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7:26am, March 27, 2017
Welcome to Angel Grove.

Or what's left of it.

In times ancient past, when the Earth was still cooling and its surface was bombarded by space debris, a crystal of immense power was chipped from its mother meteor and fell to Earth. Known as the Zeo Crystal, it's power gave rise to life on Earth and began the long line of evolution that our planet would see.

Throughout history, the Zeo Crystal was sought by evil forces from around the universe and a legion of warriors rose to defend her again and again. The Power Rangers: From every walk of life and from every era, these defenders of justice put a stop to evil war Lord's and sorcerers whenever they appeared.

In 2020 it all changed. Frustrated by their failed attempts, the once splintered enemies of the Power Rangers formed an uneasy Alliance and laid siege to Earth and her allies. In orbit, the Rangers of Lightspeed Rescue, Space Patrol Delta, and the Astro Megaship were destroyed by a combined fleet from the Machine Empire and Lord Zedd, sending their powers scattering across Earth. The ground Invasion, led by the giant monsters of Rita Repulsa and Divatox, were repulsed again and again by the combined forces of every Ranger team ever assembled, each time forcing the Rangers to fall back as their losses began to grow. Seeing no end in sight as Cog after Cog and Puddy after Puddy assaulted the armies of Earth, Zordon hatched one final plan: He would sacrifice his life to cleanse the evil from Earth for once and for all. The plan failed: Foiled by Rito Repulsa and Goldar, Zordon's body was never recovered. Poisoning the Morphing Grid, Goldar and Rito sacrificed their own lives and achieved one final victory: The Power abandoned the Rangers, and they were cast into the void. No one has seen them since.

It has been twenty years since. Now, in 2040, Earth is under the control of the forces of evil, and it's resources are being stripped. A strange warp field surrounds Earth, a by product of the loss of Zordon, barring the Lord's of Evil from leaving. Humanity, now a cheap slave force, lives as best they can in the mega cities of Earth. To add insult to injury, the Barons have recruited humans to do their dirty work, instilling in them horrendous power and rewarding them for their services.

This chat takes place in Devil Grove, once Angel Grove, under the rule of the Barons: Lords of Evil now forced to cooperate and share power. Lord Zedd, Ladies Repulsa and Divatox, and Lord Ooze watch over Devil Grove and "protect" it from rival barons spread out over Earth's desolate surface. Devil Grove resembles a perverted New York: Towering skyscrapers pierce the sky and interweave with dark technology, forming a science fiction fiend's greatest dream.

The powers of the Rangers still exist. A guerilla war is waged by these new, young Rangers who seek to free Earth from Evil. The Zords, now locked up in a prison within the moon and unaccessible by the Rangers, are no help against the giant monsters the Barons send at any who oppose them. Because of this, the Rangers lay low, striking fast and disappearing into the night. Humanity is on the brink. The forces of good are our last hope.

Welcome, Rangers.

Edited 10:49am, November 16, 2018 by Blink, author.
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