box* Open it and see
[10-01:12] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : ((*hasnt shaved since april 6..brb...must get rid of this mini beard*))
[10-01:13] 2bb54, *Agent Korik : Good... I suggest you get some sleep *Flicks the setting, sending a pain induced stun like effect shot at Prefekt before closing his eyes and communicating the coords to Jedan in the cockpit*
[10-01:13] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : ((No, what's the site for the Alien skin?))
[10-01:13] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : *Gently opens the box, and proceeds to gasp, pleased. Speechless for quite a long time.*
[10-01:13] 3d2cd, 'Jen: *randomly amused@Prefekt getting shot so much*
[10-01:13] 9515d, 'Nay: not a site, just a shared file
[10-01:14] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : *welcomes this...not crying out at the pain, just bleeding it off into a reserve of energy...oh, wonderous Dark Side, thou hast so many uses...*
[10-01:14] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *Eyes her, smiling, then rolls his eyes and laughs* The least you can do is react!
[10-01:14] 2bb54, *Dalris : So you stil care for me...? *His voice almost silent as he pauses in leaning to get his shirt*
[10-01:14] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : ((ah))
[10-01:14] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : It's so... wow. I love it. *Beams.*
[10-01:15] 9110e, *Niamh : *Softly.* Of course I do. *Does her best not to stare inappropriately.*
[10-01:15] 2bb54, *Agent Korik : *Upon noticing Prefekt isnt on the floor withering, fires off two more shots into the poor Dark sider*
[10-01:16] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *He eyes her, grinning, then reaches down and takes it out, and gestures for her to give him her hand*
[10-01:17] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : *Extends her hand to him, then, beaming some more.*
[10-01:18] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : *writhes now, probably not of his own accord, as the muscles contract and spasm*
[10-01:19] 2bb54, *Dalris : *Tilts his head towards her again - much closer than before* ....? *not really a sentence, but it gets the idea across*
[10-01:19] 9cd6d,Ronica : *curls up*
[10-01:19] f558f, *Navy-General Coltar : ((*yawns*))
[10-01:19] 2bb54, *Agent Korik : *Chuckles, wonders whether to exceed standard and go into the 'risk zone' as he continues to fire into Dirano*
[10-01:20] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *Places the shimmering ring on her finger, smiling at the reaction in her eyes to the soft tints of light that shine through each facet*
[10-01:21] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : *his back arches violently at this...but is unconscious, and hence, soundless*
[10-01:21] 9110e, *Niamh : ((*hugs Ronnie!*)) *Finally lifts her gaze up off the floor to his face, not lingering too much on the way up.* How could you ever think otherwise? *Soft smile.*
[10-01:22] 8dd24, Get a Name!: tg
[10-01:23] 3d2cd, 'Jen: *chuckles*
[10-01:23] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : *Raises her hand, tilting it this way and that. Is still beaming.* Just.. wow.
[10-01:23] 9cd6d,Ronica : *hugged*
[10-01:24] JOIN: Lady Trinity of Glen has entered.
[10-01:25] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *Kisses her on the cheek, then relaxes his head against hers*
[10-01:25] JOIN: Kjersti Renn has entered.
[10-01:26] 0a0d0, Lady Trinity of Glen: *walks into the cantina, wearing a ruby colored lace gown, and a lace veil covers her young face, dark eyes, and jet black hair*
[10-01:26] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : *Turns her head, kissing him full on the mouth.* Thank you.
[10-01:27] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *Returns the kiss* My pleasure
[10-01:27] 5ccdc, *Gavin Lurid : *Climbs out of Kjersti Renn's landspeeder, in the middle of the Dune Sea. His black, modern Jedi robes blowing in the wind, as he steps away from the speeder.*
[10-01:28] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[10-01:28] 2bb54, *Dalris : I assumed. *Quietly, either not noticing or caring at her appraisal of his body as she looked up*
[10-01:28] 0a0d0, Lady Trinity of Glen: *sits down at an empty table*
[10-01:29] JOIN: Sarn has entered.
[10-01:29] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : *Fixes time so Stardust's already funded the Academy and such.* The new Academy I'm paying for, it'll be near our house. That means you'll be around more often, right?
[10-01:29] 3f348, *Sarn: *appears*
[10-01:29] 9110e, *Niamh : Well, you shouldn't assume things so quickly.
[10-01:30] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *He glances at her, surprised, then laughs* My word on it
[10-01:30] JOIN: Tridan Bleak has entered.
[10-01:30] 726b3, *Kjersti Renn : *hops out of the other side of the speeder, pulling off her tan robe, wearing a white jumpsuit underneath, thinking it's a bit windy for all that clothing* Well, this seems like a good spot, no one to bother us.
[10-01:30] 2bb54, *Dalris : Sorry... *Lowers his head*
[10-01:30] 6907b, *Nyevin Maggrig : Hey, Sarn!
[10-01:31] 3f348, *Sarn: Hello hello *fighting IM*
[10-01:31] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ((w00t@Sarn))
[10-01:31] aa598, *Busarod Durro : *grasps his half-empty shoglass in between two fingers, twiddling it unamusidly* Two nights and nothing...
[10-01:32] 73df0, Tridan Bleak: *Lands his T-wing in a landing bay. After exiting he locks up the ship then heads strait toward the cantina*
[10-01:32] 9cd6d,Ronica : *needs something to do*
[10-01:32] 3d2cd, 'Jen: *just quits bothering and curls up*
[10-01:32] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : Great. *Grins.* But you know, you're much too expensive to keep around. We need to fix that.
[10-01:32] 3d2cd, 'Jen: so do I Ronnie. You go IC and I'll be bored. *pushes her IC*
[10-01:32] 9110e, *Niamh : *Gently.* Don't be. You know now, at least.
[10-01:33] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : *fights tusken raiders...why? because they started it and he is badass*
[10-01:33] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *He eyes her thoughtfully, almost a frown, but his eyes are filled with laughter he can barely contain* You're right. What do you suggest?
[10-01:33] 2bb54, *Dalris : *Softly, almost inaudible* Thank you
[10-01:33] 0a0d0, Lady Trinity of Glen: *throws back her veil, letting her jet black hair fall upon her chest, her dark eyes look around, before she adds another coat of blood red lipstick to her full lips*
[10-01:34] 9110e, *Niamh : *Blinks.* For what?
[10-01:34] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : Um, hmm.. I dunno. You make suggestions first.
[10-01:35] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : *hasent killed one yet tho..a saber spin here, a force push there, slicing apart Gaffi sticks and takin the barrels offa slug throwers*
[10-01:35] 2bb54, *Dalris : For healing me. For caring
[10-01:35] 73df0, Tridan Bleak: *When he reaches the tina, he stops close to the etrance to look around, then heads to a corner table*
[10-01:36] 3d2cd, 'Jen: *considers sneaking up on Jaret*
[10-01:36] 9110e, *Niamh : That's not something I can help. You don't need to thank me for that.
[10-01:36] 84608,Rob : *Ponders icness*
[10-01:37] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : How about I work off the money by pledging to be your bodyguard for as long as I live? Now that's service!
[10-01:37] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : *that would 0wn to be sneaked up so bored*
[10-01:37] aa598, *Busarod Durro : *bored, Busarod downs another rink and remarks on how intricate the starry designs in his eyes are**Noticing Trinity through unfocused eyes, he stumbles up with a slgiht yawn* Good evening...
[10-01:37] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : *force jumps into the air with a back flip, bringing the purple saber blade up fromt he ground slicing through another gaffi stick*
[10-01:38] 3d2cd, 'Jen: *eye*
[10-01:38] 0a0d0, Lady Trinity of Glen: *looks at the man heading for the corner table...*
[10-01:38] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : Bodyguard? Well, I suppose that's alright. But there are plenty of other ways to work off the money. *Sly grin.*
[10-01:39] NICK: Get a Name! changed nick to Discord.
[10-01:39] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *Turns around to face her* Such as..?
[10-01:39] 2bb54, *Dalris : *His ultramarine eyes travel back up her body * So what should I do instead then to repay you?
[10-01:39] aa598, *Busarod Durro : *speaks to what seems to him is the blurred image of Trinity* Quiet dull for a pub, no?
[10-01:40] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : *after a few more force shoves and weapon slicing, the savage sand people realize that they have been spanked..yes..spanked hard..bare bottom spank..with a wooden spoon not no sissyfied belt spank.*
[10-01:40] 73df0, Tridan Bleak: *Sits himself down on the bech at the table. Leans back then looks around once again*
[10-01:41] 9110e, *Niamh : *Considers for a moment.* You can stay here overnight, like I asked you to, so I don't need to worry.
[10-01:41] 0a0d0, Lady Trinity of Glen: *turns* what?
[10-01:41] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : Why don't you think about that? *Grinning still.*
[10-01:42] 73df0, Tridan Bleak: ((he he, sissyfied belt spanked...*Couldn't help tlaughing at that*))
[10-01:42] aa598, *Busarod Durro : *shrugs slightly, remarking with a hazy look in his eye* Too long ago to remember now. I be Busarod.
[10-01:42] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : I would think about it if I knew what you were talking about *He takes another sip of his drink, watching her*
[10-01:43] EXIT: Jen has left the chat ( ).
[10-01:43] 84608,Rob : *Ponders*Where's Ria and Xan staying at now that the Sunrunner home has effectively been ruined?
[10-01:43] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : *once he's sure there gone, he snaps the lightsaber off and reattaches it back to his belt, mutters something then heads toward the remains of his speeder bike*
[10-01:44] 73df0, Tridan Bleak: ((*Frowns at the sound of skipping from his Episode 2 Soundtrack* GAH!!!))
[10-01:44] 0a0d0, Lady Trinity of Glen: I am Trinity... *looks at him with her dark eyes*
[10-01:44] 6907b, *Nyevin Maggrig : a Duros with a brittish accent rofl
[10-01:44] 9110e, *Niamh : ((Um.. at the med center?))
[10-01:44] 84608,Rob : Er, Ria = Niamh,
[10-01:44] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : *Exasperated sigh.* Oh, you Jedi, always with your pure, uncorrupted thoughts.
[10-01:44] JOIN: AekannaSlis has entered.
[10-01:45] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((ya know...i hate switching...))
[10-01:45] 84608,Rob : Ah.. 'kay then, hehe.
[10-01:45] 2bb54, *Dalris : Okay then *softly, a silence in the air afterwards until he disturbs it* Im going to need a new shirt *glances at the blood soaked one*
[10-01:45] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : *begins to pick up peices...a stabalizer fin..peice of the handle bar..engine parts..tusken raiders..such a bother*
[10-01:46] 73df0, Tridan Bleak: *Clears his throat from flem, then sits back up. Ponders to order something*
[10-01:46] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : *leaning...just slightly against one of those huge rocks...or perhaps creeping up from behind him over a sand dune...nevertheless..* aren't they a nuisance?
[10-01:47] aa598, *Busarod Durro : *stares back with unfocused and completely blurred eyes* Aye...aqquaintance is pleasure, or a pleasure to make your aquaintance?? Too much drink to the head. Couldn't remembet tosave my life from a garden slug! *takes a seat, narrily missing it in preferance to the hard floor and a pelvis bruise*
[10-01:48] 0a0d0, Lady Trinity of Glen: (( hey Tridan, ur pic isnt showin up on my screen, what does ur char look like??))
[10-01:48] 9110e, *Niamh : I'll.. um.. go find one for you. *Turns toward the door.*
[10-01:49] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : *arches a brow, turning to where the voice came from* Indeed they are *picks up some more stuff*
[10-01:49] 0a0d0, Lady Trinity of Glen: I think you have had a little to much to drink there laddie*
[10-01:49] aa598, *Busarod Durro : ((*L* We all have our on personality quirks...))
[10-01:50] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : *she continues her approach...hovering over a larger piece of stuff a little ways off* yet there was no slaughter...
[10-01:50] 73df0, Tridan Bleak: ((He looks a little bit like Bruce Campbellith long hair. Though he has blue eyes, long brown hair, and is tall*
[10-01:50] aa598, *Busarod Durro : A little? *chuckles to himself mildly* Indeed, in situations of such mind-numbing boredom one turns one's affections towards the bottle.
[10-01:50] 73df0, Tridan Bleak: ))
[10-01:50] 2bb54, *Dalris : *Grips lightly on her hand pulling back to spin her back around to face him* It can wait until morning if you want...
[10-01:51] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : There was no need for a slaughter *takes a seat on whats left of the main body of the vehicle, now facing Aekanna*
[10-01:51] 84608, *Yun Sunrunner : *He moves briskly through the streets of Mos Eisley, heading for the ruined building that was his home. His hood hides any tell-tale features that might otherwise give his identity away to the layman*
[10-01:51] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((*eyes Rihani's pic* hey..innit that the dude from...))
[10-01:51] 0a0d0, Lady Trinity of Glen: (( kool thanks)) In my way of thinking bordom should not lead to drinking, but to something more useful...
[10-01:52] 73df0, Tridan Bleak: ((NP))
[10-01:52] aa598, *Busarod Durro : If boredom were to lead to anything useful I'd be Ground Marshal by now.
[10-01:52] 8dd24, Discord: *steps into the Cantina, looking around*
[10-01:53] 9110e, *Niamh : *Peers at him.* But won't you be cold? *Has an excuse to glance down at his torso, as though her gaze can judge the degree of cold he feels.*
[10-01:53] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *He blinks once, twice, then laughs* I'm not as uncorrupted as all that. My lusts have several modes of expression. But mostly with long-legged, red haired rock stars *He grins and his lips brush across her hair*
[10-01:53] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : *the slightest grin flickers on her features..her cloak clinging to her like a shadow..she raises a brow* no? why not?
[10-01:53] 0a0d0, Lady Trinity of Glen: *looks away from Busardo, and around the cantina, she spots a tall man in the back*
[10-01:53] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : ((Highlander. Yes.))
[10-01:53] 73df0, Tridan Bleak: *Looks back to the entrance at Discord, then goes back to looking at the bar*
[10-01:54] f558f, *Commander Kain : ((*yawns*))
[10-01:55] 0a0d0, Lady Trinity of Glen: ((color test))
[10-01:55] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : *shrugs, props his leg up, wrapping his hands around his knee and leaning back* It was their territory..they were defending it.
[10-01:55] 8dd24, Discord: You certainly know how to pick 'em, don't you? *mutters, shaking her head*
[10-01:55] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : Oh, good. *Grins.* And I was beginning to worry.
[10-01:56] 0a0d0, Lady Trinity of Glen: dont you have an imagination??
[10-01:56] aa598, *Busarod Durro : *follows her gaze* Indeed...boredom...*with that he begins to stand, leaving Trinity to her own ends...*
[10-01:56] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : So does that apply to human beings too? If i were to say...attack you right now...claiming this was my territory?
[10-01:57] 2bb54, *Dalris : *Shrugs lightly as she studies his torso* Maybe, but there are other ways to keep warm
[10-01:57] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : Well for one *smirks* Attacking me would be a very foolish move. Two, this isnt your territory.
[10-01:57] 9110e, *Niamh : Hmm? *Tilts her head, curious.*
[10-01:58] 0a0d0, Lady Trinity of Glen: *shrugs*
[10-01:58] aa598, *Busarod Durro : ((Being drunk doesnt' do too much for one's creative side))
[10-01:59] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : *mirrors the smirk...perfectly* So then what would you do if I attacked? How would you reason that out?
[10-01:59] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *He laughs again* Haven't you learned yet that you and I never do things the right way around?
[10-01:59] 8dd24, Discord: Huh. *runs a hand through red-streaked black hair, causing even more tangles* What a shit hole. *mutters* I haven't even been here five minutes and I already feel sorry for myself. *moves down the steps*
[10-01:59] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((I dunno Durro. It works on mine.))
[10-01:59] 84608, *Yun Sunrunner : *He sighs heavily as he steps through the rather large hole in the wall, looks up and down the debris littred hallway, then heads for one of the rooms*
[10-01:59] 73df0, Tridan Bleak: *Turns to look at Trinity for a sec, then looks down at his table*
[10-02:00] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : Ill defend my self. *watches her closely* With whatever force I deem necessary
[10-02:00] aa598, *Busarod Durro : ((Well, in any publicly accptable manner, anyway.))
[10-02:01] 0a0d0, Lady Trinity of Glen: *notices Tridan looking at her, she smiles, gets up her courage and goes over to him* hello there...
[10-02:01] 2bb54, *Dalris : *Pulls upon her hand again, with a small grin - more to bring her closer for their bodies to touch*
[10-02:01] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : *allows it to fade slowly..winding her way closer to Jaret's location* And just how much force would that be?
[10-02:02] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : Yeah. Why is that? *Giggle.*
[10-02:02] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((*grin*))
[10-02:02] 2bb54, *Narrator : *And the house topples down ontop of Yun*
[10-02:02] 8dd24, Discord: *steps to the bar, eyeing everything with disdain*
[10-02:02] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : Because we are who we are. *He grins and kisses her on the cheek*
[10-02:02] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((*snicker*))
[10-02:03] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : Like I said. What ever I deem necessary
[10-02:03] 73df0, Tridan Bleak: *Looks up at Trinity, then smiles* Hi.
[10-02:04] 27aa6, şJim: Oh dear
[10-02:04] 9110e, *Niamh : *Wraps her arms around him, using the whole cold excuse to hold him close-ish.* I guess a shirt isn't strictly necessary.
[10-02:04] 6907b, *Nyevin Maggrig : bwarg. *beats OOC-land*die.**IC**
[10-02:04] aa598, *Busarod Durro : (9I believe, Aek, what you refer to is ecstasy))
[10-02:04] 0a0d0, Lady Trinity of Glen: My name is Trinity, and may I know yours? *smiles, and RaE...*
[10-02:05] 84608, *Yun Sunrunner : ((Very Funny :P ))
[10-02:05] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : Well, I wouldn't have it any other way. *Smiles brightly.*
[10-02:06] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : Neither would I. Going against the grain is something to be proud of *Takes another sip of his drink*
[10-02:06] 8dd24, Discord: Oh, yay. A bartender. *flicks her gaze over the patrons, then looks at the waiting bartender* Flameout. *raps black-painted nails on the grungy bartop, waiting*
[10-02:06] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : ((*lol@threepio and r2 on fox* threepio said Fix it you bucket..and I thought he said fix it you f*cker))
[10-02:07] 2bb54, *Dalris : Guess not... plus I figure you might enjoy me more without the shirt on *Grins*
[10-02:07] 73df0, Tridan Bleak: *Smirks, the stands up* Names Tridan. Nice to meet you Trinity.*Guestures to a seat at the table* Care to sit?
[10-02:08] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : *Remembers her own drink, but reaching all the way down to the table requires too much effort. Relieves Rihani of his glass briefly, takes a sip, and hands it back to him.* Thank you.
[10-02:08] JOIN: Rihani Ambrai has entered.
[10-02:08] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((*got distracted*))
[10-02:09] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : ((need a repost?))
[10-02:09] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *Eyes her, grinning* Too much effort, eh?
[10-02:09] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : No vague threats? You're dissappointing...*she pushes her cloak back hand resting on the hilt of a single dagger*
[10-02:09] 0a0d0, Lady Trinity of Glen: *sits down* thank you Tridan...
[10-02:09] 9cd6d,Ronica : *sigh*
[10-02:10] 6907b, *Nyevin Maggrig : **steps in, bluish-black robes carrying a rebellious yet elegant nature to them, tied up with a rope-like material at the waist....just a glimmer of silver shimmers from them-perhaps just a comm or some other small tool, perhaps something more**thin, knobby fingers are clasped behind his back as he moves to the bar, blue breathing mask catching the dim light with a vague shimmer as he nods to Wuher*
[10-02:10] 9110e, *Niamh : *Laughs.* How confident you are about that. But I suppose it's my own fault.
[10-02:10] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : I have no need for threats. if people want to attack me, then let them attack.
[10-02:10] 73df0, Tridan Bleak: *Sits himself back down, looking at Trinity* So.. How are you?
[10-02:10] 84608, *Yun Sunrunner : *He rummages through drawers and closets, stuffing clotheing into a napsack, as well as other items*
[10-02:10] 8dd24, Discord: *fidgets with a credit chip while she waits, taking note of the newest arrivals, as well as watching the other patrons*
[10-02:11] 0a0d0, Lady Trinity of Glen: fairly well...and you??
[10-02:11] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : You know me too well. *Now, too lazy to even remove the glass, simply takes the hand he's holding the glass in, brings it to her lips, and takes a sip of the wine.*
[10-02:11] aa598, *Busarod Durro : *sighs and discoordinatly joins the other patrons at the bar, ordering yet anothrt drink to add to his intoxicated collection of flavors*
[10-02:11] 0a0d0, Lady Trinity of Glen: ((brb))
[10-02:12] 73df0, Tridan Bleak: *shrug* Can't complain myself, Just arrived from Coruscant.
[10-02:12] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *Takes the glass from her and sets it down on the table* Lazy *Grins*
[10-02:12] 73df0, Tridan Bleak: ((ok))
[10-02:13] JOIN: Discord has entered.
[10-02:13] 8dd24, Discord: (( *smacks browser* ))
[10-02:13] 2bb54, *Dalris : Oh.. so now I should just deny you? *Begins to push her lightly away - only the start of a push*
[10-02:13] JOIN: Lady Trinity of Glen has entered.
[10-02:14] 6907b, *Nyevin Maggrig : *Wuher regards him with a stern look, as he doesn't usually drink much for obvious reasons...nevertheless, Nyevin surveys the crowd with a calm, cool gaze through opaque metal goggles*
[10-02:14] 0a0d0, Lady Trinity of Glen: (9back))
[10-02:14] 8dd24, Discord: *tosses the chip to the bartender as her drink arrives* Took you long enough. *picks up the drink, eyes it, and takes a sip*
[10-02:14] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : You're right. *Grins too.* For a devoted, hard-working rock star with so many fans, you'd think I'd have more willpower for things like this.
[10-02:14] 73df0, Tridan Bleak: ((Weme back))
[10-02:14] 73df0, Tridan Bleak: ((*Throws keyboard aross room* Welcome back...))
[10-02:15] 9110e, *Niamh : No, no. I never said that. *Resists the push, pulling him closer to her.* Besides, you'd be cold.
[10-02:15] 0a0d0, Lady Trinity of Glen: (( LOL, thanks))
[10-02:15] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : I'm sure you'll find it somewhere. Must be another preserve of energy hidden under there *He grins and stands* I have something to do. *He kisses her forehead, and one hand caresses her cheek* I'll be back soon
[10-02:16] 27aa6, şJim: Mos Eisley, specifically the Cantina, a meeting place.
[10-02:16] 6907b, *Nyevin Maggrig : ((Dassala: the 24th century, aboard the USS Enterprise-E))
[10-02:16] 8dd24, Discord: *lifts the glass again, peering into its depths... is really watching the reflections of the others in the room* I know who you are. *turns the glass just so*
[10-02:16] 9110e, *Niamh : ((Dassala: Go read the setting. It's mostly on the website. ))
[10-02:16] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : If thats the way you want it...*she flicks that dagger from within the coils of her whip..aims..and throws it at his right leg...pushing it along faster, mentally*
[10-02:17] aa598, *Busarod Durro : *glares accross the bar at the drink which is late in it's arrival as was predicted, and groans at his bill**turns to Discord* Amazing what entertainment you can find at the bottem of a glass, no?
[10-02:17] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : ((brb))
[10-02:17] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : Awww. Where you going? *Pouts.*
[10-02:17] 27aa6, şJim: np
[10-02:17] 2bb54, *Dalris : I might get cold still... heat is generated from friction *trails off, as he looks down at her*
[10-02:18] 0a0d0, Lady Trinity of Glen: you just arrived?? wow
[10-02:18] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *He hesitates* I have to send someone a message. I'll be back very soon, I promise
[10-02:18] 84608, *Yun Sunrunner : *He pulls a blaster holster out, untangles the straps, then fastents it to his belt, tieing one of the straps securely around his thigh, then digs out his rarely used DL-44, and holsters it. He slings the napsack over his shoulder and fastens the sash around his waiste. Takes another slow look arour, then he heads back out the way he came, pulling his hood up*
[10-02:18] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : Well, alright. *Pouts some more.*
[10-02:19] 27aa6, şJim: Dassala... a lil guide to get you started
[10-02:19] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((dear god...))
[10-02:19] 8dd24, Discord: *leans into the bar, holding aloft another credit chip... sets her drink down and snags the shirt of the bartender as he walks by* Got a question for you. *waves the credit chip* If you tell me the right answer, I'll give you this.
[10-02:19] 9110e, *Niamh : Friction? *Peers at him, oh-so-innocent.*
[10-02:19] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *He kisses her on the lips this time* I promise *With a smile down at her, he pulls his hood up and exits the cantina*
[10-02:20] 73df0, Tridan Bleak: It did take a while to get here though.*Thinks back to the trip* Anyway, what brings you here?
[10-02:20] 27aa6, şJim: Hey, i'm one of the admins here, you'll most likely get fed up of me real quick ;)
[10-02:20] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((that explains the sudden arrival of people i've never seen.))
[10-02:21] 27aa6, şJim: For the record, i'm the chain smoking, alcoholic admin
[10-02:21] JOIN: Sarn has entered.
[10-02:21] 9110e, *Niamh : ((Silly Jim-y. *hugs*))
[10-02:21] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((we aren't cross-franchise however. this is supposed to be strictly starwars...just a reminder...))
[10-02:21] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : *Is all alone now. Meh.*
[10-02:22] 8dd24, Discord: *the bartender nods, and she murmurs a question to him... to which he replies with a vague shrug and a shake of his head* You're not helpful. *tosses the credit chip to him anyway* Get out of here.
[10-02:22] 0a0d0, Lady Trinity of Glen: Well,My aunt lives in town,and I came for a suprise visit, but it seems she has dissappeared
[10-02:22] 6907b, *Nyevin Maggrig : ((And Jim is the most sensible admin. :O ))
[10-02:22] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : (( what exactly is chain smoking again?))
[10-02:22] 8dd24, Discord: (( Lighting one cigarette with the remains of the one you just finished. Chain smoking. ))
[10-02:22] 2bb54, *Dalris : *Just stares at her for abit, before responding* Yes.. er.. rubbing and stroking and such...
[10-02:22] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *After a while he reaches the hangar bay, and heads straight for the Reliance. As he nears the ship, a single tap on his wrist-pad, the ramp lowers*
[10-02:23] 9cd6d,Ronica : Chain smoking is when you light your next cigarette with the butt of your previou-- bah... *beaten*
[10-02:23] 27aa6, şJim: what discord said
[10-02:23] 2bb54, şV : The rules havent changed since that page was last modified - a year or so I think.
[10-02:23] 0a0d0, Lady Trinity of Glen: She is a little weird, but..I dont knw it feels wrong somehow...
[10-02:23] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((that makes no sense. ))
[10-02:23] 8dd24, Discord: *turns and leans back against the bar, watching the crowd*
[10-02:23] 27aa6, şJim: if you think thats bad, I used to chain smoke cigars
[10-02:24] 73df0, Tridan Bleak: *Lifts both eyebrows seeming to be stunned* Realy? Well, I'm sorry to hear of this. Seems like your suprise was wasted.
[10-02:24] aa598, *Busarod Durro : *downs another drink half-heartidly**turns to Discord* Good evening to you, though on the entertainment scale it has been anything but to me.
[10-02:24] 8dd24, Discord: (( I don't think at all. It's bad for my health. ))
[10-02:24] 9cd6d,Ronica : Sure it does. *used to chain smoke all through lunch, because she didn't really have any other time to do it*
[10-02:24] 9110e, *Niamh : Oh. *Blushes slightly.* That could work, I guess.
[10-02:24] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : (( nothing makes any sense anymore...why hell back in the old days...*rambles*))
[10-02:24] 27aa6, şJim: Time for a rule change... how about new rule number one... all admins must be given gratuities by chatters
[10-02:24] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *He walks up the ramp and into the ship, heading for the cockpit. When he arrives he taps in a few commands and the ship is running on partial power*
[10-02:25] 84608, *Yun Sunrunner : *After he steps out of the ruined house, he stops for a moment to feel for anyone, or anything nearby. Satisfied, he heads off down the street, returning from where he came*
[10-02:25] 0a0d0, Lady Trinity of Glen: know I am here for no reason really, my father works alot back home, so its like a little vacation*
[10-02:25] 27aa6, şJim: Now Jen, you know the young'uns hate it when we talk about the good ole days ;)
[10-02:25] 6907b, *Nyevin Maggrig : ((V: Don't you have custom rules on book chars and then the no-permission-to-kill rule?))
[10-02:26] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((too bad so sad. DEAL!! the ole days were so much CHEAPER!))
[10-02:26] 6907b, *Nyevin Maggrig : ((Oh wait...thought that was older than SoD. NM then))
[10-02:26] 2bb54, şV : Nyevin - Isnt the book character one up there? And there is no permission to kill rule, thats only faction leaders
[10-02:26] 0a0d0, Lady Trinity of Glen: (( X the * ))
[10-02:26] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *He reaches for the holo-vid, and starts tapping in a few codes*
[10-02:26] 8dd24, Discord: *lifts her flameout and takes a sip*
[10-02:27] 27aa6, şJim: And we all RP'd more, so ppfffttt
[10-02:27] 73df0, Tridan Bleak: *Nods* well, it's nie tohave a vacation... yet, to me, this is not a place to be spending it.*Smirk*
[10-02:27] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((heeey....Discord just lit her own fire.))
[10-02:28] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((Jim doesn't rp anymore. he's retired.))
[10-02:28] 2bb54, *Dalris : It could... *Notices her blush, thus speaking softly to calm her or something*
[10-02:29] 0a0d0, Lady Trinity of Glen: *smiles back*
[10-02:29] 27aa6, şJim: I am not... Garrison Grant and Admiral Finak are currently on the go as my active characters
[10-02:29] JOIN: Falcon24 has entered.
[10-02:29] 60426, şForexs: *rps*
[10-02:29] JOIN: Jen has entered.
[10-02:29] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *he finishes typing in the code and speaks softly* Haley... Haley? Are you there?
[10-02:29] 6907b, *Nyevin Maggrig : ((Right I know...hang on lemme check.))
[10-02:29] eaafd, Falcon24: boing
[10-02:30] 27aa6, şJim: And bear in mind, not a single one of my character has died.... from Arriane to Cofax, they're all still kicking
[10-02:30] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : (( erk...Finak was IC?))
[10-02:30] 9110e, *Niamh : You sure you don't just want a shirt? *Small smile.* Not as.. um.. fun, but less time consuming.
[10-02:30] 244a2, Haley Lorian: ((*stretch*))
[10-02:30] 8dd24, Discord: *eyes the drink* Passable, but... *sets it down and pushes away from the bar* Maybe the next bar will have better luck. *wanders toward the door*
[10-02:30] 73df0, Tridan Bleak: *Notes how late it is* Well, I hope you find your aunt. I must be going. *Gets up* Again, iwas nice to meet you Trinity. *Smile*
[10-02:31] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : ((hehe))
[10-02:31] 27aa6, şJim: Finak = Leader of the Imperial Remnat
[10-02:31] 0a0d0, Lady Trinity of Glen: My father is planning to pick me up in a week!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So i am kinda stuck here...
[10-02:31] 0a0d0, Lady Trinity of Glen: Nice to meet you too, hops to sse you soon!!
[10-02:31] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : (( *mutter*))
[10-02:31] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *He taps some more commands into the computer, then tries again* Haley? It's Rihani... are you there?
[10-02:32] 2bb54, *Dalris : No... I dont. *His hands that were pushing her now begin to lightly wrap around her*
[10-02:32] 6907b, *Nyevin Maggrig : ((Last I remember it was Grand Funk Admiral Shaw aka Steele))
[10-02:32] 8dd24, Discord: *slips out the door*
[10-02:32] EXIT: Discord has left the chat ( I thought I told you to say good-bye? ).
[10-02:33] 84608,Rob : Yeah... whatever happend to Steele?
[10-02:33] 27aa6, şJim: Change of hands Stone, we needed someone here in charge, I picked up the slack and have made some progress with the faction
[10-02:33] 244a2, Haley Lorian: *so there's this little red button blinking frantically..and she finally notices it...bolting to answer..keying it on just as she hits the chair..* This are you?
[10-02:33] 73df0, Tridan Bleak: *Nods, then exits the cantina. GONE*
[10-02:33] 27aa6, şJim: Steele hangs about on AIM but not here
[10-02:33] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((*keeps getting the urge to play 'snake' on her phone*mutter*))
[10-02:33] 6907b, *Nyevin Maggrig : ((Steele rules.))
[10-02:34] 9110e, *Niamh : Well, if you're sure... *Small, shy smile again. Runs her hands very lightly up and down his back.*
[10-02:35] 84608,Rob : Hehehe, Jen = Cell phone proud?
[10-02:35] 0a0d0, Lady Trinity of Glen: *exits also*
[10-02:35] 27aa6, şJim: *prolly has the best mobile/cell phone here
[10-02:36] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : (( cell phone what? *blink* I just steal people's phones and put the high scores on 'em. i gotta fix mine. :) ))
[10-02:36] EXIT: Tridan Bleak has left the chat ( Quit ).
[10-02:36] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *He smiles as he hears the voice* I'm fine. Where are you?
[10-02:36] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((probably Jim. But then you've got 'connections'.))
[10-02:36] JOIN: John Smith has entered.
[10-02:36] NICK: Jim changed nick to Harlan Cofax.
[10-02:36] 84608,Rob : Lemmie gues, the new Siemens with the full colour flip top display?
[10-02:36] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[10-02:37] 244a2, Haley Lorian: *she looks out the if jokingly checking to make sure of her location...before looking back with a slight smile* Bakura. I figured a slight vacation was in line.
[10-02:37] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: (( Yup ))
[10-02:37] bf330, Get a Name!: As opposed to Jim, who hangs out here, but not on AIM. \o/
[10-02:37] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: (( Naw, Samsung MGH-1000 MP3 player/phone))
[10-02:37] 2bb54, *Dalris : *Smiles reassuringly back at her as she rubs his back*
[10-02:37] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((aka Jim the spoiled brat.))
[10-02:37] 3f348, *John Smith : *Walks in through the front entrance, wearing civillian clothes with a blaster on a waist holster..walks down the small stair-case and heads towards the bar*
[10-02:38] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *He arches his brows* Bakura? Would we all be so lucky. *His voice changes* They're building a new Academy. Here, on Tatooine.
[10-02:38] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: ((aka Jim, the bloke who worked for the money to pay for it, and works for everything he owns :-P))
[10-02:38] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: *enters the Cantina, a graceful smile playing on his lips as he looks mildly bemused*
[10-02:39] 244a2, Haley Lorian: *she pulls a leg up...tucking a heel on the edge of the seat..eyeing Rihani* Seriously?
[10-02:39] 2bb54, şV : Jim IS on AIM
[10-02:39] 84608,Rob : I knew it was Samsung or Siemens.
[10-02:39] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : (( I never said who spoiled you. ))
[10-02:39] bf330, Get a Name!: I might actually die of shock if I weren't actually dying from being unable to breathe.
[10-02:39] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: *notes Dassalla's wistful gaze around the 'tina and nods cordially to her*
[10-02:39] aa598, *Busarod Durro : *continues to stare blankly at the wall, his drink loosing its fizz in his hand**gets a sudden moment's inspiration* A lazy blink, a distilled drink, will help to slay the dragon. For in the end, you'll nkow, my friend, boredom is strength's flagon! *chuckles mildly to himself*
[10-02:39] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : *wtf...Jaret can amuse himself some other just lurking about somewhere else*
[10-02:40] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: (( Hey, I live from day to day... and often i'm strapped for cash due to high expenditure come pay day))
[10-02:40] 9110e, *Niamh : *Giggles, semi-nervously.*
[10-02:40] 3f348, *John Smith : *Takes a seat at the bar..eyes gazing around, taking in the faces of the occupants..orders an ale and places the credit chips on the bar to pay for it..*
[10-02:41] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: *gets a drink and wanders over to Dassalla* Hi, haven't seen you here before? New to the planet?
[10-02:41] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : Yes. It's being kept a secret, only a few know. Though it won't stay that way. *He sighs, then stares at her* If you like, I can complete your training, here on Tatooine.
[10-02:41] JOIN: KJ has entered.
[10-02:41] bf330, Get a Name!: I think I'm actually shaking.
[10-02:42] 2bb54, *Dalris : Something wrong?
[10-02:42] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : (( *isn't rich...either...but bah*))
[10-02:42] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: (( :-P Jim RP's occasionally, its in the union rules))
[10-02:42] 2e8ce, *KJ : Ria loves V!
[10-02:43] 9cd6d,Ronica : She what? No! He's mine! MINE!
[10-02:43] 9110e, *Niamh : No, no. Not at all. *Continues rubbing his back.* Warmer?
[10-02:43] 84608,Rob : We have a union? why am I always the last to know these things....
[10-02:43] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: Heh... mind if I sit? *does so anyway* I just thought it'd be nieghbourly to give you some advice on the... uh, wildlife here... some of them are nasty
[10-02:44] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: ((Mods aren't high enuff to qualify for the union))
[10-02:44] 244a2, Haley Lorian: *she seems to relax a little as the rain starts up pounding on the windows...* Thats purely up to you. My holiday was over a week ago...I'm just waiting for something to do.
[10-02:44] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: I'm in the union.
[10-02:44] aa598, *Busarod Durro : *laughs and sets his drink aside in favor of a pen and paper to record the rhyme* Bartender, what sounds better? Death's flaogn or strength's flagon?
[10-02:45] bf330, Get a Name!: Unions are pointless and useless.
[10-02:45] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((*is not union*))
[10-02:45] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: (( The gay union Justin?))
[10-02:45] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((can I kill somebody? please?))
[10-02:45] 84608,Rob : 'Not much of a Union if it's only members are the three Admins, that not a union.. it's a conspiracy :P
[10-02:45] 3f348, *John Smith : *Raises the glass to his mouth..eyes studying the faces in the bar.*
[10-02:46] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : Well, I would like to do this. It would give me something to do, too. Besides, there are so few of us that the more experienced among us should be training.
[10-02:46] 2bb54, *Dalris : *Leans his face closer to hers, whilst rubbing his body slightly up against hers* ...yes.. *his breathe felt upon her lips*
[10-02:46] bf330, Get a Name!: Kill Harlan.
[10-02:46] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : *in the bar...leaning against the wall..yes...thats right...has been there all along...eyeing the people within*
[10-02:46] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: Yeah, well, back when I was fresh faced on planet, I got into some trouble unwittingly. You get all sorts coming to Mos Eisley.
[10-02:46] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((*ponders GaN* can I? really?))
[10-02:46] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: ((Harlan can take care of himself.. even if he is a bookish intellectual character))
[10-02:47] 3f348, *John Smith : *Eyes flick over to Busarod Durro..studies the man for a moment..raising the glass to his mouth again, then setting it down*
[10-02:47] f558f, *Commander Kain : ((Like the time the Diranos beat the living shit out of him.))
[10-02:47] bf330, Get a Name!: Yes. In fact, that's a direct order.
[10-02:47] 9110e, *Niamh : ...Oh, good. *Closes her eyes for a moment, allowing a little dreamy sigh to escape her lips. Awww. Isn't she cute?*
[10-02:47] 244a2, Haley Lorian: *she keys in a few notes of some sort on a dp just out of sight...then smiles slightly* Boredom and Jedi don't mix?
[10-02:47] 84608,Rob : *Is busy laughing at the Saint*
[10-02:48] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: Most definatly, i'm afraid everyone from Bounty hunters to Ne'kressis agents frequent this establishment alone. Tatooine isn't a forgotten dust ball anymore i'm afraid
[10-02:48] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *He smiles* Never have. I thought you'd have learned that now.
[10-02:48] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : ((The Saint? That the one with Roger Moore?))
[10-02:48] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: (( Roger Moore or Ian Ogilvy, Rob? ))
[10-02:48] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: ((Or te Val Kilmer movie?))
[10-02:49] 2bb54, *Dalris : Yes.. good... *closes the gap, his lips embracing hers as he kisses lightly, just testing her response*
[10-02:49] aa598, *Busarod Durro : *bartender shrugs helplessly at him and puts distasnce between the seemnigly insane Duros**Shrugs and writes something down in his notepad, oblivious to his surroundings*
[10-02:49] 84608,Rob : Roger Moore, it's on RTE 1 if you're interested.
[10-02:50] aa598, *Busarod Durro : ((John , Busarod is a Duros, not a man.))
[10-02:50] 84608,Rob : *Blink*Ian who?
[10-02:50] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: ((Dun get RTE :( ))
[10-02:50] bf330, Get a Name!: Jesus
[10-02:50] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : *just for little more reason than to kill boredom...her eyes surf the patrons...narrowing down her 'prey' to a handful...she picks one randomly...and moves its direction*
[10-02:50] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: (( Ian Ogilvy replaced Moore when he went off to do the saint))
[10-02:50] 3f348, *John Smith : ((An insane Duros at that :) ))
[10-02:51] 9110e, *Niamh : *Kisses him back, not quite as lightly. Oh, she'd better know what she's doing. Poor Niamh.*
[10-02:51] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : ((Seen it before))
[10-02:51] 84608,Rob : Ohh the deprivation!
[10-02:51] 84608,Rob : It's a series, twag :P
[10-02:51] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: *L* I'm not afraid... I got used to the place, I just be sure to let all new comers know the dangers... helps me keep a clean conscience.
[10-02:51] aa598, *Busarod Durro : ((It all adds to the flavor))
[10-02:51] 244a2, Haley Lorian: After that last stunt...I couldn't forget. When did you want me to 'report' for my lessons?
[10-02:52] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[10-02:53] eaafd, Falcon24: bah you're not entertaining i'm gonna go watch more dvds.
[10-02:53] EXIT: Falcon24 has left the chat ( Quit ).
[10-02:53] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : As soon as you can. Can you get transport here?
[10-02:53] 3f348, *John Smith : *Gets up, takes his drink and moves to a booth at the rear..sits down at it..getting a better view of the cantina from here..*
[10-02:53] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: The names Cofax, Harlan Cofax *Grins as he extends his hand* And you are?
[10-02:53] 2bb54, *Dalris : *Deepens the kiss in response, is hardly going to resist since he has been without such close contact for several days.*
[10-02:54] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : *she trails one hand to a blade at her waist...palming it...fingers curling around the grip..she takes aim*
[10-02:54] 84608,Rob : Heh, how Bond was that?
[10-02:54] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((that was really damn bond, Rob.))
[10-02:55] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: ((Not very... *blushe's*))
[10-02:55] bf330, Get a Name!: On my hitlist
[10-02:55] 9110e, *Niamh : *Does break the kiss eventually. Is still a bit shy, after all. Smiles gently.*
[10-02:55] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: *shakes her hand firmly* Glad to make your aquaintence Ms. Dassala, if theres anything I can do to help you settle in, be sure to say.
[10-02:56] 3f348, *John Smith : *Raises the glass to his mouth..setting it down..scanning the room again..*
[10-02:56] 244a2, Haley Lorian: *she motions to someone offscreen who moves off to arrange for said transport* Within the hour...In all likelihood I'd arrive within the next day or does that sound?
[10-02:57] 84608,Rob : *LMAO @ The Scottish Maletia stoping around with Thomson Sub-machine guns and kilts*
[10-02:57] 3f348, *John Smith : *Pulls a small datapad out of a pant-leg pocket, types a few things into it..*
[10-02:58] aa598, *Busarod Durro : *starts endlessly scratching away ni his notebook, here and there asknig a poor passer-by a seemnigly insane question, before releasing thep poor soul back into the corwd*
[10-02:58] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : *from beneath her slips..twisting slightly...she lets it fly directly for Cofax and his neck...propelling it slightly with a mental nudge*
[10-02:58] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : That's fine. *He glances at his chrono, bites his lip, then looks back up at her* I have to get going.
[10-02:58] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: *nods* I'm generally good for everyting, but i'll bear that in mind. But I gotta be running to.. be seeing you.*smiles as he stands, smoothing his shirt, the heading doorward*
[10-02:59] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((*cough/hack/wheeze*))
[10-02:59] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: ((hold, on... spidey sense tingling))
[10-02:59] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: *a second early, notices the atttack from Slis, and duck rolls away, his hand slipping into his jacket*
[10-02:59] bf330, Get a Name!: *evil* Meh. *goes off to wherever bad people go when they aren't causing trouble*
[10-02:59] 9cd6d,Ronica : *is wherever the bad people go, too. So bad.*
[10-03:00] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: ((what TV show did I rip off there Rob?))
[10-03:00] 2bb54, *Dalris : *As she breaks the kiss, a slight disappointment leaks through the force to her. Half opens his eyes to look at her quizzicly(new word \o/), as his hands just brush up her sides*
[10-03:00] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: ((*is barred from every bad people bar, for fear he'd take over*))
[10-03:00] 244a2, Haley Lorian: *she curls a finger over the button to disconnect/halt transmission,etc...and looks all too serious for a moment* Go. *then she smiles* have a good night.
[10-03:00] 84608,Rob : Iron man. Duh.
[10-03:00] 3f348, *John Smith : *Eyes dart up from his datapad to Cofax..narrows his eyes seeing what he's doing..*
[10-03:01] 9110e, *Niamh : What's wrong? *Tilts her head, peering at him.*
[10-03:01] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Blargh!
[10-03:02] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : *doesn't even seem to take a breath as another blade slips into her hand...she takes aim...and lets this one fly as well..finally moving so that she's not a sitting duck*
[10-03:02] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *He blinks at her, then cuts off the transmission* See you soon
[10-03:02] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: ((No, The Prisoner... 'Be seeing you'))
[10-03:03] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: ((not the OOC quote the IC one... bwahahahah))
[10-03:03] 2bb54, *Dalris : *Doesnt answer her with speech, just kisses her again passionately*
[10-03:03] 244a2, Haley Lorian: *watches the holo fade to black..then powers the thing off...sitting back and letting a breath loose...* This ought to be interesting.
[10-03:03] 3f348, *John Smith : *As the second attack comes, he traces the source back to Aekanna..*
[10-03:04] 9cd6d,Ronica : And Dalris goes in for the kill!
[10-03:04] 84608,Rob : *L*Firstly, I was joking, and secondly, I've only ever seen two episodes of the Prisioner : /
[10-03:04] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: *brings out a folded staff, snapping it in place before him, just as the blade clangs off it*
[10-03:04] JOIN: Mavei has entered.
[10-03:04] 2e8ce, *KJ :
[10-03:05] aacc2, *Mavei: And Dalris also steals my word :P *uses "quizzically" a lot*
[10-03:05] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: (( Shush Rob, I'm gloating, can't you see this is no time to point the flaws in my victory!?))
[10-03:05] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((thats adorable. *dies*))
[10-03:05] 9cd6d,Ronica : Who does that to their baby?!
[10-03:05] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *He flicks a few switches and the power is off. He heads back through the ship and down the ramp, tapping on the wrist. The ramp closes and he walks off*
[10-03:06] 9110e, *Niamh : *Closes her eyes, kissing back just as passionately. Is not conflicted. No, not at all. Or maybe is just repressing. But oh well.*
[10-03:06] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Vader should kill that kid
[10-03:06] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: That kid looks like a scrotum with ears
[10-03:06] 84608,Rob : *Hums along with Perfect Day*
[10-03:06] aa598, *Busarod Durro : *barely stops to look up sa the sounds of a barfight erupt around him. With a shrugs, he gets back to his pen-scratches*
[10-03:06] 9cd6d,Ronica : *wouldn't dress her baby up in stupid costumes until it could voice its protest with a "fck off, mom!"*
[10-03:06] 2e8ce, *KJ : I would.
[10-03:06] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: and the helmet is crushing the kid's nose
[10-03:06] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : *her lips curl up in an almost amused smirk...and she continues to move..noting Smith also..she twitches a shoulder to roll her cloak hand drifting to the small of her back*hisses*
[10-03:07] 2e8ce, *KJ : I saw someone do that to their dog... they even dyed the dog's fur green.
[10-03:07] bf330, Get a Name!: "Leave him alone, he can take care of himself."
[10-03:07] aacc2, *Mavei: *snickers*
[10-03:07] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((*lol@Ronnie*))
[10-03:07] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Kill that person, KJ
[10-03:08] 9515d, 'Nay: blasphemy against Yoda! *skewers the baby and feeds it to a bantha*
[10-03:08] JOIN: Kiv Brakhav has entered.
[10-03:08] 6856a, Kiv Brakhav: ((Whew.))
[10-03:08] f558f,Mazzik : Mmm...roast beef...
[10-03:08] 244a2, Haley Lorian: *she stands and drifts across what looks to be a rather drab room...over to a huge window..standing with her palms flat on the ledge...smiling slightly* Time to go. *with that...she turns and makes ready to leave*
[10-03:08] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: *hears the hiss* What the matter
[10-03:08] 9515d, 'Nay: tastes like chicken, Mazz
[10-03:08] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: lost the spine to face me?
[10-03:09] 84608,Rob : Good god! it's hideous!
[10-03:09] 2e8ce, *KJ : Nah, he was a hot guy that was dressed up as Luke at the time with a green wife beater...
[10-03:09] 6856a, Kiv Brakhav: ((*Waves around* If you haven't figured, I'm new.))
[10-03:10] 9515d, 'Nay: so much for that alien plug in Rob
[10-03:10] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : *she calmly removes herself from the shadows..witch green eyes not narrowed in the least* Hardly.
[10-03:10] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: (( Kiv = check out ))
[10-03:10] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : ((*Waves to the new guy*))
[10-03:10] 9515d, 'Nay: the dorks that put it in zip so others can grab it were asses and didn't include the friggin registration #
[10-03:11] 84608,Rob : S;matter, Nay?
[10-03:11] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: Christ almight, get back in the shadows lady, now I know why you were hiding with a face like that!
[10-03:11] 2bb54, *Dalris : *Continues the kiss as his travel to places they shouldnt*
[10-03:11] 2e8ce, *KJ :
[10-03:11] 6907b, *Nyevin Maggrig : ((We figured...))
[10-03:11] 84608,Rob : I have it, it's only 35k.
[10-03:11] 9515d, 'Nay: Vader's breaking a $20
[10-03:11] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((*found that entirely too amusing to be an insult*))
[10-03:12] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Christ, you Seattle people should be shot
[10-03:12] bf330, Get a Name!: cuz Aek is gorgeous
[10-03:12] aa598, *Busarod Durro : ((Christ almighty? I wasn't aware that Christiantity spread to Tatooine:)))
[10-03:12] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *Heads home at a light run, eventually reaching the house. He walks up and opens the door, then closes it behind him* Illyona?
[10-03:12] 9110e, *Niamh : *Technically, should mind, but.. um.. doesn't. Has a nice excuse for her own hands to travel as she kisses him.*
[10-03:12] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Yeah, well it idid
[10-03:12] 2e8ce, *KJ :
[10-03:13] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((see now GaN knows what GaN is talking about.))
[10-03:13] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: ((You didn't Busarod? he's a Rodian preacher, very hardline... into guns))
[10-03:13] aacc2, *Mavei: Dang, I gave Niamh the benefit of the doubt saying she'd last a few days, she's only lasting one!
[10-03:13] f558f,Mazzik : Enough links.
[10-03:13] bf330, Get a Name!: GaN does
[10-03:13] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : *Wanders out into the hallway, smiling brightly at Rihani.* Yes, dear?
[10-03:13] f558f,Mazzik : If I want to view the idiocy of Seattle, I will visit.
[10-03:13] aacc2, *Mavei: *blinks, eyeing the italics suspiciously*
[10-03:13] 2e8ce, *KJ : no prob Mazz, that was the last funny one. *S*
[10-03:13] 9515d, 'Nay: in RI.... or even Massachussetts, that trooper would be face down w/ guns aimed at them while cops search the tube on their back
[10-03:13] aacc2, *Mavei: Vadar isn't donating, he's Force pulling money out.
[10-03:14] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: You really shoud all be shot, KJ. All of you seattle idiots
[10-03:14] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : *the expression clears...but she's still amused* I don't think thats an option.
[10-03:14] 9110e, *Niamh : ((Hush, Mav. :p ))
[10-03:14] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : Ah, there you are *He hands his cloak on a nearby hook on the wall*
[10-03:14] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: Oh, sorry, I forgot.. this is the point where I beg for mercy before you destroy me?
[10-03:14] aacc2, *Mavei: Hush? Help help! I'm being repressed! :P
[10-03:14] 6856a, Kiv Brakhav: ((*Waves back.* Sorry for not paying too much attention, gotta adjust properly to the new setting.*))
[10-03:14] aa598, *Busarod Durro : ((Ahh...the classic christian priest traversing the scum pits of Tatooine whilst being into guns...:)))
[10-03:15] aacc2, *Mavei: And now... MY char is the only innocent Healer type! Ah hahaha! I have soul claim on the title once again!
[10-03:15] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *kilsl that Priest*
[10-03:15] aacc2, *Mavei: *strikes a pose*
[10-03:15] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : If you really must...*flatly*
[10-03:16] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: And Mav, who's Vadar?
[10-03:16] aacc2, *Mavei: You know what I meant! Vader! Vader! Slip of the fingers...
[10-03:16] bf330, Get a Name!: Oh, I can't help it. *applauds answer*
[10-03:17] 9cd6d,Ronica : Vadar. He has an accute sense for finding Jedi... They're little blips on his mental map.
[10-03:17] f558f,Mazzik : LOL@Ronnie
[10-03:17] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: Uh, lesse... I'm guessing you some darkside freakshow drama queen.. so... *drips sarcasm* Oh Miss Dark Jedi, please please please don't kill me, i'm to pretty to die, anywhere but the face? Hows that?
[10-03:17] aa598, *Busarod Durro : ((Aek, Cofax, is this a planned RP?))
[10-03:17] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: ((Nah, but I can handle her))
[10-03:17] 2bb54, *Dalris : *Breaks the kiss after awhile, flicking his tongue across her lips before opening his eyes to study her face*
[10-03:17] bf330, Get a Name!: lol
[10-03:18] aa598, *Busarod Durro : ((*shrugs* Just bored...))
[10-03:18] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : (( oh you only wish.))
[10-03:18] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : Here I am. *Makes her way over to Rihani, taking his hand to lead him into the living room.*
[10-03:18] 6856a, Kiv Brakhav: *A lone Ghtroc Freighter breaks the atmosphere above the Tatooine landing fields, a single, deft maneuver by the pilot sets the starship on a landing course with the nearest docking bay. Said controlling occupant directs the tortoise-shaped starship into its snug alcove, downing the landing gears with a single flip of a switch.* Finally, *Breathes he, slowly moving to activate the corresponding switch to vent the engines exhaust coils. What a trip.*
[10-03:19] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: ((Well if you intercede and I slip away, that means I can go to sleep seeing asd I have work in the morning and only came IC so the new girl wouldn't feel left out))
[10-03:19] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : Are you quite sure your villiage isn't missing its idiot?
[10-03:19] 2e8ce, *KJ : Hm. I need to go to the mall and get some costume material...
[10-03:19] aa598, *Busarod Durro : ((*L* I wouldn't last long..))
[10-03:19] 9110e, *Niamh : *When he breaks the kiss, she's smiling.* That was nice.
[10-03:20] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: No, but I no the ugly team is missing its Captain.
[10-03:20] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *Follows her into the room, smiling*
[10-03:20] EXIT: KJ has left the chat ( Quit ).
[10-03:20] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : Then, should probably go back.
[10-03:20] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: ((Don't write yerself off Buz, if I can pull of an IC fight anyone can))
[10-03:21] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: I would say zing, but the the severe case of pot-kettle-black syndrome being experienced today.
[10-03:21] aa598, *Busarod Durro : ((*L* I'll try something...))
[10-03:22] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : *Stretches out on the couch, patting the empty space beside her.* So who'd you send a message to?
[10-03:22] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: ((If your worried about your character dun worry, I can carry on myself... i'm capable of survivng easy))
[10-03:22] aa598, *Busarod Durro : *looks up from his scratches with an annoyed glance* Are you gonig to fight at all or just stand there insulting eachother? I want to record this.
[10-03:22] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : *circles closer finally..hand still on that blade at her back...* Doesn't that just irritate the hell out of you?
[10-03:22] 6856a, Kiv Brakhav: ((Testing.))
[10-03:23] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *Sits down next to her, biting his lip a little* Haley Lorian.
[10-03:23] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ((*yawn*))
[10-03:23] 244a2, Haley Lorian: *seeing as she's got no reason to stay on Bakura any longer..she takes her bag containing all of her belongings..and makes for the transport...*gone*
[10-03:23] 2bb54, *Dalris : It can be nicer... *his breath is slightly faster, and skin noticeably warmer to the touch*
[10-03:23] NICK: Haley Lorian changed nick to Jen.
[10-03:23] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : Who? *Blinks, and curls up against him.*
[10-03:23] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: No, this nasty little rash does... i've nicknamed it Dark Side Wannabe
[10-03:23] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : That student I spoke to you about.
[10-03:24] aa598, *Busarod Durro : It certainly does me! *remarks in a drunken stupor*
[10-03:24] aacc2, *Mavei: *pokes Mazz when he yawns, resisting the urge to yawn as well*
[10-03:24] 6907b, *Nyevin Maggrig : *leans against the bar, observing Aek and the small group with light interest*
[10-03:24] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : You're just scraping the bottom of the insult barrel...*smiles smugly* I never claimed to be a dark side wannabe.
[10-03:24] 9110e, *Niamh : It can? *Wide-eyed-ish. Poor, innocent Niamh.*
[10-03:25] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((*didn't want to laugh at that...but does..laughs alot*))
[10-03:25] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Jesus jIm, you're like, 10 years old on what is considered "edgy"
[10-03:25] 244a2, 'Jen: yeah...they're bringing back old stuff on MTV and VH1..its scary.
[10-03:25] 9515d, 'Nay: that folks is what happens when cousins marry O_O
[10-03:25] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : ((hehe, bungholio... Rob, I want that video back :) ))
[10-03:25] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: Shit, sorry, I thought you dressed so drab and boring cuz you had to, I didn't know it was an actually choice, I have tota sympathy for the fashion unconscious... I mean that knife throwing is sooo pre endor.
[10-03:25] bf330, Get a Name!: Oh knock it off. *smacks everyone*
[10-03:25] 244a2, 'Jen: jim isn't jesus. don't make his ego inflate any more than it already is.
[10-03:26] aacc2, *Mavei: Inoocent Niamh? Not for long : P
[10-03:26] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: ((I just watched a shitload of Beavis and Butthead tapes Justin, sue me :-P))
[10-03:26] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : Go're amusing me...Sound like a jealous teen. *removes her hand from the blade...instead folding them loosely*
[10-03:26] bf330, Get a Name!: I get that a lot at LARP. It pisses me off. *eyes Jim* "The Tremere are cursed with bad fashion sense." meh.
[10-03:27] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((*smacked* ack!))
[10-03:27] 2bb54, *Dalris : *Kisses her quickly, speaking again after it* Yes.. but you might not want too...still... *kisses again, this time nibbling slightly on her bottom lip*
[10-03:27] 9f396, *Corteme : ((*grabs Ronnie and drags her IC with him*
[10-03:27] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : ((*LOL@Mav*))
[10-03:27] 9f396, *Corteme : ((
[10-03:27] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : Oh, right. So you're gonna teach her, after all?
[10-03:27] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: (( And Justin, I dun think you in a position to tell anyone whats cool :) ))
[10-03:27] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *He eyes her* Yes. You don't mind?
[10-03:27] aacc2, *Mavei: *is evil, yes*
[10-03:27] 9f396, *Corteme : ((If you only knew anything about me jIm, if you only knew))
[10-03:28] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: ((*dragged* How rude.))
[10-03:28] 6856a, Kiv Brakhav: *Passing down the landing ramp to his starship comes a lone figure. Sandy robes trail behind him, smoothing over the footprints left upon the sands in his wake. A shrouding hood pulled up to cover all traces of human features upon his person, pulled over his body to shroud a tired body from the heat; the somewhat short figure strides, complacently, towards the streets of the desert world.*
[10-03:28] 9f396, *Corteme : ((Easier than asking you))
[10-03:28] aa598, *Busarod Durro : *abandons all reason in favor of sensless voilence, waving a cheap blaster in the air and cheering*
[10-03:28] JOIN: Jaret Snomel has entered.
[10-03:28] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: Honey, one i'm a bloke, so if I was caught in that get up, the Gender Police would come a callin'... two, if I was a lady, I wouldn't dress like if you paid me... now to buisness... whats your problem... apart from the obvious?))
[10-03:28] aacc2, *Mavei: *twitch* *eyes Ver* How rude? *twitch* That reminds me of JarJar..... *spasm*
[10-03:28] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : ((*grumbles about parents*))
[10-03:29] aacc2, *Mavei: *points at Jaret*
[10-03:29] 9f396, *Corteme : {steps in through the back, finding it easier. He's got the typical datapad and blaster rifle on his hips. Also wearing that bad ass pair of shades, indoors. Yeah.}
[10-03:29] 9110e, *Niamh : *Kisses back, both those times, and when she speaks, doesn't pull away, so her lips move against his. Her voice is slightly muffled due to this, but so what?* I might not want to what?
[10-03:29] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: ((Not very nice, though.)) *for brevity's sake, she's already at the bar*
[10-03:29] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: ((uh yeah Justin, the Uber Geek is a just a clever facade to hide you cooldom.. silly moi))
[10-03:29] 9f396, *Corteme : ((Mav, I repressed those memories of Jar Jar. But he's in Ep. 2...for five minutes.
[10-03:29] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: ((Really? It reminds me of Full House!))
[10-03:29] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : ((*blink*........*blinkblink*]))
[10-03:30] 9515d, 'Nay: Utini
[10-03:30] 6907b, *Nyevin Maggrig : *focuses on Harlan...and, if for nothing more than to practice his mind-manipulating skills he's been trying to improve, he focuses on Harlan's dislike for Aek and tries to make it blossom into hatred*
[10-03:30] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : The obvious being you're a frustrated, frustrated man. Who resorts to insults when he feels threatened. *begins to approach again* bring it...really...I'd love to make you bleed.
[10-03:31] aacc2, *Mavei: I know.... I hope he dies somehow...
[10-03:31] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : *Considers for a moment.* I guess not. *Closes her eyes, really just too tired to argue.*
[10-03:31] 6856a, Kiv Brakhav: ((Sorry, but I don't think is really my type of place. It was a pleasure, but I'll stick with MUSHing.))
[10-03:31] 9f396, *Corteme : {spots Lydia and sits down next to her} Hello again
[10-03:31] bf330, Get a Name!: "Hey uber-tracker. Up here where I can see you."
[10-03:32] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: Feels threatened, that may be the knife based thing you were doing. But i'm afraid Haemophialia ain't my bag? Mind if I take a rain check on that?
[10-03:32] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *He gives her a shrewd look, then leans over and plants a kiss on her cheek*
[10-03:32] bf330, Get a Name!: "I'm sorry I'm late. Work was murder. I brought a fruitcake."
[10-03:32] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: ((pity Kiv, cya round))
[10-03:33] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : Oh no. Of course not. You're going to have to run like a little dog with its tail tucked between its legs if you want out of this.
[10-03:33] bf330, Get a Name!: Willem Defoe>everyone
[10-03:33] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : ((G'bye Kiv *Waves*))
[10-03:33] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : *anyway..guess nix all the other stuff**back in the desert trying to put his swoop back together after fending off several other Tusken attacks*
[10-03:33]       Forexs smacks Rohan around a bit with a large registration form
[10-03:33] 9515d, *Guardian : (hmm)
[10-03:34] 244a2, 'Jen: not my fault you vanished for a damn long time, Jaret. :P
[10-03:34] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: I was thinking maybe you'd get your attack over with, so I can walk away. I'm not turning my back on you.
[10-03:34] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : ((*Smacked around with a large registration form* ouch! What?!))
[10-03:34] 9515d, *Nay-Tei Shen: (w00t)
[10-03:34] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : ((Its ok. *grumbles about Paretns and such*))
[10-03:34] 60426, şForexs: Oh, here is a smart person: "E-Mail: none", yes that really helps us register your character. *deletes*
[10-03:35] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : Why not? Your spine would look so much more fashionable outside.
[10-03:35] 60426, şForexs: You cannot be a elf/human !
[10-03:35] 2bb54, *Dalris : *Presses his body against hers, causing some more 'friction' as he speaks back, not moving away* Might not want to go further....
[10-03:35] 60426, şForexs: You cannot be an elf/human !
[10-03:35] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : *Sits up, kissing him on the lips.* But you won't be gone for long while teaching her, right?
[10-03:35] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : ((Heh! That's not a real character I'm registering! You twit!))
[10-03:35] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: ((*was just registered, actually. HUGS Fx*))
[10-03:35] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *He smiles* I'll be right here.
[10-03:35] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: *looks up from the sketchpad she was drawing in* Oh, hi! Corteme, right?
[10-03:36] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((..I would like to register Haley...but I don't want to fill out the whole form...can I do that?))
[10-03:36] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: Promise's promises? Do you remove appendices free of charge withevery despining... cuz if you do, I'm sold
[10-03:36] 9110e, *Niamh : Oh... You don't want to?
[10-03:36] 9f396, *Corteme : {spots Lydia and sits down next to her} Hello again
[10-03:36] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : ((*and like any self respecting man he has a tool kit! and yes...he is working on that engine..blah blah blah*))
[10-03:36] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : *murderds brackets*
[10-03:36] JOIN: Kitt Oxford has entered.
[10-03:36] 60426, şForexs: uhm, you can try? :P
[10-03:36] aacc2, *Mavei: *peers at IC* Hm...
[10-03:36] bf330, Get a Name!: quit talking and get with the fighting.
[10-03:37] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : *ponders pullin a tooth out*
[10-03:37] 9f396, *Corteme : Yes, Lydia. {looks down at her sketchpad} What are you drawing?
[10-03:37] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : ((*LOL*))
[10-03:37] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: (( Cay has the almighty ADMIN POWER!!!!! Obey him mortals :-P))
[10-03:37] 9515d, *Kenji Dirano : (*wonders when the hell Prefekt's planning to send that "Force beacon"*)
[10-03:37] aa598, *Busarod Durro : *is thoroughly bored with this whole affair* Apparantly boredom is the prefered weapon in this duel.
[10-03:38] 2bb54, *Dalris : *Extremely quickly, with a slight desperation to his voice* Yes, of course I want too.... *his voice turns slightly pleading* please...
[10-03:38] 60426, şForexs: Yes, do what Jim says :P
[10-03:38] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : So, tell me.. *Pokes him lightly.* Is she prettier than I am?
[10-03:38] bf330, Get a Name!: No.
[10-03:38] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: *points across the room, at the passed out drunk slumped against the door* See that poor slob?
[10-03:39] 9f396, *Corteme : ((I never do what jIm says. Why should I listen to a guy that I can crush in Jedi Knight II? Oh, and incase you guys didn't get it, there's a patch out))\
[10-03:39] 9110e, *Niamh : *Well, here's a dilemma. Ponders, ponders.* But wouldn't it be bad? I mean, what with your addiction and all..
[10-03:39] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *He blinks, and again* She's a young girl.
[10-03:39] 9f396, *Corteme : {looks over at the guy, peering above the glasses} Him?
[10-03:39] aacc2, *Mavei: Oh great, Dalris is begging.... yup, Niamh's doomed
[10-03:39] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : Limb from Limb...(fs) *brings one arm slightly back..the other staying out in front..she makes a quick strike at his face, she's quick and practiced...and accurate**
[10-03:39] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : *of any normal guy..all he is good at is takin stuff got himself nowhere really fast*
[10-03:39] 9515d, *Kenji Dirano : he's like a horny puppy.....
[10-03:39] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: (( *high fives Cay* make them tremble before the power of a complete and fully operational Death St... I mean Admin!!!!))
[10-03:40] 60426, şForexs: HEhe
[10-03:40] caa14, Kitt Oxford: ((*chuckles at Mavei*))
[10-03:40] 9515d, *Kenji Dirano : *oys, finishing updating character chain*
[10-03:40] 60426, şForexs: *beat Justin* :P
[10-03:40] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: ((I completed the game today Justin, i'll get the patch tommorrow))
[10-03:40] 9f396, *Corteme : ((jIm, V, Cay, you guys get the new patch or what?))
[10-03:40] 60426, şForexs: Ages ago :P
[10-03:40] 9515d, 'Nay: ... running around humping everyone's leg :-P
[10-03:40] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: Yup, him.
[10-03:40] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: *bats the strike away with the staff* tsk, tsk, you can do better than that
[10-03:40] 9f396, *Corteme : ((You beat me cuz I left like an hour before you finished. I would have crushed you Cay. And get the new patch, IT FIXES LIGHTSABER COLLSION DETECTION!!!))
[10-03:41] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((*rofl*))
[10-03:41] 9f396, *Corteme : I have just one question, why?
[10-03:41] 9110e, *Niamh : ((*doomed, doomed*))
[10-03:41] aacc2, *Mavei: *ROFL* NAY! Ne nice! ... it's true, but be nice!
[10-03:41] 60426, şForexs: rofl@justin
[10-03:41] aacc2, *Mavei: Be nice, not ne nice
[10-03:41] 60426, şForexs: I had more kills before you left and more after you left.
[10-03:42] 2bb54, *Dalris : *Lets out a light cry at this* Bad? No, what are you saying? I should never... *trails off, as he kisses her again*
[10-03:42] JOIN: Jaret Snomel has entered.
[10-03:42] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: ((Justin, Cay beat you cuz you suck, even I can see that))
[10-03:42] 9515d, 'Nay: get the hose
[10-03:42] JOIN: Jabri has entered.
[10-03:42] 9f396, *Corteme : ((You won 90-74. You either got your ass handed to you after I left and the margin didn't change much, or you crushed all others after I left to gain a larger advantage))
[10-03:42] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: Why not? Look at him... It's symbolic. He was clearly trying to get out the door, but he passed out just beside it. It's desperation, futility... And a stationary object. Still-life is easier.
[10-03:43] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : *just makes for a sharp jab to the nose...bringing her body around to gain momentum...makes to sweep his legs out from under him*
[10-03:43] 60426, şForexs: Fact is, I won ;)
[10-03:43] 9f396, *Corteme : Heh...there's alot of still life here, usually bloody still life.
[10-03:43] 9f396, *Corteme : ((I would destroy you now, I've gotten SO much better))
[10-03:43] 60426, şForexs: I dont play anymore ;)
[10-03:44] bf330, Get a Name!: *sigh*
[10-03:44] 60426, şForexs: I only play a game tops a week, then it gets boring.
[10-03:44] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : ((*missed post, probably*))
[10-03:44] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: He's slightly less repulsive to look at, though. *sketches, sketches*
[10-03:44] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: *as one end of the staff bats the strike away, the bottom end clatters into her legs as the sweep, himself stepping back safely*
[10-03:44] 9110e, *Niamh : *Kisses back, but makes it a quick kiss, and resumes speaking.* It's just.. it's not good to be addicted to anything, and... I dunno.
[10-03:45] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : ((Aye. Rihani blinked and said "she's a young girl"))
[10-03:45] 9f396, *Corteme : {just watches her sketch} That's pretty good...
[10-03:45] aa598, *Busarod Durro : ((Umm...Forexs, just wondering, what's the chance of gettnig a Jedi or even just Sensitive character now?))
[10-03:45] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : *catches the approach of the bottom of the staff...catapulting back onto her palms and then her feet again* Oh come can't play without your bat?
[10-03:46] 60426, şForexs: Well, I just looked through the app list and theres about 12 out of 16 people who want a jedi, so its probably very very small.
[10-03:46] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: They didn't call me Batman at school for nothing... tho i'm considering franchising as a superhero call 'MynockMan'... whaddya think?
[10-03:46] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((thats a good question. what about a Jedi that was just involved in the recent rp?))
[10-03:46] 2bb54, *Dalris : *Sighs* You dont want to.
[10-03:47] 60426, şForexs: Read down :)
[10-03:47] aa598, *Busarod Durro : ((How about jsut a Force-Sensitive? Not as powerful as a Jedi?))
[10-03:47] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : *splits a grin* Fitting...You're ugly enough.
[10-03:47] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: You think? I don't think I got the drool on his chin to look realistic enough.
[10-03:47] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((*did*was just checking*))
[10-03:47] 60426, şForexs: Probably bigger. Try to register and we'll see.
[10-03:47] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : Younger than me, then. *Pout.* You planning to trade me in for two that are half my age?
[10-03:47] 9515d, 'Nay: heh
[10-03:47] aa598, *Busarod Durro : ((Alright, thanks.))
[10-03:48] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : ((My name is registered? Thankee :) ))
[10-03:48] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: Heyyyyyyyyyyy... victims have feelings to y'know? How about I buy you dinner, don't mention the cyanide i'll slip in and we forget all about it?
[10-03:48] aacc2, *Sileen Tenlae : *stands atop a sand dune not too far from the outskirts of Tatooine, squinting a bit as she peers in the direction she caught a disturbance from*
[10-03:48] 60426, şForexs: :P@Rohan
[10-03:48] 9f396, *Corteme : Nah, I think it looks fine, just, need to add more.
[10-03:48] 9110e, *Niamh : But, I do. I just... don't know. *Bah! Bah. Stupid dilemma. Thinking about lots of things, like.. um.. Yavin stuff, and how life is short and stuff.*
[10-03:48] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *He grins, then leans over and runs a finger through her hair, his elbow propping him up against the back of the couch* How could I ever trade you?
[10-03:48] 9515d, 'Nay: LOL
[10-03:49] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : *working on his swoop when the by now common Tusken howl is heard..then he feels something scrape his cheek..this pisses him he turns, and something that would seem as a nanosecond of a blast of anger can be felt and he seperates the tusken in half*
[10-03:49] 9515d, 'Nay: "I want to have sex with you, I just can't seem to get aroused thinking of those thousand plus charred soulless corpses..."
[10-03:49] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : You could, if you really wanted to. But you'd have to pry me off with a crowbar, first.
[10-03:49] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : *with his lightsaber of course*
[10-03:50] 9110e, *Niamh : ((*beats Nay with a stick* You hush!))
[10-03:50] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : *draws that long sword from the sheath at her back...gripping it two handed...stabs at his gut...ready to sweep around with the staff sure to bat that away and follow up with a slash around the other side*
[10-03:50] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((*lhao@Nay*))
[10-03:50] 6907b, *Nyevin Maggrig : ((Nay: then there were a few jedi that died :P))
[10-03:50] aacc2, *Sileen Tenlae : ((*LOL@Nay*))
[10-03:50] 9515d, 'Nay: *beaten like Rodney King* testify!!
[10-03:50] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: Yeah, good idea. *pencils in some more drool and finishes up the drawing in general, blowing on it gently to remove any left over charcoal or whatnot*
[10-03:50] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : Why would I ever want to? *He kisses her passionately, holding her head in his hand*
[10-03:51] f558f, *Navy-General Coltar : *high above Coruscant, the Camelot starts away from the planet*
[10-03:51] aa598, *Busarod Durro : ((I'm sorry, one more question. Are the apps decided by how well they are written, or by who applied first?))
[10-03:51] aacc2, *Sileen Tenlae : *there it is again... only this time, anger is mixed in* *frowns a bit, then slides down the dune, and begins heading off, deeper into the desert*
[10-03:51] 9515d, 'Nay: *gets Johnny Cochran and sues Niamph.... retiring and living the rest of his days some place warm*
[10-03:51] bf330, Get a Name!: Less kissing, more fighting. Goddamn it.
[10-03:51] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: *flips the staff Horizontal, and pushes the blade downward, shoving his weight behing his shoulder as he slams it into her chest*
[10-03:52] 2bb54, *Dalris : Then if you do, everything else doesnt matter. You cant expect me never to have sex again. *Pauses as he kisses and nibbles again* I've been good
[10-03:52] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : Mmm. I don't know. *Was going to say more, but ooo, a kiss. Kisses him back, just as passionately.* ((*and eyes GaN* Meh. Sex now. Fighting later.))
[10-03:52] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: (( Someplace warm = Under Rosie O'Donnels arms?))
[10-03:52] JOIN: Jaret Snomel has entered.
[10-03:53] 2bb54, *Dalris : ((Rihani is bad!))
[10-03:53] 9515d, 'Nay: *disembowls Harlan*
[10-03:53] bf330, Get a Name!: Fighting first. Then make-up sex.
[10-03:53] f558f, *Navy-General Coltar : *sits aboard his command chair...* Mark, Officer. *pseudo-motion...hyperspace...GONE*
[10-03:53] 9cd6d,Ronica : ((Am I the only one who sees everything that's italicized in superscript?))
[10-03:53] aa598, *Busarod Durro : ((Forexs?))
[10-03:53] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : *and like that is back to normal, the lightsaber is snapped off, turns and goes back to work*
[10-03:53] bf330, Get a Name!: ...yes Ronnie.
[10-03:53] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: (( *disembarks nay* ))
[10-03:53] 9110e, *Niamh : *Kisses back, and.. meh. May regret this in the future, but makes her decision.* Alright.
[10-03:54] 9f396, *Corteme : ((*distracted by Bill Simmons* Bad funny simmons..))
[10-03:54] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: ((Well that's odd.))
[10-03:54] 9f396, *Corteme : {peers over her shoulder at the drawing} It's good.
[10-03:54] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : ((Sex first. Then fighting. Then make-up sex. *nodnod*))
[10-03:54] 60426, şForexs: er, more like how random I click them. :Ţ
[10-03:54] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : It's impossible *He kisses her on her cheek, then on her throat* It's impossible to even think about it ((V, don't start that again! All I need now is everyone pointing out his inadequacies))
[10-03:54] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: ((Ahaha! And now Niamh will be glad Dalris fooled around with Veronica, 'cause he'll be good. ))
[10-03:54] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : ((how about just sex...forget fighting))
[10-03:54] 6907b, *Nyevin Maggrig : ((lol Fx))
[10-03:55] bf330, Get a Name!: Good plan.
[10-03:55] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: (( Less of the sex please, some of use have morals... puh-leeeeeeeeeeeeeeze :-P ;) ))
[10-03:55] 9515d, 'Nay: heh, best tactic out there .... kill the people too tired from sex to fight back >: )
[10-03:55] aa598, *Busarod Durro : ((*LOL* Thanks anyway))
[10-03:55] f558f,Mazzik : Busarod - You will soon come to find out that there are only a few things that this chatroom runs off of...two of those things are whims and whiskey.
[10-03:55] bf330, Get a Name!: *snorts@Jim*
[10-03:55] 9110e, *Niamh : ((*pats Ronnie* What would Niamh know about how good he is? She has nothing to compare to.))
[10-03:56] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: Thank you. *dates the bottom corner of the drawing, and puts her initials. Flips the sketchpad closed* So what's up?
[10-03:56] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : ((jim - I'm assuming you don't include yourself in that "us"? *S*))
[10-03:56] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : *follows that push and backpedals to avoid the shoving* god you're pathetic...
[10-03:56] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : Well, that's good. Now I don't have to worry. *Grins.*
[10-03:56] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: ((WHO SAID WHISKEY!?DRINK!?GOBSHITE!!!))
[10-03:56] aacc2, *Sileen Tenlae : *after awhile, Jaret would hear a throat being cleared not too far behind him*
[10-03:56] 6907b, *Nyevin Maggrig : ((Mazzik: don't forget sexual favors to the admins))
[10-03:56] 60426, şForexs: lol@Jim
[10-03:56] 9f396, *Corteme : {leans back on the stool} Nothing. Just stopping by for a drink as usual.
[10-03:56] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: (( Taken aback am I *gasp*))
[10-03:56] JOIN: Rob has entered.
[10-03:57] EXIT: Get a Name! has left the chat ( I... Yeah, I was here. ).
[10-03:57] aa598, *Busarod Durro : ((That with an ego of randomly varying intensities has made every stroke of brilliance known to man*L*))
[10-03:57] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((oh god...someone smack him...he's going into yoda talk...))
[10-03:57] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: *sticking a foot on the flat of the blade to hold it in place he slams the staff horizontally upward to her chin*
[10-03:57] 2bb54, *Dalris : *Is frozen for a second in shock at her saying yes, before gathering back his voice* I promise it'll be good..
[10-03:58] 2bb54, *Dalris : ((Niamh will know by how it feels :P))
[10-03:58] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((come back!))
[10-03:58] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: A popular place, this bar.
[10-03:58] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: ((Well I do have goddamn morals, you lot suggested I didn't.. it hurt))
[10-03:58] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : ((*LOL@Jim* "Agh, nuns! Reverse, reverse!"))
[10-03:58] e3bc0,Rob : ..they lie in wait like wolves, the smell of blood in their nostrils...waiting, internimibly waiting...and then..
[10-03:58] aacc2, *Sileen Tenlae : (("I promise it'll be good
[10-03:58] JOIN: Jaret Snomel has entered.
[10-03:59] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : (("He's right, Ted!))
[10-03:59] 9110e, *Niamh : Well, I... You know, I've never... *Reverts to semi-shyness.*
[10-03:59] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: ((KNICKERS!!! FRILLY GIRLS KNICKERS!!!!)))
[10-03:59] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : *didn't have her blade anywhere it could be held in to slice across the bottoms of his arms as he attempts to clip her chin*
[10-03:59] 9515d, 'Nay: these cheesy pick up lines are all stolen from lousy B movies, or cheap pornos, aren't they?
[10-04:00] aacc2, *Sileen Tenlae : (("I promise it'll be good" ... ugh! That was terrible!))
[10-04:00] 9f396, *Corteme : Yeah, generally for the fights. Not the drinks. {removes his sunglasses and places them in his front pocket, revealing his hazel eyes} Speaking of drinks, would you care for one?
[10-04:00] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : *continues to fix the swoop, practically Ignoring the Tusken carcas*
[10-04:00] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : How could you ever? Besides, worrying wastes precious energy *He continues to kiss her*
[10-04:00] e3bc0,Rob : *LOL*W00t!
[10-04:00] 2bb54, *Dalris : ((:((((())
[10-04:00] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((*twitch*))
[10-04:00] 6907b, *Nyevin Maggrig : ((She doesn't have anything to compare it to and she'll still hate it.))
[10-04:00] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: *gesures to a nearby glass, indicating that she already has one* I was actually served decently quick.
[10-04:00] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: *pivots the blade, smashing it vertically into her oncoming blade as he steps within her defences*
[10-04:01] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : *Giggles, in.. um.. a good way.* And it causes wrinkles. Wouldn't want that.
[10-04:01] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : (("aren't morals those big paintings on church walls?"))
[10-04:01] 9515d, 'Nay: I'm just waiting for like "here's your pizza, that'll be $8.50" "...but all I have is this wet T-shirt..."
[10-04:01] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : (("Drink! Feck! Arse! Girls!" "Nan..." "Nono, NUN" "NUN?! AAAAAARRGGGHHH!!))
[10-04:01] 9110e, *Niamh : ((*LOL@Jen*))
[10-04:01] f558f,Mazzik : LHFAO@Nay
[10-04:02] 27aa6, Harlan Cofax: ((FECK OFF YOU BLOODY GOBSHITE!!!!))
[10-04:02] 2bb54, *Dalris : Thats okay... I know. Just relax. *Smiles*
[10-04:02] 9515d, 'Nay: heh
[10-04:02] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : *pushes back against his blade and pivots on one foot to put him out of her defences and to the side...she turns more and makes a slash at the back of his legs*
[10-04:02] aa598, *Busarod Durro : ((Welp, the grave's sweet embrace calls.....or rather the bed's. 'night all.))
[10-04:02] 9f396, *Corteme : Surprising, but nothing like this. {flicks his hand at the bartender and a drink is placed infront of him in mere moments}
[10-04:02] aacc2, *Sileen Tenlae : *the petite woman continues to stand there behind Jaret, pale skin appearing almost pearly textured in the moonlight, and paler hair gleaming a bit, her dark indigo eyes thoughtful*
[10-04:02] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((*trying not to be amused*))
[10-04:02] 6907b, *Nyevin Maggrig : ((cya Durro.))
[10-04:03] e3bc0,Rob : "Fupp off, ye fuppen backstard."
[10-04:03] b94fa, Harlan Cofax: ((Oi, Jen, I have a highly developed moral code!!!))
[10-04:03] 60426, şForexs: nn
[10-04:03] 6907b, *Nyevin Maggrig : ((Y'know last time V was in this situation he wound up having to ban himself LOL))
[10-04:03] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : Yes. Especially when that energy could be put to good use *He grins and caresses her face for a moment*
[10-04:03] aacc2, *Sileen Tenlae : ((BRB))
[10-04:03] 60426, şForexs: nn, Busarod
[10-04:03] aa598, *Busarod Durro : ((Cya Stoney))
[10-04:03] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : (("Fup off, you grbatty ole!))
[10-04:03] aa598, *Busarod Durro : (('night Fx))
[10-04:04] f558f,Mazzik : nn
[10-04:04] 9f396, *Corteme : ((You people are retarded))
[10-04:04] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: I like the anticipation. *dryly, as she lifts her own glass to take a sip*
[10-04:04] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((*pats Jim* relax. I'm not attacking your morals.))
[10-04:04] 9110e, *Niamh : What if I'm not...? *But decides not to worry about it, and does what he says.. relaxes.*
[10-04:04] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : ((*LOL* It won't accept grbatty ole?))
[10-04:04] b94fa, Harlan Cofax: **slams the staff vertically to block her strike with one hand as the other strikes out at her striking elbow, which is most like straightened and more prome to damage*
[10-04:05] aacc2, *Sileen Tenlae : ((Back))
[10-04:05] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : ((I guess not *S*))
[10-04:05] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : Oh? *Smiles at him.* Have you any specific use in mind?
[10-04:05] b94fa, Harlan Cofax: (( You don't wanna do that Rohan, you wanna do this!!! Only meeeee!!!!))
[10-04:05] 9f396, *Corteme : Bet you hate having to pay for it though. {takes his drink and sips it}
[10-04:06] f558f, Agent Oridan: OOC: See, in the old days, I could throw in stun Then come in and just...d3stroy.
[10-04:06] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : ((Jim - er... what?))
[10-04:06] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: You'd lose your money on that bet.
[10-04:06] b94fa, Harlan Cofax: (( 'arry Enfield an' chums ... you never watch it?))
[10-04:06] e3bc0,Rob : I would say OI!, Jim! No!
[10-04:07] 9f396, *Corteme : So you enjoy spending your money?
[10-04:07] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : *pulls the striking arm up and out as he'd hit it..creating a lightened blow and the ability to compensate and recover she steps back momentarily* tango.
[10-04:07] b94fa, Harlan Cofax: ((Its Agent Orange... oh hold it, its that cheap rip off oridan... nothing to see here))
[10-04:07] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : *arches a brow, knowing someone is behind him, turns a bit and looks* hello.
[10-04:07] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : Well, there are all kinds of ways that energy could be used well. Though I was thinking of a particular outlet for it's use *Kisses her again, this time just left of her forehead*
[10-04:07] 2bb54, *Dalris : You will be. *Kisses again, this time for longer - his next comment surprisingly through the force* ~It's my job~ *Slowly directs her towards the bed*
[10-04:07] e3bc0,Rob : *ROTFL*
[10-04:08] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : ((Ahh.. Good ol' Harry.))
[10-04:08] b94fa, Harlan Cofax: (( 'ula 'oops are round, they've always been round, and... THEY'LL... BE... ROUND... FOREVAH!!!))
[10-04:08] f558f,Mazzik : *kicks Jim in the head*
[10-04:08] JOIN: Gavin Lurid has entered.
[10-04:08] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: I don't care about it.
[10-04:08] aacc2, *Sileen Tenlae : *smiles a bit* Hello... having some trouble?
[10-04:08] 2bb54, *Dalris : ((ROFL))
[10-04:08] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((no...slinkies.))
[10-04:08] 9f396, *Corteme : Got that much, huh?
[10-04:08] 9515d, 'Nay: someone cue the cheap porno music
[10-04:09] 9f396, *Corteme : ((*also kicks jIm in the head*))
[10-04:09] b94fa, Harlan Cofax: *hops back* More of a Foxtrot, but they used to comment on my Grim FanJango awhile back
[10-04:09] e3bc0,Rob : "'Ere mate! look, I've just been sick.. Wasamatter?! scouse puke not good enough for ya?!"
[10-04:09] aacc2, *Sileen Tenlae : ((*as ordered, cues the cheap porno music* And another one falls...))
[10-04:09] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : *smirks* you could say that
[10-04:09] b94fa, Harlan Cofax: ((I haven't banned you recently, have I justin?))
[10-04:09] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: I guess so. *shrugs* Money just didn't mean anything while growing up, because there was so much of it.
[10-04:09] 9110e, *Niamh : *Kisses back, and much too distracted with other things to be shocked at Force use. So, is directed to the bed. And fade out right here, or pan camera to the convenient burning fireplace shot that's meant to symbolize burning passion or something like that.*
[10-04:10] b94fa, Harlan Cofax: (( Calm down, calm down!! Are ye tellin' me ta calm down? Eh!? Eh!?))
[10-04:10] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : I wonder... *Grins again.* Could it be the same outlet I'm thinking of?
[10-04:10] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : (("Yeah, I can give you a job. Shift these poles over there." "Y'wha?" "Y'wha?" "Y'wha?" "Well, you asked for casual labour." "Yeah, but we were thinking a bit more casual than that, like. Like sitting down sipping from mugs of tea"))
[10-04:11] aacc2, *Sileen Tenlae : *moves forward now, peering at the swoop* *drops down a bit next to it, running her fingers lightly over the damaged areas with a thoughtful look*
[10-04:11] 9f396, *Corteme : Ah, so you're a spoiled one?
[10-04:11] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *He kisses her again on her throat* It could be. Remember those modes of expression? *He grins*
[10-04:11] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : So does that mean you go hide in your foxhole? *steps in, slipping a dagger into her other hand in the process...she slashes diagonal (left to right) turning and slashing again the same direction with the dagger*
[10-04:11] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : *smirks*...I guess what goes around comes around.
[10-04:12] 2bb54, *Dalris : *And so the camera fades out*
[10-04:12] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: Not really. I never wanted anything. But there just wasn't any need to ever think about money.
[10-04:12] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : I certainly do. Shall we go... express ourselves, then?
[10-04:12] b94fa, Harlan Cofax: ((Welcome to Shadow of Deciet, the new weekly soap opera on ABC... next week, Dalris' evil (or is it good?) twin brother comes back to town, and aims to steal Niamh from beneath his nose. Finak faces finacial destruction as his new coffee shop doesn't do so well and Jen steal yet another phone to fuel her snake high score addiction))
[10-04:12] aacc2, *Sileen Tenlae : *looks towards the dead Tusken corpses* ... you need not have killed them. *eyes him disapprovingly a moment, then looks back to the swoop*
[10-04:12] 9110e, *Niamh : ((*LOL@Jim-y*))
[10-04:13] e3bc0,Rob : "Not enough confidence on the road, need that extra boost in drving skills?, then drink GIN!"
[10-04:13] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((*eyes* I did not steal it. I bought it. ITS MINE!!))
[10-04:13] b94fa, Harlan Cofax: *jumps by while pivoting the staff, thrusting the bottom of the pole at her stomach*
[10-04:13] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : *slight shrug* I didnt kill them...I only did that so they would get the point to stay away
[10-04:14] 9f396, *Corteme : I see...{sips his drink, having absolutely nothing to say}
[10-04:14] aacc2, *Sileen Tenlae : Ah.. *nods a bit, then stands, and moves about the area, gathering up the needed swoop parts and whatnot*
[10-04:15] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: How bout you? Like, how was life growing up?
[10-04:15] b94fa, Harlan Cofax: (( Finak: I jus' dunno what to do Toadstool... me coffee shop is goin' dawhn the loo... let put anather shrimp on tha barbie m8... and 'ave another tinny))
[10-04:15] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : *she brings the long sword by to slam that thrust to the side...pivoting so it continues on...and steps in...slashing at the side of his face with the dagger*
[10-04:16] b94fa, Harlan Cofax: (( FS ITS 3.15 AM... I HAVE TO WORK IN LESS THAN 8 BLOODY HOURS!!!!))
[10-04:17] 60426, şForexs: Jim: 8 hours? pfft, girl..
[10-04:17] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : I thought you might. *Smiling, he lifts her off the couch, kisses her on the lips, then heads out of the room*
[10-04:17] e3bc0,Rob : *Is off tomorrow* :D
[10-04:18] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : *continues to work* he let you go?
[10-04:18] e3bc0,Rob : *LMAO*
[10-04:18] b94fa, Harlan Cofax: (( 8 hours sleep for 5 days cay... I haven't slept all week.. either clearing JK2, clearing MGS2 or playing IIS pro evolution or watching videos...))
[10-04:18] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : ((Count yourself lucky, Jim. I have to work for three days next week - 8pm til 8am))
[10-04:18] 9f396, *Corteme : Nothing special. Really. Middle class family, eh. ((*lost Corteme's profile and doesn't remember shit about him*))
[10-04:18] 9110e, *Lady Stardust : *Lifted and carried out. Laughs, wrapping her arms around him tightly, and here's a nice convenient place to fade out or pan to the fireplace, too.*
[10-04:18] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ((*yawns*))
[10-04:18] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : (( *is waiting her next bout with insomnia...*))
[10-04:18] 60426, *CayQel-Droma : Uhm, you only need 1˝ hours a week O.o
[10-04:19] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : ((*LOL* Excellent, Rob!))
[10-04:19] b94fa, Harlan Cofax: TBC (( I used to do a 24 hour shift every saterday for about 3 months Rohan))
[10-04:19] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: Oh. Well, no news is good news.
[10-04:20] aacc2, *Sileen Tenlae : No... I got away. *steals his tools, sighing at the lack of variety, and sets to work trying to salvage the engine, doing a decent job considering the circumstances*
[10-04:20] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : *Fades out then, or whatever*
[10-04:20] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : ((Christ, Jim - how'd you do it?))
[10-04:20] 9f396, *Corteme : Usually. The only bad part were over bearing parents. But I havn't talked to them in years. I highly doubt they'd still consider me a son for what I do.
[10-04:21] aacc2, *Sileen Tenlae : ((*is now the only cute innocent-type Healer* Mwah!))
[10-04:21] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ((*destroys Sileen*))
[10-04:21] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: Bah. Parents. Who needs them, anyhow.
[10-04:21] 60426, *CayQel-Droma : ((Goodnight guys and gals. Have fun :)))
[10-04:21] b94fa, Harlan Cofax: ((Uh, i'd rather not say, because I've sworn off such things. Sorta illegal and all that, not very proud of it))
[10-04:22] aacc2, *Sileen Tenlae : ((*destroyed* Doh!))
[10-04:22] b94fa, Harlan Cofax: ((Night cay, i'm heading now to))
[10-04:22] aacc2, *Sileen Tenlae : ((*wheeze* I .... *gasp* spoke too.... *cough* soon...))
[10-04:22] 9f396, *Corteme : Kids, and that's about it.
[10-04:23] 9110e, *President Zahra : Night, all. *hughug* *wanders off*
[10-04:23] 9cd6d, *Eve Skyler : ((*still cute and innocent! Has not had sex!* Wahaha!))
[10-04:23] 6907b, *Nyevin Maggrig : ((well, I'm off...))*fades into the shadows-yeah, that's an easy one*
[10-04:23] 60426, *CayQel-Droma : ((Eve, that can change very swiftly ;)))
[10-04:23] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : ((heh, fair enough. Well, I'm off to the land of nod - g'bye all))
[10-04:23] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : *shakes his head, helps and such* Im assuming you werent at Yavin?
[10-04:23] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : *meanwhile, desires RPG. Thusly, will RPG sitting and staring at a wall - is not picky*
[10-04:23] b94fa, Harlan Cofax: (( 'specially in this chat Eve))
[10-04:23] 9cd6d,ronica : Not until she's married! Bwah!
[10-04:24] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : *stirs slightly, eyes fluttering slightly before opening...slowly*
[10-04:24] aacc2, *Sileen Tenlae : ((Yeah, but is Eve a Healer type?))
[10-04:24] 9884d, *Rihani Ambrai : (("Ah, dis is much more my scene. A good old Werkhin' Man's club"))
[10-04:24] b94fa, Harlan Cofax: ----------------------------gone------------------------
[10-04:24] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((Mazz. You could always say (took place so and so long ago) and rp that.))
[10-04:25] EXIT: CayQel-Droma has left the chat ( You better get yourself together! Because pretty soon you're gonna be dead! What in the world are you thinking of? Laughing in the face of love! What on earth are you trying to do? Instant karma is going to get you! Join the human race! ).
[10-04:25] aacc2, *Sileen Tenlae : No... *shudders visibly* ... I felt what happened though.... *continues to work, rapidily the engine is reforming and whatnot*
[10-04:25] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: And money.
[10-04:26] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : Its probably going to happen again.
[10-04:26] EXIT: Rihani Ambrai has left the chat ( Vive la difference ).
[10-04:26] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((*is afraid to find out what happens when Eve does have sex*shudder*))
[10-04:27] aacc2, *Sileen Tenlae : Hope so. *moves on to body work, however, isn't trying to make it pretty, so this goes a lot faster then the engine did*
[10-04:27] 9f396, *Corteme : Hmm? What about money?
[10-04:27] 2bb54, *Agent Korik : *Ruins Mazziks rp and shoots Prefekt again as he stirs*
[10-04:27] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : *arches a brow* you hope so?
[10-04:27] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((\o/ Korik))
[10-04:28] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: ((FS! V! Bah! *was gonna double task*))
[10-04:28] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((...anyone 'wants my cell # better IM me.))
[10-04:28] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: Parents are good for it. Well, at least mine were.
[10-04:29] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ((*eyes V*))
[10-04:29] aacc2, *Sileen Tenlae : Yes. *work work*
[10-04:29] 2bb54, *Agent Korik : *Doesnt, was joking to piss Mazz off. It worked*
[10-04:29] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : *sincerely hopes V was just kidding, so he can just sit there and stare at the wall*
[10-04:29] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : *stares at wall, unshot*
[10-04:30] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((*L*))
[10-04:30] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((*not IM'd* heh. ))
[10-04:30] JOIN: Ronica has entered.
[10-04:30] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : why? *finishes work, looking at her*
[10-04:30] aacc2, *Sileen Tenlae : ((*snickers*))
[10-04:30] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : ((*dosent know Jen's IM*))
[10-04:30] 9f396, *Corteme : Heh, mine were just average.
[10-04:31] 3d2cd, *AekannaSlis : ((*eyes Jaret* you do too. you prolly deleted it.))
[10-04:32] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: I would have rather had average.
[10-04:32] aacc2, *Sileen Tenlae : *blinks, pausing to look up at him* Because I don't want it to happen again...
[10-04:32] 9cd6d, *Eve Skyler : *in her room, wherever that may be, not having left it in quite a few days. Is running dangerously low on food and drinking water, but doesn't care so much. Falls back on her bed, sighing and closing her eyes*
[10-04:33] 9f396, *Corteme : Why?
[10-04:33] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : ((nah..I never delete anything..thats why my buddy list has 169 people on it))
[10-04:33] e3bc0,Rob : Zzzz*Thud*
[10-04:33] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: Because crazy parents are a bit of strain on the nerves.
[10-04:34] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : Its bound to happen. If it does..will you fight?>
[10-04:34] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : *abruptly, and for no particular reason, the coordinates and location of his destination would enter Eve's thoughts...* ~Hey.~
[10-04:35] 9cd6d, *Eve Skyler : *has coordinates. Ohmygoodness. Files those away very carefully.* ~Prefekt!~
[10-04:35] 9515d, *Kenji Dirano : (Oooooo, Jedi/Maul duel on FoX)
[10-04:35] 9f396, *Corteme : I imagine they would be, but so are overbearing ones.
[10-04:35] 9515d, *Kenji Dirano : (*goes to watch*)
[10-04:36] aacc2, *Sileen Tenlae : *looks away, and goes back to working on the swoop, not answering at first*
[10-04:36] 9f396, *Corteme : ((*has it on DVD* Hahaha))
[10-04:37] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: All right. So we'll call it a draw then.
[10-04:37] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ((*is brb*))
[10-04:38] 855a6, 'Jen: ((ireallyreallyreallyhateaol.))
[10-04:39] 9f396, *Corteme : A draw is fine with me. Afterall, neither one of us plan on seeing our parents ever again.
[10-04:39] JOIN: Jaret Snomel has entered.
[10-04:40] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : well?
[10-04:40] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: I never said I don't plan to see her ever again.
[10-04:41] e3bc0,Rob : *Decides sleep might be a good idea*
[10-04:41] aacc2, *Sileen Tenlae : What would one Healer be able to do?
[10-04:42] 9f396, *Corteme : Why would you?
[10-04:42] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : Save someones life
[10-04:43] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: Why not? When I'm older, I'll probably want to see her. She is my mother, after all.
[10-04:43] aacc2, *Sileen Tenlae : I've done that on many occasions. *pauses, peering over the bike, then makes some final adjustments*
[10-04:44] 9f396, *Corteme : Eh, yeah, I guess. {sips his drink, then spits it back out into the glass} Nasty
[10-04:45] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: *arches a brow* See? Fast service doesn't really matter if your drink is crap.
[10-04:45] 855a6, 'Jen: does your SN start with a D Jaret?
[10-04:49] 9515d, *Kenji Dirano : (I like the MPEG I have..... JUST the Jedi vs Maul.... none of that Gungan army crap)
[10-04:50] 9f396, *Corteme : Nah, it's just warm now. {sets the glass down and pushes it across the bar}
[10-04:51] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: Sure sure.
[10-04:52] 9f396, *Corteme : {raises his eyebrow quizzically}
[10-04:52] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: *shrugs mysteriously*
[10-04:53] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ~Yeah, it's me. How're you, babe?~
[10-04:55] 9cd6d, *Eve Skyler : *sits up a bit, eyeing herself critically in the mirror across the room. Is tired, hungry, and worried-looking. Not in the best shape.* ~I'm...all right. How about you?~
[10-04:55] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : well *dosent know what to say*
[10-04:55] 9f396, *Corteme : I hate mystery.
[10-04:56] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: I'm all about mystery.
[10-04:57] 9f396, *Corteme : You seemed pretty willing to tell me alot about yourself last night.
[10-04:57] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ~I was up for about a day and a half reading...then put forcefully to sleep. I'm awesome.~
[10-04:57] aacc2, *Sileen Tenlae : *stands and steps back from the more or less repaired swoop, eyeing it critically* I always do what I can, but I'm only one person.... heck, I'm not even really a Jedi... *changing subject now* It should run now, though there's no quarentee for how long it will last, there were no spare parts handy, so I had to use what I had.
[10-04:58] 14688, *Jaret Snomel : I can give you a ride..all we need to do is get back into town
[10-04:59] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: What makes you think it was true?
[10-04:59] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: ~I'm glad to hear that...~
[10-05:00] 9f396, *Corteme : ((You already messed up, Ronnie))
[10-05:01] 9f396, *Corteme : A trust in people? Or a guilibility, whatever you choose to call it.
[10-05:01] 9cd6d, *Eve Skyler : ~I'm glad to hear that...~
[10-05:02] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: ((*sigh*)) From what I've gathered of your profession and type of people you work for, that seems like a pretty huge character flaw.
[10-05:02] aacc2, *Sileen Tenlae : A ride would be appreciated *grins* Then if it blows up do to a mistake, I won't feel as guilty since I'll be taking it along with you...
[10-05:02] 855a6, 'Jen: *cough*sputter*die*
[10-05:03] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ~Gonna see if you can get anybody to come to my rescue, then? I'd hate to have to beat a whole planet back by myself...~
[10-05:03] 9f396, *Corteme : You can still trust be waryful.
[10-05:03] 9f396, *Corteme : ((or whatever))
[10-05:03] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: But trusting a complete stranger? That's silly.
[10-05:04] 9cd6d, *Eve Skyler : ~As soon as possible.~
[10-05:05] 9f396, *Corteme : You don't seem like you could do much to harm me. Besides, doing anything to me could probably warrant a rather large bounty on your head.
[10-05:07] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ~That's good...get anything to eat last night?~
[10-05:08] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: Don't be so sure. *cryptically*
[10-05:08] 9cd6d, *Eve Skyler : ~....Sure I did.~
[10-05:08] 9515d, *Kenji Dirano : *walking through the Diranos' private armory, Kenji is busily attaching a wrist guard that holds a flame projector on it, just one of several weapons he's picked up throughout the place*
[10-05:08] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ~You're a poor liar, Eve.~ *attempts tp convey a touch of playfulness with this*
[10-05:09] 9f396, *Corteme : Why would you do anything to me anyways?
[10-05:09] 9cd6d, *Eve Skyler : ~Hey!! I'm not ly-- oh, whatever. Yeah, I am.~
[10-05:10] 9515d, *Kenji Dirano : (heh, when bored outta your mind.... RP getting yourself armed to the teeth even more so than before)
[10-05:10] aacc2, *Sileen Tenlae : ((... and Jaret crashed))
[10-05:10] aacc2, *Sileen Tenlae : ((*LOL*))
[10-05:10] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: Maybe I'm a spy from an organization that's a rival to yours?
[10-05:11] 9515d, *Kenji Dirano : (ah ha ha.... you laugh.... maybe I use some on you, no?)
[10-05:11] JOIN: Falcon24 has entered.
[10-05:11] 9515d, *Kenji Dirano : >: )
[10-05:12] 9f396, *Corteme : I'm pretty sure I would have already recognised the tell-tale signs.
[10-05:12] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: No you won't. Because I'm that good.
[10-05:12] aacc2, *Mavei : *just to give him competition, Mavei is meanwhile aboard her ship, busily checking over her knives and such for sharpness, then sets about sheathing them all in various hidden sheaths about herself*
[10-05:12] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ~Get something to eat, please?~
[10-05:13] eaafd, Falcon24: bah
[10-05:13] EXIT: Falcon24 has left the chat ( Quit ).
[10-05:13] 9cd6d, *Eve Skyler : ~I will. Soon.~
[10-05:14] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: ((Wouldn't, that is.))
[10-05:14] 855a6, 'Jen: *ahem*die*
[10-05:15] 9515d, *Kenji Dirano : *stops in front of a particular section of the room, a wall with shelves much like those you'd find in a grocery store.... only food isn't quite as dangerous as containers holding great numbers of Merr-Sonn C-22 Fragmentation grenades* .... well hello there... *thinking aloud as a half grin forms on his face*
[10-05:15] JOIN: Talon has entered.
[10-05:15] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ~...Please, Eve? I miss you...I don't want to worry about you, too...~
[10-05:15] 9f396, *Corteme : ((*revives Jen and hugs her too*)) {shrugs} Ah well, you aren't trying to get info from me.
[10-05:15] 25604, *Talon: You drink water from this....
[10-05:15] 25604, *Talon: A leather glove!
[10-05:16] 855a6, 'Jen: thx Justin.
[10-05:16] 9cd6d, *Eve Skyler : ~I promise. Don't worry -- you've got more important things to be concerned with.~
[10-05:16] 9cd6d, *Eve Skyler : Yet! *mock diabolical laugh, before sipping at her drink*
[10-05:16] aacc2, *Mavei : *lays down her belt on a table, flipping open the pouches, and begins stuffing various grenades and whatnot in them* ((*raspberry*))
[10-05:16] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: ((FS! FS! FS! FS! I can't double task!))
[10-05:16] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ~You're right...don't need to be concerned about you eating...just need to be concerned about you.~
[10-05:16] 9f396, *Corteme : ((A toilet!))
[10-05:16] 25604, *Talon: *tackles Mavei*
[10-05:16] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: Yet! *mock diabolical laugh, before sipping at her drink*
[10-05:17] 9f396, *Corteme : {just stares at her}
[10-05:17] aacc2, *Mavei : ((*sidesteps*))
[10-05:17] 9cd6d, *Eve Skyler : ~Don't be concerned with me either. Just deal with keeping yourself safe.~
[10-05:17] 25604, *Talon: *cries*
[10-05:18] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ~All to easy..~
[10-05:18] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: *stared at* Artists are weird things, my friend. Very weird things.
[10-05:18] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ((Meh. Too.))
[10-05:19] 9f396, *Corteme : True, but so are guys who sit at datapads most of their day.
[10-05:19] 9515d, *Kenji Dirano : (*blows Talon up* ah ha ha)
[10-05:19] 9f396, *Corteme : We have a brand of humor all our own.
[10-05:19] 9cd6d, *Eve Skyler : ~Still. Just stay safe, and worry about me.~
[10-05:19] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: Yes. But you're not quirky and eccentric like me.
[10-05:19] 25604, *Talon: ((*throws Blade into a blackhole*))
[10-05:20] aacc2, *Mavei : ((*huggles Nay*))
[10-05:20] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: ((Hey!! Black holes are MINE!))
[10-05:20] 9f396, *Corteme : I could be, if sitting at a desk all day and staring at a screen didn't take alot out of me.
[10-05:20] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ~Easier said than done.~
[10-05:20] 9515d, *Kenji Dirano : (*blocks the weak, weak attack and proceeds to blow Talon up* ah ha ha! *hugs Mav back*)
[10-05:20] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: Excuses. Pah.
[10-05:20] 855a6, 'Jen: *wanders to rafters and quietly curls up..*
[10-05:21] 25604, *Talon: ((*then makes it a whitehole*))
[10-05:21] 9f396, *Corteme : Catch me on the weekend, when I do oddball jobs and take my sweet ass time. I'm alot more...awake.
[10-05:21] 9f396, *Corteme : ((*sits next to Jen* Whatchoo doing?))
[10-05:21] 855a6, 'Jen: playing snake.
[10-05:22] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: We'll see about that.
[10-05:22] 9f396, *Corteme : ((Snake or Snake II?))
[10-05:22] 9f396, *Corteme : Oh, so is that saying that you plan on seeing me over the weekend?
[10-05:22] 9515d, *Kenji Dirano : *bringing over a handy grav sled, he takes a case of 25 Frag grenades and a case of 25 stun grenades, pushing the sled along much like someone in a grocery store*
[10-05:23] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: I'm spying on you. I see you everywhere you go. Ahaha... er...*drains her drink* Yeah.
[10-05:23] 855a6, 'Jen: 1 I suppose
[10-05:23] 9f396, *Corteme : ((If you touch the walls is it game over?))
[10-05:24] 25604, *Talon: ((Wait....I still function!!!!))
[10-05:24] 9515d, *Kenji Dirano : (*grinning* not for long....)
[10-05:24] 9cd6d, *Eve Skyler : ~What isn't? I'm sure you're up to the challenge.~
[10-05:24] 9f396, *Corteme : Spy on me? There's alot more things you could do with your time.
[10-05:24] 855a6, 'Jen: yes. typing is fun. :)
[10-05:25] 855a6, 'Jen: you gotta squeeze it in quick between bites.
[10-05:25] 9f396, *Corteme : ((Ah, then you're playing Snake. In Snake II, you can wrap around and come out the other side.))
[10-05:25] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ~Any time I think of so completely dominate my mind, that there's not much room to think about anything else...~
[10-05:25] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: No there isn't. I don't work, after all.
[10-05:26] 25604, *Talon: (("Wanna bet?" "STARSCREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMM!!!!!"))
[10-05:26] 9f396, *Corteme : ((*stabs Talon dead* I bet))
[10-05:26] 9cd6d, *Eve Skyler : *blushes quickly, but an aching feeling gets her too. Misses him.* ~So don't think about me, and you'll be okay, then.~
[10-05:26] 9f396, *Corteme : You could be drawing, that's more interesting than me.
[10-05:27] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: I can do both. Simultaneously. I'm skilled like that.
[10-05:28] 9f396, *Corteme : {stares blankly at her}
[10-05:28] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: *stared at* What?
[10-05:29] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ~No, because then I'll feel can't neglect the best thing in your life...because, if you do that, it has a tendancy to go away...~
[10-05:29] aacc2, *Mavei : ((O_o))
[10-05:29] 9cd6d, *Eve Skyler : ~I'm not going anywhere, Prefekt. Unless it's to find you.~
[10-05:31] 9515d, *Kenji Dirano : *along w/ the 50 various grenades, he also signs out an E-Web repeating blaster and a tried and true PGR sniper rifle, all broken down and neatly fitted into a small metallic suitcase before, finally satisfied, he leaves, heading back to his hangar*
[10-05:32] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ~...Ever notice how life in unfair? This should have happened a few months ago...before I knew you...had something to miss...~
[10-05:33] aacc2, *Mavei : ((50 grenades... can't beat that, Mav's not that big))
[10-05:34] 9cd6d, *Eve Skyler : ~No, it's better this way... Or at least, I think it might be... You've got something to come home to, something to miss, something to need so much you can't possibly let those dumb losers get you...~
[10-05:34] 9f396, *Corteme : I had a brain fart.
[10-05:35] 2bb54, şV : Even Justins characters are vulgur
[10-05:35] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: I was wondering what the smell was...
[10-05:35] 9515d, *Kenji Dirano : (Kenji has a shopping carriage :-P)
[10-05:35] 9f396, *Corteme : ((Because Corteme = Justin as a slicer, mother fuker))
[10-05:35] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ~Dumb losers? Oh, to have the eloquence of a Jedi...~
[10-05:35] JOIN: Knees has entered.
[10-05:35] 9f396, *Corteme : Nah, my head just emptied out of all thoughts. Happens from time to time.
[10-05:36] aacc2, *Mavei : ((*L*))
[10-05:36] 38cde, 'Knees: *prances* *saw Spider-Man today*
[10-05:36] 855a6, 'Jen: *snicker*
[10-05:36] 9cd6d, *Eve Skyler : ~Are you making fun of me? Hmph.~
[10-05:36] 855a6, 'Jen: *was supposed to see spider-man today...but..yeah...people suck*
[10-05:37] 9f396, *Corteme : ((I saw it hte other day. GO WEB GO! *Metal sign*))
[10-05:37] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: Ahh. Understandable. We can't all be as sharp and on the ball as I am.
[10-05:37] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ~No, no...I'm...err...praising you.~
[10-05:37] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ((Fking organic web...))
[10-05:37] 38cde, 'Knees: *giggles!* It made me cry. I felt so stupid.
[10-05:37] 9f396, *Corteme : That's for sure. {backhanded compliment}
[10-05:38] 9cd6d, *Eve Skyler : ~You're not much better at lying than me.~
[10-05:38] 9f396, *Corteme : ((Better than the stupid cartridges thing. I always thought that was dumb. I mean really, if he truly had spider powers, he could mess with the web himself.))
[10-05:38] 9f396, *Corteme : ((Cry over what?))
[10-05:39] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ((
[10-05:39] 38cde, 'Knees: Well, I'm not going to say what when people in the room haven't seen it.
[10-05:39] 25604, *Talon: *saw Spidey the first day it was out, also got the free comic that you could get*
[10-05:39] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ~Sure I am. I just choose not to lie to you, or to do it poorly so I will get caught.~
[10-05:39] 2bb54, şV : I HAVENT SEEN IT
[10-05:39] 9f396, *Corteme : ((I saw it for free. Ha.))
[10-05:40] 855a6, 'Jen: *hasn't seen it either*
[10-05:40] 9cd6d, *Eve Skyler : ~Well... I do the same, then!
[10-05:40] 38cde, 'Knees: Which is why I'm not going to say anything, V.
[10-05:40] 9cd6d, *Eve Skyler : ~
[10-05:40] 9f396, *Corteme : ((HEY V! GUESS WHAT?! PETER PARKER IS SPIDER-MAN!))
[10-05:40] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ((Well, actually, it's Ben Riley...but, hey.))
[10-05:40] 2bb54, şV : Justin - WTF??????? HE IS????????????????????????????????????????????????????? OMFG
[10-05:40] 855a6, 'Jen: \o/ High Score!!!
[10-05:40] 38cde, 'Knees: It was kinda lame, but enjoyable. And Kirsten Dunst wasn't annoying, for once.
[10-05:40] 855a6, 'Jen: *falls over laughing*
[10-05:41] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ~I'm so sure. You grew up in Jedi Town.~
[10-05:41] 25604, *Talon: Ben Riley sucks. I was glad when Osborn killed him.
[10-05:41] aacc2, *Mavei : *saw Spidey when on opening night, and saw the ending credits more times then she cares to remember*
[10-05:41] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ((OMG KIRSTEN DUNST IS THE SEX QUEEN))
[10-05:41] 9515d, *Kenji Dirano : (Kirsten Dunst is a hottie)
[10-05:41] 9f396, *Corteme : ((Nah, but the scene where's he trieing to make the web shoot from his wrist his hilarious, V. You have to see the movie for that one scene))
[10-05:41] aacc2, *Mavei : (( Last was OOC))
[10-05:41] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: *grins, and finishes off her drink* Anyhow, I ought to be running along. The life of a spy is busy busy busy.
[10-05:41] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ((You shut up, Talon! You have no clue...well...yeah, he did suxx0r))
[10-05:42] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[10-05:42] 855a6, 'Jen: fs..
[10-05:42] 9f396, *Corteme : ((Kirsten is hot, only in that movie. Every other movie I've seen her, she's just...too skinny. I think she put on a little weight (in the good way), and the red hair definitely made her look better.))
[10-05:42] 9515d, *Kenji Dirano : (Bonesaw!!!!! snap into it!)
[10-05:42] 25604, *Talon: Impaled by the Goblin Glider, in the back too. Then he turned to dust. *loved it*
[10-05:42] 9f396, *Corteme : Can I walk you home again? {decides to be blatant}
[10-05:42] 2bb54, şV : I dont think she is that sexy
[10-05:43] *** V sets mode +b 25604 for 9999 Die for ruining movie. You arent welcome here seconds
[10-05:43] 9f396, *Corteme : ((Christ Talon, SHUT UP))
[10-05:43] 38cde, 'Knees: She's annoying. In this movie, she was okay.
[10-05:43] 855a6, 'Jen: *might just wander off now*
[10-05:43] 9f396, *Corteme : ((Bonesaw kicked ass. Macho Man is still jacked like all shit))
[10-05:43] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: Sure. If you really believe that's my home. Ahahahah-- Oh, I need more sleep...
[10-05:43] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ((V...he was talking about the comics.))
[10-05:44] 38cde, 'Knees: Stay, Jen! You're the only cool person left in the room. :p
[10-05:44] 2bb54, şV : Oh well. and undo command isnt working very good ;/
[10-05:44] *** Mazzik sets mode -b 25604
[10-05:44] 9f396, *Corteme : Probably...{casually takes the sunglasses out of his pocket and places them back on his face}
[10-05:44] 98920, Get a Name!: ((*saw it 2nd day* \o/))
[10-05:45] 25604, *Talon: WTF hell!? *hisses*
[10-05:45] 9515d, *Kenji Dirano : ((I was gonna say...... cause I don't remember anyone turning to dust in Spiderman just from being impaled...)
[10-05:45] 855a6, 'Jen: last movie i saw was the scorpion bit.
[10-05:45] 9cd6d, *Eve Skyler : ~I did not. I grew up here. On Tatooine. And lying is a necessity.~
[10-05:45] 9f396, *Corteme : ((I liked the Scorpion King. I didn't like how they cut out all the greusome stuff though.))
[10-05:45] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ~Did you, or did you not, attend the Skywalker Pedophilia Academy?~ *somehow...sends a grin with this*
[10-05:46] 38cde, 'Knees: Oh my! You actually paid money to see that movie, Jen?! *falls over* I've temporarily lost all respect for you.
[10-05:46] 9515d, *Kenji Dirano : *back at his ship, loading all his goodies aboard and securing them for flight, whenever that may be**gone*
[10-05:46] 855a6, 'Jen: No? damnit! I wanted to see someone turn to dust! I think Talon is getting Blade II and Spiderman mixed up.
[10-05:46] 9f396, *Corteme : ((I don't pay for movies any more. I got the mad g hookups, yo.))
[10-05:46] 9cd6d, *Eve Skyler : ~Loser.~
[10-05:47] 98920, Get a Name!: ((i just download them :-p))
[10-05:47] 855a6, 'Jen: *grins@Knees* I didn't pay. And I was under the influence.
[10-05:47] 9515d, 'Nay: hmm..... rping w/ muhself sucks .... Kenji needs himself some casualties
[10-05:47] 9cd6d, *Lydia Vaden: *leaves, and such. Will have many a nice chat with Corteme on the way home, and la dee dah.*
[10-05:47] 25604, *Talon: I was speaking of the Revalations story line in the Spider-Man comics, where Mary Jane loses her baby, and Norman Osborn returns after being "dead" for about 30 years.
[10-05:47] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ~Nah. Family trained, to an extent.~
[10-05:47] 855a6, 'Jen: *eyes Kenji* I can be a random char for you to slaughter?
[10-05:48] 9515d, 'Nay: Oooo
[10-05:48] 38cde, 'Knees: That still is grounds for loss of respect, Jen. :)
[10-05:48] 9f396, *Corteme : {walks along side Lydia, letting her go out the door first, as usual, but then walking beside her}
[10-05:48] 9515d, 'Nay: *shall kill us all!*
[10-05:48] aacc2, *Mavei: *TACKLES Nay!*
[10-05:49] 25604, *Talon: Goblin beat the holy hell outta the clone.
[10-05:49] 9cd6d, *Eve Skyler : ~A loser, regardless.~
[10-05:49] 9f396, *Corteme : ((Look at all of us who care, Talon))
[10-05:49] EXIT: Get a Name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
[10-05:49] 9515d, 'Nay: *tackled and falls over, hitting his head on the ground and splitting it open*
[10-05:49] 38cde, 'Knees: I thought the Goblin's costume was.....dorky.
[10-05:49] 25604, *Talon: *impales Corteme on a Goblin Glider*
[10-05:49] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ~How am I a loser?~
[10-05:50] JOIN: Rokeim Gekla has entered.
[10-05:50] 855a6, 'Jen: It is not Knees. I was laughing through the whole movie.
[10-05:50] EXIT: Jen has left the chat ( Quit ).
[10-05:50] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: It's not dorky. It's all metallic green and shit.
[10-05:51] JOIN: Jenalia has entered.
[10-05:51] 38cde, 'Knees: And dorky.
[10-05:51] JOIN: Ronica has entered.
[10-05:51] 855a6, *Jenalia: ((coulda been worse. metallic kermit green.))
[10-05:51] 25604, *Talon: *eyes Knees* You dare to dis the Goblin! *throws the old Goblin flying broomstick at her*
[10-05:51] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: No.
[10-05:51] 9cd6d, *Eve Skyler : ~Because I say you are. That's all that's needed.~
[10-05:52] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ((It's not dorky. It's the fking Green Goblin.))
[10-05:52] 855a6, *Jenalia: ((appaerently Talon has a thing for Goblin. hehe.))
[10-05:52] 98920, *Rokeim Gekla : ((Goblin = God))
[10-05:52] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ~Okay.~ *his Force presence abruptly disappears*
[10-05:52] 9515d, 'Nay: *dies of blood loss*
[10-05:52] 25604, *Talon: Considering he's the badass of the Spider-Man comics.
[10-05:52] 38cde, 'Knees: *avoids* He looked like a plastic action figure. If it was supposed to be scary, it wasn't.
[10-05:52] 9cd6d, *Eve Skyler : ~...Hey!~
[10-05:53] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ((WTF@Knees))
[10-05:53] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : *nothing returns Eve's call out*
[10-05:53] 25604, *Talon: I think it'd be scary if someone's throwing pumkin bombs and shooting green blasts and missiles at you.
[10-05:53] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Carnage crushes them all
[10-05:54] 855a6, *Jenalia: (( meh)) *wearing much like what is shown in the avatar picture there..she steps in..brushing her hair from her eyes and kicking sand from her boots*
[10-05:54] 38cde, 'Knees: Well, his little weapons were cool, but the mask was just sort of dumb looking.
[10-05:54] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ((Carnage is so queer. I'm glad he's gone.))
[10-05:54] 9cd6d, *Eve Skyler : ~Okay, so you aren't a loser. You're a jerk!~
[10-05:54] 25604, *Talon: Venom kicked Carnage's pansy ass.
[10-05:54] 855a6, *Jenalia: ((nah. I'd be like 'bring it booger boy'))
[10-05:54] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : *again, nothing returns her message...just blankness...the kind you would get from unconsciousness...or death*
[10-05:55] 98920, *Rokeim Gekla : *meanders into the 'tina, his attire consisting of a very blank, dark grey Imperial uniform, his eyes looking about the 'tina as if he's looking for someone*
[10-05:55] 9cd6d, *Eve Skyler : *eventually grows concerned, frowning*
[10-05:55] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : *just that evil, vile, pulsating nothingness...*
[10-05:55] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: I don't know anything about Spider-Man, other than the main villians. Green Goblin, Hob Goblin, Venom and Carnage.
[10-05:56] 9515d, 'Nay: Mary Jane is hot O_O
[10-05:56] 38cde, 'Knees: My boyfriend likes Spider-Man. Obsessed, really. And even he thought the costume was dorky.
[10-05:56] 25604, *Talon: Carnage is no more, Venom took the symbiote offspring and ate it. Hobgoblin is retired at the moment, he's living in the tropics.
[10-05:57] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ((Knees - Your boyfriend is also an idiot. :P))
[10-05:57] 9515d, 'Nay: the next Spiderman movie should have Black Cat ..... methinks she wears tight leather :-P
[10-05:57] 855a6, *Jenalia: *she pauses for a rather long stretch of time on her way to the bar...almost as if she's soaking in the environment..quietly adding to herself* s'been too long...
[10-05:57] 25604, *Talon: Venom's currently hiding, and Green Goblin's making a big comeback in the comics for a big throw down with Spidey.
[10-05:57] 38cde, 'Knees: Mazzik- So are you. But you don't know him, so I guess you can't talk.
[10-05:58] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Talon you suck
[10-05:59] 98920, *Rokeim Gekla : *he spots who he's looking for almost immediatly, picking up his steps to come up right behind Jen when she speaks*... indeed it has... *smirking slightly*
[10-05:59] 25604, *Talon: Justin, here's 40 cents, go call someone who gives a damn about what you think about me.
[10-06:00] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *calls Ronnie*
[10-06:00] 9cd6d, *Eve Skyler : *worries herself to sleep then, stupid Prefekt-jerk...*
[10-06:00] 9cd6d,Ronica : *called?*
[10-06:00] 9515d, 'Nay: or even if the next one doesn't have Black Cat, I suggest another scene where it's raining O_o
[10-06:01] 9515d, 'Nay: booyah
[10-06:01] 25604, *Talon: Black Cat's gonna have a special with Spidey in the comics soon, Nay. Maybe you should look into that.
[10-06:01] 855a6, *Jenalia: *she jumps in an uncharacteristic manner...and spins to face him...her expression shifting from 'wtf?' to something more relaxed in a split second* You really shouldn't do that...I could have hauled off and given you a black eye. *grins*
[10-06:01] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ~Gah! Come back!~
[10-06:01] 9515d, 'Nay: Ooooo
[10-06:02] 25604, *Talon: Heh, Venom broke Black Cat's nose and almost killed her before.
[10-06:02] 9515d, 'Nay: O_O no hitting cuties!! at least... not in the face anyways O_O
[10-06:02] 25604, *Talon: Heh
[10-06:02] 855a6, *Jenalia: ((evil vile pulsating nothingness? god that sounds*cuts off*))
[10-06:02] 9cd6d,Ronica : No, Prefekt missed his chance! Ronnie's gonna go get some sleep.
[10-06:03] 98920, *Rokeim Gekla : *lightly chuckles at her reaction* Good to see you too....
[10-06:03] 25604, *Talon: White Queen got her nose broke in the X-Men a while back. Looked like a heavy weight boxer for a while. O_O
[10-06:03] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : *oh, is so incredibly sad now...*
[10-06:03] 9515d, 'Nay: heh, take it out on a few Jedi when ya get back, Prefekt
[10-06:04] 38cde, 'Knees: *giggles at Jen*
[10-06:04] 9cd6d,Ronica : It's Prefekt's own fault for playing a trick like that. Bwah.
[10-06:04] 855a6, *Jenalia: *she flicks a glance up and down Rokeim's entire person...then back to his face..managing a straight face* Oh likewise I'm sure.
[10-06:04] 9cd6d,Ronica : Oh, FS... *has to finish an email before bed*
[10-06:04] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : *very sad...oh, slinks slowly toward depression...*
[10-06:05] 9515d, 'Nay: so? it's the Dirano way :-D
[10-06:05] 25604, *Talon: *thinks the next SM movie should either have the second Green Goblin or maybe the Hobgoblin*
[10-06:05] 38cde, 'Knees: But, as there's nothing of interest in here anymore.... night.
[10-06:05] 9cd6d, *Eve Skyler : ((Fcking guilt trip...)) ~Hmm?~
[10-06:05] aacc2, *Mavei: *LOL*
[10-06:05] 855a6, *Jenalia: ((don't give in to the guilt Ronnie!))
[10-06:06] 9515d, 'Nay: hell no *thwaps Talon* they need Doc Octopus to get his ass in there and start impaling people
[10-06:06] 38cde, 'Knees: My respect for Ronnie has been temporarily suspended. :p
[10-06:06] 98920, *Rokeim Gekla : Why do you think I dropped in ? Certianly wasnt to go walking on the beach... *small smile*... care for a drink ?
[10-06:06] 25604, *Talon: Heh, that could work too. *liked how they did Doc Ock in the Ultimate Spider-Man comics*
[10-06:07] 9515d, 'Nay: heh "The Dirano way" well damn.... I need to boost Kenji's body count drastically
[10-06:07] EXIT: Knees has left the chat ( Quit ).
[10-06:07] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ~That wasn't cool.~
[10-06:07] 855a6, *Jenalia: *leans over to whisper conspiratorily into his ear* The whole planet is like a big beach...*then moves back and smiles* I'd love one.
[10-06:08] 9cd6d, *Eve Skyler : ~You're not cool.~
[10-06:08] JOIN: KJ has entered.
[10-06:09] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ~...Sorry.~
[10-06:09] 9cd6d, *Eve Skyler : ~Don't pull stunts like that. For all I know, you could have been dead. Not funny. Not cool.~
[10-06:10] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ~...Never again.~
[10-06:10] 98920, *Rokeim Gekla : *shakes his head slightly*... no.. this whole planet is like a sand trap...*smirk*.. what will you have, m'lady ? My treat...
[10-06:11] 9cd6d, *Eve Skyler : ~Thank you. Anyhow, I really should get some sleep. Something tells me there's going to be a long few days ahead.~
[10-06:12] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ~All right...Eve?~
[10-06:12] 9515d, 'Nay: when everyone goes to get Prefekt..... don't even think of smoking in his ship.... you really don't want to set anything off
[10-06:12] 9cd6d, *Eve Skyler : ~Yes?~
[10-06:13] 9515d, 'Nay: Kenji's ship, that is
[10-06:13] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ~...I love you, you know. Be careful.~
[10-06:13] 855a6, *Jenalia: I'll just say can decide what kind.
[10-06:13] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : ((lol@Nay))
[10-06:13] 97af0, *KJ : *bored*
[10-06:15] aacc2, *Mavei: *LOL*
[10-06:15] 9515d, 'Nay: *relates*
[10-06:15] 9515d, 'Nay: damn boring people
[10-06:16] 9cd6d, *Eve Skyler : ~I love you, too. And I'll be perfectly all right. Just worry about yourself. Goodnight.~ *her force presence drifts away as she falls asleep and whatnot*
[10-06:16] 97af0, *KJ : *mutter*
[10-06:16] 98920, *Rokeim Gekla : As you wish...*steps past her, heads to the bar and signals Wuher.. talks with the old man for a few moments, then slips a couple goodly sized credit denominations to the barkeep*
[10-06:16] aacc2, *Mavei: *bored too*
[10-06:17] f558f, *Prefekt Dirano : *after that...he begins the slow process of bleeding the emotion from himself, like water from a sponge...once that is done, he falls into a dark meditation...* *GONE*
[10-06:17] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: AHahahahah....AHAHAHAHAHHA....Mariners are tied with Toronto, that's so pathetic
[10-06:19] 855a6, *Jenalia: *moves over to the bar next to him a curious look* what are you up to?
[10-06:19] 9515d, 'Nay: Mav boring too, she just took off so I'd die when I cracked my head open a while ago
[10-06:19] NICK: Talon changed nick to Stormtrooper Pack.
[10-06:20] 9515d, 'Nay: O_o
[10-06:20] 25604, Stormtrooper Pack: *seven troopers walk in, talking among themselves*
[10-06:21] 9515d, 'Nay: *times response* O_O
[10-06:21] aacc2, *Mavei: What?!
[10-06:21] 98920, *Rokeim Gekla : Oh nothing... *Wuher arrives with a pair of wine glasses, the wine itself is almost clear.. a slight pink haze is present* takes the glasses from the barkeep and holds one out to Jen* ... enjoy.
[10-06:22] 9515d, 'Nay: *got pounced and ditched*
[10-06:22] JOIN: Gavin Lurid has entered.
[10-06:22] 25604, Stormtrooper Pack: *the leader, Mikhail, moves to the bar and orders seven waters while the rest move to a table in the back*
[10-06:22] aacc2, *Mavei: *pounces him again, and smothers him in huggles and kisses!!!*
[10-06:23] 9515d, 'Nay: *dead as he's pounced and kissed*
[10-06:23] 855a6, *Jenalia: *theres a smile hovering indecisively upon her lips...she takes the glass..moving the liquid in a small circle...before bringing it to her lips for a light sip*
[10-06:23] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Ah, the joy of 9 game winning streaks.
[10-06:24] 9515d, 'Nay: *... and huggled*
[10-06:24] 97af0, *Kjersti Renn : *could care less about baseball unless they're going to do another Star Wars Mariners game*
[10-06:24] aacc2, *Mavei: *revives with a smooch, then snickers as she patters off to go back into lurk mode*
[10-06:24] 25604, Stormtrooper Pack: *Mikhail takes the waters to the table and takes a seat, the troopers removing their helmets and relaxing*
[10-06:25] 9515d, 'Nay: *revived and abandoned again* well damn, that figures
[10-06:25] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Hmm. Castillo vs. win that game, KJ. Oliver vs. Hamsandwhich, we win that game. Martinez vs. Some Schmuck, I automatically win.
[10-06:25] 97af0, *Kjersti Renn : ((*goes IC*))
[10-06:26] 52df0, *Gavin Lurid : *Glances out towards the horizon, as the Tatooine winds whip across his black Jedi cloak, blowing it.*
[10-06:26] 98920, *Rokeim Gekla : *likewise swirls the glass, holds the glass up a bit so he can savor the fine aroma of the wine before he takes a sip as well, he never takes his eyes off her, nor does a faint smile leave his features*
[10-06:26] aacc2, *Mavei: Whaaat? You want me to hang around this scary place?
[10-06:27] 9515d, 'Nay: nah, ya don't want to
[10-06:28] aacc2, *Mavei: The people here are scary, can you blame me?
[10-06:28] 97af0, *Kjersti Renn : *turns to Gavin, removing her own cloak and tossing it in the landspeeder* So... do you want to do this with sticks or actual lightsabers?
[10-06:29] 855a6, *Jenalia: *she finally takes a long look at the contents...then Rokeim..* You didn't just...*looks at the glass again* is it?
[10-06:29] 855a6, *Jenalia: ((Mav: BOO!))
[10-06:30] 4cff4, Stormtrooper Pack: *the bearded Bardok pulls out a deck of sabacc cards and begins to play with Mik*
[10-06:30] 9515d, 'Nay: :-P they're always scary to be near when you're preoccupied
[10-06:30] aacc2, *Mavei: EEEEEEEEEEECCCKKKK!!! *dies*
[10-06:31] JOIN: Darkstar has entered.
[10-06:31] aacc2, *Mavei: Nemph!
[10-06:31] 9515d, 'Nay: *sees right through everyone*
[10-06:31] 60548, Darkstar: Go to my link and check out my animation! Please....
[10-06:32] 60548, Darkstar: EEK! *smacks Nay* Pervert!
[10-06:32] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: How the hell did you animate a JPG?!
[10-06:33] aacc2, *Mavei: *is wearing lead* *mwahaha*
[10-06:33] 60548, Darkstar: I made it. *shrugs*
[10-06:33] 97af0, *Kjersti Renn : ((You can't animate a JPG, dork. It has to be a gif.))
[10-06:33] 52df0, *Gavin Lurid : *Removes a black and silver metallic cylinder from a D-ring attached to his belt. The hilt recently constructed, is similar in design to Master Skywalker's Jedi weapon.* Lightsabers will do fine. Just go easy on me. *Smile to her, as he removes his black cloak, setting it on the landspeeder.
[10-06:33] 60548, Darkstar: Should be gif in my file.
[10-06:34] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: LOOK AT THE F'N URL!
[10-06:34] 9515d, 'Nay: umm, it says .jpg, but the eye IS changing......
[10-06:34] 98920, *Rokeim Gekla : *hides a wide smile behind the glass* Is it... what ? *feigns ignorance to what's in the glass*
[10-06:34] 9515d, 'Nay: *wonders how that works O_O*
[10-06:35] 97af0, *Kjersti Renn : *smiles back* Hey, I haven't tried myself against your skill yet so... you be careful, too! *walks away from the landspeeder a few yards so it's not in the way*
[10-06:35] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Yeah, and there's no hidden source code or anything.
[10-06:35] 60548, Darkstar: I'm just that good nay
[10-06:36] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: You will explain how you did this, or we will harm you
[10-06:37] 9515d, 'Nay: it's on account of villiany!!
[10-06:37] 98920, *Rokeim Gekla : ((a Gif that was renamed as a jpeg, most likely))
[10-06:37] 60548, Darkstar: I made the file using gifs. tryed ot make a transperent gif then loaded it onto
[10-06:38] 855a6, *Jenalia : *she moves over to Rokeim...close enough to look directly into his eyes and see the tiny flecks of colour...trailing one finger over the rim of her glass* ...thats no plain wine.
[10-06:38] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Renaming a gif to jpg just destroys the file. It's a different codec.
[10-06:40] 9515d, 'Nay: *yawns*
[10-06:40] 97af0, *Kjersti Renn : ((maybe it's some weird combo of interlacing or something.))
[10-06:40] 52df0, *Gavin Lurid : I will. I promise you. *Ignites the lightsaber, a shimmering green energy blade coming into existance with a snap-hiss.*
[10-06:41] EXIT: Stormtrooper Pack has left the chat ( Quit ).
[10-06:41] 9515d, 'Nay: it's ancient Chinese technique.... duh
[10-06:41] 98920, *Rokeim Gekla : *looks right back into her eyes, the smile still there* ... its not ? Odd... i thought i ordered a simple wine.. *his tone of voice suggesting an obvious lie, of course*
[10-06:41] JOIN: Talon has entered.
[10-06:42] 97af0, *Kjersti Renn : *reaches out with the Force to get a good feeling of her greater surroundings before pulling in her bubble of responsibility to focus on just herself and Gavin before she ignites her turquoise-bladed saber, assuming the chudan position*
[10-06:42] 9515d, 'Nay: *swan dives..... into the asphault*
[10-06:42] 60548, Darkstar: L@Nay
[10-06:42] 98920, *Rokeim Gekla : ((chudan position ? is that like the... uhh.. nevermind...))
[10-06:43] 97af0, *Kjersti Renn : ((middle guard))
[10-06:44] 9515d, 'Nay: *dies on impact, fading vanishing into the Force*
[10-06:44] f558f,Mazzik : KILL IT!
[10-06:44] 97af0, *Kjersti Renn : ((M@ZZIK NEEDS TO TURN OFF HIS CAPS LOCK))
[10-06:44] 9515d, 'Nay: (fading... vanishing)
[10-06:44] 60548, Darkstar: ROFL@Mazz Yes Yes thats it. Fear my dark net powers Wooooo
[10-06:44] EXIT: Justin Sane has left the chat ( Yup, these are my readers... ).
[10-06:45] aacc2, *Mavei: *catches Nay before he hits*
[10-06:45] 9cd6d,Ronica : Go to bed, Mazz. Tss.
[10-06:45] 855a6, *Jenalia : Alderaanian wine? *getting the feeling she should be savouring every single last sip..if so...and has a newborn type of respect for Rokeim(heh...the shit!)*
[10-06:45] 4cff4, *Talon: *thinks Nay has to die in front of Luke to become one with the force*
[10-06:45] 9515d, 'Nay: O_o how's that? I already faded
[10-06:45] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[10-06:46] 9515d, 'Nay: Luke's a homo
[10-06:46] 855a6, *Jenalia : ((*BEATS CAPS INTO THE GROUND*))
[10-06:46] 60548, Darkstar: He kissed his sister and liked it.
[10-06:46] 52df0, *Gavin Lurid : *Leaps into the air forming a front flip, before landing on the desert sand in front of her. Swings the energy blade in a slight arc towards her mid-section.*
[10-06:46] 9515d, 'Nay: heh, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, he played "Cocknocker"
[10-06:46] 4cff4, *Talon: Look at the original SW movies, anyone who died infront of ol' Luke Skywalker became one with the force, if they didn't, they just died.
[10-06:47] aacc2, *Mavei: NOOOOO!!!!
[10-06:47] 35405, 'Luke: hey all..
[10-06:48] 9515d, 'Nay: delayed reaction to a death over 3 minutes ago
[10-06:48] 60548, Darkstar: Hey, speak of the devil.
[10-06:48] 97af0, *Kjersti Renn : *swings her blade sideways, stepping back with one foot slightly and pivoting the other, coming back with a slice towards his side after knocking his blade back*
[10-06:48] 9515d, 'Nay: O_o
[10-06:48] 9515d, 'Nay: 'lo Luke
[10-06:48] 98920, *Rokeim Gekla : *nods an acknowledgement, smiling as well, that sort of.. hansom smile that makes you wanna kick him* takes another sip.. realy realy small* Well i'll be.... it is Alderaanian wine... isnt it ?
[10-06:49] 855a6, *Jenalia : *reaches over and takes a sip of his wine as well...grinning as she hands it back* It is isn't it?
[10-06:50] 97af0, *Kjersti Renn : ((Lukey-Poo! *huggles*))
[10-06:50] aacc2, *Mavei: Lukey! *pounce*
[10-06:50] 14f78, 'Luke: hehehe *hugs back* hey KJ
[10-06:50] 14f78, 'Luke: *gets pounced* OOMPH! *falls over*
[10-06:50] 98920, *Rokeim Gekla : Yes.. it is. '42, no less....
[10-06:51] 9515d, 'Nay: *ponders, vowing to make people wait as long as it takes them to reply to stuff* wurd
[10-06:51] 4cff4, *Talon: It's Luke, thought he died....
[10-06:52] 52df0, *Gavin Lurid : *Intercepts her lightsaber blade, his green lightsaber blade creating a sharp crackle as the two clash. Steps back on his left foot, swinging the energy weapon in a wide arc, to strike near her head.*
[10-06:52] 60548, Darkstar: well i take my crazy pic and go. I speak to most of you on AIM anymway.
[10-06:52] f558f,Mazzik : Hate, something, sometime, someway, something kick off the front floor.. Mine? Something, inside.
[10-06:52] 4cff4, *Talon: <-- Is that dorky lookin' Jen?
[10-06:52] f558f,Mazzik : I'll never ever follow.
[10-06:52] EXIT: Darkstar has left the chat ( *Poof* ).
[10-06:53] 9515d, 'Nay: GOD PAINS ME...................... I'll never see the light.....
[10-06:53] 4cff4, *Talon: Or maybe this?
[10-06:53] aacc2, *Mavei: *grabs Luke and hurls him IC*
[10-06:54] 35405, 'Luke: nah... my phoneline died on me... I'm trying to revive it somehow... maybe by paying the phone company.... that might work... *can't go IC, has to head off home soon*
[10-06:54] 855a6, *Jenalia : *is still a relatively simple relatively floored..hiding it well isn't she?* You'
[10-06:54] 97af0, *Kjersti Renn : *brings her blade up to meet his, her elboes bent, absorbing the Force of the clash and she slides her blade along his before pushing it backward, using the moment to spin, pivoting on one foot and lowering herself to swing at his knees*
[10-06:55] NICK: Talon changed nick to Green Goblin.
[10-06:55] 855a6, *Jenalia : ((Looks kinda horny ,Talon.))
[10-06:56] 4cff4, Green Goblin: *flies around on his glider*
[10-06:56] 98920, *Rokeim Gekla : Because i wanted to... *swirls the glass before taking another sip, larger than his last of course*..and because you're worth it.
[10-06:57] 9515d, 'Nay: didn't hurl me IC like that....... *jealous and such as RP starts while he's closing stuff up*
[10-06:57] 4cff4, Green Goblin: *throws a pumkin bomb at Mavei*
[10-06:57] aacc2, *Mavei: ... bah, just kill off Stefan or something.
[10-06:57] 855a6, *Jenalia : ((alright...WHO BROKE MAZZ??!?!))
[10-06:58] 14f78, 'Luke: I ain't killing my jedi... you know how bloody long it took to get him registered?
[10-06:58] 9515d, 'Nay: hmm..... didn't = never
[10-06:59] aacc2, *Mavei: *can* *eyes Nay with an evil grin*
[10-06:59] 52df0, *Gavin Lurid : *Jumps over her spinning lightsaber strike, landing on the desert floor a short distance from where he was standing. Takes a step forward, striking low with his lightsaber, aiming the tip of the glowing green blade for her right knee.*
[10-06:59] 9515d, 'Nay: but ya don't
[10-06:59] 9515d, 'Nay: O_o ever
[10-07:00] f558f,Mazzik : I AM NOT FKING BROKE, OKAY? SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE
[10-07:00] 35405, 'Luke: I gotta get going... I'l see ya's sometime next week... *hugs for KJ, Mav and Jen* bye
[10-07:00] aacc2, *Mavei: Alright... um... I guess Sileen and Stefan broke up or something then. You're never on to do any RP'ing with me anyway :-/
[10-07:00] EXIT: Luke has left the chat ( Quit ).
[10-07:00] 4cff4, Green Goblin: *impaled by his own glider, dies, only to return thirty years later*
[10-07:00] 97af0, *Kjersti Renn : *swings back, blocking the blade and knocking it upward before coming straight in for a stab at the chest*
[10-07:01] 855a6, *Jenalia : *she looks one more time from the glass to him..and then if she hasn't really done it in years* It would have been enough just to see you.
[10-07:01] aacc2, *Mavei: *sighs* And once again, he gets away before that can be resolved...
[10-07:01] 855a6, *Jenalia : ((*hugs Luke back*blinks@Mazz*ahhhh bite me. :P ))
[10-07:01] 9515d, 'Nay: *out of loop**secretly plots to kill people in a randon, unpredictable pattern that seems not vengeful*
[10-07:03] 52df0, *Gavin Lurid : *Slashes down with his lightsaber, striking her weapon with enough force to disrupt her attack.*
[10-07:04] aacc2, *Mavei: *snuggles up to Nay, muttering under her breath about being too nice*
[10-07:04] 9515d, 'Nay: *huggles Mav, plotting against folks*
[10-07:04] 97af0, *Kjersti Renn : *steps to the side, letting her arm follow the blade downward a bit, before spinning it back to come down at his left shoulder*
[10-07:05] 9515d, 'Nay: heh, Luke's gone so I get a huggle now O_O
[10-07:05] aacc2, *Mavei: Sileen and Stefan broke up, so Sileen is now completely single and stuff again *nods* Stefan is also free for any girls and such
[10-07:06] 98920, *Rokeim Gekla : *smiles.. right from the bottom of his heart smiles* ... but for me to see one such as yourself.. i need to do something special for such a beautiful lady..
[10-07:06] 97af0, *Kjersti Renn : ((AIM died))
[10-07:07] 98920, *Rokeim Gekla : ((meh...*eyes his post... * bah, its self explanatory *refuses to reword, 'cuz he's just that damn lazy*))
[10-07:07] 4cff4, Green Goblin: *bombs AIM*
[10-07:08] aacc2, *Mavei: *twitch* Always must you give me a hard time! Even when it's not justified! *pouts at Nay and curls up under her table noe*
[10-07:09] JOIN: Discord has entered.
[10-07:09] aacc2, *Mavei: *eats that noe*
[10-07:10] 9515d, 'Nay: *pouted at**hasn't exagerated once yet O_O*
[10-07:10] 4cff4, Green Goblin: *hires the Jackal and has him make a clone army of Maveis*
[10-07:11] aacc2, *Mavei: *all the Maveis die... because there can be only one, the world can't handle that much cute*
[10-07:11] 855a6, *Jenalia : By the gods...I think you've just made me blush..*indeed...she presses a hand to her face...trying in vain to cool it..* thats a first..
[10-07:11] 97af0, *Kjersti Renn : ((*prods around for Gavin*
[10-07:12] 4cff4, Green Goblin: *uses the clones to make the flog Nay*
[10-07:12] 4cff4, Green Goblin: *make them flog Nay, bombs typo*
[10-07:12] 9515d, 'Nay: *destroys the clones*
[10-07:13] aacc2, *Mavei: Naaay! I singled out Luke because I have been trying to corner him into coming to a resolve on that whole Stefan/Sileen thing for forever! Quit giving me a hard time about it!
[10-07:13] 9515d, 'Nay: it was only one example
[10-07:13] 4cff4, Green Goblin: *makes a clone army of Nays and Mazziks*
[10-07:13] 98920, *Rokeim Gekla : And certianly not the last, m'lady...*takes a sip from the glass...afterall, wine is better still chilled*
[10-07:14] EXIT: Kjersti Renn has left the chat ( Quit ).
[10-07:14] 855a6, *Jenalia : *takes a long deep drink from her own glass...and Rokeim. surely you'd love to know what she's thinking wouldn't you? too bad*
[10-07:14] aacc2, *Mavei: .....
[10-07:14] 9515d, 'Nay: eh, the Nays would just commit suicide upon looking at the original like "why bother?"
[10-07:15] 4cff4, Green Goblin: Heh
[10-07:15] JOIN: Gavin Lurid has entered.
[10-07:16] JOIN: Kjersti Renn has entered.
[10-07:16] 9515d, 'Nay: and now that the truth has gotten people pissed off at me yet again, I suppose it's time for me to leave people to their business
[10-07:17] 9515d, 'Nay: since all will probably be silent anyways
[10-07:17] f558f,Mazzik : *snuggles Nay* I'm not pissed at you, honey.
[10-07:17] 5d192, *Gavin Lurid : *Raises his lightsaber block her strike, tang a step back in the sand.*
[10-07:17] b7373, *Discord : ((I really need to find a better color.))
[10-07:17] aacc2, *Mavei: What did I do THIS time?!
[10-07:17] EXIT: Ronica has left the chat ( When you think the night has seen your mind, that inside you're twisted and unkind, let me stand to show that you are blind. ).
[10-07:17] 9515d, 'Nay: adieu *backs away from Mazz slowly*
[10-07:18] f558f,Mazzik : *chases Nay* OH, HOW I LOVE THEE!
[10-07:18] 855a6, *Jenalia : ((....he...just...snuggled...*twitch*))
[10-07:18] 5d192, *Gavin Lurid : *Raises his lightsaber to block her strike, tanking a step back in the sand.*
[10-07:18] 98920, *Rokeim Gekla : *takes a couple deep breaths, an a sip of wine before he sets the glass down, keeping his index finger and thumb on the bottom of the stem*... i have to leave again, tomorow morning.
[10-07:18] 97af0, *Kjersti Renn : *steps back as well with a grin* Good reflexes... you're not bad.
[10-07:19] 4cff4, Green Goblin: *wonders what Mazzik's been smoking*
[10-07:19] 5d192, *Gavin Lurid : ((Before Kjersti's post.)) *Raises his lightsaber to block her strike, taking a step back in the sand.*
[10-07:20] EXIT: Mazzik has left the chat ( ...And do you recall what was the feel...the day the music died? ).
[10-07:20] 855a6, *Jenalia : I thought maybe you would say that tonight...*she moves over to him...straightening his collar or what have ye...she still smiles slightly* You're coming back...
[10-07:21] 4cff4, Green Goblin: *bombs Jen*
[10-07:21] EXIT: Nay has left the chat ( it's falling away from me........ ).
[10-07:21] 5d192, *Gavin Lurid : Thanks. You're not bad yourself. *Moves forward, striking out towards her mid-section again with his lightsaber.*
[10-07:21] JOIN: Starfire has entered.
[10-07:21] 855a6, *Jenalia : ((*bombed*dies*))
[10-07:22] 855a6, *Jenalia : ((...*has been listening to that song alot lately...eyes Nay*))
[10-07:22] 4cff4, Green Goblin: *flies around on his flying broomstick*
[10-07:22] 97af0, *Kjersti Renn : *blocks and parries, striking back* Can you keep it up with distraction? *causes a windstorm of sand to spring up around them*
[10-07:23] b7373, *Discord : ((*lurks*))
[10-07:23] 4cff4, Green Goblin: *bombs Discord*
[10-07:23] 855a6, *Jenalia : *she trails one hand down his back...curling it around his waist...she finishes her wine...leaving it on the bar* How about you walk me home?
[10-07:24] 98920, *Rokeim Gekla : You know I am...*reaches up with his free hand to gently take hers, and lightly kiss it*
[10-07:24] 855a6, *Jenalia : ((*wants to know how Discord got registered so quickly*))
[10-07:26] 5d192, *Gavin Lurid : *Closes his eyes, reaching out with the Force to heighten his other senses. Blocks her strike with ease, sliding his lightsaber along the edge of her blade until they are close to each other. He places an unepected kiss upon her lips, then pulls away. Forming a defensive stance, he smiles.* The question is, can you?
[10-07:27] b7373, *Discord : ((*bombed* Ack))
[10-07:27] b7373, *Discord : ((I filled out an application and got accepted?))
[10-07:27] 4cff4, Green Goblin: Good answer.
[10-07:28] 5d192, *Gavin Lurid : ((expected, even.))
[10-07:28] 98920, *Rokeim Gekla : ((*was in the middle of typing..but bah*)) It would be an honor, m'lady... *finishes off his wine and leaves the quite empty glass on the bar*
[10-07:28] 98920, *Rokeim Gekla : ((now begins the downfall of roki's rp abilities *blinks to see the screen*))
[10-07:29] 97af0, *Kjersti Renn : *laughs and takes a stab back at him, her eyes closed, using the Force to guide her blade, sensing where he is, what he's doing*
[10-07:32] 5d192, *Gavin Lurid : *Parries her attack, before taking a step back with his left foot.* The match is one point in favor of me, against your...well you have no points as of yet. *Smiles over to her, ready for her next move.*
[10-07:32] 98920, *Rokeim Gekla : ((*while staggering off to bed*)) *wraps an arm 'round her shoulders, all manly like and all ya know, and leads her out*
[10-07:34] 855a6, *Jenalia : *she smiles and is led out*fill in the blank*
[10-07:35] EXIT: Rokeim Gekla has left the chat ( zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ).
[10-07:35] 855a6, *Jenalia : ((argh. *passes out*))
[10-07:35] 4cff4, Green Goblin: *eyes, pondering bombing someone else*
[10-07:35] EXIT: Jenalia has left the chat ( Quit ).
[10-07:36] 97af0, *Kjersti Renn : Is that so? *lets the wind die down so he can see her grin better before she enhances her speed with the Force to come in for an attack, making a lunge for his shoulder*
[10-07:38] 5d192, *Gavin Lurid : *Sensing her forward strike, he ducks down to avoid the lunge for his shoulder, rolling to the left of her. Quickly stands up, his lightsaber at the ready.*
[10-07:40] 97af0, *Kjersti Renn : *waits for him to stand and grins* Getting some good excercise? *lunges at him again in a fast combination of strikes*
[10-07:43] 5d192, *Gavin Lurid : Uh, yeah. I...*Moves in response to the rapid sucession of her strikes, blocking the first two, and striking against her lightsaber on the third attempt. The energy blades crackle as they strike.*
[10-07:45] 97af0, *Kjersti Renn : *presses her blade against his, using the Force to add more strength, vying for position*
[10-07:49] 5d192, *Gavin Lurid : *Senses her use of the Force to assist her, he pulls away from her lightsaber. Brings his energy weapon back up in a defensive stance.*
[10-07:51] 97af0, *Kjersti Renn : *steps forward, knocking his blade aside and twisting down to slap it in the other direction, against his thumbs, trying to knock it out of his hands*
[10-07:55] 5d192, *Gavin Lurid : *His lightsaber deactivates shortly after it leaves his right hand. Takes another step back, reaching out with the Force to call the weapon back to his hand, before it hits the sand.*
[10-07:59] 97af0, *Kjersti Renn : *pulls back so she doesn't hit him after he loses his weapon* I guess you haven't seen that move. *grins* Let me try that again, only this time, if you bring the butt end of your blade up and the tip down at the right moment you can end up knocking mine out of my hands.
[10-08:01] 5d192, *Gavin Lurid : Okay. *With the lightsaber hilt back in his right hand, he again activates the weapon.*
[10-08:02] 97af0, *Kjersti Renn : *steps forward again, knocking his blade aside and twisting her blade around it sharply*
[10-08:04] 5d192, *Gavin Lurid : *Strikes his lightsaber out against her energy blade, doing as instructed. Points the tip of his shimmering green lightsaber down towards the ground, in an attempt to knock her weapon from her hands.*
[10-08:06] 97af0, *Kjersti Renn : *though she knows a way to react to that, she doesn't do the extra move, since normally she probably wouldn't have expected his move in order to react that way, and as a result her lightsaber gets knocked out of her hand and she has to pull her hands back quickly in order to keep from getting burned before calling her saber back to her hands* Good! You got it...
[10-08:09] 5d192, *Gavin Lurid : *Disengages his lightsaber, leaning forward to kiss her soft lips. He smiles, pulling away from her.* That would be two points in favor of me...
[10-08:10] 97af0, *Kjersti Renn : *grins* Hey, I let you have that last one... I know a move to block it but I wanted to make sure you got that one down... *teasingly*
[10-08:13] 5d192, *Gavin Lurid : Oh, of course you did. *Attatches the D-ring on the lightsaber hilt to a clip on his belt.*
[10-08:14] 97af0, *Kjersti Renn : *grins, clipping her lightsaber to her belt as well* You're really good, Gavin, seriously.
[10-08:15] 5d192, *Gavin Lurid : *Glances over to her, his eyes come in contact with her dark brown eyes, as he smiles.* Thanks. I learned from one of the best.
[10-08:17] 97af0, *Kjersti Renn : *smiles, meeting his gaze* I think we make a good team.
[10-08:19] 5d192, *Gavin Lurid : I too think that we make a great team. *Slides hir right arm around her waist, escorting her to the landspeeder.* So where would you like to go now?
[10-08:21] 5d192, *Gavin Lurid : ((his, even.))
[10-08:23] 97af0, *Kjersti Renn : Hmmm... *walks with him to the landspeeder, the wind blowing wisps her dark hair into her face* How about... we stay here for a little longer? *turns toward him, reaching up and clasping her hands behind his neck* There's no one to bother us out here...
[10-08:26] 5d192, *Gavin Lurid : Not a bad idea...*He smiles, sliding his hands down towards the small of her back, resting them there. Leans forward brushing his lips hers, as they embrace.*
[10-08:28] 97af0, *Kjersti Renn : *slips up on her toes, closing her eyes, meeting the kiss softly and tenderly, her slim arms encircling his shoulders*
[10-08:31] 5d192, *Gavin Lurid : *Closes his eyes, as he continues to kiss her lips. His hands brush over her back.* ~I love you...~
[10-08:33] 97af0, *Kjersti Renn : *smiles in the kiss, tears moistening her eyes while they're closed* ~I love you to, Gavin.~ *her arms tighten around him as if she's afraid to lose him*
[10-08:38] 5d192, *Gavin Lurid : *Slowly releases from their kiss, placing a soft kiss on her left cheek. Gently squeezes her in his arms, sensing what she is feeling.*
[10-08:42] 97af0, *Kjersti Renn : *looks up at him, her throat tight, her voice comes quietly* Never have I felt so deeply for anyone... I'm horrified to think we almost never met. I could have married Xen, Mike could have survived, Alc could have charmed me over... *shakes her head, staring up at him*
[10-08:47] 5d192, *Gavin Lurid : Destiny brought us together, and nothing will seperate us. I promise you. *Brushes his right hand over her cheek, wiping away a tear that had escaped her eye and rolled down her face.*
[10-08:50] 97af0, *Kjersti Renn : *smiles softly* Gavin... I swear I'd do anything you asked me to... I mean... I want to. I want to do something for you to show you how much I care...
[10-08:53] 5d192, *Gavin Lurid : As I would do anything for you, Kjersti...
[10-08:56] 5d192, *Gavin Lurid : *pause*
[10-08:57] 97af0, *Kjersti Renn : *pause too*
[10-08:58] EXIT: Gavin Lurid has left the chat ( Quit ).
[10-09:01] EXIT: Kjersti Renn has left the chat ( Quit ).
[10-09:46] JOIN: Talon has entered.
[10-09:47] bd499, *Talon: Bwah ha ha ha ha!!!! *seeing that no one is here, steals all the good stuff from the bar and runs out screaming mad*
[10-09:53] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[10-09:54] EXIT: Get a Name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
[10-13:13] JOIN: Mazzik has entered.
[10-13:44] b4f2d, Jezral : test