Thread for NPC Attack Forces

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 NPC Attack Forces
8:42pm, December 17, 2008
On the suggestion of a chatter, I've decided to try this out.

When you wish to have an NPC group appear as their own entity, you can use the following handles for use in the RPs you may need them in.

Stormtroopers - Password: public

Republic Soldiers - Password: public

Mercenary Forces - Password: public

Pirates - Password: public

Thugs - Password: public

Mandalorian Warriors - Password: public

Storyteller - Password: public

These are for to anyone who wants to make use of NPC forces as their own handle (as it can help the posting order of RPs). Don't abuse these handles, and don't change the passwords or I'll delete them.

Also, the Storyteller handle is for those who wish to run small RPs and need a more narrator styled handle. So enjoy. :)



Edited 2:10am, January 31, 2010 by T, author.
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