Thread for Ord Mantell - More Info

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 Ord Mantell - More Info
9:02pm, February 16, 2009
The Battle of Ord Mantell will take place in the junkyards of the planet.

The goals of the groups will be as follows:

The Imperials: They have established a base on planet, preparing to activate a theatre defense shield for the planet once they establish control. They have flak cannons firing into the air to prevent air combat and strikes for any side. Their main goal is to bombard the planet's capital with long range cannons while defending from enemy soldiers.

The Republic:

Responding to request for aid, they send in strike teams to battle the Empire's forces on planet. They're main goal is to knock out the main generator of the Imperial Base, the centerpiece of the entire Imperial designs for the planet, because without the generator, the Imperials cannot secure the planet from outer forces. They are also trying to capture the commander of the Imperial Forces, Marshall General Xamot Himmler, for war crimes.

This battle will not consist of air or space fighters, due to the flak generated by the Imperials, this will be a strictly ground battle. Mainly fought with speeder bikes and lances (ala the Clone Wars cartoon (first series) of Muunilinst) with scout walkers on the Imperials side and TX-130 Saber-class fighter tanks on the Republic's side. Both sides will have equal level ground troops to use. Final resource numbers will be drawn up tonight after work (since it will be a slow night, no doubt.)

The Mandalorians, if they wish to jump in, will have smaller numbers to use, but can be lightning strike groups if they wish. If not, then they will not be included in the battle.

If anyone is interested in commanding a side, lemme know on this thread please so I can talk with you about your side's deployment of resources.



Edited 2:58pm, February 17, 2009 by T, author.
 Battle Resource Details
6:05am, February 17, 2009
-Imperial Forces-

Leader: Xamot Himmler - Marshall General

Forces Under Command:

Imperial Garrison Base

Five AT-ST

40 Speeder Bikes and Lancer Troopers

5 Long Range Heavy Cannons

Military Shield Generator

-Republic Forces-

Leader: Ivia Xalin

Forces Under Command:

30 Speeder Bikes and Lancer Soldiers

5 TX-130 Saber-class fighter tanks

1 AT-TE serving as a command point

10 Infantry Soldiers

Edited 12:46am, February 23, 2009 by T, author.
 Date and Time of the Battle!
2:58pm, February 17, 2009
The Battle of Ord Mantell is set for Saturday, the 21st of February at 10 pm EST (though pre-battle RPing can take place).

If you'd like to have a bigger role in the battle beyond just a foot soldier, IM me or post here how I can contact you and we'll talk.


7:43pm, February 17, 2009
I'll have Corbin and Echo-236 joining.*Nodnod*
 Mandalorian attack forces
Malice Cross
6:12am, February 18, 2009

1 Canderous-Cass Assault Tanks (

25 Swoop Bikes

20 Mandalorian infantry soldiers

Edited 6:55am, February 18, 2009 by T, moderative.
 I'm in
8:13am, February 18, 2009
Carmen Kelrath.... of the Mandalore's captains.
I'm in.
 New time!
2:50am, February 22, 2009
Due to alot of people missing for the fight (alas!) we are rescheduling the fight Sunday Night at 10 pm. If that's okay with everyone. I'm sorry for everyone that was waiting for this, and hope you'll be around for the battle tomorrow. If you cannot make the battle tomorrow, please let me know before the time tomorrow so I know if we need to make a new time again or not.

Thanks, and I'm terribly sorry for everyone that was waiting.

 Battle's Outcome
7:51pm, March 05, 2009
Since no one was able to make it the second night to finish Ord Mantell, I've just decided to NPC the ending so the plot can move forward.

The Imperials retreated, setting the base to self destruct, destroying everything inside, while allowing them to escape during the chaos of the destruction, air support was flown in before the evacuation and the fighters inflicted heavy damage to both Republic and Mandalorian forces, which also aided in the Imperials escaping with the remaining forces they had.

So all in all, a lose lose for everyone.

Maybe next time we can get around to finishing a battle. ;p

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