Thread for Expanding upon the Character Limit Thread

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 Expanding upon the Character Limit Thread
3:00am, December 16, 2004
I've seen some people say they like being creative and such in their roleplaying. Well, I was just thinking on how much I miss the originally very short story I wrote for SoD - and would love more such things to give a feel for the setting.

If anyone is interested, feel free to give me a buzz on AIM: NardruKlave or MSN: I can't really offer money or whatnot, but if any creative minds would like the chance to write a story involving the Nek'ressis or Eclipse or whatnot then feel free. I find some short stories work best if they are relatively unknown characters, as that frees up the creativity.

Example: The original story was a raid upon a village in Directorate space by "unknowns" (The Nekressis) - it hinted to things, yet never gave names and showed the death of a Jedi in a unique way. This Jedi was used later in cameo in chat.

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