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 Gree Enclave Expedition
3:01am, February 13, 2009
My AIM SN: Stoneneedle

For those of you who may remember, this is kind of a transposition of the thread that V gave out in T's chat, which I will repost here in between asterisks (with a few merciful spelling fixes--I've also deleted the part about Drax Milamber, because now it is General Kliv, leader of New Republic Intelligence, directing the mission):


Hi folks,

First, the prologue already happened. It's in the chat logs. Feel free to read and try to guess/extrapolate what is happening. Obviously the 'volcano god' is a Nekressis.

Most of the oncoming roleplay will take part in the Gree Enclave, so I'll write up some information that people can refer too. Please note, that the average joe will never have heard of the Enclave, its not exactly famous. (Even Star Wars enthusiasts don't have much data for them) First will be this information and secondly will follow information pertaining to the roleplay plot itself.

The Gree Enclave
The Gree themselves are a species of cephalopods, six tentacled creatures with gray skin, large sad looking eyes and tall foreheads supporting immense brain sacs which flop oddly behind their head. They decorate their large foreheads with hieroglyphic tattoos which indicate rank and caste. No mouth is visible in their faces, but it is thought the fleshy folds beneath the eyes serve the Gree's vocal communication needs.

Few are certain how old the society is, as it flourished so long ago that the time even from Gree historian refer to it as the 'most ancient and forgotten days'. It is however known that the Gree were an highly advanced civilization, their technology extremely alien from anything known today. Much of this technology has been forgotten, although Gree can still manufacture and operate certain items with the Masters operating the more mysterious Gree devices. Most Gree technology emit musical notes, that must be "played" to be used properly. This technology is attuned to Gree physiology, designed to be operated by the suckers coating the underside of Gree tentacles. Conversely, Gree are extremely inept at using Imperial-standard technology.

Today, the Gree are an apathetic species and their once unimaginably grand civilization has declined to near ruin. They are mostly concerned with maintaining what few technological wonders they still understand, and keeping their cultural identity pure and their technology safe from the outside galaxy. For this reason, Gree devices and culture are a novel flare of individual taste for collectors. It is believed that Count Dooku even traveled to the Gree Enclave and acquired his solar sailor vessel from the Gree.

The Gree generally do not accept credits and prefer to trade goods or services.

The Gree hold a handful of worlds in their small Outer Rim enclave. Access to these worlds is strongly discouraged by the Gree, who look down on the "low civilizations" of the galaxy. Members of similarly old species - Bith or Columi for example - have less trouble gaining access to the Gree worlds. Those visiting the Gree Enclave land first on Asation, a gateway world to the other Gree systems. It's the only Gree world with reliable astrogation coordinates to nearby systems outside the enclave. Asation also has the largest alien quarter and caters to the economic needs of trades, scholars and other visitors.

Transport to other systems in the Gree Enclave is provided aboard the Rokak'k Baran, an immense ship of Gree design which follows a regular schedule of stops at various Gree worlds. Visitors leave their starships on Asation and board the Rokak'k Baran. Independent travel in other starships is strongly discouraged - ships venturing farther into Gree Space have a disturbing tendency to vanish. Exact hyperspace routes have never been mapped, nor have navigators or scouts been permitted to explore and map the Gree Enclave. Probe and scout droids disappear without a trace. At this time, other Gree worlds do not have extensive starport facilities and can often be dangerous to land on.

The Rokak'k Baran is more like a traveling city, a disk shaped vessel more than five kilometers in diameter. The Gree dislike alien ships in their space and expect all aliens to use the Baran. A tribute for transport is only 1500 credits for aliens, round trip - extra cargo requiring more tribute.

Asation is a wet, gray, high pressure world with extensive slimy wetlands and jungle. Its atmosphere is so thick and humid that most travelers prefer to use breath masks while outdoors. Satikan is the largest city on Asation, housing the starport, consulate, guild chambers, marketplaces and thousands of alien traders.

Satikan's starport and alien district sprawls along the edge of a large ruined city forbidden to non-Gree. The ruins are partially covered by thick jungle growth, and no paths leading into the area can be seen.


Ideas for characters can include everything you could expect on an expedition: Scientists, Archaelogists, Linguists, Technical specialists, Pilots, Security etc.

It is imperative you post your character idea and concept in this thread, so the team can start to form and gaps can be identified, and that we don't get too many repeats.

Roleplay can happen for characters to arrive on Asation, namely at the main city of Satikan. Once we have everyone, we will agree to a time for the first visit to the planned location.

DO NOTE: You will be required to think of HOW you are going to achieve your objectives.

I also require your character lists to possess strengths, weaknesses and any fears/dislikes due to the possible environments that will be explored.


New Opening Plot

The NRI represents all the dirty little secrets the Republic needs, or thinks it needs, for survival. Kliv sees no reason not to work with the Gree, but he is also not willing to follow all of the rules and regulations exactly.

As such, the expedition will be divided into two teams, Corsair Group and Womprat Group. Corsair will be led by Kliv himself, in his small, cloaked ship, The Desilius--it will fly alongside the freighter delivering Womprat Group and hopefully match the Rokak'k Baran's speed and trajectory once the transfer is made on Asation. However, should the Gree discover the little ship's presence early, Corsair should still have enough time to rejoin Womprat and conduct the mission roughly as one (or make new group divisions). The leader of Womprat is to be determined.

As for characters, you may either use existing ones or create new ones, but you should consider the roles provided by V. Security will be managed by Kliv, who will hand pick some of his best-trained operatives, so don't worry about making your character especially good at combat. OOC anyone who wants can join, but IC Kliv is the one who chooses everyone personally, and only after extensive background checks and the like, probably those who have already been under the NRI's strict observation for several years. Jedi will not be selected for this mission, as Kliv tends to be of the mind that they are totally fucking useless against Ne'kressis, and more of a pain as well as attracting more trouble than they're worth. For the most part, new characters are preferred (as most people don't on average play linguists and the like for characters).

So far, Cerfestas, Gany, and Jen signed up on the other chat, and you are welcomed with open arms, along with anyone else who wants to play; you just need to repost information if you wish to play the mini-plotline out in this chat (I don't want to speak for you by posting the info, and it gives you the opportunity to tweak a few character details if you wish). If I've left anything out, or you have any other questions regarding the details, let me know, but I hope to get this thing started soon, within a few days to a week after posting these details. Happy fossil-digging!


Edited 3:13am, February 13, 2009 by Stoney, author.
 still in.
3:06am, February 13, 2009
EDIT: Ganus's profile is up now. it even almost looks like I might have a clue how to use html.

I regged Ganus here specifically for this adventure. I'll create him a profile soon so you can get a better idea about him for now, I'm reposting what I said in the other room:

Ganus Meede, pre-eminent archaeologist in his field, hired for the expedition to locate/dig up/examine/report on these artifacts. The added bonus is that by touching the artifacts he can tell how they're operated, how they're used, when they were last used-- essentially the entire history of the item. He will require a staff of people for everything else but the handling of said artifacts.

Ganus will be entirely uncomfortable leaving his ship behind. He'll probably insist on flying out to Asation aboard his own vessel, because it's his haven-- the only place he can relax with the gloves off. He would of course take anyone else with him if required. His ship has ample space for several guests. He's going to be twitchy aboard the Baran and his stress will show. Once he gets to work however, he's entirely professional and usually has an easier time tuning out the rest of the things he's picking up. Ganus has been forced to have incredible discipline due to his sensitivity. Reading objects however is exhausting, so he'll be tired and stressed a lot of the time if he's handling artifacts en masse. He's used to working under his own terms, but he'll probably have felt that this is an opportunity he couldn't turn down. Doesn't mean he'll be happy about the situation.

does this work for everyone?

Edited 3:38am, February 13, 2009 by Gany, author.
3:16am, February 13, 2009
Same with Malaki. He was regged for this plot, so if it's okay I'd like him to carry over.
11:05am, February 15, 2009
will not be carrying over.
i'm submitting a new registration today at some point and will submit the character for approval here.
she will be a linguist and general rosetta stone.
as follows? original yet crappy reg.
hope it helps.

Brief History: As a child, was the first in her class to begin speaking and writing coherently in general. She was taught multiple languages as a child and somehow, due to her planet being a cultural melting pot, she learned more and excelled at doing so. Over time she was paid to translate and even travel with certain people up to and including diplomats. Suffice to say. She's got a gift. Almost every language known at this point might have been translated with her assistance. Something about her mind simply wraps around the symbols and sounds.
Right now she has been seeking a challenge and is traveling in search of such. She was trained to protect herself. By the best in the business. but has grown somewhat rusty. suffice to say she can hold her own for the most part. she just doesn't want to. let someone else watch over her.

Whether the character is Force Sensitive: No

Skills: Language translation, writing, etc. Think glyphs and whatnot. She's a walking rosetta stone.

Personality: Rather mild but prone to bouts of incoherence. She might start talking in other languages over a particularly challenging problem leaving those around her in the lurch. Things of this sort. She doesn't shy away from a confrontation but is -way- more likely to try and be diplomatic about it. Wave the white flag. Approach with hands up. But still...isn't quite a pacifist. If her work is threatened she can be pretty vengeful.

Physical Description: Omwati. About 5 ft. Blue flawless skin of a very light pastel blue and dark blue eyes. Featherlike 'hair'. Delicate.

Equipment: Think archeology. Tools to clear away dirt and grime. Sonic grit and grime removers. handy dandy technology to trace and transfer old symbols into a database for further inspection. scanners. one single half charged blaster at the moment.

Force Powers (if applicable): none

General Strengths (including strengths in the force if applicable):language translation.

General Weaknesses (including the force if applicable): forgetting which language to speak in. is really quite without friends because of this.

What has your character been doing during the Nekressis War so far? (Refer to the SoD History thread on the boards)
She has been out traveling planet to planet, ignoring the war so far as she can. avoiding hotspots for research. in the process of another translation off some old artifacts she's gotten from Ganus.
Right now she's going where she is called to and paid to be. She does translation on request and for comission. She's not really involved in the war whatsoever and has mostly escaped notice. Though that is not to say she is unaware of what has happened. She's just...neutral.

Edited 10:46am, February 16, 2009 by Jen, author.
 Bret's character
3:23am, February 16, 2009
Bret's character is as follows:

male ryn musicologist named Xxoren

Cerfestas, please post Malaki's info here! I can't find the thread in /swrp/ :/
 Arconis Cresh
Dane Weston
4:55am, February 17, 2009
Science Expertise:
Biological weapons


Surgical (Human and near human specialty)
Gene Alteration
Cybernetic Implantation
Inoculations and vaccination creation

Force Ability: None

Personality: Arrogant. Arconis is a firm believer in Arkanian superiority and sees it as his duty to better the galaxy. As such he has performed many atrocities in his time in the name of medicine and genetic advancement. He treats any non-Arkanian and even some Arkanian's as lesser beings and has little regard for being political correct. Even law's won't stop him from doing illegal and unethical experiments.

Physical Description: Arconis is typical of his species externally. He has white hair and eyes, tan skin and stands at 1.8 meters tall with four fingered hands tipped with claws. Upon closer inspection of the underside of his claws metal veins can be seen with run just up to under the tips. These supply a potent anesthetic which works topically and intravenously. These cybernetic implants connect to the muscles in his arms which have been altered genetically and produce the anesthetic, which his body is immune to.

Strengths: Arconis is a genius among Arkanian's who already surpass most other species. He uses his extreme intelligence to further scientific pursuits and has made many advancements to medical science in the field of genetics. Arconis further has excellent low light vision due to being able to see into the inferred spectrum.

Weaknesses: Arrogance, sensitivity to bright light and heat, lack of combat training, god complex.

History: Arconis was born on Arkania to two scientists who used their ability to genetically alter him in the womb, making him far smarter then the average Arkanian. As a genius child he often used himself as an example for why he should be allowed to experiment without consent, after all he had no choice in the matter but he obviously was better for it. His parents were very proud of their son and encouraged him to go into science, funding the young Arconis' research when no one else would. As he grew older he became a big name in the scientific community both as a genius and as a lunatic.

Arcon, as he would take to be called for short, was often threatened with sanctions and even imprisonment by authorities, but was never taken into custody for the crimes he committed in the name of science. The older he got the more he became indispensable and was often called upon by authorities when no one else could solve a problem. His work was often performed in secrecy using black bag type programs to get test subjects. As such the people who know him best have seen the butchery he often runs and are hesitant to resort to his help, but in the end someone always does.

The Nekressis invasion and war would be one such event. An expedition was to be put together to seek a way to combat the invaders, and reluctantly the New Republic called upon him yet again knowing that if anyone could give them results it would be Arconis Cresh, Scientific Genius and Madman. Not one to be denied an opportunity to conduct research on rare subjects Arcon gladly signed his name to the expedition, though he did object to most of the other members since they weren't Arkanian. Ultimately he had to accept the other team members to be allowed on the expedition. He isn't happy about that and won't miss an opportunity to point out their incompetence.

Equipment: Arconis has a state of the art lab at his disposal on Arkania as well as a field kit containing all the instruments and tools he could anticipate needing on the expedition.

Edited 10:08am, February 17, 2009 by Dane Weston, author.
3:04pm, February 17, 2009
Hopefully this is detailed enough. He has a profile in the room, too

*Handle: Malachi Zenit (Pronounced Mahl-ah-key Zee-nit)
*Character's Race: 30 years
*Character's Age: Human
Martial status: Single, no children. Was married, briefly, but divorced due to means unknown to anyone but him and his ex-wife who spontaneously disappeared from the records.
*Force User?: Enough.
Force abilities: Mind trick, force speed.
Basic skills: Hand to hand combat, fighting with vibro weapons, flying ships and space combat, shooting (obviously) and being a sneaky bugger for spying
*Affiliation: New Republic
Weapons(s): Blaster pistol, rifle, and a small hidden vibroblade.
*Vehicle(s): Basic land-speeder, whatever else is provided to him
*Physical Description:
Dirty blonde hair, stark green eyes, 6'4, 200lbs. has a tattoo on his back that few people have seen.
*History of Character:
He was born of a wealthy family on the planet of Coruscant, but the family soon was moved to Kuat when his father was offered a job as the secretary to the leader of the planet. He was only 3 years old when it happened, so he bore no connection for the city-planet. He received his education at the beginnings at home with various tutors who taught him many languages, history, biology, and law. At 12 he moved to a private school, and 16 moved onto honours education where he became learned in politics and history. He was in the military for a time because it was required of him to be able to join the government of Kuat. At 28 he became the aide of a senator on Kuat and does most of the off-planet liaisons when the senator is too busy. He also acts like a spy for the senators.
His purpose is to be a spy for the senator and act like a general tough guy/leader of the group he is with/militant that has a damn good shot. He is incredibly learned in history, languages, politics, and espionage so he's rather slippery, so to speak. He will be one of the few people who will have regular contact with the senator.
His strengths are, as aforementioned, education and being in the military he also knows how to shoot and to shoot well. Being hired as a spy, he also received special training in that field as well as sniping so should he receive an order to cease and desist, leave no traces; it'll probably be him who puts the bullet through the back of your character's head.
His fears revolve around failure. He always attempts to attain the best. His reputation is incredibly important to him. He is also paranoid because of this, so he'll likely be suspicious of most of the crew and getting on his good side will be albeit important, difficult to attain.

Classic vibroblade: An heirloom he received from his father, hense the more traditional look to it. He doesn't use it often, but it does pack a punch when he does. It is nine-inches long.

WESTAR-34 Blaster pistol : A small but powerful blaster pistol that is quite efficient at close range.

E-19 Blaster Rifle : He carries this only when in situations where his or his co-workers are at risk. It was a standard Imperial choice, but he likes it because it is light and compact. It has rapid-fire capability as well as stun settings, and has a fixed scope.
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