Thread for Chat Rules

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 Chat Rules
8:44pm, September 27, 2016
1) This is a chronicle based game which has weekly games where the background plot is advanced. If you choose to take part of the "main plot", it is up to you. But there is the possibility that the plot will affect your character at some point, even without direct interaction.

2) Because this is a chronicle, the Room owner is the ST. And like in all other chats, the ST has final say. That said, anyone assigned to be a room moderator by the ST has been chosen to enforce the following rules. They don't know squat about the plot, so don't pester them about characters being approved or anything IC related.

3) Be respectful to each other. In other words, treat each other as you wish to be treated. While I don't expect people to get along 100% of the time, if others in the chat start asking you to cool yourself, do so. If you can't drop it, you will be temp banned after a warning from either a mod or myself.

4) No Cybering. We can get R. We can get NC-17 or X. But if you have to ask youself if the scene serves any purpose other than to be a Game of Thrones sex/rape scene (usually serving no purpose other than "hey look, sex"), take it some where private.

5) Characters must be approved before they can be played. I repeat, CHARACTERS MUST BE APPROVED BEFORE THEY CAN BE PLAYED!

6) Complicated actions must be rolled. If you gotta think about it to do it, ya gotta roll for it. Base difficulty is 6, unless otherwise stated by the ST. Only one success needed for a "simple compliated" action. If the action requires more than one turn, you gotta roll for each of those turns. Using willpower (or if your dice poll is higher than the difficulty) is an acceptable way to avoid rolling (either declare willpower or the combination of traits and what they add up to). Players will be randomly checked to make sure they are doing this.

7) The bulk of game play will occur on the predetermined game day/time. Players will be allowed to post outside of the predetermined game day/time, but please be aware that it is a "post at your leisure" posting schedule; as in a player may take as long as they need to post during this time, including waiting until the next game session.

8) This room is turn based. Unless you are doing a solo character scene, or "cameo", you must wait for the other players involved in your scene before you may post again. It is for this reason that we have the rules that have been created for "In Session" games.

Edited 1:47am, April 03, 2019 by Ed, author.
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